Thursday, April 13, 2017

"Mother of All Bombs" Dropped in Afghanistan

The “Mother of all bombs” was dropped in Afghanistan today at Trump’s specific approval.  It was the right bomb for the right situation.  The bomb wiped out a system of caves and tunnels allowing Al Qaeda troops to move about freely.  This particular bomb was perfected last decade.   It’s designed specifically as a bunker buster and not meant to shoot out projectiles and kill people.  I just don’t want Trump to go on a major droning binge killing civilians.  It’s the Massive Ordinance Air-blast Bomb or MOAB.  It’s 23,000 pounds of explosive power.   What's still undetermined is whether this big bomb will turn the tide of battle in favor of US backed forces, or whether the Al Qaeda people will just say it's "all in a day's work" and continue on as they were.  

Paul Manifort and Michael Flynn have both registered as foreign agents of Russia.  This is based on a 1938 law he’s chosen to comply with.  According to Norman Goldman the evidence is piling up that there is an extensive Russian-Trump connection.   I imagine the IRS is all over this guy’s case what with the extensive corporate connections he has. 

Norman Goldman compiled a list of Donald Trump’s failed campaign promises.  Repeal and Replace of Obama Care is the one that comes to mind first.  This was Trump’s number one campaign priority.  A lot of us were worried that massive tax cuts for the rich would balloon the deficit.  There isn’t even a tax reform bill right now.  They never even got to the bill stage before they abandoned it.  Chuck Schummer says not only will not he not assist in drafting the bill but Schummer will just bring up Trump’s income tax returns.  The Wall with Mexico.  Some senate hearing said they won’t support the wall.  The House won’t do funding.  Trump said he would stay out of Syria.  And then there is “Whatever happened to the Moslem travel ban.  Have we seen any headway on infrastructure.  Then there’s his big flip flop on China.  Trump says “I am very impressed with President Xi and he has a good feeling about him.  So suddenly there is no talk about currency manipulation.  There is not one peep about cheating on trade relations.  Has Trump brought any coal mining jobs back?  Shawn defends Trump at every turn or at least has done so until now.  I wonder when Shawn himself will become disillusioned with Trump. 

There is a story in a Wall Street publication that China has a whole slew of missiles now lined up at the North Korea border and aimed their way.  But I was told the mainstream media was specifically told to suppress this story.  There are continued rumors that maybe Trump will resign in a few months but before he goes out, he’s going to bomb North Korea and this new bomb that was launched today is definitely sending a message to Kim Jumg Um.

That doctor who was bumped from the United Airlines flight was 69 years old and lost too front teeth and suffered a broken nose and he has an attorney and will be suing.  United Airlines stock has gone down because of this incident.  Clearly excessive force was used in removing this man from his seat by security guards.   They have vowed not to repeat that.

Thom Hartman was just confirming what we all know that the poor are more generous and empathetic than the rich are.  Judy won’t believe that because she’s been brainwashed by right wing Christian radio.  Mark Twain didn’t like the Sheshone tribe because he thought they were too crude and lost on the Darwin charts.  Thom Hartman maintains the belief that these hunter-gatherer tribes spend only two hours per day looking for food and the rest of the time they spend playing games or else in deep religious contemplation.  The overriding question remains as to how these so called Born Again Christians like Trump now says he is- - be comfortable in their own skin knowing how they favor the filthy rich and oppress the poor.  Certainly Jesus spent a lot of time talking about how hard it is for the rich to get into heaven.  According to the rich you can just buy your way in because "everything has its price".  Money trumps moral decency with these people every time.  But the Catholic Church is still too much like the old Russian Communist Government.  They claim to hate money and love the poor meanwhile they hoard all the wealth in their society.  I'm sure there is some mental compartmentalization going on with them that justifies it.  Thom Hartman even claims that Calvinism and predestination were doctrines spawned to favor and justify the rich.  I'm beginning to see things more his way the more you just let these Christians talk and talk.  I guess it was Maya Angelo who said "When someone shows you who they really are- - believe them".  (Selah)

This is Thursday April 13, 2017.   I was just looking and there are differences between the British and American versions of “Kings of the Wild Frontier”.  “Making History” is unique to the British version and “Press Darlings’ and “You’re So Physical” are unique to the American version.  “Killer in the Home” appears on “Metal Militia” in my own compilation, and I didn’t know that. Last night I got coffee from Glen from his room and it was another chincy serving.  Glen had never seen my big mug before.  Then it was ABC news and Jeopardy.  The new light was not on at seven thirty.  I went for medication from Ida and then it was Wheel of Fortune and the start of “Law and Order”.  Finally I went down after eight and when I was out there a couple minutes the light came on for the first time in months.  The timer needs adjustment.  I had considered going to the store but I had just been there around seven to get cigarettes.  But I had about agreed to go for Nancy when Larry suddenly decided he would go for her.  Then I watched “Rape incorporated” with a corrupt grandfather and grandson.  Neither of them liked the father because he was kicked out of the family company leadership.  The grandfather used qualudes to rape women.

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