Friday, December 03, 2010

American People verses a Scrooge Congress

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I’ve got some friends inside - - -

Jim Morrison

I made friends with a lot of people

In the Danger Zone

Alice Cooper

Stephanie Miller had a guest who talked about John Lennon as a friend of his and his tragic death thirty years ago this coming Wednesday. John Lennon liked New York because you could be both a celebrity and exist anonamusly in this city and free to walk about and visit all your favorite spots without the hullabaloo. He mentioned that John’s death leaves a hole that can’t be filled and in some ways, it doesn’t get better with time. There is always the supposition of what new brilliant songs John may have written. I’m a bit more of a fatalist than that figuring “Well, that’s the way God, for his own sick reasons decided to write the script”. Of course we know that Mark David Chapman was a man obsessed and who wasn’t going to give up and he would get Lennon later, if not sooner. He believed he WAS John Lennon. He believed the real John Lennon was an imposter and his last album sounded too much like “Wings”. My suggestion is to get a hearing aid. I just now mentioned to Joe that Dr. Levy really ought to start a course in introductory philosophy. Actually that was Joe’s idea and I sort of ran with the ball. I asked him if he didn’t ever enter his mind the question: “How come nothing about the supernatural or heaven has ever been scientifically demonstrated?” Of course I have referred to messages from the dead John Lennon. But none of the really pressing questions were addressed like “what was going through your mind that evening? What were you looking forward to? Are those hollow bodied bullets really painful?” We are told that John was alive but probably died in the ambulance. You wonder what goes through a man’s mind when he senses that the end is about to come.

Last night’s Simpson’s episode was about women obsessed with vengeance. Marge wanted her actor husband to be the lead role in Macbeth. First sideshow Mel gets whacked, and then Dr. Hibbart. But then his wife keeps nagging her hubby to bump off anyone that gets better press than he does in the reviews. It takes a certain kind of personality to kill with absolutely no remourse or fear and do it as methodically and non challently as someone taking out the trash. Samantha Brady, like Mark David Chapman heard the voices going “Do it, do it” and she fired, and then stood there for a moment staring at the body bleeding to death. Then she casually walks out of the house and drops off the gun in the river before going home to climb back in bed with her husband. On this show if you aren’t in favor of doing everything to cover up this murder, you’re one of the bad guys. And they say Vivian Alamaine is the one on the show with no morals!

Contraband cell phones are becoming a real problem in prison. Now even Charles Manson has a cell phone. Manson is 76 and texted people in other states. The authorities are understandably a little freaked. Man got an additional thirty days. (?)

You know, if I were of a certain mind set and I were the President of the United States the next republican who stood up and said “I declare a filibuster” and just walks out and leaves legislation stymied, I’d arrange to have him bumped off and make it look like an accident. And the next guy to filibuster I’d do the same thing to him. Pretty soon they’d get the general idea that some power somewhere doesn’t like what they’re doing.

Now we have the whole mess in Washington to address. Unfortunately we can’t remedy the problem by renting out a giant trash compacter. You have die hards saying that “You shouldn’t institute a change in gay status in the military during a time of war”, which begs the question, “When are we not at war??” And to those who say there are a significant minority of people who don’t feel comfortable with gay people. The rejoinder would be “Since when is ANY decision in the military based on democratic rule, and a minority at that?” Harry Truman issued an executive order desegregated the military though a vast majority of Whites were utterly opposed to it. Compared to Harry, I’m a real pussy cat. The unemployment rate has risen back up to 9.8% The double dip recession is indeed a reality. It could be that the “real unemployment rate” is coming down. So it’s not 17% any more. Suppose it’s only 14%. That’s still a lot worse than they are saying. And this congress is positively Scrooge like disenfranchising people at Christmas time. In this cold weather more people may postpone needed visits to the doctor and who knows how many needless pneumonia cases may arise? How many cases of divorce and desertion could be averted? How many Christmases, however modest, will be spoiled? But the republicans say with their wagging finger, “We want you to pay for it”. I’d like to give them the finger, all right. You know, if the Republicans don’t know how an old fashioned filibuster works, just give us the microphones and the cameras and we’ll show you how it’s done. We have C-Span now and you could suppose this would heighten the people’s perception of the problem. Harry Truman did a lot of rabel rousing in 1948 after all and his most advanced communication device was the whistle stop. Where is the democratic outrage? This whole roll over and play dead – go into doggie submission routine is getting old. And where is our esteemed leader, President Obama. He did what comes naturally to presidents like Nixon or Bush when they get into political trouble. He flees the country. But I thought Obama was above that sort of thing. Our President is in Afghanistan delivering a soft ball lecture to our troops. Now there is even more to be outraged about. Some talk about the 70 Billion cash shortfall in a year from giving millionaires a tax break. The government will as good as be cutting Rush Limbaugh a check for 2.3 million dollars. I guess we can afford that. (if we have to) But the really big bucks were spent by the Bush administration. The figure wasn’t the 700 Billion we were told. The real figure given to the banks and A I G was 3.2 trillion. That’s a mouthful. That’s about a quarter of the entire national debt, and it’s over three times the TOTAL national debt when Jimmy Carter left office. Don’t let the right wingers lie to you. They want us all to feel guilty for “taking money from the rich to give to the poor to redistribute the wealth of the nation in an untested social experiment”. There is no “experimentation” going on. The tax rate when Jimmy Carter left office was seventy percent. You know if you are going to quote John Kennedy on tax cuts quote him on this: “If a society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich”. All we on the left are asking for is to not let the country go bankrupt. Taxes are basically A-moral. You get funding from wherever the money is. Why can’t they see it this way? You know I’ve heard caller after caller on these KTLK radio shows saying “Obama’s apathy now is the last straw as far as I’m concerned. We need to form a new progressive party that will be responsive to the needs of the people. Amen. Let’s go do it.

Now there are compounds in Mono Lake on the back side of the Sierras, where Arsenic has replaced Phosperous in needed compounds of life. Some have speculated there may be a whole planetary system that is arsenic based. Of course we in the Federation talk about the copper in the blood of all Reigelian races, making their blood green. This includes Bajorans, whose home planet, Bajor- - orbits a different star and not Reigel. I guess to me at this point green blood doesn’t seem as strange as arsenic. People have long speculated about a silicon based life form or perhaps even germanium, the next element down, because of the structure of these atoms lending themselves suitable for organic compounds.

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