Friday, November 06, 2009

National Unemployment Goes Double Digit

The new jobless figures are out and unemployment stands now at 10.2% of the population, so it can be said the darkest forecasts have come to pass. This is despite happy talk a few days ago about unemployment claims being down. Perhaps people's unemployment has run out and they've given up trying to get more. In this case Obama's actions should be heartening in that he extended the 26 week limit on unemployment compensation. The stock market has not done what I thought it would be doing now, when I made my "buy" recomendation a few weeks ago. But I'm still giving the same advice, which is to buy on the dips and be thankful the market is not at twelve thousand by now. As I have said, if 1982 is any model, this economy won't even begin to get out of the slump it's in untill the Dow Jones Industrials are making new all-time highs, and that leaves a ceiling of over four hundred points to shoot for by way of financial gains. Those in Gold futures should stay right where they are because, as the announcer says "The future of the dollar is very uncertain" and it's always nice to have a little insurance. Every investor should have a little something put away in gold futures, just in case the worst happens. But what this means is that we need to encourage economic reform legeslation, like Senator Bernie Sanders proposed today of reorganizing and breaking up the major banks. We must remember that the government is really the people. The constitution preamble, after all, begins with the words "We the People". When charges are filed against a criminal in superior court, it isn't "Orange County verses Rodreguez" or whoever but "The People verses Rodreguez". It is the people who are the litigents in both cases against individual felons, and also against giant corporations when they violate public interest. Given this awareness that it's We the People who are acting- - what Ronald Reagan says about those nine most dreaded words is nonsensical. He says you should most fear the words "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". Now I will agree with the axion of "A government with the power to grant you everything you need also had the power to take from you everything you have". But - as a moralist, a liberal moralist, my belief is that we need to restore capitalism's work ethic and that people who MAKE something and work all day with their hands, ought not to pay more income tax than those who don't, who sit by the swimming pool waiting for the dividend check to roll in. The idea of self sufficiency is a value that I charish and that we should charish both individually, and as a nation, as far as our productivity is concerned. Pat Buchannon "gets it". Ross Perot "gets it". Thom Hartman "gets it". But the Bushys and the Clintonites don't get it. What they envision as some economic eutopia is not my America. And it isn't a vision of America that you should defend or fight for.

We've all heard about the Ft. Hood shootings where thirteen people were killed and thirty others were wounded. The shooter was a Moslem who shouted out "God is great" when he did the act. He was a psychiatrist and underscores the truth that psychiatrists have among the highest suicide rates of any profession. This guy was unhappy and got bad job reviews, but somehow he was promoted to Major last May. The warning signs were there but they were ignored. As you know Eric Harris of Columbine shooting fame, was taking Zoloft, and the drug was in his system when he died. I've heard about the danger of seretonin uptake inhibitors for twenty years, that these drugs caused either uncharacteristic violence, or suicide. People should think twice about the semi divine aura we ascribe to the psycho-therapy profession. Many doctors, like the late Sydney J Adler, believe pills are the solution to everything and that it all stems from a "chemical imballance in the brain". You probably have read enough of my writings to know I don't believe this on the whole, but that the human Soul is far more complex.

This is kind of my "neener - neener!" paragraph. Fred Price's wife developed cancer of the hip or something and for a period of time Fred Price was regularly chiding his congragations in his sermons "I know you you people don't go to the doctor. It isn't because you have faith Jesus will heal you, you're just afraid to go to the doctor for fear of what he might tell you". Well, he might tell you that you have cancer. But do you really? New research has suggested that Cancer is not quite what we predicted, ie. that it is progressive and irreversable. Instead the presence of cancer cells indicates the state of health in the body, much as it does in the economy, and that a healthy body knows how to repulse cancer cells and destroy them. In this country our early cancer diagnosis rate has never been better. Yet our mortality rates from cancer are not going down. There seems to be an epidemic of over-diagnosis and over-treatment, not to mention over-worrying. Fred Price forgot to add worry into this equation. Before Halloween of 1997 it was a long, long, time that I had gone without seeing a doctor of any kind, save for dentists and eye doctors. Going so long a period without seeing a doctor didn't kill me, did it? I'm still here. I do believe in sending a little supplication prayer up to God now and then to let Him know that I'm here and thinking about Him.

We are going to meditate on the truth about "Circles". Last time I told you about the births and deaths of universes. And have you noticed that Universes are spherical. I'm not sure all of them are but let's go with the egg shell view for now. Circles are posessive things. They see themselves as complete. They are willing to bend time and space to their will to make themselves seem infinite. Given leave, a circle will go on forever. The limited has become limitless for the time being, and the time being is never ending and circular. This would seem to imply that time itself is circular and repeats itself, as the Hindus claim. Atoms are circular. You penetrate their spherical shells go go for the golden nuggets within, and the atom reacts violently and starts a chain reaction of all its buddies. Universes are formed when a circle of time and space is drawn around itself. The Universe has no need for anything outside itself, and neither has it any place for it. And yet expansion that is inevitable in itself, eventually results in the death of the universe, as it eventually lacks enough cohesive ether binding force to hold itself together. As such a Universe is born of great violence and dies of great violence. (Selah)

And now I'd like to get into the real of Eight Golden Truths. Just by way of review, can you people tell me - - pay attention, class- - can you tell me what three dimensional geometric figure that's symmetrical- - - has eight sides? I'll give you a little hint. All of the faces are triangular, yet when you cut the figure in half in any direction, what you have is perfect square surfaces. And here is the kicker - - all of the cardinal points touch the surface of a perfect sphere. What I'm going to do is give you these eight truths now, and develop them, either in the next posting of this blog, or we may jump to "Skeletons from the Closet" and you'll have to read it there. I haven't decided yet. These truths are kind of a Roreshock test in that, like Dylan lyrics, your mind might interperet the sayings differently, than I will subsequently develop them.

Experiance is the mortal enemy of "Pure religion". Reality is the mortal enemy of dogmatic false belief that prides itself on not needing anything to justify itself. Anything that needs nothing real to justify itself, has no real "right to exist". I welcome experiance - and if it is an experiance with God - this is for the better. Behold, even a Bad "something" is better than a perfect "Nothing". A Christian who needs nothing to justify his existance most likely HAS nothing to justify his existance. Reality is the mortal enemy of the unreal, and Christian theology is unreal. Some say that they have had a bad experiance with God. But people learn from experiance. Would you have fate take back the experiance from having ever happened, only to have the individual go on in perfect bliss ignorance, till the time comes when he has to have the experiance Again? (Selah)

Circles are posessive things; violate them at your Peril

Sometimes, things are exactly as they appear to Be - even First Impressions

When all else fails, look at the computer program text

You have a billion here and a billion there and pretty soon, you're talking about Real Money!

In the long run scheme of things - Adam Smith must be satisfied

An entity too big to fail is too big to exist. This also holds for true for Religion, as well as Corporations.

A God with the power to give you everything you need, has the power to take from you everything you have.

