Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mc Cain Intruduces Troubling Internet Bill

A lot of us used to think that John Mc Cain was one of the good guys, in that he was for basic fairness. But yesterday Senator Mc Cain introduced the "Internet Freedom Act". What this bill does is to put a stop to the FCC mandating "Net Neutrality" on the internet. New neutrality is where everybody has equal access. What John Mc Cain wants to do is give conservatives or people willing to pay more, a distinct advantage in that their web pages load faster and don't crash as often as those who don't pay this special fee. So if you load a page from the right wing it loads a lot more quickly on your computer so you will be more likely to read it than you would a liberal page by a small outfit. Thom Hartman and others have complained that liberal talk programs are broadcast on small, weak stations where conservatives get the 50,000 watt power houses, so that more people hear them. And "being heard" is key to the ratings game. In other news Windows 7 came out Thursday and Apple already has their commercials accusing Microsoft of making empty promises about Windows 7 and how it won't have the problems of previous releases. Of course this add ignores the fact that people are using XP now and have been perfectly happy with that. They say Apple charges such high prices because they have good service follow-up. But you pay a high price for something you may never need.

President Obama is under fire by the main stream media dominated by Corporate sources for what he did Wednesday in mandating that ECO's and other high paid executives take a drastic cut to $200,000 a year in their salaries. The media protests that "If they are going to get the talent they need they are going to have to pay top dollar, or else these executives will just look elsewhere for a job. Well, there is such a thing as doing something because it's right and fair, and if these corporations are going to live on government subsidies, then the government has an inherent right to determine their salaries. Since obviously these executives now owe their very existance to the government. Back when Ronald Reagan was President he fired the air traffic controlers because they wanted to strike. Government workers should not have the right, and in this case, did not have the right to go on strike. As Ken Galliger of KFI puts it, "These people have such cushy jobs already in return they should agree not to strike". There is such a thing as standing on principles, and those who say "people will suffer" are just evading the issue. In the case of the air traffic controlers, the planes flew just fine with the free market determining who got employment. And these high paid CEO's are the farthest thing from "indespensable", as their track record proves. They did absolutely nothing to merit their high salaries.

. I was thinking of blogging on the subject of “mendacity” or lying, and thought of using the “Passage” file written in the summer of 1996 featuring Bill Gunderson, as an example of a file with a notable "mendacity" factor. This file covered a pariod of my life around 1986 This was going to be the opus magnum of this posting. But like the Doors with the "Waiting for the Sun" album when they axed "Celebration of the Lizzard", I'd decided to hold off on this "passage". There are are things I don't want put on the record even if I do a caviat that a lot of the narritive is bogus. Sometimes even lies contain hidden truths, which is better than Christian writings, which contain lies, packaged within other lies. For instance- - a lot of you might like to see a segment of my life from June of 1985 through to September 1986 because this is a period in my life I never talk about. Of course in the book of Luke there is a segment about when Jesus was twelve years old. Interestingly this segment ends with the words "And Jesus went home and was subject to his parents, and he continued to grow in favor with God and man". So that Luke would prefer that you believed Jesus grew up in a "Leave it to Beaver" existance, being raised in a nurturing and supportive family.

A flight from San Diego to Mianiapolis overshot its mark and the plane ended up in Wisconsin. Pilots were out of radio contact with any tower for an hour and twenty minutes. People accused them of both falling asleep but they say they just got in a heeded argument and weren’t watching the flashing warning signs. The flight recorder only got the last thirty minutes of the flight after they turned around. The passengers didn’t know what was going on but on the ground they were scanning passenger list for “Don’t Fly” warnings believing that the plane must have been hijacked, and they compelled the pilots to perform various maneuvers to show they were in control.

On George Washington’s blog they had a tape that said not to be in any cash instruments such as treasury bills or government bonds. However he says Ben Vernanke has announced that he’s going to crank up the printing presses such as to inflate the dollar into oblivion. This in my opinion is the last thing we citizens have to worry about. I think the major danger remains a deflationary cycle, and as you know the inflation rate for the year is still officially zero. I do not think you should be in energy comodities now including oil, because we aren't coming out of this recession in any major way any time soon. You should buy comon stocks because the prices of these ignores reality in the world the rest of us have to live in. You should always have some money in precious metals. I agree that the last thing you want to be in is T bills and bonds right now.

There is a limit of fifteen percent for credit card companies to charge customers that’s going into effect next February so they are trying to jack people’s rates up now, often by faborication reasons and violations to justify their actions. Of course with both credit card companies and health insurance, they are most certainly going to fabricate any sort of technical "violation" they can come up with and in both these instances, there comes a point where abuses become intollerable. With zero percent inflation- - paying eighteen percent is just criminal. And of course as more people abandon credit cards, the economy will grow just that much slower.

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