Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Reaping The Whirlwind

Somewhere in the Bible there is a scripture that goes "He who sows the wind shall reap the whirl-wind".  This passage is worth medetating on.  People wonder whether there will be rioting if there is an adverse verdict to the Trayvon Martin case.  Of course people say “A riot is the wrong course of action.  We need to show we are better than the other side by never reacting adversely in any manner no matter how much provoked”.  I have a one sentence response.  Tell that to the Israelis.   See what that nation thinks of this “passivity argument”.  If you just roll over and submit the enemy will be just So impressed with you- - they’ll be overcome with your ‘moral high road’ and throw down their arms and surrender”.   Life just doesn’t happen that way and only I fool would propose that it does.  Every time you hear someone being strident in pleading the dead Trayvon’s case, there is always that “but - - “.  Well the media bias in this case is beyond pathetic.  It’s like of like these ice cream trucks complaining they don’t have the “right” any more to play their music at five times the volume going through neighborhoods that they used to such as they distort the sound and don’t stop the music even when the truck is stopped.  It’s like Dianna Troy being tormented with “the music” on that Star Trek show.  It’s like a radio station with a transmitter so powerful and close the one station shows up all over the dial.  Just as with the tea party philosophy - - it’s all over the entire spectrum from Chris Matthews to Glen Beck- - it makes no difference.  Hasn’t it ever occurred to anybody that we never hear the cross examination results of these many “Defense witnesses”.  Why shouldn’t the headline rather be “Defense witnesses contribute absolutely Nothing as far as shedding new light on the case or detracting in any way from the State’s basic case.  So Georgie gets all his friends to say it was his voice on the 911 tape.  If the State had put all of Trayvon’s black friends up on the stand you know they’d say that was “just opinions and contributes no substance to the case’ and be disallowed.   They never cover the cross examination of Defense witnesses but ALL they do is to highlight the cross-examination of the State’s witnesses.  And you ask me if people are going to Riot.  During one Civil War documentary on KCET there was one line about how John Brown’s death will bring about a major reaction that will throw this whole country into racial strife, which was just before the Civil War broke out.  It’s a good thing Barock Obama was not President then because he would listen to CNN or people like that and conclude “The people really don’t war and it’s uncertain how War would play in the presidential polls right now, so I better not do it.  If the South wants to take Ft Sumpter I see no major problem in compromising our national security with the taking of one fort”.   And were the President, like with Syria to dare draw any “line in the sand” then the bully would just erase that line and push the President back in retreat of his previous statement- - - and when the President was a safe retreat distance away he’d say “OK, I dare you to cross This line!”  Capish?  Black people are not stupid and they all understand this case one hell of a lot better than White people seem to.  I don’t know when the karma of Whitey is going to turn, but turn it will.  I harken back to yet another Star Trek episode where Captain Kirk discovered that his oppressors “could not psychically read through pure Rage”.  Funny thing about Rage- - - to go to the Apocralipse now movie  “Sometimes in moments of pure Rage it instantly becomes crystal clear what you need to do”.   I think Blacks would be stupid to burn down their OWN neighborhoods.  That line of thought never did make any sense to me.  But I don’t see why you can’t take the battle right to the opressor’s door.  Remember that most of the Civil War was fought on southern soil- - and not in the North because President Lincoln, I bet you, knew the value of “Taking the War to the Enemy”.

You know it's funny that for any oppinion or precept you have, you can most likely find a whole story about that thing in the Bible to butress your position.  Take the story of King David's affair with Bathsheba.  God in response to David declared that "Strife and the Sword will not depart from your Household all the Days of your Life".   (Selah)

I know these liberal talk show hosts who claim to believe there will NOT be racial rioting with an adverse verdict- - they are only saying what they are saying because they'd lose their jobs if they said what they really thought.  Fine then.  Just keep believing what you say you believe- - -  and the rest of us will keep quiet, until - - - 