Experience is the enemy of Ignorance, Superstition, and even Bigotry

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Election Results Are A Mixed Bag

I did not watch any conservative broadcasts today. I imagine there was great jubilation at the victories of the Republicans in both the Virginia and New Jersey contests. I guess you could say "See I told you so", since so often my blogs are "ahead of the learning curve" to use yet another Rush-ism. But in upstate New York, the Republican being driven out of the race by the Right Wing ended up ill serving their cause because a Democrat was elected in that New York House district for the first time since Whigs held that office. In Maine they voted to legalize medical marijuana but they did a thumbs down on gay marriage. Someone today said that in the 31 referendums where gay marriage was put up for a popular vote nation wide, the homosexual lobby has lost in all 31 of them. That should send a message to us all if true. Meanwhile in New York Mayor Bloomberg narrowly won a contest where he was expected to win by a landslide considering he out-spent his opponent ten to one, or perhaps more than that. One can draw no overriding trend in yesterday's elections. Being an off year election there was an understandibly lower voter turn-out everywhere as liberals refused to vote, in the case of Virginia not finding much in common with even the democratic candidate.

Thom Hartman has leveled a novel new charge against the biggest corporations. He claims that giant corporations actually SEEK OUT government regulations because they will easily be able to afford all the attorneys they'll have to hire to deal with them, but smaller companies will be driven out of business. It would seem that we have a government of, and by, and for big business. Corporations are granted rights of Freedom of Speech for example, in areas where a government would not even grant them to human beings, such as the right of FOX broadcasting to put out deliberate lies over the air. One person was fired because of this because they were doing a piece on genetic food engeneering, and the network told them to lie outright. When put to a trial by a Jury of his piers, the plaintiff was victorius, but FOX news appealed the case and the appeals court overturned the jury decision. Many say that health care is an inherent right of every American. I did not used to believe this at all and when the Clintons came out with their Health Care program in 1993 I was solidly against it. But one can say that since them I have been "educated". We liberals believe that education is the solution to a whole host of problems. We spend fifty percent more for health care than any other first world country, and we get much less for it. Corporations, as we are reminded, are creatures of the state and created with the express concent of the State. As such they really "owe" something to the State in terms of conforming to the norms of society. And today the Health Care companies don't pass the comon decency and fairness tests. Many I imagine would regard the activity of health insurance companies in this country as nothing short of criminal. I'm thinking of that term "zeitguist" or "spirit of the times". Martin Luther King said that nothing is more powerful than an Idea whose time has Come. I believe health care's time has arrived. Many believe we should not have to wait till 2013 for all these public options to kick in. Conservatives still are laboring under the delusion that the Republicans are going to win big next year, 2010. I see no reason that if the economy continues to gain ground, that the democrats can't be the ones to pick up house and senate seats, shades of 1934 in Roosevelt's second year in office. I don't believe that the average Independant voter out there has really thought out his political positions. He needs to be educated on the relivant issues. The tea baggers are spent. The old saying isn't true - the one about tea bags getting stronger after being emersed in hot water. Show me a tea bag that's been used and I'll show you one that makes a weaker cup of tea. Think about it.

The Christian Right is convinced that President Obama wants to wreck this economy by causing hyper-inflation like the Weimar Republic and after a state of chaos insues, then a Dictator will step forward that will begin buying up, not gold, but land. According to Glen Beck it's all about buying up the land of private investors and polluters such as coal companies. They say that the carbon tax will only both add to this inflation and hasten the destruction of the economy and all private business in this country. Of course many of the same "talking points" are repeated again and again over the internet. You will hear of death pannels and how Obama really wants nation-wide subsedized abortions on an ever widening scale. Some of the more grandiose people will even claim that the government on the lines of Nazi Germany will institute a Eugenics program to abort, blacks, kill the infirm, and sterilize the genetically defective. Some even envision that stem cell research will lead to an all new cloned Super-race. How do you go about dismanteling this string of frightful and hysterical beliefs? I don't know if some Christians will ever listen to the Truth. Their own self-generated thought-viruses are too strong. Of course many watching the movie "V" will assume that these liberals aren't even quite human but might be space aliens in desguise with lizzard skin and a human veneer. I'm as patriotic as the next guy and if I thought that any of this was true I'd be the first to enlist in the Right's cause.

Burt Lombard alias Mick Ronson had this view of the Christmas tree ornament view of the Universe. In another illustration Burt said that the Universe was like an air bubble floating in a bottle of Prell shampoo and that "out beyond" is the Sea of Green. I would like to tie in a few things together at this time, only the secret behind the births and deaths of Universes, generalized plural. Let me go back to something else you people may be wondering about, though, about "The Decider" of what is the Soul and can it be measured. Some may say "Did you know that they now have demonstrated that the brain physically changes once it has made a Decision and Intends to do a specific act, be it go see a prostitute or whatever." The brain responds to visual impulses before the Decision is made, and the brain also responds AFTER the decision is made so that we onlookers can "detect the new intent" in views of the brain. But still there is that THING that MAKES the decision. We've never managed to isolate that, and that is what I am talking about. A computer will "Do whatever it's told to do". But you can't use that kind of flow-chart model for a human being, or a higher animal. Some of you others wonder about this notion of "time going flat" as if Time itself could vary in thickness of depth, like a snow bank being much higher in some areas than in others. Well, think of the camera and optical term of "Depth of focus" only think of it in reverse. That is, with a telephoto lenz there is a small "depth of focus". But let's reverse that and call this DEEP time. Whereas with a concave lenz what we would have is what I would call shallow focus in that you see everything clearly at once. You see the near and you see the far. Those in the telescope realm are what you would call living in DEEP time. They can only relate to people in the same "time zone" much as a telescope or telephoto lenz can only focus on areas at one time that are the same distance, with a small tollerance. Having said all that let me confuse you a bit more by saying that ANY hyper-light existance may preclude ANY mass or gravity as we know it. Remember that where relativity is concerned, Gravity is time, or we might say the Depth of Time. Hence ANY hyper-light travel may preclude ANY resemblance to our time and space. As Astronomy Cafe reminds us, to outrun light is to outrun gravity, where there is no time-gravity coerrifient, thre is no time. OK now let us get back to the birth of Universes. I am allured by the idea that the creation of a Black Hole is the creation of a new Universe - with its own dimensions. But now - how does matter in this new Universe arrange itself? As a clump denser in the center? Think of the Igloos the Escamoes build. They are as it were shells of fitted ice chunks. They are held together by a "dynamic tension" of gravity pushing the blocks together and the friction of the blocks, which equalizes this pressure. Chuck Smith speaks of a universal "repulsive force" because of the structure of the atom where "an atom shouldn't stay together". This "repulsive force" would tend to repel matter away from the Center. But as in the case of the rings of the outer planets, gravitational attraction tends to generate perfectly concentric, circular rings. Is a picture emerging. You have such as you would have in a thin shell like a Christmas tree ornament. Now some may ask "Well, if space is in a Circle or sphere, cant you make a Decision just to go in the outward direction and escape the shell". The answer is "No" because Einstein says that if light can't escape a black hole or a Universe, then YOU cant escape it. Time and distance will play tricks with you and you will be no closser to your goal than you started. As I have said, it's possible that wherever you are, you think you're at the Center because there is always "more space out there" however warped and curved. But this theory has a kicker. Suppose you should migrate to the center of this "shell". What then? This is what you would call the Eye of the Universe which would opperate as a de-facto worm hole in that travel in real space-time would be greately accelerated. The Orion Federation has spoken of terriestrial (our universe as we know it) and telestial- - or hyper light speed. But the Federation has also stated that there is a "celestial" existance. Could this third state be where you escape the shell entirely? Also there would be a way by which you could prove circularity, and that is if you passed the same object over and over again, as in a Star Trek episode like "Null Space"

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Living in a World of Minutia Obsession

This is Tuesday November 3, 2009 and this morning what happens when I don’t smoke for extended periods becomes evident. I become a little O C D, that is, I obsess and worry about aimless things either possibly missing items or things I have left undone. I shouldn't be bothered about that missing crucifix that Gary gave me the summer before last, after all, I'm not Catholic. This morning it was tough sledding to get cigarettes. Tuesday mornings are the worst time to borrow because everybody is out. After being turned down by numerous people finally John let me have a few puffs on his cigarette that he got from Janet. It was a good brand with a high nicotine content. The TV was working good this morning with KTTV on. I went out again and Nancy let me have about ¾ of a cigarette she was smoking, that I paid my last seventeen cents for.

