Sunday, January 14, 2007

Governments Instituted Among Men

Deliver your children to the good good life
Give 'em peace and shelter and a fork & knife
Shine a light in the morning and a light at night
And if a thing goes Wrong- - -
- - You Better Make It Right
This is the ziggy prayer, cerca 1978. I think what we lack in religion is the imperitive petition. This is a petetion which by its very nature God had obligated himself to repond to and to which you have an inherent right to expect one. This kind of flies in the face of what many have been programmed to think about God- - ie. that you have no "rights" but you "live under grace". I would like to show the folly of such thinking. Indeed in my book when I talked about the things the Antichrist would say one of them was that he'd demand others call him benificent and gracious. I may have gotten this from the Koran where it says "Thus says Allah, the compassionate and merciful" or some such thing. "Grace" has another meaning. In the olden times it was said that you existed at the "grace" of the King. Others would say "at the pleasure of the king". Since there was no system of laws the Kings were a law unto themselves. If you were pardoned of a crime (and Kings were always charging people with crimes) said pardon would be called an act of Grace and not any merit under law, because again there was no law. Henry VIII could be said to be ruling in a privince of grace. Indeed one of the names of the Kings because your Highness, your Magesty, and your Excellency, was in fact, your Grace. The King wanted to be reminded that he was a dispensor of grace with anybody who addressed it. It should be no surprise that I am no fan of those preachers like John Mc Arthor and Chuck Swendoll and whoever else, who says that we Christians live under grace. To decree as such is to say that we are outside the protection of the Law, which has according to these people, been done away with anyhow. There was a preacher this morning who stated that nowhere in the Old Testament anyhow does it say anything other than that the law is Holy and that the law is Perfect, and that the law is Eternal. Of course under modern Churchianity, it's in bad taste to do anything other than to flatter the pastor and say he's always right. To quote scripture in front of a pastor is tantamount to waving garlic at Dracula. In the scripture we have rights and covenants. Indeed some of that covenent is that if we walk in it God will prosper our lives and heal us if we need it. Most pastors crings at the idea that we should take Jesus at his word, or even Believe the many deliverances he performed, both physically and in the spirit. But Abraham Lincoln once said "No man is above the law, and no man is beneath it". There is a certain equality in human dignity. We are all God's children and created in His image. Rush Limbaugh says that only humans can "contract" for Rights. I think it's a safe bet to say that the light of God's consciousness is in all creation. It's certainly in Black people. It is said by Thom Hartman that enlightened (liberal?) people come together to form a more perfect union and contract with ourselves and with God to pass certain laws that are a reflection of our enlightenment. You are fermiliar with the passage that goes "All men are created equal and endowed with certain inailiable rights and that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. I believe the next line goes - - And to secure these Rights and Blessings to ourselves and Posterity, Governments are instituted among men. And among the laws passed by said governments are laws to further human rights. Hence the Civil Rights bill. I cringe when I hear people say that "Market Forces" would have taken care of the Civil Rights problem in time. They had a hundred years and more. Time's up. Martin Luther King spoke of "zeitguist", which basically means a move of the Spirit of Enlightenment among men. The Federation takes "zeitguist" to mean a favorible astrological allignment. We celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday this weekend. It was John Kennedy who said "- - knowing that human rights come not from the Generosity of the State, but from the Hand of God". In the church world your rights and status come not from any inate sense of "being connected with God" but only if your pastor SAYS you are blessed. If you are blessed from a source your pastor doesn't have control over you may be said to be an outsider. Many pastors engage in "shotenfreuden", another of those German words, that means to take pleasure in other's misfortune. You'd be surprised how much shotenfreuden there is in sunday sermons. Since you live under grace, you're not Expected to have any ambition apart from some etherial "will of God". Indeed I was just watching a TV program that said that in Europe there are no presumed "Rights" to anything including the Pursuit of Happiness. In Europe they are class conscious. They like to keep everyone "on the plantation" so to speak, just as they do in church. If you should be graced with wealth and blessings "in the system" the thing to do is to Lord it over others and make them envious you that they are not in the same Economic (or Spiritual, which is the same thing) Class as you are. As Thom Hartman says, upward mobility is discouraged. Again if you doubt me check out how many pastors preach against Fred Price or taking what our so-called Deliveror, Jesus Christ says and does. Because so these people reason "if we ever assirted our Right to anything this would be a "legal" relationship. And "legal" is bad. No. The grandure of the King must not be competed with. He and He alone is the sole dispensor of "Grace". And again the Pastoral-centricity of many churches knows no bounds. It may even be stated that "God has given Me wealth because he knows I can handle it. But Idon't know about you". In some cases it goes beyond apathy to open contempt. Gene Scott has said many disparaging things about poor people and has gone so far as to mock scripture, for instance where St. Paul says "Remember the poor people of Jerusalem". Gene doesn't want these people remembered.