Randy Rhodes had an insight about the differences between Conservatives and Liberals that I never realized before.  She said that Liberals tend to "joke Up" whereas Conservatives joke Down".   So you have Jews in nightclubs making jocularity about the Nazis who run the country.  Or you have people openly making mockery of Christianity in Hollywood movies, to which the "Asshole from El Paso" takes strong exception.  Yet the favorite habit of the tea party right is to oppress the Poor and joke about them, and joke about minorities the way Bill Handel and Rush Limbaugh do.  This "kicking a group when they are down" definitely shows something about an individual or a group's character.  I feel people have kicked Me when I was down.  People don't get why fellow Blacks using the word "nigger" on each other is substantially different from the White culture doing it.  Although in examples in my own case often my oppressors will "play dumb" and claim to have no idea what they are doing.  In like manner- - many of the politicians like Mitt Romney or Rush Limbaugh - - just to name two - - will engage in an orgy of gay bashing when it's obvious that neither is against a gay lifestyle personally - - but there is political mileage to feed the bigotry and prejudices of others.   it's interesting that no matter how powerful the Tea Party has gotten - - that it is STILL fashionable to bash Christianity.  I have mused about this, but it dawned on me that these people on the right may be extremist but in most cases are not completely Insane- - off the rails.  A few of them are.  Do you know how you can tell a brave Christian - - one with a little guts- - from the complete cowards most of these people are?  I know the secret and I will now impart it.  Most of the people who "spell it out" in terms of JUST what Christians really believe, complete with all that supernatural Hocus Pocus- - are people we would call "certifiable' or scitzophrenic or unbalanced or what have you.  Because Christianity is so inherently INSANE you have to be at least as nuts as IT is in order to chronicle their specific beliefs with a straight face.  Here again people like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney will be advertized as ideal Christian specimines, though neither of them are.  But once again there is political capital to be made by saying you ARE a "right on" Christian even if you in your personal life and conduct and beliefs are the farthest thing from it.   In the same way these Tea Party people will lament the plight of students and their loan debt, or old people and the lack of interest rates on their savings accounts.  But these people don't care about either Students or Old people.  But it makes them "look good".  It makes them look like at least quazi humanitarians and empathetic to other people's trials.  In terms of comparing yourselves to others- - most people with character tend to "compare up".  They compare what they are NOW to what they Could be- - and if they fall short in meeting life's challenges- - they will resolve to do better next time.  But for a tea bagger like Dr. Levy- - well, Dr Levy came right out and SAID IT.  He says one of my major problems is that I compare UP, when I ought rather to compare Down, and "You'll be amazed how you see everything differently".  I bet!  Yet this "comparing down" is one trait the People in Power rely on to keep those who are less fortunate than they are- - in line and keep them voting for them, like in America's Heartland or in the South.  They will get them to think, "Well as least I'm an American who was actually born here.  At least I have good solid Northern European parentage.  At least I'm not gay.  At least I'm not homeless or jobless.  At least I'm not like all of these niggers around here.  It's interesting that in former times liberals took the offensive- - and people suing in the Supreme Court "reached for the brass ring".   So you had Thergred Marshell suing for the abolition of the "separate but equal" doctrine.  And you have Madalane Murry O Hare- - a woman whom most say "Didn't have a Prayer" not to over-use a pun, winning in her quest to get prayer out of schools.  You have the Grizwald decision to lay the groundwork to establish "the rights of concenting adults to do whatever they want sexually, without Big Brother piering through the window and taking notes.  But somewhere around 1978 the left began to lose faith.  The first thing was the de-regulation of the Airlines.  And then "just to play it safe" President Carter announced he was going to increase the defense budget".  Then Ronald Reagan told an entirely made up story about interviewing two unemployed Black youths in the ghetto and both said "The reason why we can't get jobs is because President Carter has raised the minimum wage rate so high".  Then you have the release of the hostages in Iran just minutes before President Reagan was sworn in.  And so it goes on and on through the eighties, nineties, and the ought decade.  And still the pendulum swings onward and inexerably to the right.  People say "This cant go on forever" but so far nothing has been able to stop the right wing Media Juggernaut.  And I think it's at the point where it will be physically Impossible to undo or even slow down the damage done by the right wing- - short of some violent revolution.  I see no other way.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Children of the Corn

The entertainment world is strange.  Today Cher stated that Tom Cruise was “one of the five best lovers I’ve ever had”, and also stated as to whether she’s had a lesbian relationship “Of course, hasn’t everybody?”  But now Tom Cruise is writing his ex wife, Katie Holms,  love letters or something saying he wants to remain close with her.  Were it not for the Church of Scientology they would still be married today.  Again I have no problem with the philosophy of Scientology- - it’s just The Church and “Churchianity” that I can’t stand.  

Texas Governor Rick Perry has declared that he won’t seek a fourth term as Governor, but intends to run for President again in 2016.  All they need to do is replay old You Tube videos and his campaign won’t get past the starting gate.  Clearly the fact that Perry isn’t running again shows he thinks there is at least a fifty – fifty chance he’ll lose, which means that the man has undergone a major drop in popularity among the people of Texas these past two years.   All that reading Texas science books about dinosaurs coexisting with humans finally got to him.