In the news people are obsessing over these three elections they are having today. It looks as if the democrats will lose all three of them, and if they do I say it’s irrelevant. There is one in way upstate New York where the Republican running dropped out of the race, Afghanistan style, in favor of the whacko Conservative candidate, who will win now. The Republican endorsed the democrat. Then there are the governorships of Virginia and New Jersey, which both appear likely to fall into Republican hands. This in the big scheme of things means little. Of course you know I wish the Obama administration didn’t arm people like Glen Beck with so much amo such as - -essentially doing what Republicans do best. They appeal to “The Big Picture”. They are always talking about five year plans and fifteen year plans. A democratic candidate might ask a man or woman on the street the price of a bagel and coffee and gauge the economy that way. Democrats are more micro, and “people oriented”. People like Larry Summers and Timothy Geitner are more given to grandiose abstractions. But in LA county the next unemployment statistics will be higher, as more corporations plan to drop employees. And that’s what people really care about.

For the fourth day in a row we had that lousy brand of oatmeal. Our remedy for having pancakes seldomly, which was our policy before last week, now that situation has been remedied. We no longer have pancakes at all. We had a fried egg and toast with grape jelly already on it, and we did have sausage. It’s always good to get more meat in our diets. Marsha gave me a cigarette to smoke after breakfast.

Hamid Karzai is the defacto winner of the Afghanistan run off election because the other guy withdrew from the November 7th election. You wonder whether the CIA used muscle power to intimidate him out of going through with the campaign. I guess you better not say you want something unless you mean it. Because now President Obama has comitted himself to making a decision now on those 40,000 troops. . Randy Rhodes thinks the heroin trade in Afghanistan is affecting our military policy, and she reviewed the facts of Iran Contra. What we need is the moral purity party. Where only candidates who aren't compromised by shady business or financial deals are allowed to run. Perhaps I should join the green party. Last week Hillary criticized the Pakistani leaders for knowing where Al Qaeda people were hiding out, and refusing to tell us. Pat Buchannon threw one of his curve balls from the left saying that we should always take foreign leaders at their word and not state the obvious.

Arab leaders want all Israeli construction on the West Bank stopped before negotiations begin. And I agree with them since they are illegal under any standard. I watched videos on this last night. Also Israel has been evicting Palestinians from their homes on the West Bank, and this isn’t too kosher, if you know what I mean. If President Obama is really the raving Palestinian sympathizer that the Christian Right claims he is - - then - well let's just say Israel would already have had a peace treaty crammed down their throat whether they liked it or not. The United States has the power to make the Israeli nation eat dirt. It's all a question of which we value more, Mideast peace and justice for all, or saving Israel's pride. This whole functional apartite situation with native Palistinians just is not just or fair.

The Orion Federation takes exception to my remarks about the Muhajadeeb last week, or the freedom-fighters of Afghanistan. The fact is that patriots of any country will rise up and defend their homeland be it the USSR or the United States that is invading. The Federation still believes the nation we have to worry about is Iran. The problems we are having with Afghanistan and Pakistan will prove inconsequencial in the long view of things. But with Iran we have a virelent threat that people like Pat Buchannon can't see because his motto is "I never met an anti-semite that I didn't like". Russia may ally itself with Iran in the coming years.

I watched the video of Glen Beck I was going to do a blog on today. Glen does these extended twenty minute comentaries on FOX using the blackboard and other visual aids. Except that Glen is regarded as so nutty that I didn’t want to keep bad company. Glen has the theory that the money supply went up 120% in the past year and back when the money rate was hiked only 13% they had to jack the interest rate to twenty percent to counteract that. So this time they’ll have to jack the interest rates up close to two hundred or triple percent. This would be intolerable. Glen says that the “power” has not yet been applied to the money flow and we’re all just “waiting for that to happen”, which Glen says is certain. My own theory is that the banks and brokerage firms operate as a giant vacuum cleaner more greedy than a black hole, and for this reason we will never have inflation now because as a requisite money has not only to be in circulation, but we pretty much need a full employment economy that can’t take up any slack. 1980 and 1981 were a different case, and things aren’t at all like that now. We don’t have cost, push, or demand, pull, or any other kind of inflation. We don’t have any inflation at all, basically.

Sixty Minutes had a thing on the H1 N1 virus and growing all those chicken eggs to culture the virus, and dress it up in a tux. They say they will kill the virus before use in a vaccine. That Baree syndron people got in 1976 from a Swine Flu vaccine won’t happen again. Basically the H1 N1 vaccine is as safe as any other vaccine you take today. After this was a segment on the Yakasoo or that Japanese mafia organization where people are tattooed all over and have portions of fingers missing as punishments for “making mistakes”. One thing about this evening- - I was very alert the whole evening, if not anxious. My first borrowing of a cigarette was from Joe Drisco about a quarter after six. I did not attempt to have another cigarette the rest of the evening.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nancy Palosi Rolls Out House Health Bill

Nancy Palosi made a big speech about introduction of a House health bill today that has gotten almost now news play. Talk shows may lead with her speech but in the end we know almost nothing about this House bill except that it’s over one thousand pages long. I’ll look for a summary of it. It contains an unqualified public option and also increases “Medic-aid”. It would cost 900 Billion dollars. But they say it is really revenue positive in that its effect in the long run will be to cut the deficit from what it would otherwise be. I don’t understand that. Hillary’s speech in Pakistan got more air play. We could spend a lot less money if we just help the people rather than bomb them. It’s really hard to bomb an impoverished people into submission. The house health bill was called forward and progressive. Lieberman campaigned on universal health care in the 2006 re-election campaign to bag liberal Democratic votes. But his wife, Hedassa has a membership in all sorts of lobbying groups. Lieberman and Mc Cain seem to be in a heated contests for biggest two-faced phony of all time.

The US economy is out of recession with better than three percent growth in the third quarter, which amazes me, since I had heard that we were narrowly down for that quarter. Instead we are up three percent on an annualized rate. If this rate should continue the recession would be a distant memory by next year 2010, when the congressional elections are held. One would hope the Republicans would sit up and take notice. Formerly they had said that we entered our current recession in December of 2007. This is October 29, 2009 the anniversary of the stock market crash, which would be eighty years ago. Europe has artificial low unemployment because the government fills in the gaps in hours which corporations agree to cut back so that everyone can keep their jobs. Unlike us, who cater to big corporations with massive tax cuts, people on the continent subscribe to the “trickle up” theory. Now Europe is out of their recession even though it was worse there. I don’t think history, and not too distant history, will be kind to this generation the way that we catered to every whim of the richest of corporate interests. They say even now there is an undercurrent to completely revamp all sorts of laws on corporation to make it a whole new ball game. Hartman is sticking to his claim of a double dip recession for the United States. He says that President Obama’s policies still resemble more those of Herbert Hoover rather than Franklin Roosevelt.

