Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Broken Government
John Dean has a book coming out September the 11th. called "Broken Government - the peral to our three branches", or something. Dean believes that Alberto Gonsolez will be and is still in trouble with the law and there is no "general amnesty" for him as Stacy Taylor proposes. I fail to see how dropping criminal investigation of Gonselez will speed up the end of the Iraqi war as Taylor suggests. The two are non sequetors. Dean points out that Kleindenst first resigned but was still on trouble having meetings with Nixon where criminal activities were proposed. It's been pointed out that the top three offices, Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, and associate attorney general are vacant right now. So much for our government having a lot of people on the job to investigate terrorism. John Dean can always be counted on to write a good book. Some are saying that for fall they are "going to roll out the new product" and this case that is War with Iran. It could be that War with Iran will be used as some diversion so people won't be talking and arguing about Iraq any more. Knowing the complicity of the media, you can expect to be hearing about Iran and their supposed "agression" and "threats" over the next few weeks. They will be getting the public used to thinking in terms of war with Iran.
Larry Elder on his radio program yesterday said that a man has the right to "dispose of his own property any way he sees fit". That includes killing dogs in a brutal manner that wither won't fight or lose a dog fight. Michael Vick to has credit apologised thoroughly for his actions, and even "found Jesus". But Larry is against the whole idea of a man being faulted for "something that either isn't, or shouldn't be against the law". Larry went so far on his show yesterday as to bring up that self confessed pedopheliac molester. "He hasn't broken any laws". Larry Elder is the sort of guy who gives all libertarians a bad name, having a broken moral compass.
It's been argued that the food and drug adminestration has too much power these days. Perhaps they do. If there are a a bunch of corporate cronies on the board than Thom's "We the people" argument justifying the FDA falls into the waste basket. We can't trust the FDA either to keep the wrong drugs off the market or all the right people access to the drug they need to cure their condition. Vitoran has great commercials that hit all the right notes. But all of this kind of product causes brain damage. A close associate of mine who is in the vitamine business says it's important to have "lipids" and "sterols" in the diet. She says the brain is made up of fat and the brain needs fatty acids to operate. My brother's father in law got brain damage from taking an anti cholesterol drug. People have suggested that they have independant agencies to test drugs, much like Underwriter's Laboritories. You could have competing agencies testing various drugs and see by market forces which agency you trust the most. Consumer's Reports is considered a trustworthy magazine. Of course I think there are any number of drugs and vitamine suppliments that should be allowed that aren't. I don't see anything wrong with effedrin. I don't see anything wrong with medical marijuana. I personally think this federal government is too obcessed with drugs of all sorts and that our prisons are too full of people who are merely drug addicts. Most of our prisons are way overcrowded and this would be a good place to start. If we mothballed the FDA the world would not grind to a halt tomorrow.
I'd like to talk a little about dreams. If you watched yesterday's "Passions" the shrink on that show said hallucenations of all sorts can be traced back to your relation with your mother. Apparently every psychological problem can be traced back to relations with your mother. Sometimes after a dream you are affected. You're breathing hard and your heart is racing all because your mind is supposidly just engaging in "creativity". It would seem to me that Dreams are more likely fifth dimensional sougerns. They are events that are actually taking place in some alternate reality. Lao Tsu once said "I don't know if I'm a man dreaming I was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming I was Lao Tsu". That's an intriguing thought. I believe that dreams can be warnings much as Sylvia Browne says. Can we be "threatened" by events that exist only in a parrellel (or oblique) Universe? You can't be sure. Why take the chance? Why not act on these warnings that come in dreams and preminitions. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Today a relationship with a friend of mine cane to a grinding end. I had known him nearly a year and though the argument on the surface appeared to be over a money loan, it was really much deeper than that. People send little signs and Clues and you just have to put the pieces together to see the pattern. My philosophy is "Who needs an extra jerk in their life". People encounter jerks in their every day sougern in life, without seeking them out as friends. Money for me these past fourteen months has been tighter than at any time the rest of my life. I am looking forward to the day when I get my renters tax rebate and at least have a little breathing room. I can think of a number of things I want to do with that money when I get it.