Iran it seems has condemned the military takeover in Egypt, as if anybody cares what Iran thinks.  It’s strange that for 444 days the Ayatolah held our 52 hostages, yet we never went to war with Iran like we did in Iraq and Afghanistan.  However we weren’t so dumb in those days since Reagan had Saddam Hussein as our whipping boy to take the brunt of Iran’s fury and to weaken them.   Now I can’t even find the place where I saw that story.  But it seems that there is a “conspiracy” for the United States NOT to refer to the take-down as a Military Coup, because there is some technicality in the law that says if that happens, then Egypt can no longer get their 1.2 Billion or whatever, which me, and now the Obama Administration agree would be a bad idea.  Maybe the Egyptians consider “summer the off season” for all out War now anyhow.  Around here we have six weeks of the “dog days of Summer” before NFL pre season football starts up.  It’s pretty assured that congress won’t accomplish anything before then.

After listening to the KFI guy- - it clear at least to me that the Asiania Flight 214 crash of last Saturday was pilot error.  He had been “certified to fly a Boeing 777” but no indication he’s actually flown one before.  He’s never approached San Francisco airport before- - which even Joe Drisco thought was a dangerous approach.  He targeted the angle of his descent wrong, and then compounded his error by letting up on the accelerator- - which you almost never want to do, particularly in a steep dive because you lose all control of the plain.  But then seven seconds before impact the pilot was ordered to hit the gas, and with just 1.5 seconds to go he was told to abort the landing.  Had it been me and I saw what was happening and had seven seconds to act, I would have floored it AND I’d have simotaniously pulled back on the stick to the degree that it was safe at that speed and executed a sharp banking motion in a lateral direction to buy myself more geometric space before hitting the wall.  Admittedly the only cockpit experience I’ve had was at the Flight Simulator at the Santa Ana Science Museum.   Of course ILS or instrument landing systems, was out at the Airport- -  and I’d hope the guy’s altimitor was working properly and he was experienced enough to eyeball the approach visually.  I would not be.  Obviously each individual plane would drive differently and you’d have to be familiar.  But in fact the runway was some two miles long- -  so overshooting the target wouldn’t be that much of an issue, even as we now know that being out of fuel was not an issue.  They said that air speed needs to be 137 knotts and he was “substantially below that”.   That’s more indication of pilot error.  Of course that would be wind speed- - or gauging the speed by the wind rather than by the ground.  People may just decide they don’t want to fly because it’s just not fun any more the way it was when Johnny Wendell was a kid.   In the old days if you lived in a cold climate like Detroit or Chicago and wanted to visit grandpa and grandma in their retirement villa in Miami, you’d get the kids all dressed up and it would be a really fun excoursion.  But today they don’t have Champaign flights like Western used to when I flew.  They’ve even cut out meals and you have to even pay for peanuts, or perhaps even an extra pillow.   Circling the airport and taxiing and the security measures now are nightmares, not to mention being bumped from flights.

I watched the soap opera.  The Hail Mary pass was in the air- - and then it was caught in the end zone, and Elvis scored his take-down of Stephano Di Mira.  Elvis quipped that he won because “I took advantage of a father who would do anything for his son- - when my own father disowns me and stabs me in the back”.   Yeah, payback is a bitch.  As to Jack Junior, he just never lets up.  He doesn’t give it a rest.  He has yet to say one civil word to either his mother or to Daniel.  But lingering in Jennifer’s mind are Daniel’s words of “Getting me out of the picture isn’t going to “fix” your son, in fact, it will make it worse”.  The other line haunting her is “Now your son will learn that he has the power to make you do anything he wants”.   There was a strange line of Jennifer spoken in exasperation of “Don’t you think I KNOW that I’m being manipulated by my son?”  So - - -. 