People may wonder at this connection between political right wingers and “religion”. Well the old Latin definition of religion is to restrain, to tie back – out of the way, or something you would do with a vine. Of course Jesus spoke of “abiding in the vine”. I say this because those who say religion is liberating are truly speaking in Orwellian terms. It’s just another of so many lies they tell. Some people speak of being bound by a “meme” or unsupported belief. George Bush operated on the “meme” that going to war would give him Political Capital and would save his administration. We still here this meme preached by people like Zell Miller at the 2004 republican convention, who see everything in terms war, and patriotism as being pro war, and infidels as being anti war. I suspect even Democrats such as President Obama have fallen into this meme that “war covereth a multitude of sins”. The “sins” in this case would be his domestic policies. Some say that we wanted war in Afghanistan because some outfit wants to construct an oil pipeline through that country. The only “solution” Joe Byden can come up with for our troop shortfall is to bomb the population of Afghanistan back to the stone age with unmanned drone rockets. Today I learned that the very invasion of Afghanistan by Russia that we all used as a patriotic rallying point in 1979 was in fact an effort by the USSR to restore civil rights in Afghanistan that hat recently been won but ucerped by the Muhajabeeb. (sp) Soon we will have been in Afghanistan longer than the Russians were there. President Obama trapped himself by saying that we were “neglecting” Afghanistan. Again he felt he had to offer the right wing a bone, as something to get their minds off the dreaded Iraq withdrawal. I had heard this notion of “tying up” being linked to the word Religion over 35 years ago but I dismissed the notion till I checked it out for myself today. The words “Religion” and “System of Beliefs” are thus NOT interchangeable expressions. A “belief” can be any meme or notion about anything. Beliefs can be both supportable by science and unsupportable by science. A metaphysical belief is a belief not directly supported by science. Many times the Christian right wing likes to substitute “esoteric” for “metaphysical” to make the practitioners appear more bizarre and “out of the main stream”. But in truth it’s the Christian Right’s own beliefs of “memes” that are out of the main stream. I have been more and more inclined to say that neo-conservatism is one big Religion. It dies together a whole set of discredited beliefs such as living in a constant state of war, and “having a powerful leader” and ANY law that infringes on a corporation is bad, and corruption and graft are OK as long as it’s our side that’s doing it. So they become obstructionist in the extreme and pray nightly for President Obama to fail, and are upset by good economic news, and downright terrified that this recession just might be over in a year or two.

I still sense rumblings of discontent out there about my rather weak follow up to the idea of a psychic dimension. Many will say, “But you didn’t say anything about how the psychic process works, or IF it even works”. Some may say “Why even bother with it. Aren’t there enough exciting things in the world to hold your interest?” Suffice it to say that mankind has always been intrigued by ideas that he can’t prove. It’s our nature. I have an intellectual problem myself with something that links the “other side” (hyperspace) to the here and now. However, ex talk show host Michael Benner says things can be real and exist but still be inherently scientifically unmeasurable. Of course let me say again that - - not to misuse any analogy but to give you some kind of comparison - - hyperbolic space is as different from this space as regular trig is from hyperbolic trigonometry. Of course those who invoke the ether as a medium of “transmission” of psychic impulses and information would be at odds with my metaphysical view of the Universe. Many even in the Christian realm such as Fredrick Price, speak of “being tuned in on the right frequency”. Well, this may sound really trite but we scientists haven’t got the vaguest idea of what Consciousness is, in terms of manifestation in the physical realm. It’s something physicians deduce the existence of. They say “this patient should be coming around soon”. They do mental tests of measure cognition. Psychologists tell us that personalities as they study them are really “sets of ideas” or notions, that as it were, are ruled by the same consciousness. It’s as if the individual ideas hold a vote and determine “who is going to own them”. To explain the physical process better, let us move to an internet analogy. Nothing can get through on the internet unless it gets past the fire wall and the “thought” or information has “permission” to enter through a certain port number. Certain people mentally “get” other people, and others they just “don’t get”. It could be that psychic communication is very much like this, keeping in mind that the computer represents the brains of physical people on earth and within those brains there is software which “connects you to the hyper-light (or hyperbolic as I referred to it) dimension that links physical substance to itself. If the computer is your physical brain, the software of the computer is the device- - that unlike actual computer software is completely stealth and undetectable and I doubt it’s even measurable by magnetism- - the software is the soul- - -that I must emphasize- - is stealth and completely unmeasurable by scientists. Having said all this the only other question is “How do you know an idea you may or may not even agree with is FROM some dead person, rather than your own “meme” or beliefs? Because the idea is tagged like an dog tag and the tag says “John Lennon is my owner” or whatever. This is how I think it just might work. If I come up with a clearer explanation I’ll pass it along.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Harry Reed Backs Compromised Public Option

Senator Harry Reed of Nevada yesterday finally got off the dime and decided which version of a health bill that he is going to get behind and push. Harry Reed is of course the abortionist Mormon and these contradictions always amuse me. Around here we have professing Mormons who regularly drink coffee and use tobacco. There was a girl named Leslie who was Mormon, who "compromised my morals" for the first time, and she had had an abortion. And then you have Tammy Bruce who is a drug hating, ghetto phobiac, pistol packing lesbian. As you may know Tammy Bruce became ardently pro war and began attacking the very people she had formerly "been in bed with" so to speak. She came out against extending the LA subway system to the San Fernando Valley because she feared that hordes of Black people would use the trains to migrate to the Valley and bring their ghettoized ways and crime with them. Anyhow when I first learned about it I wasn't exactly pleased. Because Harry Reed wants states to have the right to "opt out" of the public option plan. I'm sure red states all fantasize about doing things like that. It's all Sarah Palin could do to avoid announcing Alaska secession from the Union once she lost the election. To me this option out of states option was somehow "un American" and I thought unprecedented. The whole thing about states having "Monopoly rights" in regulating insurance companies is something I don't relate to. Today I was a bit more encourages in that people said that the free market (lets hear it for the Free Market!) forces would dictate that no state could opt out because they would look at their neighbors and the people would rise up and revolt against their leaders. (The way people in Iraq DIDN'T do in 1991) But Lyndon Johnson found out in dealing with Ho Chi Min that sometimes the carrot and the stick principle just doesn't work with alien cultures, in this case, the Red states. You've heard of this or that governor saying that they were going to "Stand on Principle" and refuse money from the stimulus program of the Obama administration - and the people be damned, even though they are the ones who suffer and not the governor. This is not unusual behavior for a Christian to impose their own personal anally fixated principles on others, who are adversely affected. Also Senator Reed was not optimistic about the bill's prospects even with this major compromise with the Devil. Today Joseph Lieberman came out and said he would vote to fillibuster this bill because he's afraid of how his beloved insurance companies would suffer. People keep saying that any public option is "a foot in the door" and eventually it's designed to drive all private health care providers out of business. Well, one can always hope- - - .

