The weather has been making a lot of news in the headlines one way or the other. A few weeks ago it was warm throughout the eastern seaboard and flowers were blooming out of season, and animals that were normally hybernating wern't doing it. Today we have the apparently opposit situation. We have ice storms from Texas to Oklahoma to Misori all the way through Michigan. Oddly enough they say this ice storm is caused by a mass of warm air to the south. Apparently it rains where it would normally snow. Then the rain freezes and you get sleet and ice. So you have icy roads as far south as Austin. Tree branches ice up and break up. Of course when plane wings ice up that's a dangerous thing. Here in Southern California you've been hearing reports of temperatures dipping into the twenties in low lying areas and mountain temperatures have gotten as low as zero. That's rather unusual. There have also been lots of reports of ice on the ground and even drain pipes bursting and forming weird patterns in the ice. Back in the early seventies there was a pattern of increasing ice, for instance, in the Arctic region. People misconstrew all of these scientists back then who were talking about a coming ice age. Actually what the scientists were saying is that there were two trends running counter to each other. There was the air pollution of particulate matter causing a blockage of the sun and global cooling and then you had the CO2 problem causing global warming. Back them scientists wern't sure which trend would win out in the long run. Now we know. We are solving the particulate matter problem in the air and this leaves only global warming unabaited.
Back in the year 1845 they had a massive global cooling problem. A Brittish expidition led by a captain named Franklin launched a massive expidition to find the fabled northwest passage to the Pacific by water. But their trip was doomed from the start. First of all they stored their food in lead cannisters and when all of the crew were examined later every last one of them had abnormally and dangerously high amounts of lead in their system. Three men died on one island early on. As they sailed on the ice got worse and worse and finally they decided to veer south thinking they would find more open waters there. But the ice got worse even in the summer. In the summer of 1846 the ice never melted. They have proved this fact by subsequent drilling of holes in the permafrost. Finally the ship got stuck in the ice. Time passed. The men began dying of scurvy. Their skin including the insides of their mouth turns black. Personality changes such as paranoia were noted. They had brought lemon juice with them but it's a scientific fact Vitamine C loses its potency after a while. They met a tribe called the Inuit. Later in 1869 the old ones were interviewed and they said that the men resorted to canabalism in the end. They all died a horrible death. Some of them turned to the Inuit for food but they could only share so much and had to head off for a hunting expidition the next day. This whole tale is rather analogus of my twenty-odd year history as a Christian. "Turning back" may be something I decided to do after that incident with Frank in Octobor 1987. Even though as a party a few weeks later when the broad sympathies were with me rather than Frank - after all it's Frank who broke one of the ten commandments against me - - in the end it was Frank who ramained a Christian and not me even though people such as [Bobby Hayden], [Jim Cooper], and Ron sided with me. I "retreated" away from the whole scene to a new apartment but I continued to encounter "persecution" from many corners. Later this "persecution" came from people like Kathy and Clint, who I thought were my friends. Of course 1994 for me could symbolize my boat getting stuck in the ice, with a tripple whammy that occurred with me that year. I was doomed. My "end" as a Christian was now only a matter of time. Another analogy I have used on my Christian walk is the Viet Nam war. We were initially brought in by a lie about the facts. Just as I had lied to myself about the facts. I never received the proper back-up when I came under fire. The moralle of people around me was often poor. I was having to opperate under disadventagious engagement rules against the Enemy. I had a president, (my mind?) who knew the situation was bad and getting worse, and yet the only action he took was to escalate my efforts further, which compounded my problems.
Randy Rhodes today was doing a show called "War or No War". If seems if you were to decide to spend the 1.2 trillion dollars on something else you could feed all the hungry and give everybody universal health care and cure cancer and do other things. But Bush doesn't want to do that. President Bush in the Jim Lerr interview, which I saw last night, spoke of the "cracked egg". He said "The egg isn't broken but it is cracked, but we can fix it". Any housewife will tell you if you see a cracked egg in the cartin you either have to use it immediately or else just throw it out. There is no way to put Humpty Dumpty together. Any nursery school kid knows this. Indeed, sometimes it gets exasperating even thinking about President Bush and the War. Jim Lerr asked him about national sacrifice. But Bush's answer to this was "Well the people watch the war on TV and suffer". For all we know they may be seeing the same fifteen seconds of file footage run over and over because that's all they'll let us shoot. One is tempted to tell the troops to do something radical like go AWOL. You don't suppose they could schedule a massive AWOL campaign, do you? Apparently the troops are not even allowed to pettition or sue their own government so a congressman initiated a Bill on their behalf and in three short sentenses declared that this was was wrong. We do have some good news that Democrats have passed a lot of ethics and earmarks regulation legeslation, and have also raised the minimum wage to $7.50. Of course people like Larry Elder are praying that the President vetoes the bill. There seems to be some concerted move of the media not to give us news on what the Democrats have been doing. Their motto seems to be out of sight, out of mind. This whole thing is like a desaster that is happening in slow motion, and there is no way to stop it.