Alberto Gonsolez Resigns
Now they are saying that our youth gang mentality is being exported to Iraq because gang slogans have appeared in Iraq. That shows I guess the sort of character of the people who are inlisting to fight in the war. Stacy Taylor was saying "Now the democrats need to devote all their energy twords ending this Iraq war. Things here don't look at all promacing. Knowing this congress and how they vote contrary to American wishes, they rather than withdraw troops just might institute the draft to "solve the problem" that way.
George Bush has his criminal cocaine record expunged by his father or something and now there is nothing on his police record if anyone investigates. There is a new sex scandal brewing. Larry Craig or some anti gay republican senator from Idaho was caught in a sting operation. Apparently he propositioned an under cover agent in a restroom in a Miniapolis airport. People have been talking about the Mark Fowley scandal. Someone refresh my memory; I'm not fermiliar with that. This Craig guy is on record for his anti gay votes. It does seem strange that those who yell the loudest about gays are themselves in the closet.
It's been long suggested that we change our drug laws to make drug use a medical de-tox problem rather than a criminal matter. According to yesterday's show, the military has sold the police a lot of surplus military equipment and there has been an escalation of SWAT raids lately. SWAT used to be just for people with a bomb or bank robbers or people holding hostages or something. But it seems the chief use of SWAT teams are for drug busts and there have been eight hundred of them in the last twenty years and forty people have died, and most of those have been innocent. Also they have often gotten the wrong house. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to try a "kinder and gentler" law enforcement system for a while.
According to Leo Le Port there is a whole other new kind of Computer called a quantum computer, and there is even an article on the subject in the Wickipedia. But the article is aimed at people with IQ's somewhere over a hundred and fifty and much of it is hard to follow, particularly the math. However this is a computer which unlike the computers of the past fifty years, doesn't use bits or bytes or even a binary system. Now there is an "On" and an "Off" but also an "indetermanent". This new computer can solve all kinds of advanced math problems that elude ordenary computers including advanced therems thought up by geniouses that were unprovable before. One danger factor is that cracking encryption codes is a snap for this new computer. As you followers of trends know they've been saying since the sixties that computers should double in speed every eighteen months. People who are aware know that lately we have fallen way behind keeping up with this trend. Things have kind of leveled off over the past four years at about 2.4 gigahertz. Of course that figure means nothing with all of today's viruses and spyware, computers of twenty years ago were relatively just as fast in their world. The 2.4 gigahertz figure is a mockery. But since they have shrunk things as far down as they can, this New kind of computer embraces a whole new concept in computing that even uses a whole new vocabulary and calculation technique.
This economy is slowly but surely sliding into a recession. Wall Mart is saying to expect a slow down this quarter because customers aren't coming into their stores. Median housing prices are showing a universal decline throughout the entire United States and they say this is the first time that has happened since the thirties. Problems with Real Estate will only get worse; they won't get better. Summertime is normally the time when people sell houses. If things are slow now, what will happen when the winter comes? I'm also warning you to expect some New international incident next month to again send the stock market into a panic. We're just getting started with the down-trend. Summer is normally a period where nothing happens, particularly in August. The problems we are now seeing in Real Estate will spiral into other areas of the economy. Every day you will read about some new problem that wasn't there the day before.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Hyperspace and Other Mysteries Explained
In terms of the idea of space- - - well, space is a perception of humans more than a "thing" which God "created". We know there is an inverse relation between the passage of (or in) Time and the amount of "space" an object takes up. An object that takes up more space goes through time more slowly, and visa versa. If my Christmas tree ornament theory of the Universe is valid then if you find where "Outward" is- - this is the direction where things take up the least amount of time and the most amount of space. This "space" doesn't need to be "created" by God or by anybody else. It may in fact be the illusion of space. Remember we said the nature of space depends on the nature of the items IN the space be they subatomic particles or what. Space can be perceived to "go on forever" and yet be a finite quantity of hyperspace in someone else's Black Hole. My theory rests on finding which direction is truely "outward". Jesus spoke of the "outer darkness" but I'm not entirely sure he knew what he was talking about.
