Friday, December 17, 2010

President Obama Signs Tax Cut Bill Into Law

Today President Obama signed that all sugar and no spinach tax cut bill. If you want to make lemonade out of lemons, my advice is that you stock up on both common securities and also gold coins and bullion, or futures, if you prefer. Everything is going to go up, and I’d add energy and energy stocks to the list. Right now I’d take the stocks over the commodity, which is subject to the erratic whims of speculators. The President seems to have signed the bill at one o clock our time according to C-Span. C-Span has been revamped, you know. Better picture quality but harder to find what you want. In terms of the dire predictions of the far left and far right alike, they are probably accurate. However when Rush Limbaugh talks about voting this bill down and “bringing in the cavalry next month- - this makes me ALMOST inclined to vote for the bill just to spite him. But were I your congressman I would have voted against this bill. I think you already know all of my objections to it. Apparently they tried to slip in an estate tax modification amendment in the House but it was voted down. Now they can turn their focus on “Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell”. The house has already passed this and from what I hear the senate is even likely to pass this bill because they know it’s advent is pretty much inevitable for the military. I am against the Dream act. I an not so “off the plantation” that I don’t occasionally listen to Judy on some issues. As you know my philosophy of life is that kids need to learn sooner or later the reality of life their parents live in, so this is just another object lessen for them. They need to know that all their parents may not be married and they might even be dating a member of the opposite sex, who is not their mother or their father. The world does not revolve around children. Children are finding out things like recessions. And now they will learn if they aren’t born in this country they are not US citizens. Children need to learn even when their mother or father may have committed an illegal act and are in trouble with the law. In terms of cap and trade it seems the Governor wants to forge ahead with it. I voted NO on proposition 23 out here and now I’m having second thoughts. Because I don’t believe it’s a good idea to tax carbon usage, even as a traded commodity, as they propose. It kind of smacks of the selling of indulgences in the Middle Ages. Companies that have “been good” may even want to sell credits to their bretheren who haven’t been so accommodating to the environment. All of this sounds novel and interesting but in the end it all amounts to an energy tax we can’t afford. And dare I say it? It will drive businesses out of the State and we don’t need that. I think congress next year should set about to revoke the mandentory insurance provisions of the Obama Health Care act because one judge has already ruled this provision as unconstitutional, and others are sure to follow. I don’t like being labeled a criminal for staying healthy and choosing not to buy medical insurance at this time. It’s gone up 138% in the past ten years. Profits have risen over four hundred percent in seven years (?) from 2000 to 2007. We can’t have this. This health bill does nothing but aid and abet these Health Care organizations. In terms of the START treaty, it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Let they put if off is they must. The world won’t come to an end in the next few weeks. But I still think that the Republicans are being major assholes over this issue.

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