John Dean has a book coming out September the 11th. called "Broken Government - the peral to our three branches", or something. Dean believes that Alberto Gonsolez will be and is still in trouble with the law and there is no "general amnesty" for him as Stacy Taylor proposes. I fail to see how dropping criminal investigation of Gonselez will speed up the end of the Iraqi war as Taylor suggests. The two are non sequetors. Dean points out that Kleindenst first resigned but was still on trouble having meetings with Nixon where criminal activities were proposed. It's been pointed out that the top three offices, Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and associate attorney general are vacant right now. So much for our government having a lot of people on the job to investigate terrorism. John Dean can always be counted on to write a good book. Some are saying that for fall they are "going to roll out the new product" and this case that is War with Iran. It could be that War with Iran will be used as some diversion so people won't be talking and arguing about Iraq any more. Knowing the complicity of the media, you can expect to be hearing about Iran and their supposed "agression" and "threats" over the next few weeks. They will be getting the public used to thinking in terms of war with Iran.
Larry Elder on his radio program yesterday said that a man has the right to "dispose of his own property any way he sees fit". That includes killing dogs in a brutal manner that wither won't fight or lose a dog fight. Michael Vick to has credit apologised thoroughly for his actions, and even "found Jesus". But Larry is against the whole idea of a man being faulted for "something that either isn't, or shouldn't be against the law". Larry went so far on his show yesterday as to bring up that self confessed pedopheliac molester. "He hasn't broken any laws". Larry Elder is the sort of guy who gives all libertarians a bad name, having a broken moral compass.
It's been argued that the food and drug adminestration has too much power these days. Perhaps they do. If there are a a bunch of corporate cronies on the board than Thom's "We the people" argument justifying the FDA falls into the waste basket. We can't trust the FDA either to keep the wrong drugs off the market or all the right people access to the drug they need to cure their condition. Vitoran has great commercials that hit all the right notes. But all of this kind of product causes brain damage. A close associate of mine who is in the vitamine business says it's important to have "lipids" and "sterols" in the diet. She says the brain is made up of fat and the brain needs fatty acids to operate. My brother's father in law got brain damage from taking an anti cholesterol drug. People have suggested that they have independant agencies to test drugs, much like Underwriter's Laboritories. You could have competing agencies testing various drugs and see by market forces which agency you trust the most. Consumer's Reports is considered a trustworthy magazine. Of course I think there are any number of drugs and vitamine suppliments that should be allowed that aren't. I don't see anything wrong with effedrin. I don't see anything wrong with medical marijuana. I personally think this federal government is too obcessed with drugs of all sorts and that our prisons are too full of people who are merely drug addicts. Most of our prisons are way overcrowded and this would be a good place to start. If we mothballed the FDA the world would not grind to a halt tomorrow.
I'd like to talk a little about dreams. If you watched yesterday's "Passions" the shrink on that show said hallucenations of all sorts can be traced back to your relation with your mother. Apparently every psychological problem can be traced back to relations with your mother. Sometimes after a dream you are affected. You're breathing hard and your heart is racing all because your mind is supposidly just engaging in "creativity". It would seem to me that Dreams are more likely fifth dimensional sougerns. They are events that are actually taking place in some alternate reality. Lao Tsu once said "I don't know if I'm a man dreaming I was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming I was Lao Tsu". That's an intriguing thought. I believe that dreams can be warnings much as Sylvia Browne says. Can we be "threatened" by events that exist only in a parrellel (or oblique) Universe? You can't be sure. Why take the chance? Why not act on these warnings that come in dreams and preminitions. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Today a relationship with a friend of mine cane to a grinding end. I had known him nearly a year and though the argument on the surface appeared to be over a money loan, it was really much deeper than that. People send little signs and Clues and you just have to put the pieces together to see the pattern. My philosophy is "Who needs an extra jerk in their life". People encounter jerks in their every day sougern in life, without seeking them out as friends. Money for me these past fourteen months has been tighter than at any time the rest of my life. I am looking forward to the day when I get my renters tax rebate and at least have a little breathing room. I can think of a number of things I want to do with that money when I get it.
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