People are getting smarter all the time. We're all learning. For instance there comes a point in finding a file in Word that it's a lot quicker to type the name of the file rather than look for it in an ever growing listing. Some people are "smart" if they can figure out the math problem about having to drive to a town sixty miles away and have an hour to do it and having to average sixty miles per hour. By the time they were half way there they realized they were only averaging thirty miles per hour because they ran into four red lights and other problems and only averaged thirty miles per hour. How fast do they need to drive to make up the deficet in time? Some of us get more intelligent when they finally figure out what "right ascension" and "declanation" are on a planitary chart. There's a computerized program called "Sheets" that will calculate planitary positions of the past for you. Some people get smart when they realize that Rising Signs in astrology just might influence us more in terms of our personality than our Sun Signs do. The "houses" can be spoken of as verbs like "I am" "I have" "I love" "I think" and "I use". Some people think they're smart when they figure out how to do a Rubic's cube quickly. I have spent so little time on Rubic's cubes myself I am not the one to ask. Some people feel smart when they learn a new language. I imagine there is a critical mass point where "everything just falls into place". Not gambling in a casino is smart. If you figure out how you're able to win, they'll just accuse you of cheating. Some people are smart when they realize that Allester Crane has just as much credential to be a Messiah as anybody else they admire.
Karma is the other great mystery of life. What is there is no "final judgement" and the good people are not sent to Heaven and the bad ones to Hell? The scientologist sees man's primary purpose on planet earth as to Survive. For instance, a mother dinasaur lays her egg in a secluded spot and hopes it won't be attacked by a predator. Many reptiles the minute they are born have the inborn urge to swim tword the water so as to escape predators. They can't wait around and wonder whether their enemies will be judged. Alpha males such as tigers may be "king of the jungle" for a time but there's always another younger tiger out there ready to challenge them and rob them of their manhood (and their Pride). So it is with World Dictaters. They usually "get theirs" from another Enemy. I must confess that I am intrigued by the notion that different human beings can have a different Fifth Dimensional reality. This whole notion os "my space" is different from "your space" is an intriguing one. If karmic acts affect Fifth dimensional reality (see previous discussion on this) then indeed- - certain acts might almost "magically" affect our future destiny. Not our destiny in this four-dimensional construct, but in a fifth dimensional reality. Destiny may be fixed here in a four-dimensional reality under Einstinian physics, but the Fifth dimension offers X-gezillion other choices. If "the dice of the Gods are loaded" and karma is what "loads" them, then nothing is left to change in what nature our Next Life will take, if there is one. God's task for us in the here and now is to Survive. If we have bad karma I don't know if there is any guarentee we'll have to pay for it later and if we have good karma I can't guarentee we'll be rewarded for it later. It's this whole witchly thing about hexing ourself in the future by acts we do today, that is a mystery.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Last Days of Democracy in Iraq
We have heard George Bush reverse himself on a couple of issues lately. He said in 2004 that there was no relation between our experience in Iraq an our experiance in Viet Nam. Now he's seen the same parellell all the rest of us have already seen. Bush's take on Viet Nam was that if we had stayed things would have worked out hunky dory there. On the contrary Thom Hartman points out that if we had gotten our way and decided on a strongarm dictator we liked like we did with the Shaw of Iran, he probably would have been overthrown, just like the Shaw was in Iran. The other similarity with Viet Nam is that "Q" word, quagmire. We are just stuck in Iraq with seemingly no way out. Randi Rhodes pointed out that in Anwar province Al Qaida has stopped attacking, not because of us, but because they arrived at an agreement that is US troops didn't attack there then Al Qaida wouldn't attack either. Liberals claim that there are similar explanations for all of the other seeming gains over the past few weeks. But the question is whether President Meliki is long for this world, or long in power, or will he be yanked by George Bush is not enough of a rubber stamp to our liking. Bush recently announced that Meliki had to go because his leadership was unsatisfactory. My position on Meliki is that if we abandon him now it just makes being in Iraq the past few years and superintending those elections - -all one big farce, that we never intended for democracy to exist in Iraq. Dick Chaney in an interview in 1994 said there was no percentage in getting rid of Saddam Hussein. His removal is "not worth very many US lives". The thing that's changed since 1994 is that we now see an oppertunity to control all of those oil revenues. We will put another strongarm dictator so that when we leave Iraq, Iraq will have a ruthless dictator just like they did when we came in.