Randy Rhodes is highlighting the fact that this whole Sanford Florida trial is taking on a bizarre and farsical quality of an unreal nature.  You know Sanford Florida is not that small of a town, and strangely it isn’t that far from Orlando and Disney World.  But it’s like one of these Stephen King novels like Children of the Corn.  The whole town is like a Cult.  Everybody knows each other.  George Zimmerman has all these friends and friends of friends and their wives, and one calls him “Georgie” and another friend buys George expensive suits and stuff- - almost like a “kept” man in some kind of homosexual gigilo relation.  Don’t ask.  But now the defense is going crazy.  They are going to admit Trayvon’s history of pot smoking into evidence, which as Randy points out would only make him more docile- - and hungry for things like Skittles.  And you have all these people with strange accents testifying.  You have Orientals and Jamaicans and Latinos and Indians and Blacks.  Sanford Florida is quite the racial potpuree.  But strangely only white people got picked for the jury.  The prosecution is totally fighting with BOTH hands tied behind its back.  They can’t admit a voice expert.  It's my understanding that this has been accepted tehnology for decades, and they have an actual recording of Trayvon's voice.  They are not to even bring up the fact in closing that George Zimmerman wouldn’t take the oath and testify on his own behalf.  That would be “drawing an adverse inference”, which isn’t legal.  And the prosecution is not even allowed to state the obvious that Zimmerman was a racial profiler.  Zimmerman's mother stated in court “Actually I’ve never heard my son scream like that, but I still know it’s him”.   It was pointed out that "There is really no room at all to doubt the basic facts of this case, no matter the defense tactics.  I did not hear either of those two "neighborhood witness state that Trayvon was on top WHEN the shot was fired.  If either witness actually SAW the shooting- - did either of them report it right away and say "A black man was straddling a white man?"  They tried to admit testimony that "Trayvon was in pain for a couple of minutes after the fatal shot" but it was objected to and striken from the record.  Now you have to cross examine some “simulated animation”.  It’s like that Star Trek episode where they were reduced to “cross examining a Computer”, which they couldn’t do.  Sow why wasn't the Prosecution then allowed to put on its Own "animatronics computer simulation?"  As to that sick question addressed to Trayvon's mother of "You have to HOPE it's your son's voice you hear being tortured or whatever".  My response would have been 'I would have hoped to God it was NOT my son who was going through all that anguish, that I had to hear, but the sad fact of it is- - that is Is my son's voice."  So now you have some uneducated old white ladies- - who probably think if they see it on a Television show it must be the truth- - watching some Disney style electronometric computer animation.  Who is going to cross examine THAT?  It gets worse.  Like I tell you this town reminds me of that movie “The Letter” the old one with Bette Davis.  There are so many strange characters in that movie that creep me out.  This Oriental corinor- - - states over and over again that he has absolutely no memory of performing the autopsy on Trayvon- - and for some legal reason he’s not allowed to use the notes he compiled.   Of course the medical examiner testified that the end of the barrel of Zimmerman’s gun was some four feet away from Trayvon’s body.   We know Zimmerman’s father was a perhaps crooked Judge of magistrate- - who got two restraining orders lifted against Zimmerman.  One was for battery against an law enforcement Officer, and the other one was for wife beating.  By the way Zimmerman’s wife is legally barred from testifying in this case because she is guilty of purgery- - which dates all the way back to the big about the defense fund of nearly a million dollars.  Of course none of that testimony will be allowed in this trial.  And now we hear that Zimmerman was taking a judo martial arts class three times a week.  We are told “The first thing you are taught in that class if how to dislodge someone who is on top of you.  Particularly someone fifty pounds lighter than you. 