Now I'd like to talk about the Freedom being the essence of knowing God. Moses said that every man has the light of God's law within him. Many would ask what the Bible teaches about slavery. Well, Slavery is kind of like gravity. Just as when you Die, it's better to go Up rather than Down, but this is not to overrule the law of gravity. And so it is better to be Free rather than Slave. My hunch is that God knows that things like Slavery, and for that matter, Prostitution, will always exist. God says it is a shame to be a prostitute, without advocating the abolition of the profession. It is in the nature of Free men to strike back when struck. In this way women should listen to their feminist sisters and learn the most effective way to fight back when oppressed by a man. So it is that Moses told the Isrialites not to be as they were in Egypt. There is a superior struck you, you were not to fight back. That was a privelege allowed only to Free men. In this way I believe that self defence is a holy trait. If you believe our US constitution is of God, then you also believe that the right to keep and bear arms is a devinely inailable right. Men get their rights from the God, the living and true God, not the antiseptic God of the theologians. Thom Hartman has even stated that the principle of democricy is even seen among animals. It is observed that a hurd of buffalo for example will head for a water hole when the majority of them are standing and pointing in a certain direction. Then the whole hurd will take off in that direction. With flocks of birds or schools of fish- - minute changes in "attitude" in some of the fish or birds will "clue in" the whole flock that this is now the new direction in which to go. I have said that I would rather be around dogs who were raised by moral people, rather than by people who wern't. Does a dog have inherent goodness? Is a dog tought espressly to, for instance, save his master who is drowning or in some other trouble? No. He does this because it's in his inate nature. In the movie Ghandi it was stated not to fear the oncomming horses but to lay down because they will not tread over us. And it was so. The mounted horses came to a halt, despite the express wishes of their riders. When I was a teenager I believed the mind was a blank slate and that environment played a role. Certain wild beasts are the way they are because of their environment. If you're in a resource depleted Serengetti plain and starving all the time, you have to by necessity hunt for your food. And yet there was a shot on TV the other say showing someone hugging and being really cozy with a lion with no fear. It is said that even snakes can be charmed. The only animal that appears morally vapid is the Ape. I have likened Apes to Christions. (see Escape from Egypt) Apes will suddenly "turn on you" and be consumed with hostility and attack you. I have heard of and seen countless examples of this. The only thing there remains to do in such a case is to have the Ape destroyed. The Ape is one of the few others that will commit premeditated murder against others in its own
society. But animals seem to know instinctively how best to live.

Not everybody seeks the light. The so called pious Christians have a thing against what they call "Gnosticism". They say gnosticism means "esoteric knowledge". The word esoteric is meaningless in that sentense. The word is knowledge. It's like talking about a percipitus withdrawal. They fixate on the word "percipitus" when the truth is they are against Any withdrawal in Iraq. So it is with knowledge. When did knowledge become a bad thing. We even share our knowledge with animals and they benefit. Teachers of the Word are supposed to be spreading knowledge. Experiance is said to bring knowledge. It used to be people who have had experiance were a thing to be prised. Now they're called whores. Now experiance, and even religious experiances, are seen as a bad thing by people like Chuck Smith. One might ask what are they after. The theripist will never say what you Think about something. They much prefer to ask how we Feel about something. And if we don't give the right answer they will be Glad to Tell us how we really "Feel". It's notible that hypnosis is one thing Walter Martin is NOT against on the left. In a Startrek episode there was this mind-scan device that users could use to plant mental thoughts inside a subject, for Good, but usually for Evil. This is what the evangelist does. He sees the black hole of the human subcontious and sees it as something on which to emplant his own thoughts, or en-grams. It's notible that Evangelists want us to draw our thoughts from the darkness, or this subcontious Black Hole, rather than from the Light of Knowledge. Knowledge is so often counted as a bad thing and they even quote Daniel to canote knowledge being a bad thing. Dr. Dean Edell today says that liberals have more books in their house and more art and classical music. That liberals were happier and more open and curious as a child whereas conservatives as children were fearful, rigid, and inhibited. Some will say that coming to Jesus is coming to the light. In the abstract this is true. But how are fish caught? Does the fish "repent" of being a fish and dream of ways he can become human? Not unless you're the little murmaid. No. The fish is baited. And what are fish for? They are to provide nutriants to those not in the water (or the Church not in the world) The size of the fish stands for the stature of the sinner in the world. The virtue is not in his repentance. The virtue is bagging him in the net and seeing his blank subcontious mind is something that you the pastor can program for your own purposes. We see a teacher as a spreader of knowledge and enlightenment. But their view of the "teacher" is that of a cultish icon to follow and worship. Not even to emulate but only to admire and know that you can never be like him. The success of a "teacher" is not seen in how much knowledge the students have. These people are like liberals. Far left meets far right. Just as the liberal is against objective truth but you are graded on your "Feelings" about a subject, so it is with the endoctrination of the Fundamentalist.

For George Bush to be hostile to Iran at this time is a mistake. He made allusions to Iran in his speech last week, and it might be an alarming sign. If he invades Iran without provacation it will only broaden the whole mideast war unnecessarily and further worsten Bush's own place in the history books. But the song goes "A fool never learns- - and I'm going to do a very foolish thing". There are still a few followers, not of the center, not necessarily of the right, even, but Somewhere, who are still willing to follow President Bush over a cliff. As John Dean said "Once the toothpaste is out of the tube it's impossible to get it back". Or to put it another way, you can't un-fire a shot heard round the world. The best thing to do is take Rush Limbaugh's advice for once. Rush has said "Wars end when one side has an undisputed victory over the other". Let's let shiite and suni fight it out within the confines of the borders of Iraq. Once the war is over- - - peace will follow. A peace where the other side will not be tempted into an uprising.

If this print is still big and hasn't shrunk back to normal size I decree that George Bush will cancle the troop surge and also order a withdraw of fifty thousand troops within the next three weeks. I myself don't know the outcome of this right now.

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