In terms of "dirty tricks" apparently the US is now infiltrating the crouds with fake counter demonstrators. Not that this is particularly surprising. It's just when conservatives cover a demonstration they're likely to see all the government plants and conclude, "You see there are a lot of people against the goals of the protestors". I imagine next year we can expect dirty tricks from the White House like people calling up voters at all hours of the night pretending to be obnoxious democrat representatives when actually they are White House opperatives.
This next little story I'm not going to say how or if it relates to Me in any way. You just tell me what you think. There were these two granddaughters of a rich old man they thought had died in a train wreck. Now they find their grandfather is alive. The younger sister accused the older sister of disfiguring her face with chemicals to make her blemished so that no boy would ever like her because if any boy ever liked her the older sister went nuts because she had such a big ego. The grandfather always favored the older daughter to begin with and now that the younger daughter was disfigured in her face, the grandfather outright despized and insulted her to her face. Despite this the older daughter found out that since his supposed "death" the grandfather was found out to be responsible for murder and many other acts of cruelty. She felt so betrayed by this man she had formerly idolized that she pulled a gun on him and called on her police radio for back-up. But while doing this the younger daughter turned out the lights and called out "run grandfather run". Even while the grandfather was calling her every despicable name in the book the younger daughter said "Unlike my older sister, I'll be loyal to you". And that's where we leave the scene. Does either the younger or older daughter remind you of anybody you know? How many people try and earn the loyalty of people who despize them even when in doing so they are sacrificing not only their egoes but also their morality?
This morning I mentioned my pet theory of the creation (or non creation) of the Universe to Bruce and amazingly he said my Black Hole theory was quite plausable. I said that many UFO's that do all these sudden zig and zag movements may not be violating physical principles in their own time where time moves much more quickly because there are fewer gravitons out where they came from. I told Bruce that gravitons were circular things like donuts in subatomic space and unlike the other horseshoe type componets, they weren't attatched to anything solid and so graviton force is weaker than it otherwise would be. A few posts back I talked about the "billiard ball analogy of gravitons". What I meant by this is that gravitons don't influence us and warp space with the force of billiard balls that bounce off of each other, but rather it's more like the sound of the balls clinking together and traveling through the ether that influences us. I told Bruce the obvious key to space travel was to lighten the payload so that it would take almost no rocket fuel to propel us places. Some may argue "but doesn't accelatering to our graviton rich space cause THEM to slow down, too? Perhaps. I didn't think it out that far at the time, but it's at least something to think about. The thing is if the number of gravitons in matter is reduced or the gravitons are somehow "deactivated" then the invading UFO ship will have the quality of less mass. But the other thing is the ship will get bigger in space. The fewer gravitons you have around the less "time" gets consumed and so you aren't passing through Time as quickly as we do. If there is a Soul, it's measurable in this subatomic space. I say "subatomic space" because the nature of the particle determines the nature of the space around it. The whole thesis here is once our physical body is dead it may be that our soul in subatomic space survives in its own subatomic realm. These round donut shaped gravitons do what we perceive as bending space around them, and shrink it. When we see UFO's in the sky they usually look like big bright objects. One thing nobody thinks about is "why are they so large" if they are from thousands or millions of miles away. How could we even see them without a telescope? You will remember that in the earliest Startrek episodes they spoke of "time-warp factor". Keep in mind that one way we relate to mass is through time in how much "time" it takes to alter the trajectory of an object. The object is only increasing in mass to those in another time frame. But UFO's to be weightless or near so have to be physically huge in how much space they take up because there aren't all those gravitons shrinking their space. One may ask "does accelerated space mericulasly gain gravitons. We know matter gains mass with acceleration but not gravitons. The reason here is simple. There are more gravitons packed into a smaller "space" as space shrinks. Therefore their relative strength appears to increase. Mass is resistance to change in movement. To correctly measure mass you have to know which time frame you are in because slower time equals more mass, even with an identical object. When matter gets sucked into a Black Hole it would seem the gravitons at the edge of the black hole that people have to worry about. These gravitons warp the space and slow down time- - but if there were no gravitons in matter I don't think there would be any "magnetic pull" on that matter, so to speak. It might become without mass. The important thing to remember is that the theory of Relativity could be called the theory of Absolutes in this sense. Light is always "measured" at 186,000 miles per second. As matter accelerates space shrinks and time slows down, so the person inside the craft doesn't notice any difference in his measurements. The other absolute in Einstein's theory is that light travels in straight lines, so that if you see it bend with gravity, it's "space" that is "bent" according to Einstein. You may wonder "Why does a UFO craft suddenly just disappear? Well, we "see" everything happening faster to the UFO than it is in fact happening to them. Some have argued the presence of a hyperspace realm. I don't know any way to prove the existance of that.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Is Religion a "Public Health" Issue?