We have learned a little more about this strange religious book Author who did the Lucifer Diary.  His name of course is Lewis R Walton and most of the Waltons in England live in either Lankishire or Yorkshire.  He has written many books dating back to the eighties- - and most with all the familiar buzz titles.  There are indications that he’s a Seventh Day Adventist, which is one of the classic Terrible Five in cults.  The others are Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, and Unitarians.  There are gratuitus references to observing the Sabbath when he had no particular function in the story to do so.  He chose Satan as the mouthpiece in which to express his “peculiar” thoughts (and I use that word in the politest, generic sense)  He seems to be obsessed with the idea of Creation - - and when someone else pulls off a Creation in the Universe he’s jealous because it wasn’t him who got to do it.  This is strange.  He’s also obssed with the idea that angels are unable to reproduce.  This wasn’t even true then because angels before and even after the flood bred with ‘the daughters of men” to beget Giants.  Goliath was one of these giants.  And he’s not right Biblically about a lot of things.  His Christology is strange because he speaks of “Jesus and the Holy Spirit going off to do a new creation, and he’d leave me here at the Throne with the Father- - and I never knew what was going on until they came back and gave us all a report”.  It’s almost as though he’s some kind of Tri-Theist.  And he’s also wrong about the whole thing about “In the beginning God created the Heavens - - and then after countless Eons- - he created the Solar System”.    The Bible seems to indicate that Earth was created at about the same time (as Dylan states in a song) as he created Heaven.  But the Satan character stews in his juices with his doubts and “mathematical calculations” for eons and - - as you turn the pages skipping ahead you see that Lucifer is kind of the Brian Jones of the cosmic.  He thinks he’s in charge but he loses rank and status with each passing year.  In the end he seems to descend to the level of an errand boy as others beneath him pass him by and seem to know more than he does.   Even the bit about creating Earth isn’t accurate.  Because Biblical scholars state that there was a time when only alien beings lived on the Earth in “dwelling places” or cosmic cities, and Lucifer was a magnificent bejeweled creature who walked “upon the stones of fire” and that he had some kind of built in pipe organ in his body.  We move on to the fact that according to him - - Adam and Eve were in Paradise for about 440 days before the surpant even appeared, and in all that time Eve never got pregnant or bore a child.  But as George Burnes informs us- - they were basically a couple of horney teenagers “:sixteen years- - seventeen years old - - tops”.   But one might infer that Adam and Eve never even had sex until after they were expelled from the Garden.  So much for rapid “replemishing of the planet”.  We move on to Christ’s crucifixion.  You have two prominent Jewish officials who obey every jot and tiddle of the Torah - - and yet they violate a prime precept of the Law by failing to bury a dead body on the same day in which he died.   Also books like Jude and Peter state that the angels that rebelled- - were sent to a place called “Tarterus” or we know better as Hell, and that Jesus descended into Hell and “made proclamation to the departed spirits”.  You’d think this would be a substantial entry in Lucifer’s diary- - but he doesn’t bother to make an entry.  In our next scene we have the Roman guards, and there are apparently four of them and one of lamenting he could be at the sea shore right now on weekend leave with a cute broad sipping in a Pina Collata or something, were it not for this assignment.  One of the four says that Jesus healed the survent of a friend of his- - and the account made him wonder about things called Messiahs - - and another told tales of how in the last day a Roman Legond (that I never heard) said one day the Gods would come to earth.  We are then told that Satan is invisible and sees Gabriel move the stone and let Jesus out of the tomb, but rather than rebuke Satan for being his welcoming committee- - it’s almost as though Jesus doesn’t even see him there.  But of course the guards see all of this and along with the ground shaking and bodies with incandecent glowing they run in terror shouting to everyone who would listen that Jesus is risen.  They vow to tell Pilate because they fear Death less than they fear for their mortal souls.  But they are intercepted by Chiaphus who bids them to keep silent as to what they have seen, and pledges to pay them enough Silver to be set for life.  They take the money and depart.  But by the end of the day stories of the Resurrection are now all over town.  So Chaiphus played the fool.  The whole book is strange - - very strange.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Cosmic Debris Report No 787

I paid little attention to Leo Le Port and wad was in fact dozing off when it dawned on me the show had been preempted by this San Francisco plane crash from Asiania airlines from South Korea.  There were 291 passengers on board and it was a Boeing 777 aircraft, with a very safe reputation.  But in the early reports there had been reports of pre existing structural problems with the tail on the plane.  But what happened was that the wheels of the plane appear to have snagged on the sea retaining wall and come off so that the plane cart-wheeled around and caught fire.  The swift safety measures were in place and the passengers slid down the chutes so that more lives weren’t lost than onlookers who witnessed the thing initially feared.  Apparently the weather was calm- - and the only question is whether the pilot was trying to bring up the nose higher to compensate for a loss of fuel, like the engine had been sputtering or something.  They kept saying to say that television coverage was on ALL of the local TV stations, but they obviously meant- - up there.  The crash occurred at about 11:30 in the morning PDT and I guess over a hundred people were initially hospitalized- - and now some forty are in serious condition.  Only the two sixteen year old Korean girls have died so far.  There was never any question about it being a terrorist plot.  Meanwhile down here a plane made a forced landing on the San Diego freeway because it had been during to scoop down and hoist an advertizing banner that it was going to fly over the beach with.  It was not your typical day.

I went down for coffee in the courtyard and then and in this morning’s outing I noticed only three birds- - and was looking for the fourth - - one of the dark gray birds- - but somebody said one died a few days ago, perhaps because of the heat.  (?)  I got two cups from Laura this morning.  Yesterday I had the Chris Matthews show on computer a little earlier than usual but there was some George Zimmerman trial special.  Matthews has joined the chorus of those who say that the prosecution is blowing it- - and seemingly there is a new “blunder” committed by the prosecution every day.  They are preparing us for or “setting us up for” an adverse verdict so that we won’t be that shocked when it comes down.  It’s akin to the media telling us over and over the morning of 9 – 11 that the Twin Towers were in imminent danger of coming down, which they did.  There was a lot of live video of the crowd in Egypt at night with fireworks being shot off and green lasers in evidence.  I have the initials “I D N A” in my notes - - ?

