Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Reaping The Whirlwind

Somewhere in the Bible there is a scripture that goes "He who sows the wind shall reap the whirl-wind".  This passage is worth medetating on.  People wonder whether there will be rioting if there is an adverse verdict to the Trayvon Martin case.  Of course people say “A riot is the wrong course of action.  We need to show we are better than the other side by never reacting adversely in any manner no matter how much provoked”.  I have a one sentence response.  Tell that to the Israelis.   See what that nation thinks of this “passivity argument”.  If you just roll over and submit the enemy will be just So impressed with you- - they’ll be overcome with your ‘moral high road’ and throw down their arms and surrender”.   Life just doesn’t happen that way and only I fool would propose that it does.  Every time you hear someone being strident in pleading the dead Trayvon’s case, there is always that “but - - “.  Well the media bias in this case is beyond pathetic.  It’s like of like these ice cream trucks complaining they don’t have the “right” any more to play their music at five times the volume going through neighborhoods that they used to such as they distort the sound and don’t stop the music even when the truck is stopped.  It’s like Dianna Troy being tormented with “the music” on that Star Trek show.  It’s like a radio station with a transmitter so powerful and close the one station shows up all over the dial.  Just as with the tea party philosophy - - it’s all over the entire spectrum from Chris Matthews to Glen Beck- - it makes no difference.  Hasn’t it ever occurred to anybody that we never hear the cross examination results of these many “Defense witnesses”.  Why shouldn’t the headline rather be “Defense witnesses contribute absolutely Nothing as far as shedding new light on the case or detracting in any way from the State’s basic case.  So Georgie gets all his friends to say it was his voice on the 911 tape.  If the State had put all of Trayvon’s black friends up on the stand you know they’d say that was “just opinions and contributes no substance to the case’ and be disallowed.   They never cover the cross examination of Defense witnesses but ALL they do is to highlight the cross-examination of the State’s witnesses.  And you ask me if people are going to Riot.  During one Civil War documentary on KCET there was one line about how John Brown’s death will bring about a major reaction that will throw this whole country into racial strife, which was just before the Civil War broke out.  It’s a good thing Barock Obama was not President then because he would listen to CNN or people like that and conclude “The people really don’t war and it’s uncertain how War would play in the presidential polls right now, so I better not do it.  If the South wants to take Ft Sumpter I see no major problem in compromising our national security with the taking of one fort”.   And were the President, like with Syria to dare draw any “line in the sand” then the bully would just erase that line and push the President back in retreat of his previous statement- - - and when the President was a safe retreat distance away he’d say “OK, I dare you to cross This line!”  Capish?  Black people are not stupid and they all understand this case one hell of a lot better than White people seem to.  I don’t know when the karma of Whitey is going to turn, but turn it will.  I harken back to yet another Star Trek episode where Captain Kirk discovered that his oppressors “could not psychically read through pure Rage”.  Funny thing about Rage- - - to go to the Apocralipse now movie  “Sometimes in moments of pure Rage it instantly becomes crystal clear what you need to do”.   I think Blacks would be stupid to burn down their OWN neighborhoods.  That line of thought never did make any sense to me.  But I don’t see why you can’t take the battle right to the opressor’s door.  Remember that most of the Civil War was fought on southern soil- - and not in the North because President Lincoln, I bet you, knew the value of “Taking the War to the Enemy”.

You know it's funny that for any oppinion or precept you have, you can most likely find a whole story about that thing in the Bible to butress your position.  Take the story of King David's affair with Bathsheba.  God in response to David declared that "Strife and the Sword will not depart from your Household all the Days of your Life".   (Selah)

I know these liberal talk show hosts who claim to believe there will NOT be racial rioting with an adverse verdict- - they are only saying what they are saying because they'd lose their jobs if they said what they really thought.  Fine then.  Just keep believing what you say you believe- - -  and the rest of us will keep quiet, until - - - 

