Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A New Major Speech by Obama

Today President Obama outlined anew his plan for economic renovation. He had five main points. He wants new regulations instituted for Wall Street investors, which he says, should reflect the realities of the 21st. Century. People like Thom Hartman wonder whether the President is still the slave to the bankers since they have so much representation in his cabinet. His second plank is education because we have to have an educated work force for the jobs of tomorrow. I've been hearing this line since I was a kid. But it doesn't prevent people with college degrees from being thrown out of work. And of course we need to tackle our energy situation with new "green energy" jobs. Obama stressed how one of our problems contributes to all the others and so that all of them need to be tackled simotaniously. He talked about Health Care. My position of course is that it's silly to talk about reforming health care without abolishing the current HMO system most people have now. Finally President Obama cants to tackle the deficet. People all over the place are saying that the tide is turned, the corner is rounded. The stock market is up 25% and so his policies are already working. Roads are being built and Santa Monica is getting it's new hybred busses. But there are those on the left and on the right that claim that the stock market is going to have one major relapse and plunge downward into new and yet unchartered terrotory for this decade. A lot of these experts are saying "If something is too good to be true, then it probably isn't true, and that goes for this economic recovery".

Mel Gibson is getting a divorce of his longstanding wife. They have seven children together only the youngest of which is still a minor. There were no prenuptual agreements, so it should cost Mel a boatload of money. He and his wife have been separated for the last two years since Gibson's drunk driving arrest in Malibu where he was abusive to a Jewish cop. The incident did little to further Mel's credibility as a Born Again Christian. I would say the same thing of Mell as I have said of Thom Cruise. And that is that your are a poor example for your Religion, and that if you were more loyal to your Faith, that you would be a better example of it.

Today is the day when Bo, the Portugese water dog, is scheduled to arrive at the White House. This dog was pure-bred in Texas and is a "litter-mate" of dogs that Ted Kennedy owns. This story sure has been milked for everything it's worth. What are they going to try next- - "channeling the dog" to give some some sort of exclusive interview?

Phil Specter has been found guilty of second degree murder. The jury had a rather emotional fore-lady, and she says they found reaching that verdict difficult. I'm just glad that the buggar is finally in jail. Five women came forward to testify that Phil routinely threatens women he dates with guns, when he's had a few too many. Specter has a decades long resume of acts against women. He got off in the first trial with a hung jury because Lana Clarkson's character was trashed by the opposing attorney, saying that she was in a suicidal state. If Phil gets eighteen years that will mean he will be past 85 by the time he's ellagable for release. But look at how many times people like Leslie Van Houten have come up for parole hearings and been turned down. Specter will be facing the first one of these when he's about eighty-seven.

People in math speak of "dimensions" usually as having co-equal qualities. Certainly this is true with a computer programming Array. And yet in the real world we speak of "time" as a dimension, yet it is one we don't experiance spacially all at once like we do the others. I have in the past said that people in yet another dimension, a psychic dimension, do experiance the past the present and the future all at once. Chuck Smith has spoken of "a dimension of the spirit" in touting the superiority of Born Again Christians. Yet he offers no "spacial logic" to bolster such a major claim. It's easy to speak of a "psychic dimension" flippantly, without contemplating what the scientific definition of a "dimension" is. Mathmetically you have to define it as sides of a cube. In a three dimensional world, there are six faces to a cube. In a four dimensional world, that same cube with 90 degree perpendicular sides and faces- - would now consist of eighteen faces. And in a five dimensional universe there would be forty faces on that same square, ninety degree all over, cube. This according to a formula I came up with and discussed previously. To actually live in a state where cubes had 40 sides, or even 18 sides, would indeed take getting used to. It's hard for the average person to fathom the "gravitas" of such dimensions.


Well, we’re in one of those periods where we are hearing the same news cycled over and over again. I think at times like this it’s best to go on a vacation for a few days if you can take the time off, or else put on an old VHS movie instead of watching the news because other than an earthquake or volcano or two, there really isn’t much in the news. We’re coming up on the three year mark since I have been a blogspot.com blogger. Sometimes I wonder how all my blogs will stack up with the passage of time. In general I have high confidence about a lot of topics. Some of the specific political minutia may change from year to year, and watching events unfold is sometimes like sitting and watching grass grow, but I think overall I’ve been on the right side of history. In terms of some of the stuff I’ve said about my personal life, I have high confidence in that. My opinions aren’t likely to change there, and if they should I’ll let you know. In terms of the history of the Christian Church, again my confidence in the accuracy of the material is pretty high. In terms of all that Orion Federation stuff I talk about which you all probably call fictional, and that’s allright, well- - so much of that material is in excess of twenty years old. I came up with so much of that stuff in the ‘eighties, even if I had help. I don’t believe you’ll find contradictions. One area where my confidence is somewhat lower is on the subject of the cosmology of the Universe, like the shape of it and black holes and “event horizons” and all of that. Even in this area- - just because I may not believe something now I wrote three years ago exactly as I wrote it- - does not mean that what I believe now is better or more informed. The whole thing with the universe and other dimensions and afterlives and all of that is we live in a gigantic realm of “I don’t know”. There is a dearth of information. Finally I have written stuff on numerology, where you divide every number into a one through nine, and I state that the whole numbers system is based on adding digits up and putting them in a class between one and nine, and there are whole elaborate rules on how numbers react when you multiply and divide them. Basically I’m worried about whether people find my blogs and I know I have this habit of switching off between the eleven of them, like a football team. I don’t know if it would make any difference whether I just stuck to one blog and was able to attract followers. Perhaps I should have left the “followers” panel on my “Opera” blog just to see how many “loyal followers” I have. So many people have stated to blogger that their blogs don’t update their “hits” number, but that the number frequently “gets stuck” or else when people comment on their blogs they never hear about it. Perhaps I’m expecting too much. Perhaps I’m blogging too much. I usually blog when there seems something relevant to comment on. Now is not that time.

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