This is Sunday July 7, 2013 and KLOS reminds us that it’s Ringo’s 73rd birthday.  It’s been forty years since the “Ringo” album has been recorded.  Actually Ringo was only 32 when that album was recorded.  I remember that because Eye Witness News around the first of April said that all four Beatles would be in Los Angeles to record an album.  Today is also Nicholas’ birthday and he is 25, which means the 25th anniversary of my moving into that apartment is just around the corner.  Today they had a telephone theme to the songs including “Don’t Hang Up”, by Ringo, which I had never heard before.  They said guess the guest female singer.  I guessed Kim Weston.  I was so far off the mark I wasn’t even in the same galaxy.  They played “She Said She Said” which is my favorite song for Ringo’s drumming.  There is all that interesting tambourine work on “Rubber Soul”.   They also played that “Ringo” song with the cat like falsetto voice that kind of reminds me of Cynthia Little, who always sounded like a whining cat.  That was a different mix of “Calling Me Back Again” and they played the Hard Rock version of “I’m Losing You” with two members of Cheap Trick playing- - which Lennon should have put out as a single.  Of course I got the “All You Need Is Love” clue, but my recollection is some Beatle stuff is a little different.  I remember the song being played on the radio a day or two before July 4th, which fit in nicely with the French National Anthem, who was an allay of ours during the American Revolution.  Ringo redid the drum roll snare introduction the next day.  I’d always thought perhaps they would conclude Beatles CD vol 2 with “All You Need is Love” so we could all see how the layering of the song evolved.  They didn’t have it at all.  I heard one of the Beatles say it’d have been best if the Beatles had broken up in the summer of 1967 just before Brian Epstein died.  They had Barry Livingston on at eleven and I turned it off.  First of all why anyone with a first name of Barry wouldn’t go to Court and have it legally changed- is beyond me.  Secondly- - My Three Sons was on a downward course ever since 1964 when they got rid of William Frawley and Tim Considine, who were the two coolest people on the show.  Otherwise I have a general distaste for these “rent a kid” comedy shows that bring on new people to prolong the series like “Olivia” on the Cosby Show.  Bill Cosby said “I’m sick of all these shows where the kids are smarter than the parents”.  Considering Cosby’s own constricted mental capacity that’s setting a pretty low bar for even a kid to try and limbo under.  And lets face it- - once a child’s age enters double digits- Bill Cosby doesn’t want to know you.  Now for the important news.  We had pizza for lunch and I got a second sliver of a piece from Hilda.  We had watermelon for desert and “spaghetti” soup and a green salad.   We are kind of officially in the dog days of summer, but so far that hasn’t slowed down my writing tempo.  The weather is temperate

Mc Laughlin was a rather non eventful affair in which I sided with the conservatives on all three issues.  They talked about mandentory DNA testing to see what other crimes a suspect may have committed, and I think that’s a pretty good idea as long as you have him there.  The brunette lady called DNA testing “invasive”.  Justice Bryer sided with the conservatives on that five to four ruling and Justice Scelia sided with the three women Justices on the liberal side.  They also discussed obesity being a certifiable disease, which I am opposed to on so many levels as is that conservative brunette lady.  It furthers the “nanny state” and creates just one more way for the government to police us.  Trying to get insurance coverage would be a nightmare with or without government help.  With Obama Care involvement - - all insurance rates- - would be jacked up to cover the acts of irresponsible people.  Personally I don’t want there to even a hint of suspicion that my insurance company regards me as a freeloader.  I agree with the Fat Lobby that this label stignotizes  yet another group in society besides, smokers, homophobes, and “People of Faith”.  The major story of the night however was the whole nuclear disarmlement thing where the President wants to cut a deal with Vladimir Putin to cut nuclear warheads from fifteen hundred to a thousand each.  But Putin, perhaps wisely, believes that it’s pointless for just we too to strike a deal when nearly a dozen nations in the world have Nukes now, who may not be as “restrained” as the big boys are.  (pardon the diminuitive)  Obama made this grand speech on Nukes while in Germany, and my guess this whole show was a rerun, or perhaps deliberately taped in advance for airing now.  My feeling is “The answer is obvious.  Now is not the time to further pursue my own peace drives but to defer to Putin who doesn’t see it as advisable at this time.”  Of course there was some grand test ban treaty ratified in 1996 by many nations but not approved by our own Senate and so the United States is only voluntarily complying with the program, which to me seems the wisest cource.  It’s one thing to do something because you freely choose to do it- - and quite another thing if you’re doing it with a gun pointed to your head.   Nora just said something about the other housekeeper not polishing or checking the toilet or whatever.  I guess we can expect some extended activity around here tomorrow.