Tonight Michael Jackson’s movie premiers. Joe Jackson expressed reservations about the film saying it doesn’t represent Jackson at his best. It was Sunday night I watched a big chuck of the “ghost” video. The whole thing runs 37 minutes or something, or longer than I wanted to take. Of course the movie "Paranormal activity" only costs $15,000 to make and so far has earned 62 million or something. This tells me that people out there have a tremendous thirst for the supernatural. The previous such very low budget movie to make it really big was the Blair Witch Project ten years ago. The LA Lakers are also having their champion ring presentations tonight at Staples. They say the rings get bigger and gaudier every year. This is the fifteenth Lakers championship. This is sure starting the season off early, before the World Series has begun or Daylight Savings Time is ended.

I would like to bring you people up to speed on some personal matters now. Yesterday I had a tooth pulled. It's that 30 year old gold crown I was telling you about that was too badly decayed. Three dentists said so. But now my esteemed sister in law is calling up here about another matter and that is the fungus on my finger nails on my right hand and also on my toe nails. Guess what. They don't cover anti fungal products any more. I need to "save up" out of my mere weekly pittance, in order to be able to afford to see the foot doctor for $20.00. I would imagine the stimulus check would more than cover any costs. For this stimulus check I would actually like to be able to use it for "discretionary spending" like go out to a show, and perhaps even go out on a date, or perhaps to buy some impulse item that strikes my fancy.

Some of you are thinking I should clarify more about the Sixth Dimension. First of all, in my current six dimensional theory, just the three are true, descrete, spacial dimensions. Time is a dimension. "Unreality" is a dimension. This is the theory that goes "Anything that CAN happen will happen and HAS happened, somewhere in the fifth dimension as a result of the big bang. You've heard about the Analog loophole. Well some may point to a "fifth dimensional" psychic revelation loophole by which one could claim with metaphysical certitude that their specific psychic revelations will come to pass, if not in This universe then in SOME universe. But also you people are wondering about the idea of thoughts. Are thoughts "things" with a seeming perceived reality that can be witnessed by all in the sixth dimension? The Greeks taught that ideas about things were more REAL than the Thing itself. Their logic here seems flawed to me, but I'm not entirely discounting it. People have their theories about thoughts having "energy" and "manifesting" after a person dies. They say in areas of emotional trauma there are many "Lost Spirits". A much more obvious explanation for this is of course the PEOPLE observing these phenomina are the ones with unresolved problems. Just for laughs, lets assume such manifestations are possible, after all it is Halloween in a few days. Many times you see poulterguists that have all these fluxing wavy lines in a shape like some ectoplasum. Are these lines like energy forces flowing? Is this perhaps energy that exceeds the speed of light but lives in what I'd call the hyperbolic realm just beyond the speed of light? Hyperbolic of course means "over thrown" as in an asteroid that just missed being captured by a planet. First of all to clarify ANYTHING exceeding the speed of light can't be made of ANY of the corperial matter studied by scientists. Secondly one can think of "hyper space" as thus a "different kind of space" because it hosts a different kind of atomic structure. Hyperbolic trig functions have no seeming connection with hyperbolic space. One might ask, "How would you be able to see such hyperbolic energy?" Perhaps the reason why you don't see ghosts and such every day is because there have to be just the right weather conditions or some kind of metaphysical conditions for visability to manifest. Perhaps, as I said in the previous posting - - this "Localization" is not the normal state - - and perhaps people like Sylvia Browne are right when they refer to "earth bound spirits". We at the Federation call them "terrestrial spirits" meaning they occupy physical space. Those usual inhebitants of the Sixth Dimension are of course called "tellestial spirits" by the Federation.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A New Revealing Look at the Sixth Dimension

The Steelers are going to put an end to the Viking’s six and 0 sinning streak. You have to watch those interceptions. It’s the Viking’s first loss of the season.

Today I want to talk about how real, relivent events are dealt with in the main stream media. I continue to be distressed that shows like “Meet the Press” regard the cut in pay of executive salaries imposed by the Obama administration as “punishment” and worse yet “self defeating”. They are calling it a way to placate the populist sentiment. You know my position. Then there is the matter of these drone flights in Afghanistan that are killing civilians. Apparently in the past the US has criticized Isrial for doing the same thing. Our moral position is losing ground. Joseph Byden is just plain wrong on this issue. But worse yet, if the flights are in Pakistan, with whom we are austensively on friendly relations with this isn’t good. As it was pointed out as of now Iran has zero nuclear bombs, and Pakistan has sixty bombs and if the Talliban is making progress there this is a definite area for concern. There was a guy on the internet last night from the symposium of “Accuracy in the Media” where they said “Even the polling data the media puts out is deceptive. I talked about a 57% popular support for the Public Option. Now that figure is apparently 61%. But they word the question in saying “Do you support the public option if it increases competition?” These conservatives say “The question rather should be – Do you want the Public Option even if it puts your insurance company out of business?” Let’s look at these questions in another way so you can understand it better. Would it be wrong to ask a community “Do you want another supermarket in town if it will increase competition?” Obviously that’s a given. You don’t have to wonder about that. If you were to ask “Do you want a second supermarket in town even if it put the first market out of business?” Some markets make their living gauging ghetto residents for healthy fruits and vegetables thus forcing Black people to just by junk food and Ripple”. (Or do I sound like a do-gooder liberal now) My point is no matter how you phrase the question- - the answer is going to most likely be a pretty accurate portrayal of reality. The American people know what they want in the way of health care, and they know what they don’t want. And they don’t want the status quo.

Then there is the issue of President Obama verses Fox News. Some would say that since the President has “gone out on the attack” against Fox, Fox’s ratings have shot way up, as have Rush Limbaugh’s. Some might even cite me Martin Luther King or Ghandi in “Not responding in kind but by being non violent” metaphorically. Some may even quote that passage from the Ron Hubbard tape I have where he says “If you are headed in a fire engine to put out a fire, it would be absurd to stop and address the dogs who are nipping at your wheels”. Suppose we change that example a little? Suppose instead that it’s putting these spike strips in the roads like police use to stop felons. What do you think about it now? Huh? You know- in “Charriots of Fire” there was a line that Abrams spoke where he said to the Olympic officials, “You want us to do a job well, but you seem to envision it as a task done with the effortlessness of the Gods, and not as the result of a lot of blood, and toil, and sweat”. It’s no disgrace to respond to a problem when there IS a problem that needs to be handled. This is common sense. It makes no sense to let the enemy have a free shot at you without shooting back. If he sees you are shooting back, he might think twice about continuing the conflict. So it is with President Obama and the Fox network. That Tavis Smiley guy on Meet the Press was the only guy with his brain plugged into Reality. And he said that Obama like a lot of people is lazy and does only what he has to and the American People have to be persistent and make the President do the right thing on Health Care, and “I know the President is up to it”.

In a five or six period of listening one can witness Jesus of KFI screwing up multiple times. Today he answered a caller complaining "How come God stoops to petty wagering with Satan over the lives of Job and his children, and sacrifices the lives of Job's children to prove some theological point?" Jesus said "It isn't a matter of God in a petty bet with Satan" but then said nothing to support that statement. Jesus said much as he did about those heroic fire fighters who died in 9 - 11 that "Maybe they were child molesters or something and needed judgement. You don't know". Now Jesus is saying "How do you know Job's children were not evil?" If Jesus would read the book he would find out. Job said to himself, "Perhaps my children have sinned." So Job offered an atoning blood animal sacrifice for them. As to this notion that the story is about winning some "Faith battle" let's just review some of the things Job said in his torment. He cursed the day he was born and said may the date be blotted out from history". May I suggest that is a caller to Jesus' show had said something like this, he'd be criticized for undo gloominess. Furthermore, if a person has gone through some health crisis such as surviving cancer or a heart attack, he is the weaker for the experiance and not stronger. Finally we have this notion introduced where Jesus says "God wanted to show us that this present life - this present world is not important". I urge you Bible readers to come up with any verse that says either "This life is not important" or "this world is not relivant" or "Your life here is not relivent" or any such verse. I suggest if you think you know where such a passage is, you go take another look. In the parable of the sower, Jesus says that what transpires "in the field" so to speak, is very relivent.

