. . . and now my personal tweet to Rush Limbaugh
"Nyah - - Nya Nya Nyah - - Nyah"
Samantha: Dr. Did my son make it through the surgery OK? Surely he is all right.
Dr. Kim: Mrs. Hernandez, your son is far from all right. And don't call me Shirley.
President Obama was trying to convince the people he was one hundred percent American and not cow-towing to immigrents, however he did have a minor verbal lapse as follows, "Solomente quierro decir esto. Se recibe las cartes por los ninos toto el tiempo. Se me hace mucho gusto"
I need to consult with the comic book guy on the Simpson's. Maybe he knows a foreign language beside Korean. I at this time want to lay to rest these roomers that disenfranchized tea party members haven't raided Homer Simpson's garage and took a spray can of paint the guy gave him to touch up his car when he gets his little dingers. And they didn't storm the grounds and write "faggot" all over the front of the White House.
Well, President Obama was strutting around and crowing like a rooster on a fence post during his news conference this afternoon. I didn't even know the START treaty had passed the implacable US Senate and was on the way to official ratification. Actually the Republicans got an amendment to allow for "mousefication" only, for a limited eighteen month period. OK I just made that up. This treaty has been a strong bi-partisan Go by people in the pentagon and ex cabinet members from both parties. It will cut our weapons but it will cut theirs, too. People were worried that perhaps it would interfer with new weapons technology development.
A couple evenings ago Al Franken gave a 25 minute speech talking about the perils of Comcast buying out NBC and how it would adversely affect their many customers. Franken pointed out that You Tube may not have secceeded or Facebook either, had there not been NET neutrality at the time. Franken didn't sound optimistic about the FCC making the right decision on NET neutrality because of some compromize that was roomered to be coming down. Indeed it seems the FCC by a three to two vote, strictly along party lines, did opt for this compromize NET neutrality ruling that Al Franken thought would undermine NET neutrality and fair access to all.
The 9 - 11 bill finally got passed. This is the bill that the President even a few days ago would not intervene on behalf of. This bill gives needed aid to health and emergency workers who inhaled toxins and suffered from a multitude of ailments. Apparently the republicans didn't like the idea that this bill would be paid for by taxing foreign corporations. That's a real sacred cow for these tea party people, which is a real irony in itself. We wish these workers well as we extend our continuing gratitude to them.
John Mc Sane continues to oppose "Don't Ask; Don't Tell" and apparently is working for ways to overturn the bill or keep it from taking effect. John Mc Cain was even opposing some suicide prevention program for servicemen. Mc Cain really is turning into a bitter old man. They say even a marine will obey a regulation if instructed that he has to. And that includes injunctions against making racial slurs, or opposing this faggot loving - - light in the loafers bill. "Gee, can't a guy say anything now?"
There have been storms all over the country and all over the world. Europe is experiancing record cold and snow. This seems to be a trend with European winters lately. Around here a strange object appeared in a skies for a minute or two while I was standing outside the Quickymart waiting for Terry to pick me up and take me to the bank so I can deposit ninety dollars. The sun hadn't shown in nearly five days. Once at the bank I had PIN numbers narrowed down to two posible combinations and tried both of them and she said "NO'. As it turns out I went and checked and one of the combinations I HAD tried WAS the right one. But my California ID has been expired for three years. Not that I've driven that much lately. But then I found an old crumpled blank check in my pocket that had been there for a long time, and the account number was on that. Terry suggests using geometric patterns to remember your PIN numbers. I have an old favorite I'd like to go back to, if they let me.
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