Thursday, December 19, 2013

In Search of a Moral Compass

The big news of the day was from Rush Limbaugh.  Reported on the Rush Limbaugh show was the fact that there have been three major studies on the effects of second hand tobacco smoke, and they all concluded the same thing.  There is zero statistical correlation between exposure to second hand smoke, no matter to what degree – to any rise in cancer rates.  The third of these three studies was just released.  There was a major study out by the World Health Organization in 2003 and the results of that study were buried by the anti smoking liberals in this country from seeing the light of day, particularly in the media.  That’s the last news they want to hear.  We have done all of these things to inconvienience all of our lives, as Rush points out, to make the non smokers among us happy, not that anything seems to be working.  The more we try and accomidate them the more they just complain more.  Of course you see the smoke wafting its way through the vent system into other apartments where small children are present.  The other bit of health news from Rush also brightened my day.  He said that an apple a day is more effective for reducing cholesterol than one of these high priced staten drugs.  I’m glad to know that in at least some areas, Rush Limbaugh hasn’t completely sold out to the drug industry.

President Obama and the NSA are in trouble because yesterday a report was issued that this massive “dragnet’ of nationwide phone surveillance, has yielded only twelve “tips” in ten years- - and zero convictions.  It seems the only one of the thousands of cases to hit pay dirt was some guy giving a donation to Al Shabaz or something.  But the FBI concluded that it wasn’t connected with terror but merely out of some cultural interest, and they did not prosecute.  Just about everyone from every direction is getting on President Obama’s case, who has defended these phone taps time and time again as “an invaluable tool to bring down terrorists”.  It seems that both the ACLU and the gun lobby are getting into the act and bringing suits.  I guess even the gun lobby knows when the government is not their friend.  From my personal point of view the vase stash of information is so huge- - that keeping track of it all or worrying about sabotage seems to me more trouble than it’s worth.  But I guess they have to put that big new monster computer in Utah to some use.  We haven’t heard much about Obama Care this seek, but I keep reading this massive backlog of E mails from Judy burying me in an avalanche of information.

President Obama will not be going to the Moscow Olympics in February.  And neither are the Vice President or any Cabinet office official.  Janet Paulatano is the highest ranking ex official heading the delegation that also includes faded tennis star Billy Jean King, and some ice skater named Kateland.  Both of these women are avowed lesbians.  And it’s speculated that Jan may come out of the closet herself soon.  Nicole Sandler spent a lot of time talking about gay rights on her program today as one of the major topics in her review of 2013.   I guess you have to ask yourself “What if you were straight and lived in a world where gayness was considered the society norm?”  The other question I have to ask myself whenever these Christians come on and brag of so and so “being turned” from gay to straight and now they are happily married with a family.  I wonder what might happen if it all blows up in their face?   On this issue, strangely, I seem to be staking out a position to the left of Moe Kelly.  Because the minute I heard about this whole gay thing with Bladamir Putin I realized that- - this was some strange new aberration in Russian government.  Certainly the old line communists weren’t the least concerned about whether you were gay or not.  And it’s apparently BAD there.  You can’t say one word about being gay or advocating for gay rights or put up a banner, and if you do you will be gunned down or something.  It’s apparently a whole lot worse there right now than it was in the United States fifty years ago.  This is why I feel Moe’s comparison about “having a moral right” is il founded.  Even in the thirties with Jesse Owens, people knew that the Nazi’s were wrong. 

The other issue where gayness is involved is this Arts and Entertainment network about duck hunters in the bayou or whatever.  Apparently the star of the program made some strange comments in Gentleman’s Quarterly magazine.  He talked about vaginas just being a whole lot more fun than some other man’s anus- - and talked about sin and whore mongers and fornacators and liars and swindlers and all the rest who will be “Outside the Kingdom” as the book of Revelation closes.  And then Sarah Palin pips in and talks about free speech and all.  Moe Kelly rightly points out that “free speech” is a constitutional prohibition against congress in the constitution.  It has nothing to do whatsoever about corporations setting policy for their contracted employees.  I also agree with Moe that if I were A & E I would, at least this time, just made a statement that “The Company doesn’t necessarily endorse the positions taken by certain of its stars.  It seems to me kind of a strange show if they pray before dinner every night and talk about Jesus on the show.  Is this a Christian program or what?   Sarah Palin only believes in free speech apparently when the speaker agrees with her warped views.  And her tolerance does not extend to people like Martin Bashier.  According to Rush the reason why “Liberals don’t tolerate descent from their view” is because they are secretly afraid the other side is right.  May I assure I don’t “secretly fear the other side is right”.  This is where I part company with those who say that “Religion is really a private thing- - - and it’s not really properly to talk about it in public”
People wonder what Jesus’ ministry was like.  You can divide it into certain categories.  He believed in the healing of the physical body from all disease, even if he had to raise you from the dead to do it, which he did three times.  He believed in your spiritual “wholeness” also and did numerous castings out of demons.  Jesus taught morals on how man ought to relate to his fellow man.   The other thing Jesus talked about was this “Kingdom of God” thing, which he shrouded in parables.  He also made statements that alluded to this kingdom being on earth and possibly “In your mind’ right now, in the here and now present.  He once said “The kingdom of God is within you”, though another translation is “The kingdom of heaven is among you”.  In either case it’s concerned with the people on the earth right now.  Jesus did not in public speak of the kingdom as “a place” that you would get to “go to” when you died, or whatever.  He is very “here and now’ about it- - saying their people who abstain from sex RIGHT NEW for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.  There are people without an eye or a hand apparently, for the sake of the kingdom.  Jesus said “The drunkards and the prostitutes are getting into the kingdom of heaven ahead of you”.  If there are people IN it now- - then the Kingdom itself must be already HERE.

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