It was August when Dr. Levy promised the class that he would have a “Hanza” or “Hantza” for anyone who wanted one. This is sort of a Mideast charm that’s a hand with an eye in the middle to – ward off the Evil Eye and other evil spirits. I said I wanted one of those. Of course on that Simpson’s episode when they were in Morocco, Homer bought one of these monkey’s paw charm things that granted unlimited wishes and which Flanders eventually used to free Springfield of space aliens. I really don’t know if there is any connection, or whether the Simpson’s thing was completely made up.

I want to talk to you today about a subject that I’ve alluded to many times but never explained, and that is the possible nature of the Sixth or Psychic dimension. First of all a “dimension” differs from an “aspect”. An aspect is merely another perspective or angle of the same event. A dimension such as a computer array dimension, is a whole other field or range of knowledge previously unavailable. First of all we perceive everything in three dimensions, just as color blind people perceive everything in black and white. But this is not to preclude that some material we regard as three dimensional may have other dimensions of existence also, that we can have no knowledge of, no matter how much we tinker with our electron microscopes. I would at this time like to clear up a popular confusion between “hyper-space” and negative space. Some say that in order to exceed the speed of Light you’d have to bring in “negative space”. The answer is “No, not the way I think you mean it”. First of all if there is negative space it has to be occupied by negative mass because the nature of mass determines the nature of the space around it. You’ve heard this writer say that many times. My point however is that if there is a “negative universe” out there- - it is bound by the same blanket prohibition of exceeding the speed of light that we are in our universe. All of the math would be the same. Some may have trouble believing that we cant EVER exceed the speed of light “no matter hard we try”. Well, get used to it. Not with our current caporial matter. Do you remember what happens if somehow that should happen? Let me remind you. Mass and time would go negative. Mass and time always work together as a unit and one can’t go negative without the other. One could if one likes, envision a tangent spike wave that shoots up and then reappears way down. Mass and time are linked- - and this is using ordinary Newtonian logic, or “The Smallville principle”. Space of course would also mathematically go negative. This means that an object would double right back on itself and appear where it has been, at the time it was there to begin with. As such any hyper-light activity would be both undetectable and impossible.

But suppose there was a world where “things were different” than they are in this universe. If you were to travel faster than light, it is logical to think you would travel a lot faster, about as close to Infinitely fast as you can get. In such a world, a psychic world, travel over great distances would be instantaneous, faster than the telephone for transporting messages, or people. Indeed travel at the speed of light would be the slowest conceivable thing in this Universe. But you may ask what this means. Well, “travel” as we know it would mean something rather “different” in this world. In that world it would mean that Time comes into existence as a strange kind of novelty. It would mean for the first time an object could NOT BE a certain place. This notion of NOT being- - would be a strange and novel one to these people. It would take TIME to get some place where formerly you were NOT and NOT be where you were. As such approaching the speed of light would be a Localization phenomenon. But some may say “Then everything is a single line of transverse time?” and they might say “It is a frozen instant, then”. Here is what I believe happens. I believes time “flattens out” and becomes Zero dimensional. What this means is that people in the psychic realm have no facility to perceive the passage of time as we think of it because they never have to WAIT for anything. If the notion of “time flattening out” seems peculiar, let’s go back to our green golf course grid model of the gravitational Universe. Just to remind you that horizontal represents actual space and the Surface of the green represents “perceived” space, and the vertical dimension represents both gravity and - - not Time- - but the Speed of Passage trough Time. In a deep hole you move more swiftly through time by an increasing factor. The factor where the surface is the flattest is “One”. But this number may be reduced further I believe. It’s the natural viscosity of the Ether that fills empty space that gives this gravitational factor of one. If you reduce the viscosity you reduce the gravity. One might almost envision a layer of green fog lying over our golf course “One” unit high. In the psychic world certain things naturally ARE and other things naturally AREN’T. It’s just that they Stay that way - - all the - time. This pattern of ARE verses AREN’T is dictated by the vector of the fifth dimensional vector of the explosion from the Big Bang. In a previous posting I speculated that the Soul may be capable of fifth dimensional travel, but that is not our topic today. If there is Change in the Federation, it’s due to Travel because Travel is something we do through space but it’s something They do- - so that they are physically able to perceive the passage of time. Otherwise the psychic realm contains Constants. Everything is a constant and it doesn’t matter whether it’s way in the past or way in the future, it’s all accessable and readable. This is what the Federation may be referring to as “The true psychic realm” where falsehood and temporal errors do not occur. (Selah)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mc Cain Intruduces Troubling Internet Bill

A lot of us used to think that John Mc Cain was one of the good guys, in that he was for basic fairness. But yesterday Senator Mc Cain introduced the "Internet Freedom Act". What this bill does is to put a stop to the FCC mandating "Net Neutrality" on the internet. New neutrality is where everybody has equal access. What John Mc Cain wants to do is give conservatives or people willing to pay more, a distinct advantage in that their web pages load faster and don't crash as often as those who don't pay this special fee. So if you load a page from the right wing it loads a lot more quickly on your computer so you will be more likely to read it than you would a liberal page by a small outfit. Thom Hartman and others have complained that liberal talk programs are broadcast on small, weak stations where conservatives get the 50,000 watt power houses, so that more people hear them. And "being heard" is key to the ratings game. In other news Windows 7 came out Thursday and Apple already has their commercials accusing Microsoft of making empty promises about Windows 7 and how it won't have the problems of previous releases. Of course this add ignores the fact that people are using XP now and have been perfectly happy with that. They say Apple charges such high prices because they have good service follow-up. But you pay a high price for something you may never need.

President Obama is under fire by the main stream media dominated by Corporate sources for what he did Wednesday in mandating that ECO's and other high paid executives take a drastic cut to $200,000 a year in their salaries. The media protests that "If they are going to get the talent they need they are going to have to pay top dollar, or else these executives will just look elsewhere for a job. Well, there is such a thing as doing something because it's right and fair, and if these corporations are going to live on government subsidies, then the government has an inherent right to determine their salaries. Since obviously these executives now owe their very existance to the government. Back when Ronald Reagan was President he fired the air traffic controlers because they wanted to strike. Government workers should not have the right, and in this case, did not have the right to go on strike. As Ken Galliger of KFI puts it, "These people have such cushy jobs already in return they should agree not to strike". There is such a thing as standing on principles, and those who say "people will suffer" are just evading the issue. In the case of the air traffic controlers, the planes flew just fine with the free market determining who got employment. And these high paid CEO's are the farthest thing from "indespensable", as their track record proves. They did absolutely nothing to merit their high salaries.