Randy Rhodes had an insight about the differences between Conservatives and Liberals that I never realized before.  She said that Liberals tend to "joke Up" whereas Conservatives joke Down".   So you have Jews in nightclubs making jocularity about the Nazis who run the country.  Or you have people openly making mockery of Christianity in Hollywood movies, to which the "Asshole from El Paso" takes strong exception.  Yet the favorite habit of the tea party right is to oppress the Poor and joke about them, and joke about minorities the way Bill Handel and Rush Limbaugh do.  This "kicking a group when they are down" definitely shows something about an individual or a group's character.  I feel people have kicked Me when I was down.  People don't get why fellow Blacks using the word "nigger" on each other is substantially different from the White culture doing it.  Although in examples in my own case often my oppressors will "play dumb" and claim to have no idea what they are doing.  In like manner- - many of the politicians like Mitt Romney or Rush Limbaugh - - just to name two - - will engage in an orgy of gay bashing when it's obvious that neither is against a gay lifestyle personally - - but there is political mileage to feed the bigotry and prejudices of others.   it's interesting that no matter how powerful the Tea Party has gotten - - that it is STILL fashionable to bash Christianity.  I have mused about this, but it dawned on me that these people on the right may be extremist but in most cases are not completely Insane- - off the rails.  A few of them are.  Do you know how you can tell a brave Christian - - one with a little guts- - from the complete cowards most of these people are?  I know the secret and I will now impart it.  Most of the people who "spell it out" in terms of JUST what Christians really believe, complete with all that supernatural Hocus Pocus- - are people we would call "certifiable' or scitzophrenic or unbalanced or what have you.  Because Christianity is so inherently INSANE you have to be at least as nuts as IT is in order to chronicle their specific beliefs with a straight face.  Here again people like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney will be advertized as ideal Christian specimines, though neither of them are.  But once again there is political capital to be made by saying you ARE a "right on" Christian even if you in your personal life and conduct and beliefs are the farthest thing from it.   In the same way these Tea Party people will lament the plight of students and their loan debt, or old people and the lack of interest rates on their savings accounts.  But these people don't care about either Students or Old people.  But it makes them "look good".  It makes them look like at least quazi humanitarians and empathetic to other people's trials.  In terms of comparing yourselves to others- - most people with character tend to "compare up".  They compare what they are NOW to what they Could be- - and if they fall short in meeting life's challenges- - they will resolve to do better next time.  But for a tea bagger like Dr. Levy- - well, Dr Levy came right out and SAID IT.  He says one of my major problems is that I compare UP, when I ought rather to compare Down, and "You'll be amazed how you see everything differently".  I bet!  Yet this "comparing down" is one trait the People in Power rely on to keep those who are less fortunate than they are- - in line and keep them voting for them, like in America's Heartland or in the South.  They will get them to think, "Well as least I'm an American who was actually born here.  At least I have good solid Northern European parentage.  At least I'm not gay.  At least I'm not homeless or jobless.  At least I'm not like all of these niggers around here.  It's interesting that in former times liberals took the offensive- - and people suing in the Supreme Court "reached for the brass ring".   So you had Thergred Marshell suing for the abolition of the "separate but equal" doctrine.  And you have Madalane Murry O Hare- - a woman whom most say "Didn't have a Prayer" not to over-use a pun, winning in her quest to get prayer out of schools.  You have the Grizwald decision to lay the groundwork to establish "the rights of concenting adults to do whatever they want sexually, without Big Brother piering through the window and taking notes.  But somewhere around 1978 the left began to lose faith.  The first thing was the de-regulation of the Airlines.  And then "just to play it safe" President Carter announced he was going to increase the defense budget".  Then Ronald Reagan told an entirely made up story about interviewing two unemployed Black youths in the ghetto and both said "The reason why we can't get jobs is because President Carter has raised the minimum wage rate so high".  Then you have the release of the hostages in Iran just minutes before President Reagan was sworn in.  And so it goes on and on through the eighties, nineties, and the ought decade.  And still the pendulum swings onward and inexerably to the right.  People say "This cant go on forever" but so far nothing has been able to stop the right wing Media Juggernaut.  And I think it's at the point where it will be physically Impossible to undo or even slow down the damage done by the right wing- - short of some violent revolution.  I see no other way.

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