I guess this Egyptian President Al Bercelli was supposed to put in an appearance on Meet the Press but he got larengitus at the last minute and his doctors advised rest and not for him to give interviews.  There was talk about the Army “backtracking on the appointment’ but I’m not sure if I heard that right.  It would be stupid for the Obama administration to cut off that 1.6 billion merely because the Military has assumed control of the country.  Because if I were the next military despot I’d figure “I’ll never be any richer in arms than I am right now so if I’m going to show my Force, now would be the time to do it”.  (Selah)  The Obama is obsessed – to a fault – of making sure the Moslem Brotherhood is properly represented in government.  This is despite the clear fact that Morisey wanted to abolish the Supreme Court and any other checks on his balance.  What the Military did was to slam down the lid on Egypt sliding into a Sheria Law republic, which the Egyptian people, whatever else you think about them, clearly don’t want.  Also discussed was the delay of the mandate of business Employers in granting health care for employees.  They are putting it off till 2015 so it will not be an issue in next years congressional elections.  However the Republicans have announced they will not be placated in this matter.  In fact the Republicans don’t want to “fix” what could be improved in the Affordable Care Act, because they have too much political state in its complete failure.  In this way the Affordable Care Act differs from Social Security of Medicare where various “fixes” were put into place by congress.  As to the immigration bill - - clearly it’s a good bill and would accomplish a lot of things that people have want done for a long time.  The Republican house is by all “normal” measurement – in an untenable position.  And I would not place any hope that John Boehner would give the green light to any bill being voted on and sent to conference.  So that’s the state of the world on this July 7th.
We have the matter of that silly book- - the would-be diary of Lucifer.  I remember when I bought the books “666” and “1000” in the mid fall of 1975 and I was troubled by this style of writing even then.  The style seemed a little despotic as well as petty.  In some cases the hypocracy of the thing is so glairing you need sun glasses.  For instance Satan praises Jesus for his humility and not being like the educated men of his day, who graduated from the University of Alexandria and walked around with their robes and their degrees and engaging in lofty discussions.  A number of questions come to mind.  Is the author saying education IS a good idea or is NOT a good idea?  Does Satan hate educated people- - or just the author of the book hates smart people?  Of course - - most of the worst holy rollers are graduates of places like Biola College and Fuller or Dallas seminaries.  And they DO speak in lofty theological terms as they wag their bony fingers at the rest of us.  Of course Alexandria is a buzz word because not to long into the Christian era their library burned to the ground.  Also Alexandria is where they taught such subversive ideas in the early Christian era of- - - the theory the earth was really round.  Also Walter Martin stated that the “Kodex Alexandrinicus is not reliable”.   What is really strange is that the author on the back cover is bragged about as being an award winning newscaster, and a Naval Officer, and the holder of any number of theological degrees with a doctorate at Oxford University and all.  And yet between us two- - I’m the guy who comes off as the guy with the brains.  Here’s something else for you to consider.  These people say that “acquiring knowledge’ is somehow a - - dangerous thing, and yet they prize Wisdom.  Yet- - more than such people despise me for my knowledge- - they despise me MORE for my wisdom.  I can tell you what Satan’s greatest victory of all time was if you’d like.  Dig this.  People should not resent the good fortunes of others who are more righteous than they are.  And yet when Satan - - with no right to be there to begin with- - asks the council of heaven “Well Job is just like me because he does things and gets rewarded for them” - - to go and then “initially- - the council was speechless overcome by the strength of Satan’s argument”.  BULL SHIT  And here is another little gem - - Satan’s victory is not in whether he gets Job to ‘curse God” but it’s in getting God to violate his own Word and basically everything he stands for.   People don’t screw friends over.  When good people are rewarded it is a good thing and not a bad thing.  Conversely when good people get screwed over- - it is a bad thing.  Friends don’t screw other friends over.  Also there is a major academic lacking- - reading out of those Rick Perry science books from Texas again.  When you say stuff like the high mountain ranges were created during the Great Flood of 2400 BC, you are in fringe territory.  And it’s strange that he’d put in Satan’s mouth words such as “The earth is no longer entirely green and lush with rolling hills but now giant granite slabs jut out of nowhere and a lot of this world has turned jagged and desolate”.   I thought Satan might really like it that way because it would remind him of home- - because Satan lives in Hell, doesn’t he?