There is news that Fidel Castro may be near death. He has suffered complications from three intestinal surgeries. If he dies one of my prayers and hopes will be unanswered. I was hoping that Castro would renounce communism and become a Born Again Christian. I have heard roomers to that effect. I suppose people like Larry Elder or Sean Hannity would like to bring back the Juan Baptista government and let the mafia run things in Cuba like the good old days. People have been saying since 1989 that communism is dead. But when this country thinks of Castro we suddenly go into a forty year time warp. I think we need to expand trade with Cuba just as we have with China and so many other countries, and then relations will improve.
A BLAST FROM THE PAST - mid April 2005
If you call in the Jesus Christ show the host will say reincarnation or worse yet, what we are describing- - Asteral travel- - is quite impossible. If asked to explain he will quote ONE Bible verse, because it’s the only one in the Bible to quote. Yet Jesus’ own view of heaven is so much at odds with what the real Jesus preached 2000 years ago it isn’t even funny. Jesus talked about heaven as a state of harmony and peace among men. He spoke of it as a place of generosity and compassion and concern about your fellow man. Jesus of Nazereth would be shocked someone preaching in his name that heaven was some opium like state where you forget about people you’ve known in the past and are not even aware they ever existed. The host of the Jesus Show might go on to mention the very things we’ve mentioned- - that God specially created our DNA and our cell structure and how our brains work, and that each one is unique and can’t be transferred. Using his identical logic, not only would reincarnation be impossible, but so would any resurrection (a word he doesn’t even use to describe the afterlife) or any life beyond when they lower the coffin lid and inturr you in the ground. If the forgoing proposition is true it doesn’t matter how many unexplained events the Apostles do; it has nothing to do with any known dead man being alive. Some say, “When you reject Jesus it’s amazing the things you will fall for”. This saying contains a lot more rhetoric than truth.
You know back in ninth grade there was a song called “The In Crowd” by Dobie Gray. And he also did that song about “I wanna get lost in your rock and roll”. I don’t like either of these songs now because the guy who wrote them is now one of these narrow-minded condescending Jesus little chauvinists. These people couldn’t tell their ass from a hole in the ground; there’s no way they’re going to “Find Jesus”. Lennon wrote a song about Dylan “finding Jesus”. Let’s get this straight. If reincarnation or astral travel were proved tomorrow, Jesus of KFI wouldn’t believe it. He would say that Whatever evidence we had it was coincidence. The same way if you try to reason with a drug addict hooked on cocaine you’re fighting a losing battle. The only Reality that drug addict knows is his cocaine. That is his “validation” and reason for getting up each morning. All other logic and sensory input is blocked out by the drug. So far scientists have dissected matter down to the very molecule. We’ve mapped out human DNA. And guess what? We haven’t found the soul. We haven’t found God. At one time the Catholic Clergy knew Galileo was wrong. There was just no two ways about it. Dante knew that Hell was a place in the center of the earth and in a rare sign of enlightenment (?) believed that the “Mount of pergitory” was on the south pole on the other side! St. Paul knew there was a “third heaven”, which various Evangelists (who’s word must be taken as infallible) say was “out beyond- - - the universe of stars, just as they are out beyond the sky. Today’s scientists know better. Because in the Big Bang not only matter but also time and space were created. So there is no “out beyond” anything. There is nothing beyond “outer space”. It simply does not exist because it was never created. In like manner there is nothing past the last moment in time or before the very first moment. Pretty soon there is going to arise “A generation which knew not Jesus” when they were young. Indeed, that generation may already be here. There will be no “vestigial remnants of one’s childhood” for evangelists to appeal to. When it comes to Religion, John Lennon’s view is in far less danger of becoming “out dated” than Chuck Smith’s.
OK I wish I could push a button and sent that in E mail. I don’t even think Mike would like that paragraph. Pope John Paul II, sadly, is dead. If there is some “cosmic hand” guiding the world, I don’t know where it’s leading the world to.
NBC Nightly news is coming on and I may watch some of it. Of course there’s news that the Bush economy may be topping out. And there will be no more tax cuts. Kate Roberts has taken all your drugs away. I think maybe now we ought to come to grips with the real problems such as out-sourcing and illegal immigration. The stock market was down over four hundred points last week, which, in the grander scheme of things may not be all that much. Now they say US Corperations may not be paying their fair share of taxes. In WW II it was a 50 – 50 split but now the workers of nation pay 80% of the taxes. Larry doesn’t think Corporations should pay income taxes at all.
Some may say there was an angry tone to some of my remarks today. Well, if I occasionally resort to obscenity it’s only shorthand for a much longer explanation I could give, and have given in the past but am not inclined to go into it now again. It bothers me that Christianity seems distilled down into some in-palatable mixture that may be good for fueling cars but not good for drinking. Farmers in France have a bumper crop of ex-pensive Bordoux wine and somehow even Larry Elder can’t get “market forces” to per-vail. This “distilled down mixture” if what I get Sunday mornings from KFI, and I guess that’s what’s fueling my anger. This whole “screw you” attitude twords everyone who isn’t a clone of what they are. The Christian world is withdrawing. I can pretend it isn’t so but it is. If things change I’ll let you know. I should be thankful things aren’t worse than they are in my life. I should think about what I have, little as it is.
“I do believe in Duffelgangers!- - I do – I do – I do!!!