I have a few more things to say about last Sunday's debate and the political campaign in general. First of all I wanted to point out that Hillary's criticisum of O Bama's "No Nukes in fighting Al Qaida in Afghanistan" speech or whatever was ill founded. I guess it was Hillary who said no nukes in Iran. Hillary said something about "Well, your speech was hypothetical but mine was in addressing a real problem the Bush adminestration was posing". O Bama said that there was nothing hypothetical about Al Qaida in Afghanistan either. That's an immediate issue. Now Berock Obama's wife is saying "If you cant run your own household you can't run the White House". Was that a slap at Hillary? With Hillary it was hate at first sight with me. In early March 1992 I once said out of a sense of anger and moral disgust with the Clintons, that "Even if I learned that Jerry Brown was having bestial relations with animals, I'd still vote for Jerry over Bill Clinton". I also disliked that statement of Hillary that, "If you vote for Bill you get me". We first heard about Bill Clinton from that tape that Tom Leykis aired on his show around Jan 20th. 1992 in which Bill was talking to Jennifer Flowers about their twelve year affair and they were discussing how they'd both lie and deny it if the subject ever came up. Also I believe the topic of the "Bimbo eruptions" was discussed of "if word got out all those other women would come forward". By the day of the Superbowl when the Clintons got prime time on CBS, I had already made up my mind that Bill Clinton had pretty well self destructed. In the debate last Sunday all the candidates were asked about "No child left behind". I like the idea of standardized tests. It provides at least some incentive for these lazy teachers to do their jobs. I know of no other profession that whines about their state as much as teachers, and yet from specific cases I've seen teachers are not underpaid. That's a myth. But they sure love to whine and cause trouble with their unions. Any candidate that will IGNORE the whines of school teachers has my vote. I'm much more interested on whether the students are being properly educated with what they need to know in life. According to Rush- - Hillary's position on the current troops surge is "Well we're winning but let's get out". Rush's position is "Perhaps we made a mistake getting into Iraq and perhaps the Al Qaida terrorisum is worse now but that doesn't matter now because we have to stay the cource". Rush's position is like a guy who buys a bad stock and it drops 25% and the holder makes the classic mistake of "holding on to his stock till he breaks even". Many investors sell their good stocks to "show a profit" and hold on to their bad ones, homing somehow to "break even" and yet any analyst will tell you "If you would not buy the stock today, you shouldn't be holding it today". The question we have to answer in Iraq is "do we continue to hold on to a bad investment?" I think we get out and don't look back.
You know I agree that dog fighting is cruel to animals. But I don't know if I'd say the same thing about cock fighting. (that's "rooster" for those of you in Rio Linda) After all, chickens are live stock and are going to be killed and eaten anyhow so what difference does it make how they die? I would say the same thing of bull fighting. Sure their are risks in the running of the bulls and bull fighting. But life itself contains risks, and we'll never eliminate all of them.
