Friday, July 12, 2019

Tropical Storm Barry Bears Down on New Orleans

Today is the tenth anniversary of when President Obama and Hillary helped out in the coup in Honduras that overthrew a democratically elected president who cared about the people and had many social programs- - and he was replaced with just another despotic dictator who oppresses the people.  The guy in July of 2009 was overthrown with US help because he was a "Social democrat" or whatever Bernie Sanders claims to be.  This would not do, especially because this pre 2009 leader was said to be getting just a little friendly with Hugo Shavaz.  We wanted someone who was business friendly and also drug cartel friendly. 

Trump's secretary of labor, the one involved in all of the Jeffrey Epstein stuff,  has apparently resigned.  If this is true it is a good thing and a small step taken by Trump to purge his administration of corruption.  I heard another official was arrested with child pornography on his phone.  Trump would not be at 44% in the polls in my oppinion if impeachment procedings got started. 

New Orleans is in trouble again.  Flooding has already ravaged the city and surrounding areas with ten inches of rain an hour at some points.  Heavy rainfall is scheduled for the next 45 hours as tropical storm Barry burrows down on them.  Parts of New Orleans are below sea level and the Mississippi river is at record height.  Flooding is up past the tires of cars if any can still run and much of the city looks like the canals of Venice.  Stay tuned. 
President Trump has backed off of his threat to use executive action to put the Census question about citizenship on the forms next year.  Instead the president going to consult the commerce department about another way of getting the citizenship figures Trump wants. 
The Dow Jones industrials closed at a new high today of over 27,000.  The markets are up sixteen percent for the year.  New job figures look good.  Gold is inching its way up over fourteen hundred.  It might be a good time to buy.  There doesn’t seem to be the slightest of any indication of an economic slow-down.  On the contrary it seems to be full speed ahead.
They had a mass wedding in Central Park representing the fifty-two states.  This is the politically correct version where the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico were represented.  If you were to do a version of the 52 stars on the flag we would have it would be rows of 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7 adding up to 52 or dividing fifteen in half.  I’m pretty sure that’s how they would do it.  


I happened to have the thought that “What if the Holy Spirit” and God weren’t the same person.  If I wanted to be really snooty I would liken the holy spirit to Eve Donavin or Christine Di Mira.  You know, someone without any friends but they have high hopes of ruling the world or at least their little domain.  They want to be a key player.  You may ask me “How can they have power if they don’t have any friends?   That’s a mystery.  The holy spirit has friends of course, those who sharee his same fantasy.  But people like Christine Di Mira and Eve Donavin don’t need friends; they have circumstances on their side.  At least until now they do.  It’s a pretty good trick if you can pull it off. What if the sovereign god of the universe is tiring of over two thousand years of this spiritual Zionism stuff where the lamb of God is slain from the foundation of the world and was born to be “King of Israel” as the song says, otherwise known as the Lion King?  What if God decided to pull the plug on all of this guilt hand wringing stuff about “You sinful men killed the prince of Life” or whatever, preferring to preach a dead Christ rather than a living one.  I think it’s all growing old.  I think all of this Disney Lion King stuff is growing old too after 25 years.  And I think Star Wars has been driven into the ground with something they used to call “over-exposure”.  People have had enough of it and want to take a break from it.  How many times can you hear “A-cumma-Mettqada” or whatever and not have it coming out their ears?  I know I talk blasphemy; it’s blasphemy against Disney Corp. 

.  I still have a lot of other religious stuff to type but not today.  It would be interesting to see who speaks more truth.  Is it “God” or that which I believe to be God, or is it Satan, ever whispering in my ear, filling my head with stuff that robs me of my “faith”.  It also occurred to me that one could modify Origen’s statement to say “Not all justice is justice that is recognized by God”.  I have my sense of justice.  The Bible plainly teaches us “Our ways are not God’s ways.  This has certain implications.  If I’m really “totally morally depraved” as Calvinism teaches that I am, then how am I in any moral position to make a decision about something so weighty as my eternal destiny.  If someone was falling down drunk and Satan got them to sign a contract surrendering their soul for eternity, mightn’t someone say that that wasn’t fair because one signer was mentally incompetent?  I don’t know; ask Neil Savedra.  He says that by sheer force of the human will to have “Faith” then all obsticles are surmountable. 

I have just one more point to raise about the ministry of Jesus.  When John the Baptist was in prison he sent a message to Jesus' disciples of "Are you the annointed messiah or are we to expect another?"  Jesus responded, "Tell John that the blind see and the lame walk and the prison doors are opened and the captives are set free".  This last part is an allusion to Isaiah 61.  But in that case the "prison doors" referred to political prisoners of the government, I'm pretty sure.  Jesus spoke of it as being deliverance from demons and the dominion of Satan.   One might say he watered down the basic messianic message, which was primarily political.  However today you have people, probably Neil Savedra, saying they are suspicious of "Deliverance ministries".   I'm thinking, "Why would you want people not to be delivered from demons?"  The answer is there is a basic distrust of anything Supernatural among the religious community, particularly with Neil Savedra.  There are only two exceptions to this rule.  One is if they are in complete control of it like some kind of a staged theatrical production like Jim Jones "pulling cancer" out of patients.  The other is if it is some historical act where the primary goal was not deliverance or healing but to prove some etherial theological point.  The very arrival of the Holy Spirit was not primarily to "give people gifts" but to explain how the Church got here so quickly and didn't take the hundred years to get established that we all know it took.  (Selah)

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