Monday, December 28, 2015

ISIS Stronghold Ramadi Falls to Allied Forces

ISIS has lost Ramadi as Iraqi troops surrounded the provincial capital and then took it.  Now ISIS is desperate and are talking about attacking Israel, which of course would be suicidal for them.  ISIS is now getting a little desperate for new recruits and are losing touch with reality.  Hopefully we will be able to completely turn the tide against ISIS and make them a thing of the past.   Just imagine what life would be like around here without Shawn Hannity continually raving about how ISIS is at the door and how Prsident Obama is ignoring the problem.  Just think if ISIS were not even a campaign issue in 2016!  Shawn Hannity keeps repeating those four cities such as Mozul and Filugia and all of the others and is never failing in blaming the President in "pulling out all of our troops in 2011" as though it were a spur of the moment thing and not a pre planned agreement with President Bush in 2008.

Senator Bernie Sanders is dealing with Donald Trump with a direct frontal approach.  He points out that Trump’s supporters could use a boost in their wages because they aren’t being paid enough but their hero, Trump, says that his supporters are being paid too much in wages.  Now Trump has been forced to re-think his position on wages.  Sanders should keep up this approach because it’s working.  Clearly if Senator Sanders raids Trumps “Reagan Democratic base” then his own support will wane as Sanders’s supporters increase.  It’s a good thing.  Chicago police killed two more innocent people over the weekend.  I think it was a male teenager and a fifty or so year old woman.  Perhaps we’ll get my readers more information on this.

 Star Wars is not only making a billion dollars in two weeks or something, but now Disneyland is going to tear out Big Thunder and the petting zoo and some other stuff to make a “Star Wars” land.  I think if they do that they’ll fundamentally change the nature of the park if they go taking a lot of traditional Frontierland stuff out of the park.  They said the Mark Twain steamboat ride might even be closed down for a while.   The Federation has been very quiet about the premier of Star Wars, but the Federation has been very quiet about everything lately, at least as far as I'm concerned.  

(CNN)Two more shooting deaths by Chicago police are prompting swift action by the city's mayor, as well as by residents who want the mayor to go.  The latest upheaval came after Chicago police fatally shot Bettie Jones, 55, and Quintonio LeGrier, 19, while answering a call about a domestic disturbance.  But Jones, a mother of five, shouldn't have been shot at all, police say. She was "accidentally struck and tragically killed" by an officer.  And many question the shooting of LeGrier, who police say was combative. LeGrier's family said he suffered from a mental illness, CNN affiliate WLS reported.  On Sunday night, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel ordered changes in how city police officers are trained to handle calls involving people who may have mental health problems.   "There are serious questions about yesterday's shootings that must be answered in full by the Independent Police Review Authority's investigation," Emanuel said.   "While their investigation is underway, we must also make real changes within our police department today, and it is clear changes are needed to how officers respond to mental health crises."

I went out to wait and it was past twenty to eleven and still no car and Bill said the phone had rung and so I went right back down and Paul and Judy were waiting for me in the usual space.  We didn’t need to pick up Mom but went straight to Marie Calendar’s.  All three cars arrived at just about the same time.  Wendy brought Mom.  I asked [name] about my E mail.  We sat at a combination booth and table and I sat in the booth part.  People got just about the same things.  Someone got a cob salad and [name] and Wendy got the soup and salad bar.  I had a “the works” Frisco burger with French fries.  I cleaned my plate.  I had two and a half cups of coffee.  Judy had some elaborate dish.  Like last time we arrived a little after eleven.  Perhaps the whole meal was five minutes or so later each way than last time.  We went to Paul and Judy’s house.  Their bird, Benjamin was chatty and he was allowed to walk out on people’s arms and then didn’t want to go back into the cage.  Paul had to go to work at a quarter to two so we had to push the festivities a little.  We went to the gifts.   There seemed to be fewer of them this year.  Wendy gave a lot but I don’t recall her receiving any gifts.  Mom had a Christmas card for me and said “You’re the one person I have a little something for”, but she wasn’t referring to money but the magazine subscription.  I guess she usually gives [name] and Paul checks.  I got the brown belt and the boxers I had asked for- - and lots of white and black socks.  Wendy gave everybody the same two gifts.  There was that sound effects thing where you sleep with noises of whatever on of crickets or rain or ocean waves.  [name] was making sure that Mon knew how to use it.  Tim wanted to give Mom a radio that looked like the one I used to have except a little later model and was newer.  Mom got flustered and confused.  This was a common thing.  Mom got flustered when she was a the last served at the restaurant.  Then she had forgotten the order she didn’t like the last time.  But she changed the soup order but then forgot that she had tasted [name]’s soup before she ordered it and then didn’t like the soup.  When the served the pies- - - Mom expressed dislike for Wendy’s apple pie.  I didn’t like it either but I didn’t say anything.  The crust was positively like cardboard and there was as much crust as there was fruit.  There was absolutely no sugar in the recipe and there were some unusual spice combinations like using red chili to bring out the taste of the cinnamon.  After Paul left we played the only “game”.  It was asking questions of the group such as “What was your favorite class in school” and if I’d thought about it I might have said “Business Law” in my senior year, but instead I picked Miss Davis’s sophomore English class.  I picked as my favorite historical figure Franklin Roosevelt.  Perhaps Wendy was more on the right track picking Benjamin Franklin. I might have picked him otherwise.  We were asked our favorite animal and naturally a bunch of us said “cats”.  Judy and Wendy were then off in the other room looking at some Excel program on computer.  They seemed engrossed.  Mom wanted to leave not long after to get back for her dinner.  We left perhaps quarter after three.  We said good-bye to Wendy and Judy still in the computer room and left

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