I guess that surveilance bill that Congress passed and President Bush signed eliminates the FISA court entirely and puts Mr. Gonzo himself in his place. But the thing is these security bills are pushed through so fast people don't debate them and often don't even read the bills they pass. There are roomers there are strip search provisions in the bill. Of course even before the bill was passed I heard that the government routinely moniters all microwave phone transmissions looking for key words sending the information to computer banks. Now in the spirit of Glastnose the CIA has talked about the questionable things they've done in the past, which seem almost tame compared to President Bush's standards. Now George Tennant is being attacked as not being prepared for Al Qaida. I don't know if the attacks have any merit or not. George Tennant doesn't seem to think so. We aren't hearing much about the progress of the fighting in Iraq now in the media. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? We're too wrapped up in all this hurricane Dean news and other weather related news. I don't know about you but I'm getting tired of a steady diet of nothing but floods and fires. There are other things happening, if the media will only report them. For all we know some key event could be happening in Iraq right now that will go unreported. Of course there is such a high percentage of commercials in the media but then again it's sort of ALL commercials. Even the news they give you is propaganda, to one degree or another instilling some sort of fear in the viewer.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Denocratic Political Race
The Democrats had their debate on “This Week” from eight to 9:30. Joe Byden is a guy whom I have admired since the days of the Anita Hill hearings. He is the candidate that wants to partitian
Karl Rove was on Meet the Press at the same time. They showed shots of him in 1972 working for the Nixon campaign as a long haired nerd. You see few people who have changed physically as much as he has. Rove is the one who says that Hillary is unelectable because her negative ratings this early are in the forty percentile, and we have never had a successful presidential candidate where this was the case. Now he is accused of “wanting Hillary to be the candidate”. Can you blame him? Karl Rove also said that the whole yellow cake Uranium business in
I had the Joel Olsteen show on before seven. Rev. Olsteen says there are four things needed for success. There is physical qualification. There is obedience to God’s word, there is prayer, and there is “getting the right vision”. Rev. Olsteen says that the subconscious mind has no values and responds to whatever it’s given in influencing the conscious mind. He says athletes envision themselves as making that shot of hitting that home run. This is well and good to prepare your body but “the vision thing” isn’t prophecy. I’m an objectivist and I believe whatever you believe, the facts when you face them could well prove you wrong. Of course I’ve always called the Calvary Chapels cowardly. I said Christianity was full of cowards and hypocrites. But another way of saying it is that they don’t have love and are afraid of helping their bretherin out. They see any blessing from God as not a means to help your bretherin out but instead to swell the ego and gloat over your bretherin how spiritually superior you are. “Flowing in the spirit” means physical success in this life. But I have been wrong in vision and I’ll give you two good examples. When I wrote my prophecy book I promosed God something like the first three thousand dollars of profit over and above my investment expenses. That day never came. Then there is psychiatrist Stanley E Abott. I thought it was a quiet, thoughtful listener when I first met him from Voc. Rehab in March of 1969. But he was the guy who declared that I was scitzophrenic, or so mentally ill that I was basically unemployable. As such he did me a gross disservice. In one of the few incidents I have related to “The asshole from
The stock market now in the twelve thousands has certainly exceeded my expectations to date, on the down side. My original thought in late July was “The DJI may be at fourteen hundred now but it will never make it to fifteen hundred”. In that Star Trek time loop episode there was a figure of 17.4 used. In early 1996 I used this same figure of 17.4 to link several pairs of events in my life. I’ll spare you the specifics. I said that if there was a way that “seventeen” was produced astrologically, I’d come up with a way to isolate it. There is a simple formula I came up with in Excel which produces the number of 17.68 or 17.69 (margin of error of .2) that is a synch figure of Venus, the Earth and the planet Saturn. Bearing this figure of 17.68 in mind, we have by no means seen the worst of the downward stock market cycle. We may just be barely scratching the surface. Commentators are stating definitively that “There will be no crash. This is impossible now because things are very different from 1987”. Needless to say it’s the “contrary indicators” in the stock market that always prove the most accurate. If there is a deluge coming, no one will see it. This whole economy and debt thing is a snowball thing that is just getting started. And there is some New Event that is going to come on the scene we don’t even know about yet, of an international nature.