SEXAPHOBIA or fear of the number Six stems straight from Valintinianism- - hence the book of Revelation has Valintinian gnostic roots.  The theory is this letter Wikkipedia calls a Diagmma, and used to represent the W sound - - which disappeared, apparently till the English brought it back.  Certainly in Germanic use the W is absent hence changing the W to a V in Jehovah.  So the Valintinians didn't count the Diagmma as a real letter used in their mystic "Word and number" calculations.  We in our ingenuity have come up with a few other factoids.  ISH of course is the Hebrew word for man and in English it numerologically comes out to be a 36 or that Valintinian progression with the dreaded 6 in it.  So what do you have to take OUT of 36 to get to the desired thirty.  Interesting you should ask that.  What are the initials for Born Again Christian?  That would be B A C, wouldn't it?  Which adds up to Six.  Take the Born Again factor OUT and you take the Diagmma or the dreaded six factor OUT of the calculation, for 30 as explained below.  In a non related numerological factoid- - there is Another kind of duo-decahedren or 12 sided three D shape that is associated with the five, which would be a Five Pointed Star in 3D, as described below with the cross.  That is you have all Five pairs of inside corners with the 72 degree angle factor- - and you have the two outward faces front and back.  Capish?   Of course the Chinese calendar in the grand scheme of thing is based on factors of five and twelve making sixty year cycles.  On a still other note- - that plane crash was most likely a Crestorian curse- - the Federation people tell me, the same people who brought you the Northridge earthquake here in Los Angeles.  And now dig the following.
I wonder if the author had any affinity for the number Thirty.  This is a key number on Valentinian Gnosticism.  It's adding together of every number from one to eight - - not counting the six, which is counted as a Satanic number.  We told you that if you had a three D cross- - that is-  cross bars going off in all three dimensions- - and thought of it as being made up of blocks of 3 D lumber - - then if you went and counted up the faces of the thing it would come to Thirty.  This would be 24 "inside cofners" counted off in corner sets of two each - - and then you'd have the ends of all the projectile planks.  We told you that Dante patterned El Paradiso after Ptolomy astronomy- - and we know the author's distaste for astronomical studies - - but you would have the moon, mercury, venus, the Sun, and Mars- - as the initial five or the "billiard ball set" of interior planets making 15 if you were scoring them.  But the sixth planet in this scheme would be that asteroid Icrius, which blew up.  Thus "realm six' of heaven- - would be abandomed, perhaps as the former home of Satan.  Then you would have Jupider and Saturn- - who would be one roster number higher in this scheme making a seven and an eight- - or an additional 15 to add to your first 15 of the interior planets.  But alas in all this I know I am expecting way beyond the mental capacity of the book Author.   It dawned on me that with all this talk about how "Words are things" in the theology of many pastors- - the Valentinians were into - - Logy.  Not Sociology or Psychology or Anthropology- - but Logy in the abstract, or the study of words themselves.  There is the Mal Evans school of mystic patterns in Words and letters.  By such a means "all the mysteries of the Universe can be discovered' according to the Valentinians.  The Valentinians believe there are four Heavenly attributes and for attributes "Here Below' to to speak.   In the 3 D cross- - - we think a little deeper than that.  Yes there is this notion of Life or the Awareness realm verses the "Material" realm - - George Harrison talks about.   But there are two OTHER sets of interplays in such a cross with not four but Six points.  There is for instance the Lateral Time- - - verses Cause - Effect Chain Time- - we are more fermiliar with.  I would note that the Awareness Realm is the realm of- - basically the CAUSE- - side of the equation - - remember one of the basic newtonian laws is that every Cause has an Effect, or stated more commonly Every Action has a Reaction.  Thus Cause and Effect like Debit and Credit must balance each other.  Like an equals sign or a balance ledger.  Therefore the other two "Crosses" are the Material Real verses Lateral Time- - - and the Awareness Realm verses Lateral Time.  Thus the Lateral Time is that Third Dimension in our model that merits the Six pointed cross as opposed to the usual Four.