Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Predude and Whig-out

“All right boys, this is it. It’s over the hill to victory”

Nine – twenty one – zero – nine – HIKE!

This morning we are saluting the rainbow coalition by doing our famous rainbow sherbet background we haven’t done in a while. I was informed that there was a new download of Flash player so naturally I woke up Lieutenant Barkley and had him wire it into my brain. This blog could be called “Welcome to my break-down”. The first thing I’d like to do is salute Syd Barret. We’re all familiar with his unique vocals of the first Pink Floyd album but on that first album “Piper at the Gates of Dawn” (and it’s not even dawn yet) one will note though all the instruments sound different in those days, the organ is whiggier and the drumming is notably less professional, it’s the guitar playing that is really different. Syd Barret has achieved something a lot of people strive for and that is Internet Immortality. You can find “Piper” if you fish through for it looking in the website Of course one wonders whether Syd after he died might be putting out solo L P’s or whether he’s still a part of the group. In our last blog we talked about the Beatles and I want to explain that. Many of you thought perhaps I was leaving the blog and going somewhere else entirely after that blog. No. I’m staying right where I am. It would be suicide that blog before I even get known. I dropped that hint about a key member leaving the Beatles. What happened as you know was that the fake John Lennon wanted to stay in the group and keep it together and nothing would have pleased him more than Paul’s suggestion that they go touring in disguise to small clubs. But not if he had to stay married to Yoco. His saying was “Et tu Yoco, then fall Beatles!” But in case you were wondering we weren’t even referring to the Beatles but another group that had lost its key member and then vanished from our consciousness, and that is when Jerry Garcia died the Grateful Dead died. It was the official long awaited death of the psychedelic movement ever since it has been hit by an oncoming Mac Truck in the wrong lane in the early seventies by the Nixon Adminestration and the Plumbers and Watergate machinations and all that. And then you’re supposed to start counting off time. (see Give Me Some Kind of Sign) Paul of course went on to put out a solo album or twenty and roomer has it he was going to assume another identity, Dirk Mc Quickly, in case the album bombed. (OK we just made that up)

Have you ever picked up a strong psychic vibe that turned out to be false? Back about ten years ago I was watching the financial program on KCET and Paul Kangis was hosting the program and I got the strong vibe that “That man died several years ago and he’s dead now and this is an old show” even though it was clearly a summary of that day’s market action. I wonder if Sylvia Brown ever gets vibes like that. Yesterday I picked up a certain vibe while watching a Jey Leno video about a 1975 Sazuki motorcycle he owned. This was a rather unusual Motorcycle in that it was the first mass marketed with a Wankle rotary engine. Of course Steve Hardy on the financial station which used to be channel 22 in those days, talked about Wankle engines a lot. Jay said that it was the only form of the internal combustion engine that was actually developed in the Twentieth Century! Anyhow it was the way that Jey described it ad a misfit and therefore something he wanted to own. You either loved it or you hated it and it either caused all sorts of problems, or else it ran perfectly. And it tended to run a little hot, like Syd Barret’s brain. But it was smooth. I happened to think that motorcycle reminds me a lot of Zachery. It was only marketed in the year 1975 and then dropped. We tried to market Zachery for years and finally dropped him. By the way if anybody tries to say I’m responsible for this blog I’ll deny it, Mark Felt “deepthroat” style. I’ll be like the Apostle Peter whose actions should be emulated after all he was both the first Pope and founder of the Faith, and also aspired to hold the position of Janis at the Gates of Heaven determining who makes it in, and who doesn’t.

Do you people remember that story we did in July 2004 originally. Yes, Sylvia the letters “Chicago” are forming in your mind. This story about “Death, Jim, but not as we know it” had an odd prophetic fulfillment- - but with an unexpected twist. Of course you know what they day don’t you, “You Can’t Get There From Here”.

Of course there are those in the Federation who say that Zachery was reincarnated as a woman. As you know, Dick and Robin gradually cut people out of the loop and by January of 1984 everybody I knew was “out of the loop” and Zachery was in essence no more. Not everyone in the Federation thought that Valerie S from Green Harbor was an incarnation of Zachery. A notable dissenter was Stewart Sutcliffe, who claimed to have known Zachery personally. Valerie S lived in Las Vegas for quite a number of years and had a vast variety of jobs. But she was into motorcycles and mechanics and into leather. She had flirtations with various drugs and had two illegitimate sons- - Dane and Dustin, I believe their names were. “Perfect Aryan German Specimines” as I once referred to them as. Chelsea Clinton won’t kiss and tell, but I will. But actually these boys should be proud of their mother. She’s lived a hard life and a colorful one, but they were always uppermost on her mind. Valerie always wore jeans. She never wore shorts, even on hot days. Of course she was a “Classic Rock” aficionado. But she liked to gossip. What was that song? “I love you, because you tell me things I want to know”. But there was something decidedly non feminine about the way Valerie moved. She was taller than average. Zachery was shorter than average, so maybe [he] was compensating. Valerie was a Taurus and amature astronomy buffs like to point out that Taurus the Bull was the enemy of Orion. She was born on May 3rd. and was celebrating her twelfth birthday the day I attempted suicide in 1972. So now “Our Town” is prophetic. How do you “Walk In” to a pre existing life? But in early June of 2005 I made a list of predictions and one of them was “As a sign that the others will come true, Valerie will disappear before September 5th. 2005 and never be heard from again”. This occurred. Another prediction on the list was the death of a notable evangelist. Would Jerry Folwell fill the bill, as someone people talked about? I guess maybe.

We’re going to get to “The Night Comes Down” but not in this file or blog, depending on which you have tuned into. Last night I woke before two. I seem to always do that on Wednesdays. But I had this dream. It was kind of a recurring dream I’ve had two or three times before. Like several of my dreams it had Pete Richards and Robin in it. So many of my dreams have these two paired together. Occasionally Dick, her husband puts in an appearance. There were all those Christians from “The Early Days” in this dream. But I had some special revelation based on some 3 D theater type movie I’d just seen on the Life of Christ. This movie you could actually walk through had secrets such as all the Jews were like Catholics in these robes saying Gregorian chants and had all that pomp and golf leaf Bibles. But there were secret prophecies and meanings of prophecies revealed in this dream I don’t remember now that kind of put the cruxifiction of Jesus in a whole new light. I had made a number of notes from the “movie” from which I intended to extrapolate a whole elaborate dialog script. But I kept switching glasses and had this other stack of notes I kept misplacing. And nobody else in the group seemed to care at all what I was doing and did not think it was important

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