Sometimes when it comes to explaining things it's best to go back to Ocham's Razor or whatever that therem is where the simplest explanation is the best one. We've been skirting around the whole idea of hyperspace in my blogs but if you look at the answer it's obvious. Hyperspace is the space inside a Black Hole. Hyperspace is it's own universe inside the black hole because it is material that is accelerated faster than the speed of light. According to my theory, the only role this hyperspace plays in our universe is that it sets the whole "Christmas tree bauble" shape thing up for our own Universe. That is no minor role. They say that gravitons are "created" by accelerated matter. I don't know if they mean accelerat-ED matter or accelerat-ING matter. My guess is they mean the latter. Our only experiance with either one is that we accelerate atomic and subatomic particles in a cyclotron. But when we do this we are accelerat-ING matter. The matter is not in a free flowing state but is constantly having tremendous forces exerted upon it. It would seem from Einsteins theory of relativity that all this stuff about time and mass and spacial perception fits accelerat-ING matter. I'm not sure whether it applies to something that is ALREADY GOING near the speed of light. My whole thesis about the center of our Universe being a Black Hole and hence "unaccessable" hyperspace, is based on the idea that all of our space is accelerat-ING constantly twords the speed of light. If you had a space ship that was going 185,000 miles per second and under newtonian physics free floating, are you telling me that that extra one thousand miles per second of acceleration would do it in? The whole secret of the core of Einstein's theory is that it is based on absolutes. Much of the theory rests upon an ether theory of the universe where if two objects are constantly getting farther apart and sending light waves between the doppler effect will stretch out the waves in space. If the objects are approaching each other the doppler effect will shrink the waves in space. At any rate the speed would be evened out. Einstein's theory falls apart is you're simply going to say if B is traveling at one vecter and A is traveling at another then time with respect to A is slower than with B or visa versa. If Einstein's theory were totally valid in a "relative" sense, it Would Not MATTER where it was A or B that were standing still. If we decide A is moving and B is standing still then time on B goes faster than on A. But if you're on planet A you see yourself under Newtonian physics as standing still and see B as moving and so time on B should be slowed down and your planet has normal time. Which IS it? BOTH CAN'T BE TRUE. Nobody since 1972 has ever successfully answered this question. There has to be some absolute stationary point for Einstein's theory to make sense to an intelligent sixth grader.
In terms of the idea of space- - - well, space is a perception of humans more than a "thing" which God "created". We know there is an inverse relation between the passage of (or in) Time and the amount of "space" an object takes up. An object that takes up more space goes through time more slowly, and visa versa. If my Christmas tree ornament theory of the Universe is valid then if you find where "Outward" is- - this is the direction where things take up the least amount of time and the most amount of space. This "space" doesn't need to be "created" by God or by anybody else. It may in fact be the illusion of space. Remember we said the nature of space depends on the nature of the items IN the space be they subatomic particles or what. Space can be perceived to "go on forever" and yet be a finite quantity of hyperspace in someone else's Black Hole. My theory rests on finding which direction is truely "outward". Jesus spoke of the "outer darkness" but I'm not entirely sure he knew what he was talking about.
People are getting smarter all the time. We're all learning. For instance there comes a point in finding a file in Word that it's a lot quicker to type the name of the file rather than look for it in an ever growing listing. Some people are "smart" if they can figure out the math problem about having to drive to a town sixty miles away and have an hour to do it and having to average sixty miles per hour. By the time they were half way there they realized they were only averaging thirty miles per hour because they ran into four red lights and other problems and only averaged thirty miles per hour. How fast do they need to drive to make up the deficet in time? Some of us get more intelligent when they finally figure out what "right ascension" and "declanation" are on a planitary chart. There's a computerized program called "Sheets" that will calculate planitary positions of the past for you. Some people get smart when they realize that Rising Signs in astrology just might influence us more in terms of our personality than our Sun Signs do. The "houses" can be spoken of as verbs like "I am" "I have" "I love" "I think" and "I use". Some people think they're smart when they figure out how to do a Rubic's cube quickly. I have spent so little time on Rubic's cubes myself I am not the one to ask. Some people feel smart when they learn a new language. I imagine there is a critical mass point where "everything just falls into place". Not gambling in a casino is smart. If you figure out how you're able to win, they'll just accuse you of cheating. Some people are smart when they realize that Allester Crane has just as much credential to be a Messiah as anybody else they admire.
Karma is the other great mystery of life. What is there is no "final judgement" and the good people are not sent to Heaven and the bad ones to Hell? The scientologist sees man's primary purpose on planet earth as to Survive. For instance, a mother dinasaur lays her egg in a secluded spot and hopes it won't be attacked by a predator. Many reptiles the minute they are born have the inborn urge to swim tword the water so as to escape predators. They can't wait around and wonder whether their enemies will be judged. Alpha males such as tigers may be "king of the jungle" for a time but there's always another younger tiger out there ready to challenge them and rob them of their manhood (and their Pride). So it is with World Dictaters. They usually "get theirs" from another Enemy. I must confess that I am intrigued by the notion that different human beings can have a different Fifth Dimensional reality. This whole notion os "my space" is different from "your space" is an intriguing one. If karmic acts affect Fifth dimensional reality (see previous discussion on this) then indeed- - certain acts might almost "magically" affect our future destiny. Not our destiny in this four-dimensional construct, but in a fifth dimensional reality. Destiny may be fixed here in a four-dimensional reality under Einstinian physics, but the Fifth dimension offers X-gezillion other choices. If "the dice of the Gods are loaded" and karma is what "loads" them, then nothing is left to change in what nature our Next Life will take, if there is one. God's task for us in the here and now is to Survive. If we have bad karma I don't know if there is any guarentee we'll have to pay for it later and if we have good karma I can't guarentee we'll be rewarded for it later. It's this whole witchly thing about hexing ourself in the future by acts we do today, that is a mystery.
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