We have heard George Bush reverse himself on a couple of issues lately. He said in 2004 that there was no relation between our experience in Iraq an our experiance in Viet Nam. Now he's seen the same parellell all the rest of us have already seen. Bush's take on Viet Nam was that if we had stayed things would have worked out hunky dory there. On the contrary Thom Hartman points out that if we had gotten our way and decided on a strongarm dictator we liked like we did with the Shaw of Iran, he probably would have been overthrown, just like the Shaw was in Iran. The other similarity with Viet Nam is that "Q" word, quagmire. We are just stuck in Iraq with seemingly no way out. Randi Rhodes pointed out that in Anwar province Al Qaida has stopped attacking, not because of us, but because they arrived at an agreement that is US troops didn't attack there then Al Qaida wouldn't attack either. Liberals claim that there are similar explanations for all of the other seeming gains over the past few weeks. But the question is whether President Meliki is long for this world, or long in power, or will he be yanked by George Bush is not enough of a rubber stamp to our liking. Bush recently announced that Meliki had to go because his leadership was unsatisfactory. My position on Meliki is that if we abandon him now it just makes being in Iraq the past few years and superintending those elections - -all one big farce, that we never intended for democracy to exist in Iraq. Dick Chaney in an interview in 1994 said there was no percentage in getting rid of Saddam Hussein. His removal is "not worth very many US lives". The thing that's changed since 1994 is that we now see an oppertunity to control all of those oil revenues. We will put another strongarm dictator so that when we leave Iraq, Iraq will have a ruthless dictator just like they did when we came in.
In terms of "dirty tricks" apparently the US is now infiltrating the crouds with fake counter demonstrators. Not that this is particularly surprising. It's just when conservatives cover a demonstration they're likely to see all the government plants and conclude, "You see there are a lot of people against the goals of the protestors". I imagine next year we can expect dirty tricks from the White House like people calling up voters at all hours of the night pretending to be obnoxious democrat representatives when actually they are White House opperatives.
This next little story I'm not going to say how or if it relates to Me in any way. You just tell me what you think. There were these two granddaughters of a rich old man they thought had died in a train wreck. Now they find their grandfather is alive. The younger sister accused the older sister of disfiguring her face with chemicals to make her blemished so that no boy would ever like her because if any boy ever liked her the older sister went nuts because she had such a big ego. The grandfather always favored the older daughter to begin with and now that the younger daughter was disfigured in her face, the grandfather outright despized and insulted her to her face. Despite this the older daughter found out that since his supposed "death" the grandfather was found out to be responsible for murder and many other acts of cruelty. She felt so betrayed by this man she had formerly idolized that she pulled a gun on him and called on her police radio for back-up. But while doing this the younger daughter turned out the lights and called out "run grandfather run". Even while the grandfather was calling her every despicable name in the book the younger daughter said "Unlike my older sister, I'll be loyal to you". And that's where we leave the scene. Does either the younger or older daughter remind you of anybody you know? How many people try and earn the loyalty of people who despize them even when in doing so they are sacrificing not only their egoes but also their morality?
This morning I mentioned my pet theory of the creation (or non creation) of the Universe to Bruce and amazingly he said my Black Hole theory was quite plausable. I said that many UFO's that do all these sudden zig and zag movements may not be violating physical principles in their own time where time moves much more quickly because there are fewer gravitons out where they came from. I told Bruce that gravitons were circular things like donuts in subatomic space and unlike the other horseshoe type componets, they weren't attatched to anything solid and so graviton force is weaker than it otherwise would be. A few posts back I talked about the "billiard ball analogy of gravitons". What I meant by this is that gravitons don't influence us and warp space with the force of billiard balls that bounce off of each other, but rather it's more like the sound of the balls clinking together and traveling through the ether that influences us. I told Bruce the obvious key to space travel was to lighten the payload so that it would take almost no rocket fuel to propel us places. Some may argue "but doesn't accelatering to our graviton rich space cause THEM to slow down, too? Perhaps. I didn't think it out that far at the time, but it's at least something to think about. The thing is if the number of gravitons in matter is reduced or the gravitons are somehow "deactivated" then the invading UFO ship will have the quality of less mass. But the other thing is the ship will get bigger in space. The fewer gravitons you have around the less "time" gets consumed and so you aren't passing through Time as quickly as we do. If there is a Soul, it's measurable in this subatomic space. I say "subatomic space" because the nature of the particle determines the nature of the space around it. The whole thesis here is once our physical body is dead it may be that our soul in subatomic space survives in its own subatomic realm. These round donut shaped gravitons do what we perceive as bending space around them, and shrink it. When we see UFO's in the sky they usually look like big bright objects. One thing nobody thinks about is "why are they so large" if they are from thousands or millions of miles away. How could we even see them without a telescope? You will remember that in the earliest Startrek episodes they spoke of "time-warp factor". Keep in mind that one way we relate to mass is through time in how much "time" it takes to alter the trajectory of an object. The object is only increasing in mass to those in another time frame. But UFO's to be weightless or near so have to be physically huge in how much space they take up because there aren't all those gravitons shrinking their space. One may ask "does accelerated space mericulasly gain gravitons. We know matter gains mass with acceleration but not gravitons. The reason here is simple. There are more gravitons packed into a smaller "space" as space shrinks. Therefore their relative strength appears to increase. Mass is resistance to change in movement. To correctly measure mass you have to know which time frame you are in because slower time equals more mass, even with an identical object. When matter gets sucked into a Black Hole it would seem the gravitons at the edge of the black hole that people have to worry about. These gravitons warp the space and slow down time- - but if there were no gravitons in matter I don't think there would be any "magnetic pull" on that matter, so to speak. It might become without mass. The important thing to remember is that the theory of Relativity could be called the theory of Absolutes in this sense. Light is always "measured" at 186,000 miles per second. As matter accelerates space shrinks and time slows down, so the person inside the craft doesn't notice any difference in his measurements. The other absolute in Einstein's theory is that light travels in straight lines, so that if you see it bend with gravity, it's "space" that is "bent" according to Einstein. You may wonder "Why does a UFO craft suddenly just disappear? Well, we "see" everything happening faster to the UFO than it is in fact happening to them. Some have argued the presence of a hyperspace realm. I don't know any way to prove the existance of that.
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