If you're a conservative, this is your day to crow. The so called liberals Mc Cain and Guiliani cane in eighth and nineth respectively as far as I can see, though getting a full listing of candidates and their numeric results proved harder than expected. The rest of the roster is Mit Romney coming in first, and they say he "bought" the results and that each vote cost four hundred dollars, if you can believe that. I trust Romney and I think he's a man who can win. He has proven himself an able leader with the Olympics and as Governor of Massachusetts. In Second was Huckibee, the evangelist from Arkansas. I like the strong moral anti abortion character of both he and Brownback, who came in third. Iowans go for genuine people who aren't trying to hide anything and I like that too. I think Ron Paul was fourth and I just might end up voting for him. If we believe Rush Limbaugh a President Hillary will not pull the troops out of Iraq. Perhaps it's time we elect a president who will. Having a candidate with strong convictions on this War issue is as tricky as finding a joror in the OJ trial who will vote for conviction. If you find one you've really got something. In at fifth place was that Tancredo fellow, who wants to bomb Madina and Mecca. I believe the two Thompsons came in at sixth and seventh respectively. My hope is that Fred Thompson will enter the race because all the rednecks from the South will go for him and that way Giuliani won't get in. But it appears that both Thompson and Mc Cain's campaigns are dead in the water. I think the American people don't want to throw morality out the window even though the man at the top is a jerk.
Of course Karl Rove is going to step down from his job. Don't uncork your bottles of champaign all at once. This is a glorious day for lovers of liberty everywhere. Democrats can only hope and pray that the President's polls flounder even worse than they have now with Rove not there at the helm. Of course Chris Matthews points out that now that Karl Rove is no longer in the adminestration he no longer qualifies for Executive Priveledge. He's vulnerable for testimony in criminal hearings both on the firing of those eight special prosecutors, but also in the CIA outing case. But according to Rush since it was Richard Armitage (?) who outed Valerie Wilson the guilt should shift to Collin Powell since according to Rush, Armitage was Powell's chief of staff. The rap goes that Powell kept quiet about fingering the one who outed Valerie- - -just to make George Bush look bad because Powell still felt stabbed in the back by Bush being "used" for propaganda purposes. I still say congress needs to get Karl Rove under oath under penalty of contempt of congress and see whether he sings or not, now that he has no protection.
Two issues of moral perpitude were on Sixty Minutes last night that bear re stating. Number one is the genocide at Darfore in the Sudan. The United States is making a deal with the devil in order to get "needed valuable information" about Al Qaida and Bin Laden. Well, Al Qaida is still in business and Bin Laden still hasn't been caught so I'd call the information of little value. You don't sell your soul just to gain an atvantage anyhow. There must be something in the Bible about that. The Lord gave Gidian a personal revelation what his enemy was doing and thinking, you know. There are just certain things a government shouldn't do out of a moral conscience. The same goes for Pakistan. Why do we think Pakistan is such a good friend? Since the days of Nixon we have sided with Pakistan against such countries as India? Why is that? What hold do countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have over us? -and don't say Oil. Screw the oil. We don't need it. If we raised the taxes of rich people and corporation back to fifty percent where it was after Ronald Reagan CUT taxes in the first round, we wouldn't have money problems. We could throw all sorts of money into energy research. But then again I don't want any potential energy bills being just another pork project for wasteful corporations who will misappropiate funds. Our government needs to find its moral compus. I'm all for "finding God", but Jesus said ye shall know them by their fruits. George Bush doesn't have the "fruits" of anyone showing moral conduct. Perhaps this is something Bush should talk to his pastor about.
I'd like once more to talk about this whole "Don't snitch to the cops" rule that ghetto people seem to live by. They say they don't trust the Cops but how can the Cops trust the citizens when they know they're going to be lied to. I've watched enough "Cops" to know cops hate two things. Running- - and being lied to. While we're busy brainwashing our children with every kind of left wing propaganda put out by Hillary Clinton, why don't we do educational films for black kids on how to relate to the Police? You just might find it works out better for everyone concerned in the long run. I can't believe that black people are really that in love with the concept of unrestrained rampent murders in their neighborhood. The "good people" in the neighborhood need to rise up and boycott these Black rap artists. As Bob Dylan said long ago, "Money doesn't talk; it Swares". This is really a sick mentality we have in the Black community and I know it isn't the first time I've talked about it but the sentaments bear repeating.
Finally I'd like to talk my astrological prediction of "some new unsettling events occuring in foreign affairs in the next few months". I'll make no secret how I say this will happen because there is a seventeen year cycle. You have the "incident" of the Nazis invading Poland in the fall of 1939. In 1956 you have the Suez crisis and the thwarted anti-comunist revolt in Hungary. And in 1973 you have the two weeks war. If you ask "what planitary configuration occurs every seventeen years?" I don't know but if you let me look at the stats long enough I'll find one. I know Jupiter and Saturn run in a twenty year relation to each others. We said back in April 1981 that with the Reagan assasenation attempt the assasenation cycle has been broken that's been in force ever since the days of Tippicanoe. No astrologer is predicting Bush will be offed before his term is up. It seems apparent and the media is cramming it down our throats that the Surge in Iraq is finally working. No doubt whatever Petrayas says, the troops are staying in and this congress has no inclination to want to be called soft on terrorism, non sequetor though that is. But something is going to come along in foreign policy that is new and unexpected that will unsettle everybody. Perhaps Sylvia Browne can tell us what that event is.
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