Never say that luck has to break a certain way. The best you can do is to stack the odds in your favor, like Hillary playing the comodities exchange. An average person going into a casino couldn't increase their capital by a thousand percent. But suppose you were playing with the house's money? Could you take ten thousand and run it up to a hundred thousand if you had the credit backing of the house up to a hundred million? It would be a lot easier because you could just "double down" to your heart's content and you'd have to come out a winner. But mathematics is no patsey. In the game "Set for Life" you have 11/15ths. of being a winner in each tern. The odds are in your favor for once with eleven white lights and only four red lights. But on last Friday's show one guy pulled eight white lights in a row. He stopped. But was asked by the host to pull three more "just to see if he made the right decision". He pulled up the three remaining white lights and NONE of the red ones. The woman after him pulled six white lights in a row. I've looked at my own astrology. But trying to find a good planitary chart I can understand is a lot harder on the internet than I had supposed. I probably picked up who knows how much spyware in my search. I believe in curses. The way to disprove a curse exist is to come up with ANOTHER EXPLANATION for the events brought about. I have said that my "no children" curse is so broad God wanted to be all inclusive so he cursed my brothers, too. The only even imagined offspring is my brother has a 13 year old step-granddaughter. If you are having communacation problems with your Dad. Satan just says, "That's simple. I'll put his Dad in poor health that way the son won't dare talk about other issues". I said a few posts ago that I "had to watch what I said" after a certain date in August. However when the date came I realized the key word was "return". With my E I B resources I remembered- - here we go, folks, hold on to your hats. There is a character we call "Jess Ryder" who is actually a composit of two Stephen King characters in "Tallisman" and "The Stand". On the last Saturday morning in July of 1991 I had a revelation this character died in a fatal car crash. It was two weeks and two days later that a 14 year old kid named Clint showed up in my life. "Return" is the opperative word because I "gossipped" in snail mail about "Jess Ryder" saying I knew things about him you didn't. Well- - that "gossip" came back on me. So things can "come back on you from other astro-projected bodies. Jess Ryder lived in New Hampshire but went to a beach in southern Maine and sometimes lived in New York with his father, a pharmicist. And his mother died at age 12 or 13. I think psychic impressions CAN be valid is they come OUT OF NOWHERE. That is, you wern't consciously trying to dream them up. For instance when I heard the song "I Want You -She's So Heavy" by the Beatles- - I had this impression that this song was first performed during the Help album sessions- - AND that it was in the summer time. Of course this is the LAST TIME the four Beatles were ever all together. So I guess tomorrow we will be celebrating that rather dubious date in Beatle history.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
But What Is "Life and Life Abondantly?"
In a sense, and as we have already illustrated- - man is seen as a singularly evil creation. Therefore since Corporations are neutral- - they have a moral superiority over man and democracy, which is evil. Gene Scott, a Christian, himself has stated that perhaps the ape evolved but that man was created by God. I think the thinking goes that once man had a moral choice the apes and other wild beasts didn't have- - and so became evil by violating this or that divine precept (which wouldn't be invented yet for thousands of years). But in another sense the idea itself of "green slime" evolving into higher life is mocked by Christians. They say that life has already been created in a test tube or at least the amino acids have. According to Christians there just "isn't enough time in the Universe" for life to have in such a "short time" as four billion years. First of all Christian math is notauriously in error. You see this when Chuck Smith starts talking about probabilities. So if your authority is someone who can't do math tells you "there isn't enough time for life to have evolved" you have to take it with a grain of salt. The next thing they tell you is that even if you got the right DNA sequence it would still be a "dead molicule" because it wouldn't have that "divine spark" that is in all life. I guess we'll have to test that theory. The idea of many is that God is a "life force" and a "sensient force" and that is this "consciousness" or "higher consciousness" that is life. Many Christians don't believe there will be animals in heaven because they don't have that "higher consciousness" or "quickened spirit" that humans have. On the other hand, others (correctly, I believe) argue that if there is a "life force" it is in ALL life, from "green slime" to the primates, to man himself. The thing is when you speak of this "life force" with Evolution, it's a whole new ball game. Because you are not just dealing with inanimate molicules any more but a "sensient force" as Captain Piccard would say. Just what makes a "sensient being" is truely a divine mystery. What is that seemingly illusive (magical?) force that makes a life form "self aware"? And the question is "is it an illusion?" Even if it IS an illusion, it's an illusion SHARED by all life forms, and that makes it worth talking about. They say even the individual cells inyour body have a "Will". The cells in your body "want" to heal you. (I guess you just gotta "talk to them") So this green slime that occupied the world three Billion years ago "wanted to evolve", that is, if it were just "given the chance". Once all those lightning storms and asteroid barroges subsided and blue sky appeared these primitive bacteria had a chance to "enlarge their capacities" and evolve and grow into something new. You can't use mathematical probabilities (flawed as they are when Christians attempt to use them) when you're talking about an intelligent Life Force that exists within each and every cell. The cell it itself consciously seeking to evolve. It isn't happening by "accident". Indeed you may say "God" is guiding the process. Whoever (if anybody) was guiding the process it's a pretty good trick for earth to evolve from the sulphuric acid showers and valcanic activity and ash filled, asteroid filled skies of yesterday, to the world that exists today.
