Friday, September 20, 2013

Recuerdos a tu Mamosa

 "'Tis pleasing to the Gods to see a man praised by his enemies"

It has been said "A road without obstacles, most likely leads nowhere".  But I say unto you, "If you see a road going where you want to go without obstacles, maybe God put it there for this very moment, when you decide to take it".

"In the latter days Joey would not carry a gun.  It's the kids, he'd say, who should never know of one"
-Bob Dylan

If fighting against God is like "beating against the air" the logical inference is - - God isn't going to change his mind suddenly and look less favorably on you because you do something that some Pastor has been admonishing you not to do.

I wonder if some of these politicians who make their reputations poisoning the political environment - got their start in life by poisoning pets of neighbors?
This is an overcast Friday morning September 20, 2013 and I had so much stuff to type last evening I was all “typed out” before even doing the usual journal entry.  This Mark Stein guy now substituting for Rush Limbaugh is positively certifiable.  I wanted to go on line to see what Booby Hatch they dredged this guy out of with his pompous British accent.  It seems as if he’s been a whackazoid for a long time.  He has written for all the right wing rags over the years.  But what’s funny is - - normally when a new host fills in he has only fleeting familiarity with the normal host and usually takes the show in quite a different direction.  Not this guy.  It’s funny.  It’s like all of his words were ghost written.  Ghost written by the same whackos that normally write the patter that Rush does- - with the same un-funny humor that’s so highly “pre associative” that all but initiates haven’t the vaguest idea what he’s talking about and don’t even get the joke.  This host did something really strange.  You know that scene at the end of the first Planet of the Apes where Heston sees the fallen Statue of Liberty and says “Damn it all to hell, we did it to ourselves”.  Well this host was downright giddy over the fact that the “statue” had fallen.  Meaning that- - he’s overjoyed that John Boehner has created anarchy in the tea party run House of Representatives.  It’s as Grover Norquist says.  These people only run for congress in order to get enough “lobbyist in training” skills- - to then graduate from Congress and actually Become a lobbyist.  Tom Stein stated the usual doom and gloom about Obama Care- - and how there is this mad rush of doctors and Health Care providers to escape it- - even if they have to get out of the health field entirely.  Rush will be back on Wednesday.   How much more Insane can these people get.  They have been saying days now that the President WANTS a government shut down.  That’s about on a par with an abusive husband claiming that his battered wife really wants him to beat her.   Now I’m starting to wonder- - what if the President were actually shot – and in the hospital struggling for his life.  Would these same Republicans then go on to claim that the President actually wanted to be assonated in order to boost his numbers in the polls?

The thing Randy Rhodes did on her show about Nancy Pelosi describing President Obama in all of those glowing terms- - is interesting.  Randy thinks that the President can strike up some sort of accord with the new leader of Iran- - because ‘Since the Iranians were gassed themselves, they have reason not to like Syria now”.   And we keep hearing how this new leader is a “moderate”, though I haven’t seen convincing evidence of that.  Now we hear that the President of Iran will be rolling out this 'New Image' of his country in a speech to the UN next week.  Media people see real hope in fruitful negotiations between our President and the new, moderate Iranian leader.  The population of Iran after all used to be Western while the Shaw was still ruling there prior to 1979.  The population of the country is young in median age, with a large number of students, who are hopeful about the future with the West.  It's said "These young people really want to embrace Western culture".  In Syria- - Assad has officially turned over their list of weapons of mass destruction to the United Nations.  This is at least a rudamentary positive first step in keeping their word.  But I guess you could play up the angle that President Obama both prevented a shooting war between Syria and America, and also - - maybe made the first peace overtures to Iran.  But Nancy Pelosi was saying on this “Politico interview”, I guess it was, that- - “People hate President Obama because he’s smart and comes from a different background than they did.  In other words he did not inherit his money as they did.   And “they went after Clinton, too - - desperately searching for some law in his character they could pin an impeachment on.  Then they found it.  But the scareyest part of this presentation, at least for me, was when it was pointed out that they also “Called President Clinton the first Black President”.   In other words he related to the down and out.  He was “the lobbyist for the rest of us” to counter-balance all the actual lobbyists.  Both Clinton and Obama were the classic “pull yourselves up by your boot straps” types I thought we celebrated in America, but apparently no more.  Not since the Tea Party has been dictating who is- and who is not worthy of our respect now.  And the only thing that would be worse than a man calling himself“The first Black President” would be - - a President who really IS Black.  This whole race thing is an area where for whatever reason- - Nancy Pelosi did not want to venture into.  The whole situation is really heart breaking if you think about it for more than a half a second.  It’s a situation we all have to live with now.  We thought that the political peudulum has stopped swinging to the right in 2006 and would be making its way in the other direction.  But we were all wrong.  And I think all of us have pretty much reached the desperation point at this juncture.

 The California unemployment rate has risen two tents of a point to 8.9% and I'm not buying any of the stated reasons for it.  The real reason is that the economy is just slowing down.  With all of the legeslation that has been pushed through this year and that Jerry Brown has signed, there is not one penny of increase for people like me who are on SSI.  There was a cut that was instituted a couple of years ago when we were supposed to get that 3.2% raise.  We got almost nothing.  The should restore that cut and stick on a little something else too, for our troubles.  If Jerry Brown really wants me to be a supporter of his, he can just make with the green stuff.

