Thursday, December 08, 2016

The Troubling "Concentration Puzzle" picture is Grimly Emerging

The news consists of the Oakland fire, and the more important Smokey Mountains fire in Tennessee, which they now say was caused by teenage arson.  There was other police blotter news and a lot of weather related items.  Trying to get real governmental news is difficult.  They did manage to squeeze in Donald Trump’s appointments of the day, and I’m sure when the Secretary of State is announced, they’ll make a major thing out of it since the Secretary of State is high ranking in terms of Presidential succession. However they don't spend nearly enough time on the nightly news discussing the workings of government, and almost no time at all on foreign affairs.  Even the Mideast coverage has been lacking lately.  

President-elect Donald Trump has touched off his latest feud, sparring with a union chief in Indianapolis as he attempts to demonstrate to the American public how his deal-making prowess saved jobs of union members.  The fight escalated Wednesday night when Trump lashed out on Twitter after the union leader, Chuck Jones, accused the president-elect of lying about how many jobs he was saving at Carrier Air Conditioning's Indiana plants.  "Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!" Trump tweeted at 7:41 p.m., following up with, "If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana. Spend more time working-less time talking. Reduce dues."    The preceding remarks were pasted.

President-elect Donald Trump is expected to name fast-food executive Andy Puzder as labor secretary, according to people familiar with the decision.  Mr. Puzder, chief executive of CKE Restaurants Holdings Inc., the parent company of the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s burger chains, has been a vocal advocate for cutting back regulations he says have stifled growth in the restaurant industry, which represents 10% of the American workforce.  Mr. Puzder, an adviser and contributor to Mr. Trump’s campaign, has criticized the Affordable Care Act and has argued against raising the federal minimum wage higher than $9 an hour. Democrats have called for raising the federal minimum wage for as high as $15.

Trump campaigned in the rust belt saying ‘I’m on the side of the workers’ but not when he attacks Union officials at first chance.  I didn’t know Trump has already appointed two guys in the FCC who were opposed to net neutrality.   This danger on steroids because if we don’t preserve net neutrality we’re all sunk, meaning those of us who are political types on the left.   Of course yesterday’s announcement of Scott Pruitt for head of the EPA still rings in the ears of a lot of us.  Now Hartman tells us that Hillary Clinton is failing to be in the limelight of political progressivism or the “loyal opposition” leaving others to do that.  Hartman says there is a political tradition of political losers to go off quietly into that long sunset.  In terms of the leader of Carl’s Jr. and Hardy’s being made Secretary of Labor, it fulfills a campaign promise Trump made to the Republican right not to increase minimum wage, and if anything Trump is claimed to have stated the minimum wage at $7.50 is too high already.   This is an accusation roommate Bill has repeated many times.  So the administration is taking shape as the “concentration” puzzle becomes all to obvious now as to what the final picture will say. 

I think I have discovered the need for a new mathematical function.   I could call it the binary exponent function or the addition exponent function.  For instance 2+3.67 would be 12 and here is how it works.  As you know 23 is 8 and 24 is 16.  This predictability works out well with only 2.  4 is 8 to the 2/3 power.  Therefore it would be an exponent with a little plus sign before the exponent symbol.  As you know sixteen would be ten thousand in binary numbers and 24 would be 11000 in binary speak.  This in my view would be 2+4 3/4 power.  Would there be a use for such a key in calculator for instance?  As you know there is one binary function on Calculator that already covers multiplication in a sense and that’s the LSH or left shift control- - where the thing can be reversed for right shift for dividing by two.   It’s a suggestion.

DONALD TRUMP APPOINTS A DINGO TO HEAD HUMAN SERVICES  There is good news of a sort out there.  Donations of Free Speech TV have woken up.  There is a rich guy out there who is willing to match your donation dollar for dollar up to a level of three hundred thousand dollars.  This is a good sign that rich people have woken up.  The people at Free Speech say that good things are now happening with that network in terms of expanding their influence.  I say it's about TIME. 

You’ve heard of the Fourteen steps toward FACISM put out ten years ago, and how we’re virtually there already.  You more recently from Hartman have heard that Latin phrase of “Know the end from the beginning” and “Resist the beginnings”.  This refers to the onset of Nazi government in 1930’s Germany. Now there are three key “Warning Signs” given off by society to signal the impending democracy.  Public support.  People stop cherishing democracy as a sacred right.  One might say that Trump’s promise to “steal the voting rights of millions of Americans” as an assault on democracy itself. Then there is issue two which is Public openness to non democratic government.  The share of Americans who say Army Rule would be a good thing was 1 in 16 Americans in 1995.  Now that figure is one in six.  See how the odds have improved in twenty short years.  The trend is particularly strong among young people of all things.  .  These are statstics out of a recent study.   Number three is the following question:  Is there a lot of “anti system sentiment out there?   Donald Trump is the epitimy of “anti system sentiment”.  People just no longer believe in the processes of government and would not be that adverse to throwing out our system of Checks and Balances, formerly so cherished by Americans.   They call collapse of democracy as “de-consolidation”.    These are “Early Warning” systems.  But even in technology they disable the red flashing lights that serve as warnings of impending danger.  The same thing is going on with the Media right now because they are failing to warn us of the impending danger.  That danger is very real.  

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