. I was thinking of blogging on the subject of “mendacity” or lying, and thought of using the “Passage” file written in the summer of 1996 featuring Bill Gunderson, as an example of a file with a notable "mendacity" factor. This file covered a pariod of my life around 1986 This was going to be the opus magnum of this posting. But like the Doors with the "Waiting for the Sun" album when they axed "Celebration of the Lizzard", I'd decided to hold off on this "passage". There are are things I don't want put on the record even if I do a caviat that a lot of the narritive is bogus. Sometimes even lies contain hidden truths, which is better than Christian writings, which contain lies, packaged within other lies. For instance- - a lot of you might like to see a segment of my life from June of 1985 through to September 1986 because this is a period in my life I never talk about. Of course in the book of Luke there is a segment about when Jesus was twelve years old. Interestingly this segment ends with the words "And Jesus went home and was subject to his parents, and he continued to grow in favor with God and man". So that Luke would prefer that you believed Jesus grew up in a "Leave it to Beaver" existance, being raised in a nurturing and supportive family.

A flight from San Diego to Mianiapolis overshot its mark and the plane ended up in Wisconsin. Pilots were out of radio contact with any tower for an hour and twenty minutes. People accused them of both falling asleep but they say they just got in a heeded argument and weren’t watching the flashing warning signs. The flight recorder only got the last thirty minutes of the flight after they turned around. The passengers didn’t know what was going on but on the ground they were scanning passenger list for “Don’t Fly” warnings believing that the plane must have been hijacked, and they compelled the pilots to perform various maneuvers to show they were in control.

On George Washington’s blog they had a tape that said not to be in any cash instruments such as treasury bills or government bonds. However he says Ben Vernanke has announced that he’s going to crank up the printing presses such as to inflate the dollar into oblivion. This in my opinion is the last thing we citizens have to worry about. I think the major danger remains a deflationary cycle, and as you know the inflation rate for the year is still officially zero. I do not think you should be in energy comodities now including oil, because we aren't coming out of this recession in any major way any time soon. You should buy comon stocks because the prices of these ignores reality in the world the rest of us have to live in. You should always have some money in precious metals. I agree that the last thing you want to be in is T bills and bonds right now.

There is a limit of fifteen percent for credit card companies to charge customers that’s going into effect next February so they are trying to jack people’s rates up now, often by faborication reasons and violations to justify their actions. Of course with both credit card companies and health insurance, they are most certainly going to fabricate any sort of technical "violation" they can come up with and in both these instances, there comes a point where abuses become intollerable. With zero percent inflation- - paying eighteen percent is just criminal. And of course as more people abandon credit cards, the economy will grow just that much slower.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Karzai Agrees to Another Election

Well now Pakistan’s leader, Karzai, has agreed to a second election in Afghanistan to resolve the problem of one third of the votes being invalidated by election officials in that country. This is good news. He says he just wants to resolve any doubts. Even in Afghanistan they have a run-off rule where the guy in first place has to get 51% of the vote in order to avoid a run-off. Only in this country to we allow elections of Presidents where they get in office by winning just 43% of the vote. Yesterday apparently Karzai met with John Kerry of all people and Kerry was alledgedly the one who perswaded him to have another election, apparently after visiting a mosque together. It’s been said that Obama may be holding off the committal of 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan until he’s certain that the government there is legit, and that he is “someone whom we can work with”. Personally I think John Kerry gives better speeches when he’s not running for president, as opposed to when he was.

A lot of interesting poll results came out yesterday. They said only nineteen percent of the people supported what the Republicans are doing in congress. That ought to be a wake up call for the party. Also only twenty percent of the population actually called themselves Republicans, and they say this is the lowest figure in over 25 years. I guess that’s back when unemployment was last over ten percent. Also, the current Bauccus health bill only gets 48% support as opposed to 49% opposing this bill. But at the same time Americans favor a “public option” by 57%. That ought to be a clarion call to congress to change their strategy and include a public option in the final bill.

President Obama has been meeting with the big leaders on Wall Street. On the one hand he is soliciting buckets of money from them and on the other hand he is trying to perswade them into being more civic minded and to things that are in the interests of the American people. To me I don’t know what to make of this. Randy Rhodes says that Obama is refusing to speak to their hired lobbyists and this is why he wanted to speak to these Wall Street leaders directly. But most of this cabinet Obama has could well be an extension of the George Bush administration. Only Eric Holder could be called “one of us” alias liberals. And the Attorney General has now stated he will not pursue “medical marijuana” arrests. Apparently the number of dispensaries in the LA area has skyrocketed and they are now on nearly every block in some areas. Funny, but I haven’t run into one yet just walking around the neighborhood. Eric Holder remains the only real hope of liberals as far as prosecuting the things that need to be prosecuted like offences of the Bush Administration in regard to torture and violating civil liberties.

I guess a healthy intellectual stand is to “Doubt Everything”. Let me carry that a step further. Doubt everything- - including doubting the doubters. Thom Hartman has made dire predictions as of late in regards to the US economy saying the economy is going to fall apart in 2010. Rush Limbaugh made the same prediction about the Clinton economy in 1994 and both are equally wrong, because that’s not keeping very savory company. Why don’t you people have a little faith. Perhaps we are “re-inflating the bubble”. But the bust isn’t going to come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It may not come for years. All of the economic indicators are increasingly headed up. There are people I know who still do the poor boy routine saying their stocks have been wiped out or that their real estate equity is gone. Well, perk up. People with IRA’s and other financial instruments should begin seeing a rosier future. But this whole idea of doubting the doubters goes into other fields. Who would trust a used care salesman whose line went something like “Oh yeah, all those other guys are a bunch of crooks, but you’re lucky you found me because me you can trust”. I think I would say “Thou protesteth too much”. The same thing goes for Christian bashing. If may or may not come as a surprise that a lot of the bashing of Christians is done by other Christians. Geoe Scott, and Walter Martin were two such people, and Chuck Smith has had his moments, along with a guy named Hunt, who wrote a book. Jesus Christ on the radio has done a lot of preaching how anybody who trusts God for a healing is a fool, and anyone who witnesses their faith had better make sure his life is a walking advertisement for abundant living because lord knows you can’t put your trust in preaching the straight gospel. Also, how many times have you heard “You can’t trust the Bible. Don’t you know that Satan quotes scripture?” If you’re me you don’t even want to think about how many times you’ve heard that line. And then we come to ABC Sunday news. They started off the program talking about “balloon boy” and how the whole thing was a hoax. But to play on the same general theme they went on to attack the ministry of Benny Hinn, and his alledgedly fake healings. You know it is a funny thing about liars. They aren’t very trusting people at all but assume everything they encounter is a lie, because they are projecting their own personality failings on to others. Once I said to the Asshole from El Paso, “Well, even if some of the supernatural stuff about Christianity turns out not to be true, still living a Christian life is a good thing merely by natural reasoning, and in the end living as a Christian will be better in this life”. The Pastor shot back, “That’s a bunch of bull!” He himself doesn’t believe that adopting Christian virtues “in the natural” is a good thing.