Well, today it can be said that at least Climate wise - - summer is over and fall has begun, because today is the first day that it did not get warm.  It stayed cool all day about seventy and if anything increasingly overcast.  We might even see a sprinkle or two.  I talked with Glen before lunch and he’s no inclined to give me back those five cigarettes than he was the other day, and right now I don’t have many left.   I guess then that we’d just have cold cut sandwiches for lunch, which is what we had.  We had tomato soup and coleslaw and cantaloupe for desert.   Mental Illness is the topic that has dominated this week.  Randy Rhodes had a self labeled Paranoid Scitzophrenic, who is not only sane, but saner than most the people in the media.  He began getting really wild or something around 1986 and the parents called the tops and they had him committed.  He stayed there two months.  He was afraid he’d be mentally ill for the rest of his life because that had always been his understand as to the nature of mental illness.  I wish someone would have told various people around me that mental illness was a curable condition.   Why can’t I have something in the text books like believing that there is an antenna aimed at me by the government or I’m in secret contact with someone on Mars- - or have a revelation that so and so has a Demon.  And they talk to their appliances – like the toaster or the microwave, and they have insane compulsions they must obey.  Maybe they believe a part of their body isn’t really them.   I came up with a doctrine last week - - - the reasons why all of the people who “track me” are Romulans - - is because they have the cloaking device.  They can stay in bodily form cloaked - - so it’s someone like FH from CMK, or it’s Bones, or Kurt Cobain, or John Lennon.  You will remember that while I was undergoing therapy at the mental health center in Fullerton in the middle part of 2000 - - John Lennon would greet me afterward and give me his own “take” on how the therapy session went and the things that stuck out to him.  But others in the Federation have to rely on what’s known as “shape aligners”.  You’ve heard of shape shifters from Deep Space Nine.  Well people from the Federation have to use the Mal Evans doctrine about congruent shapes and- - distance not being a factor - - and you don’t even have to rely on such a “slow” medium as ether waves and the speed of light for communication.  I was going to bring up incidents from my past- - mainly negative “revelations’ between about 1985 and 1989   - - as an example of how not even I “believe everything that comes into my mind”.  I am a firm believer in “false memory sidrone”.   I was thinking of perhaps doing a treaties on what the religious people call “Spiritual warfare”.   But as Randy Rhodes points out, often it’s something simple as “an organ of the body not working correctly”.  If it were your liver or your heart, then you could deal with it on a straightforward medical basis everyone would understand.  But there is something about Diseases of the Mind- - that freak everybody out something fierce.

We then come to perhaps the “busiest” day on Days of our Lives - - in a long time.  We learn that Officer Bernardi’s lover is the one who was “holding the bag” so to speak.  It was at her apartment where all the indicting evidence was found.  Apparently “somebody” give the police a tip to start interviewing nurses that were on duty the night Officer Bernardi was shot, and lo and behold one of the nurses who was ‘Hanging around Raphael’s room” just took off suddenly for Moracco or something, where she had all these bank accounts in either her name or her lover’s name, officer Bernardi.  Officer Bernardi’s fingerprints and DNA were all over her apartment- - including the bedroom.  And when they examined the weapon, not only did it still have Barnardi’s finger prints- - but also blood spatter from Barnardi’s own body- - when he was shot by Samantha.  But the gun shot didn’t kill the officer.  Kayla and the surgeons who operated on Bernardi stated that the prognosis looked good for his recovery.  But that nurse had other ideas.  Because somewhere she gained the knowledge that her lover, Bernardi- -  never intended to leave his wife and little Timmy, and she’d be getting no more money from him.  Being a nurse- - who in some ways have more power over patients than the doctors- - know all about drugs, and which ones can make a cause of death look like something else- - such as to cause you to bleed to death due to an anti-coagulant.  Bingo.  Naturally they held a celebration for her release at the Di Mira house- - with sex being one of the first priorities on the agenda.   But then you have Teresa being caught literally red handed with that unauthorized check for “discretionary funds” to the tune of $2,500 dollars “she wished was more”.  Jennifer called hospital security, and I imagine they’ll be arriving any second.   Then we have this same Teresa turning down Jack Junior for a place to stay that night.  Turning him down is not smart.  As to not fingering Teresa in his own crimes, this is just smart common sense.  It’s never wise to finger a higher up- - when their Guilt will make your own case a lot harder to defend in Court.  It’s better to do a little time if you have to rather than to do more time- - AND also get a superior mad at you that you may need later on.  (especially if you have been promised money)  Well, Teresa gave him money - - I’ll give her credit for that - - but since Jennifer has gone into her son’s private phone records- - the jig is pretty much up on their keeping their connection secret anyhow.  And I definitely don’t think that Teresa is the kind of person you can trust- - and Vargis found that one out the hard way.   “Hola, Nicole, recuerdos a tu Mamosa!”  It is pleasing to the Gods to see a man to be praised by his enemies.  And Victor broached the idea today to Marlena that “perhaps we should bring Nicole in on this” (since you just seem to screw things up)

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