Wednesday, March 05, 2014

All The Good Ideas Seem To Get Aborted

 President Obama presented his Budget for 2015 and like all the others I guess it's "Dead on Arrival".  This is of course a rather silly thing but Republicans will often do a rebuttal to a speech before it's even given, and reject a proposal from Obama before they even see it.  Rush Limbaugh hasn't seen "Twelve Years a Slave" but he's sure the movie did NOT deserve the award of Best Picture but that left wing politics must be involved somehow.  I am wondering when the American People as a whole are going to really tire of this knee jerk Tea Party stuff.  How long can they listen to the same broken record without questioning a thing?  For someone to come out and say "Well it's a Shadow Government that's been in the works planning to get to where we are now- - which completely bi-passes the American Voter" well this is not a satisfying answer.  It's funny how some marketing ideas for completely frivelous items can catch on suddenly like wild fire. Isn't it time the Democrats tried to "market" their ideas in some manner that won't be rejected out of hand?  If you ask the Ronald Reagan question of "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" and if you aren't, just remember that the most Powerful Branch of Government, has been firmly in the hands of the far right Tea Party contingency, and at least as of now you have the power to do something about it this coming November.

Mike Papentonio has told us in his ‘Ring of Fire” program a new twist in this whole Wall Street Banker investment thing.  You know about unsecured real estate “sub prime loans” as they are reffered to” I’m not sure why.  But people get zapped by balloon payments.  You know about “Investment Swaps” which is a form of “bond insurance” except that the “insurance” goes bust and doesn’t pay up when they’re liable.  Then you have the idea of “derivitives” or bets on bets.  Where this goes off the track is betting against your own clients.  And here is where it is now.  Because for an athlete to bet FOR his team is one thing.  He may know the team had a good work-out or is really psyched up and has a good feeling about this game.  But for instance a baseball pitcher betting AGAINST his team in a game where HE is pitching and clearly is able to determine the outcome- - this is really beyond the pale.  You’ve heard of “Cornering the Market’ in commodities where one guy basically controls the supply and can set his own price.  But here is the latest twist.  Some may argue that betting on commodities such as oil or precious metals is risky and ill advised for a banker holding your life savings.  But now these Banks are SO BIG that they OWN the SUPPLY of the commodities they bet on.  So this is behind an “elastic supply” that we discussed, and even beyond “cornering the market”.  NO this is YOU jacking up the price on something you Control- - and making perhaps ten to one margin leverage money on your OWN decision!   This is a money fiend’s dream beyond belief!   These people buy up massive amounts of aluminum or something- - they watch the price go up - - and then the day before he floods the market with his product, he sells out everything, or better yet goes Short- - and makes money on the way Down - - too.   The next segment was on mal practice where in California there is a cap of $250,000 for a lifetime of damage.  If you are killed in the operation or is you lose the wrong leg- - or the wrong hand- - or are irreprebly blinded in a laser surgery gone wrong-  or you are paralyzed from the neck down because maybe the surgeon had undiagnosed Parkinson’s disease and was unsteady with a knife- - $250,000 is all you get.  Then we have the ‘Shadow government” segment we already covered with George Washington’s blog.  So apparently this whole topic of the shadow government is making the rounds now. 

There was some kind of quadrennial “Defense Report” released by this House of Representatives.  The environmentalists have taken over there.  The warnings were dire about the effects of global warming affecting military preparedness and safety.  Then there was another report written in 2012 by somebody where Randy goes on to say that the Trans Canada pipeline would raise the carbon dioxide count to 520 parts per million when we are now at 390 or something and rising and the safe level of 350 parts per million.  And “Were it not for this- the planet would normally BE in the cool part of its rotation cycle”.  I don’t know how they came up with that, but it means that soon the problem may get much WORSE even with little C02 being added now.  On a related front Ed Schultz is having new doubts about the Trans-Canada pipeline if for no other reason than all the phoney bologna stuff put out by FOX news and it bothers him that he would be in favor of a project supported by so many LIES by the right wing media. 