Monday, August 13, 2007
The Iowa Straw Poll
Of course Karl Rove is going to step down from his job. Don't uncork your bottles of champaign all at once. This is a glorious day for lovers of liberty everywhere. Democrats can only hope and pray that the President's polls flounder even worse than they have now with Rove not there at the helm. Of course Chris Matthews points out that now that Karl Rove is no longer in the adminestration he no longer qualifies for Executive Priveledge. He's vulnerable for testimony in criminal hearings both on the firing of those eight special prosecutors, but also in the CIA outing case. But according to Rush since it was Richard Armitage (?) who outed Valerie Wilson the guilt should shift to Collin Powell since according to Rush, Armitage was Powell's chief of staff. The rap goes that Powell kept quiet about fingering the one who outed Valerie- - -just to make George Bush look bad because Powell still felt stabbed in the back by Bush being "used" for propaganda purposes. I still say congress needs to get Karl Rove under oath under penalty of contempt of congress and see whether he sings or not, now that he has no protection.
Two issues of moral perpitude were on Sixty Minutes last night that bear re stating. Number one is the genocide at Darfore in the Sudan. The United States is making a deal with the devil in order to get "needed valuable information" about Al Qaida and Bin Laden. Well, Al Qaida is still in business and Bin Laden still hasn't been caught so I'd call the information of little value. You don't sell your soul just to gain an atvantage anyhow. There must be something in the Bible about that. The Lord gave Gidian a personal revelation what his enemy was doing and thinking, you know. There are just certain things a government shouldn't do out of a moral conscience. The same goes for Pakistan. Why do we think Pakistan is such a good friend? Since the days of Nixon we have sided with Pakistan against such countries as India? Why is that? What hold do countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have over us? -and don't say Oil. Screw the oil. We don't need it. If we raised the taxes of rich people and corporation back to fifty percent where it was after Ronald Reagan CUT taxes in the first round, we wouldn't have money problems. We could throw all sorts of money into energy research. But then again I don't want any potential energy bills being just another pork project for wasteful corporations who will misappropiate funds. Our government needs to find its moral compus. I'm all for "finding God", but Jesus said ye shall know them by their fruits. George Bush doesn't have the "fruits" of anyone showing moral conduct. Perhaps this is something Bush should talk to his pastor about.
I'd like once more to talk about this whole "Don't snitch to the cops" rule that ghetto people seem to live by. They say they don't trust the Cops but how can the Cops trust the citizens when they know they're going to be lied to. I've watched enough "Cops" to know cops hate two things. Running- - and being lied to. While we're busy brainwashing our children with every kind of left wing propaganda put out by Hillary Clinton, why don't we do educational films for black kids on how to relate to the Police? You just might find it works out better for everyone concerned in the long run. I can't believe that black people are really that in love with the concept of unrestrained rampent murders in their neighborhood. The "good people" in the neighborhood need to rise up and boycott these Black rap artists. As Bob Dylan said long ago, "Money doesn't talk; it Swares". This is really a sick mentality we have in the Black community and I know it isn't the first time I've talked about it but the sentaments bear repeating.
Finally I'd like to talk my astrological prediction of "some new unsettling events occuring in foreign affairs in the next few months". I'll make no secret how I say this will happen because there is a seventeen year cycle. You have the "incident" of the Nazis invading Poland in the fall of 1939. In 1956 you have the Suez crisis and the thwarted anti-comunist revolt in Hungary. And in 1973 you have the two weeks war. If you ask "what planitary configuration occurs every seventeen years?" I don't know but if you let me look at the stats long enough I'll find one. I know Jupiter and Saturn run in a twenty year relation to each others. We said back in April 1981 that with the Reagan assasenation attempt the assasenation cycle has been broken that's been in force ever since the days of Tippicanoe. No astrologer is predicting Bush will be offed before his term is up. It seems apparent and the media is cramming it down our throats that the Surge in Iraq is finally working. No doubt whatever Petrayas says, the troops are staying in and this congress has no inclination to want to be called soft on terrorism, non sequetor though that is. But something is going to come along in foreign policy that is new and unexpected that will unsettle everybody. Perhaps Sylvia Browne can tell us what that event is.