Thursday, June 16, 2011

Anthony Wiener Softens and Pulls Out

Well I guess mob rule is supreme after all. The clamor of the media for Anthony Wiener to resign from Congress has finally gotten to him and today he's announced he's quitting. This is unfortunate since we need a man like Wiener in Congress. There aren't very many true blue liberals left. Even many people with a reputation as being liberal Democrats have sold out to the corporate right, and will respond accordingly when it comes to either blocking good bills, passing obnixious riders to bills, or just not following either their conscience or the will of the people who elected them into office. Clearly these matters of a petty sexual nature are nowhere the magnitude of what is routine for Congress and those in the executive branch.

Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the California Budget. This was a budget put together by a democratic legislature and vetoed by a democratic governor. Brown says he has "legally questionable manovers" and does not solve the debt problem because it doesn't put a cap on spending enough to control the rising debt. Some say the budget was "thrown together hastily" because of the strict ballot measure past last November that docked the pay of state legeslators for every day the budget was late. It is my oppinion that Brown is being a bit of an asshole by not just signing the budget and letting us go about the business of government. He keeps talking about obtaining republican votes to make some "deal". If it were me I'd take the victory and not have to mess with it any more and claim success.

Al Swahari has succeeded to the head of Al Qaeda. His is not an unfamiliar name to news watchers. Now they are saying HE was the "number two man in Al Qaeda". Just how many "number two people do they have?" They keep going through them as fast as we can kill them. But he's targeting Pakistan and tends to go after them specifically. Perhaps Pakistan has learned their lesson and will now be more friendly to the U S and approach us with the proper attitude. But maybe not. Al Swahari wants to expand Al Qaeda in Pakistan. The U S is now saying "it doesn't really matter because we don't believe Bin Laden's death signaled that much of a change anyhow". Of course some of the people arrested in Pakistan a couple days ago were ones that scope out good military targets for us to send our drone missiles into. Our goal is to strike strategic military targets but to keep deaths of civilians to a minimum. Now this is threatened and we may be set back in our efforts to "passify" the country. I think this would be a good time for the President to inform the American people just what our military stance is on Pakistan at this point and what the state of our diplomatic relations really are.

My advice is to sell common stocks now. We aren't down that much from the highs, so you can't complain you've already lost money and "have to get it back". The thing to do is sell stocks BEFORE you suffer future capital loss. The financial crisis in Greece is worsening. Many European countries have cut back their expenses worse than we have, so take heed. These crises are minefields of potential disaster, and there are more and more of them these days. Don't let some small blip in employment numbers fool you. The facts are that nobody on the street is confident, both Wall Street and Main Street. People don't hire because people don't spend. And they don't spend either because they are paying off prior debts (which is the responsible thing to do) or else they've taken a pay cut in their new job, or else they are just gun shy. People have just "lowered their expectations" in general of what "normal" is for them. I know I've personally had to do that. They may think it's prudent behavior, but this sort of "prudent behavior" is contagious disease for this sick economy.

I'm glad you found this blog. I know I skip from blog to blog every couple weeks and that gets confusing. Hopefully some of you long time readers have long since picked up on the pattern, and even the sequence of blogs. As for my changing to another system - don't count on it. I'm a real creature of habit. My philosophy on blogs of kind of like rock song artists in the 'sixties. I am constantly trying to be on top of the latest trends and "be ahead of the learning curve". I also hope to continually reduce spelling and grammar errors as well as increase the richness and texture of the text. Often I will be hearing something on the TV or radio while I'm typing and quickly incorporate it into the posting I'm typing.

Some of you numbers freaks may think I stumped myself several weeks ago saying that the number of lines associated with a dimension is always the square of the roster number of the dimension, as per my dimensional formula. Well we can all agree that four lines draws a square in two dimensions. But with three dimensions we offered you several alternatives, none of which was completely satisfying. I would like to remedy that now. Picture an east-west wall. Now at the corner picture a north-south wall, also vertical. Now picture a horizontal brick pattern between the two walls. To draw these three planes joined like this would take nine lines or three squared. The method goes draw a line in each directional dimension and have two lines shooting out from one end. This works in theory for four dimensions at sixteen lines, with four dimensional lines each shooting out three lines in other dimensions at the end of it. But it gets a little complicated. To simplify the matter try this exercise. Take six shapes standing for the six different "planes" in the fourth dimension. Now, I have concluded that drawing these six shapes can be accomplished in just sixteen lines. If I had graphics here I'd show it to you. But you can look at it this way - - each of the four dimensional lines is associated with three shapes (standing for the planes) The horizontal line is associated with the left slanting diamond and the right slanting horizontal diamond and the head on square. The vertical line is associated with the right and left slanting vertical diamonds, and the head on square. The line slanting to the left is associated with the vertical as well as horizontal left slanting diamonds as well as the face on square diamond. And the right slanting line is associated with the vertical and horizontal right slanting diamonds, as well as the face on diamond. Do you "get it" now?

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