I have slowed down in my blogging because this is the year end. And since it is the end of the old and the beginning of the new we need to look forward to the potential new tidal wave of woes facing us the next two years. We know that President Obama might to slip in a lot of “executive orders” bypassing congress. Some of them we liberals may like. Others, if they restrict our potential for domestic energy output, I might not be so happy about. We know various republicans have put out “executive orders” giving the president new emergency powers in the time of a “crisis”. We could see marshal law a lot sooner than we think. The President has the power. We are pretty much a slave to what our overlords decree concerning food regulation or security to banning individual rights many thought were untouchable. We don’t know how far this “politically correct” speech” thing may go. Is, for instance the use of such words as Nigger, or Faggot, or Queer or Dyke- - going to be made a felony? But there is a more immediate problem that was brought to my attention recently and this has to do with the soundness of the US Dollar. Maybe it just went in one ear and out the other but you know that almost all international trade is conducted in US dollars, even oil. What this means is that a nation like
The worst disaster of the year 2010 was the Obama Health Care monstrocity I just wanted to comment on the Death Pannel thing. Apparently there is some fresh memo saying Obama still wants death pannels. I agree if there is any chance at all of "Death Panels" we need to repeal Obama's health care plan. We need to repeal it for financial reasons - we can't afford it, and also it's a giveaway to insurance companies. I never liked that aspect. I also don't like the part about unfunded mandates and regulations everybody has to buy health insurance. That makes a criminal out of healthy people who don't care to buy insurance. As you know last March on that sayings page I said "Half a loaf is not better than no loaf at all, if you're selling shit". I had in mind specifically the Health Care bill when I wrote this. Any positive potential for this bill was long since legislated out of existance. There is no attempt to "bend the cost curve" that everyone talks about. Again, this congress needs to watch Obama's "executive orders" where he could ban domestic energy sources or whatever. Also cap and trade may be dead but we need to make sure of it. We can't afford any carbon tax or energy tax no matter how it's sugar coated under the guise of free trade, which almost makes it seem like something conservatives would welcome. Well I don't. This whole idea of the economic "selling of indulgences" is really a concept Rod Serling would have come up with. The economy can't take this "chemotherapy" because it's just too unhealthy to begin with. (Selah)
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