I would like to talk about a topic that got buried at the very bottom of a long posting concerning some startling new revelations about Gravity. In the case of gravity the new rule is “What you see is what you get”. According to Astronomy Cafe the travel of light with respect to gravity is instantaneous. It used to be that if you saw a “displacement” of Mercury behind a total eclipse and it wasn’t where it was supposed to be I assumed it was because the light was being bent by gravity. The new rules are that gravity itself behaves as light and gravity itself gets bent and also has a delay effect. If you don’t see the object, it has no gravity. This of course is the most definitive thing yet in ruling out the existence of Black Holes. Not only can light never escape a black hole but gravity itself can never escape a black hole. This also means that for distant planets like Neptune, the planet really IS where you see it, at least gravitationally. This should make orbital calculations a whole lot easier because it means with respect to gravity, that the propagation of light is instantaneous. Like light, gravity propagates in waves. Don't even ask me what that means. This whole new reality takes some getting used to. Because it means if matter comes into existence, and you are a few light-hours away from the object, for you the gravity will not be “turned on” for those few hours. This is an alien way of thinking.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Clean Coal - Right Here, Right Now

The big issue of the day, and the one they led Sixty Minutes off with, is one I’ve been avoiding in my writings because I’ve had no position on the subject, and that is the pet issues of both Obama and Mc Cain in the presidential campaign, Clean Coal. Both candidates were heartily for Clean Coal. Some would say it’s an oxy-moronism, and I’d have thought so too but apparently they’ve had the technology since the 1980’s to “sequester” the carbon from the coal and return it to the ground in liquid form. Don’t ask me how. Others have said that this is an excellent way to increase oil yields on oil rigs. That’s another reason for doing it. What is clear to me now that clean up coal may be our only salvation because it appears an impossibility for the United States to get off coal as a fuel for electric power plants. It’s abundant and there is no good substitute in the massive qualities we’ll be needing for energy in the future. Keep in mind that India and China have really stepped up their construction of new coal fired plants. So we will have to share this technology with those nations as soon as we get it into wide-spread production. Some have said that the 2050 guidepost is way too optimistic, and that if we haven’t cleaned up our coal in twenty years we are pretty much toast, as far as global warming is concerned. New evidence is manifesting every day that global warming is accelerating. And keep in mind that sometimes global warming can result in dramatic cooling and if the gulf stream conveyer belt is shut down by Greenland’s melting ice then this could through Europe into a near ice age, impacting the lives of hundreds of millions of people. I think President Obama does well to speak out on this clean coal issue. It’s kind of like condoms in the schools. You might call that an “oxy-moronism” too, but you would be whistling in the dark. You have an ongoing problem. And the sooner a person can come up with a solution to it, the better. Saying “the problem shouldn’t exist” or saying that “we shouldn’t have any coal-fired plants at all” is rather pointless, because India and China are building them regardless. Especially if we’re going to be driving more hybrid cars we’ll be needing more and not less electric power. Some say that modifying these plants- - all that infrastructure- - will be expensive. My response is at least we know what we’ll be doing. With “cold fusion” we are dabbling in ignorance and nobody has a clue when of if there will ever be a workable model. Some have talked about getting ethanol from switch grass, because it grows naturally and unlike a farm product can be harvested with a minimum of energy expenditure for ethanol 85. This is one area where former President Bush was actually making sense and I wish he would have said more about it. But too many people were mocking him. Some figures peg production of hydrogen for fuel at an energy cost of anywhere from 65% to 115% of total output. In other words, output could be LESS than input. This won’t work. We need to go with a solution that is doable and doable right now. Our first priority is to get off of our addiction to foreign oil. If we don’t do that first we’re nowhere. All these other forms of energy may have potential but if we can’t get production rolling NOW then what’s the point? Now is when we need the energy and the “green” stuff can follow later.

Obama’s first hundred days have now come to pass. People refer it to chapter one of an eventful Presidency. The US is trying to take a more flexible stance with certain nations. Thom Hartman said the reason why the Taliban is not popular in Indonesia is that that area has no US presence to taint public opinion against us, so that the secular parties are gaining there. Secular parties appear to be gaining also in Pakistan as that government appears to be becoming more cooperative in eradicating the Taliban at long last. I think this is what Richard and Phyllis were discussing is the fact that we are giving Pakistan money. Women don’t want to go behind the veil or lose their rights. In terms of this idea that Obama has criticized the US for being a presumptuous nation or something last night Joe Biden defended the remark. I guess in the world of diplomacy it isn’t sheik to apologize for just anything without their being a compelling reason. And there is the handshake seen round the world between President Obama and Hugh Chavez. Biden defended that, too. As long as I took a copy of Chavez’ book, I guess I would read it, unless it really is in Spanish. Of course the whole thing with Piracy isn’t going away.

Bill Handel says there will be a hundred outbreaks of the Swine flu by this time tomorrow and hiss figure for the US was forty. I had heard much less. People say that this viral composit of swine and bird and human DNA flu may have “mutated down” so that it doesn’t kill everybody it comes in contact with. If you want to impute intelligence to the evolution process perhaps the virus knows that its best chance of survival is to produce less lethal symptoms. Some have speculated how a sudden pandemic might impact the “economic recovery process” that we are now in.

Last night it was ABC network news and “At the Movies” and then Sixty Minutes, where Joe Biden got his own segment. We need to be reminded of the depth and compassion of the man and his forthright remarks. It’s the sort of thing a wishy-washy man like the President needs to hear on frequent occasions. I continue to think it’s a good thing Obama chose Biden over all the other possible candidates.

OK this is extra credit material. Chapter 14 of the I Ching opens “The sun shines in the heavens and all things around become manifest”. So it is with the aspirations of the Orion Federation. The dark line in fifth place stands for the fifth dimension. The things that lie herein are not made manifest. It is believed that “The Solar Federation” reference in “2112” refers to the moment of triumph. Victor Kiriacus today said that the Greaks, such as the Spartans, were victorious because they “never stopped fighting”. This was the key to the North Vietnamese’ success in 1975. I want to talk a little about the seven dimensions. The Pyramid as a geometric form has some interesting qualities. Your average cube has eight points and six sides. The Pyramid reverses that having six points and eight sides. Each point represents a dimension. The eight sides may well stands for the eight triagram elements in the I Ching. Heaven is contrasted with Earth, Thunder is contrasted with wood, the Mountain is contrasted with the Lake, and fire is contrasted with water. Each side of a pyramid is a triangle consisting of three corners representing the three elements of the triagram. The vertical height angle is something I figured out in Excel in 2005 and it’s 54.735 degrees vertical ascent. The edges of which would each have double this number of degrees. A circle would fit around all six points of a pyramid. The people of the Federation profess to live in the Telestial realm. This word means distance, but more to the point means distant-up-close, such as in telescope, television, or telephone. People are what they are largely because of engrams. Like bacteria, you really cant survive without them and only a few of them are bad. We thus depart company with Scientology on this issue. Pre-borns derive their engrams from previous lives. Concurrent lives, or lives that overlap into current time are considered completely within the realm of possibility. Life is seen as an endless chess game or football game, where there are more than two players and the interactions are bound only by geometric laws and the illusion of free will. To say that free will is but an illusion is not to negate the other over-riding axiom “never stop fighting”. Psychic aware is by no means an appeal to some occult supernatural source. To be “occulted” by a supernatural power is to be in it’s shadow, the light of which is your goal. The shape of the shadow determines the shape of the challenges you need to overcome. The sixth dimension is rather a natural process. Clairvoyance, precognition and telepathy are natural processes and are merely awareness of the things that are. Most likely a person so enlightened would not “stumble through life”. Were one to stumble now it would be his own volitional affair. Engram errors are to be overcome naturally. Volitional transgressions must be forgiven by the one who is transgressed against, or they shall remain unforgiven. To be aware is to be alive. To not be aware is not to be fully alive. Religion forces death upon those who would not choose it, were it up to their own volition. (Selah)