The Democrats had their debate on “This Week” from eight to 9:30. Joe Byden is a guy whom I have admired since the days of the Anita Hill hearings. He is the candidate that wants to partitian
Karl Rove was on Meet the Press at the same time. They showed shots of him in 1972 working for the Nixon campaign as a long haired nerd. You see few people who have changed physically as much as he has. Rove is the one who says that Hillary is unelectable because her negative ratings this early are in the forty percentile, and we have never had a successful presidential candidate where this was the case. Now he is accused of “wanting Hillary to be the candidate”. Can you blame him? Karl Rove also said that the whole yellow cake Uranium business in
I had the Joel Olsteen show on before seven. Rev. Olsteen says there are four things needed for success. There is physical qualification. There is obedience to God’s word, there is prayer, and there is “getting the right vision”. Rev. Olsteen says that the subconscious mind has no values and responds to whatever it’s given in influencing the conscious mind. He says athletes envision themselves as making that shot of hitting that home run. This is well and good to prepare your body but “the vision thing” isn’t prophecy. I’m an objectivist and I believe whatever you believe, the facts when you face them could well prove you wrong. Of course I’ve always called the Calvary Chapels cowardly. I said Christianity was full of cowards and hypocrites. But another way of saying it is that they don’t have love and are afraid of helping their bretherin out. They see any blessing from God as not a means to help your bretherin out but instead to swell the ego and gloat over your bretherin how spiritually superior you are. “Flowing in the spirit” means physical success in this life. But I have been wrong in vision and I’ll give you two good examples. When I wrote my prophecy book I promosed God something like the first three thousand dollars of profit over and above my investment expenses. That day never came. Then there is psychiatrist Stanley E Abott. I thought it was a quiet, thoughtful listener when I first met him from Voc. Rehab in March of 1969. But he was the guy who declared that I was scitzophrenic, or so mentally ill that I was basically unemployable. As such he did me a gross disservice. In one of the few incidents I have related to “The asshole from
The stock market now in the twelve thousands has certainly exceeded my expectations to date, on the down side. My original thought in late July was “The DJI may be at fourteen hundred now but it will never make it to fifteen hundred”. In that Star Trek time loop episode there was a figure of 17.4 used. In early 1996 I used this same figure of 17.4 to link several pairs of events in my life. I’ll spare you the specifics. I said that if there was a way that “seventeen” was produced astrologically, I’d come up with a way to isolate it. There is a simple formula I came up with in Excel which produces the number of 17.68 or 17.69 (margin of error of .2) that is a synch figure of Venus, the Earth and the planet Saturn. Bearing this figure of 17.68 in mind, we have by no means seen the worst of the downward stock market cycle. We may just be barely scratching the surface. Commentators are stating definitively that “There will be no crash. This is impossible now because things are very different from 1987”. Needless to say it’s the “contrary indicators” in the stock market that always prove the most accurate. If there is a deluge coming, no one will see it. This whole economy and debt thing is a snowball thing that is just getting started. And there is some New Event that is going to come on the scene we don’t even know about yet, of an international nature.
Never say that luck has to break a certain way. The best you can do is to stack the odds in your favor, like Hillary playing the comodities exchange. An average person going into a casino couldn't increase their capital by a thousand percent. But suppose you were playing with the house's money? Could you take ten thousand and run it up to a hundred thousand if you had the credit backing of the house up to a hundred million? It would be a lot easier because you could just "double down" to your heart's content and you'd have to come out a winner. But mathematics is no patsey. In the game "Set for Life" you have 11/15ths. of being a winner in each tern. The odds are in your favor for once with eleven white lights and only four red lights. But on last Friday's show one guy pulled eight white lights in a row. He stopped. But was asked by the host to pull three more "just to see if he made the right decision". He pulled up the three remaining white lights and NONE of the red ones. The woman after him pulled six white lights in a row. I've looked at my own astrology. But trying to find a good planitary chart I can understand is a lot harder on the internet than I had supposed. I probably picked up who knows how much spyware in my search. I believe in curses. The way to disprove a curse exist is to come up with ANOTHER EXPLANATION for the events brought about. I have said that my "no children" curse is so broad God wanted to be all inclusive so he cursed my brothers, too. The only even imagined offspring is my brother has a 13 year old step-granddaughter. If you are having communacation problems with your Dad. Satan just says, "That's simple. I'll put his Dad in poor health that way the son won't dare talk about other issues". I said a few posts ago that I "had to watch what I said" after a certain date in August. However when the date came I realized the key word was "return". With my E I B resources I remembered- - here we go, folks, hold on to your hats. There is a character we call "Jess Ryder" who is actually a composit of two Stephen King characters in "Tallisman" and "The Stand". On the last Saturday morning in July of 1991 I had a revelation this character died in a fatal car crash. It was two weeks and two days later that a 14 year old kid named Clint showed up in my life. "Return" is the opperative word because I "gossipped" in snail mail about "Jess Ryder" saying I knew things about him you didn't. Well- - that "gossip" came back on me. So things can "come back on you from other astro-projected bodies. Jess Ryder lived in New Hampshire but went to a beach in southern Maine and sometimes lived in New York with his father, a pharmicist. And his mother died at age 12 or 13. I think psychic impressions CAN be valid is they come OUT OF NOWHERE. That is, you wern't consciously trying to dream them up. For instance when I heard the song "I Want You -She's So Heavy" by the Beatles- - I had this impression that this song was first performed during the Help album sessions- - AND that it was in the summer time. Of course this is the LAST TIME the four Beatles were ever all together. So I guess tomorrow we will be celebrating that rather dubious date in Beatle history.
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