Stephanie thinks that Obama is portrayed alternately as a ruthless autocrat, or else some 98 pound weakling who is hopelessly intellectual and academic to a fault and can’t make a constructive decision on anything.  Both are actually true.  This morning I got up a little before six.  I am reminded that DLST begins this weekend, which nobody in this country is ready for because we’re psychologically in the middle of winter.  These polar vortex storms are still invading the Eastern portion of the US and are now setting new low temperature records for March.  Chicago has a record number of days below zero degrees.  However the times I’ve checked temperatures have almost always been in the teens – above zero.  I had this blog video- - from a link in a portion of George Washington’s blog I had pasted.  This link to a previous blog discusses “Even if you have nothing to hide you still have much to fear from government snooping”.  The thing is “whether YOU think you have done nothing wrong” doesn’t matter.  It’s what the Government believes.  Or worse yet what the government THINKS you can be framed for doing- - if they should develop some reason for going after you.  They say that with this Utah site- - the government hopes to come up with algorithm filters to expidate the search for information you are “guilty” of.   Now there is more talk about masturbating in High School- - where masturbators can’t get away with it anymore because they have cameras everywhere.  I turned off the computer at ten to seven and switched on KNBC.  The store guy was there before seven and he had already gone through almost an entire pot of coffee and started the production of a third pot, because there are two hot plates.  Steve was there, who seems so “over-medicated” these days.  The old spunk just isn’t there.  We had pancakes for breakfast and sausage.  They’ve been more generous with the syrup lately, which is a good thing.  We also had Cheerios.  I got my medication from Ricardo on the way out of the building. 

March is coming in line a lion, and this March is so different from last year’s when flowers bloomed prematurely.   I used Google Desktop in a search for my “cause and effect” karmic posting where I say that cause HAS to be balanced by effect, just like the scales of justice, which everybody talks about but nobody takes seriously- - at least if you’re a “vintage” liberal of old, or a Born Again Christian, where they all but spit on the whole idea of any reckoning of good deeds weighed against bad or any “scales of justice” that would ever judge THEIR lives.  The trouble is, I have definite doubt about whether readers possess the mental discipline to properly glean the values I was driving at in this posting perhaps two years old.  In Dr Levy’s class last Saturday everybody was saying ‘They are signing people up now for a one way trip to Mars in the year 2030, apparently by a private company.  As you may know Apollo XVII was not supposed to be the last moon shot in December of 1972 but more moon shots were scheduled.  However suddenly all of these trips were aborted and the entire Saturn rocket fleet was destroyed, which seems like a waste of expenditure our government is famous for.  Gerald Ford but the kabosh on plans to Prosecute ex President Nixon in September of 1974.  Other things have been aborted like Jimmy Carter's energy plan of July 1979 and putting solar panels on the White House room.  Of course the one pathetic planned attack on Iran in April of 1980 had to be aborted.  We were being primed for weeks about an October Surprise with the hostages, but the only "surprise" is that it didn't happen.   One wonders whether congress should have pushed for even stronger gun bills after President Reagan's attempted assassination.  One of the strangest case of "aborted plans' came in my personal life in late April of 1990 when me and Debby Lies had been getting closer and there were plans for her to come over to my place to bake chocolate chip cookies the last Sunday afternoon in April.  That never happened and there was a communications black-out that lasted weeks.  I never figured out what happened- - except Debby broke up with a previous relationship officially in early May of 1990.  If anything this should have "cleared the way" to spend more time with me.  That didn't happen.  The one thing I remember was that Sunday at noon I was at lunch with parents after church and I was going on and on about how close Debby and I were getting now.  Pardon my suspicious mind but I can't help that somehow in those next two hours or so, a phone call was made and some kind of bribery or arm twisting took place.  Judas Priest went into a "Hiatus" in 1991 that they never came out of.  Another strange feature that Tom Leykis or Joe Crummy pointed out (I forget which) was that "nobody seemed to be running for President".   There was like no word from anybody, and notably Mario Cuomo who had been preparing for this run for years.  But nobody decided to run and you know who got the nomination and what we got.  NAFTA and the deregulation of the securities markets, and the Destruction of the Broadcast Media as we knew it - - and of course no Health Care.

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