First of all let me say that the answer to that question is "No". Last night they had Typhoid Mary on Nova. This is the woman back in 1907 that was a carrier of typhoid fever but never got sick herself. This happens with a minority of patients. She was a cook for the Vanderbuilts on Oyster Bay, a deluxe resort spot on Long Island. The disease usually strikes the slums of New York. These poor people in the New York slums, mostly Irish, live under conditions I wouldn't subject an animal to. They say horses produce 25 pounds of excriment per day and they had a lot of horses in New York. These people lived in utter filth and they had rather primitive ideas about where disease came from. In fact here is a Rush Limbaugh factoid for you. The average person in a third world nation today lives better than these people in New York did in 1890. Today there is understanding about sanitation even among the world's poor and we have anti-biotics and automobiles, even in poor areas. Typhoid Mary was isolated through a long process of deduction and tracing the outbreak of the disease on Long Island. Typhoid Mary was quarentined to this Island sort of like the Devil's Island of it's day. She appealed to the state Supreme Court but they ruled against her. She was let go in 1910 when New York got a new health comissioner but in 1915 she was back at it again employed as a cook for a major hospital infecting more people. Since typhoid is carried in feces, she probably didn't wash her hands after using the bathroom. You're wondering "How does that tie in with religion". Because according to World Net Daily and other such sources, the government sees religion as some sort of "infectious belief" and as a messace to society, much as the Jewish authorities saw Jesus. Today it's OK to be a Druid, or a wiccan, or a Moslem, but if you're a practicing Christian on a college campus, they're coming after you. Many have said there are secret documents the government has with goals to expunge all religion. So many of these court cases athiests bring are outragious. Scientology appears to be the only non Christian faith on their list. In fact, perhaps Scientology is so logical and is so clearly beneficial, the government hates it because it ucerps their role as they see it as "big brother" making all your decisions and to whom you turn to sustenance. The irony is, as Scientology sees it, it's the rest of society with the desease of having en-grams and being a non "clear". If you take any logic class you will be told how the average US citizen is snowed every day of the week and twice on Sundays by the advertizing media, and by the government. Most people are incapable of thinking clearly. Just think if we had a congress full of 435 Andy Rooneys. Can you imaging the positive things that would be getting accomplished, and in an amazingly short time?
I have a few more things to say about last Sunday's debate and the political campaign in general. First of all I wanted to point out that Hillary's criticisum of O Bama's "No Nukes in fighting Al Qaida in Afghanistan" speech or whatever was ill founded. I guess it was Hillary who said no nukes in Iran. Hillary said something about "Well, your speech was hypothetical but mine was in addressing a real problem the Bush adminestration was posing". O Bama said that there was nothing hypothetical about Al Qaida in Afghanistan either. That's an immediate issue. Now Berock Obama's wife is saying "If you cant run your own household you can't run the White House". Was that a slap at Hillary? With Hillary it was hate at first sight with me. In early March 1992 I once said out of a sense of anger and moral disgust with the Clintons, that "Even if I learned that Jerry Brown was having bestial relations with animals, I'd still vote for Jerry over Bill Clinton". I also disliked that statement of Hillary that, "If you vote for Bill you get me". We first heard about Bill Clinton from that tape that Tom Leykis aired on his show around Jan 20th. 1992 in which Bill was talking to Jennifer Flowers about their twelve year affair and they were discussing how they'd both lie and deny it if the subject ever came up. Also I believe the topic of the "Bimbo eruptions" was discussed of "if word got out all those other women would come forward". By the day of the Superbowl when the Clintons got prime time on CBS, I had already made up my mind that Bill Clinton had pretty well self destructed. In the debate last Sunday all the candidates were asked about "No child left behind". I like the idea of standardized tests. It provides at least some incentive for these lazy teachers to do their jobs. I know of no other profession that whines about their state as much as teachers, and yet from specific cases I've seen teachers are not underpaid. That's a myth. But they sure love to whine and cause trouble with their unions. Any candidate that will IGNORE the whines of school teachers has my vote. I'm much more interested on whether the students are being properly educated with what they need to know in life. According to Rush- - Hillary's position on the current troops surge is "Well we're winning but let's get out". Rush's position is "Perhaps we made a mistake getting into Iraq and perhaps the Al Qaida terrorisum is worse now but that doesn't matter now because we have to stay the cource". Rush's position is like a guy who buys a bad stock and it drops 25% and the holder makes the classic mistake of "holding on to his stock till he breaks even". Many investors sell their good stocks to "show a profit" and hold on to their bad ones, homing somehow to "break even" and yet any analyst will tell you "If you would not buy the stock today, you shouldn't be holding it today". The question we have to answer in Iraq is "do we continue to hold on to a bad investment?" I think we get out and don't look back.
You know I agree that dog fighting is cruel to animals. But I don't know if I'd say the same thing about cock fighting. (that's "rooster" for those of you in Rio Linda) After all, chickens are live stock and are going to be killed and eaten anyhow so what difference does it make how they die? I would say the same thing of bull fighting. Sure their are risks in the running of the bulls and bull fighting. But life itself contains risks, and we'll never eliminate all of them.
I guess that surveilance bill that Congress passed and President Bush signed eliminates the FISA court entirely and puts Mr. Gonzo himself in his place. But the thing is these security bills are pushed through so fast people don't debate them and often don't even read the bills they pass. There are roomers there are strip search provisions in the bill. Of course even before the bill was passed I heard that the government routinely moniters all microwave phone transmissions looking for key words sending the information to computer banks. Now in the spirit of Glastnose the CIA has talked about the questionable things they've done in the past, which seem almost tame compared to President Bush's standards. Now George Tennant is being attacked as not being prepared for Al Qaida. I don't know if the attacks have any merit or not. George Tennant doesn't seem to think so. We aren't hearing much about the progress of the fighting in Iraq now in the media. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? We're too wrapped up in all this hurricane Dean news and other weather related news. I don't know about you but I'm getting tired of a steady diet of nothing but floods and fires. There are other things happening, if the media will only report them. For all we know some key event could be happening in Iraq right now that will go unreported. Of course there is such a high percentage of commercials in the media but then again it's sort of ALL commercials. Even the news they give you is propaganda, to one degree or another instilling some sort of fear in the viewer.
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