Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Don't Let The Door Hit You in the Ass

We have two Departures to report today. First of all Governor Christie of New Jersey has stated that he will not run for President in 2012. Obviously he looked at the tea leaves and they didn't bode well and he knew he could never be elected. After all he closets Moslems as his his friends, and believes equal rights for gay unions, and his imigration policy is less than strident. And worst of all he believes that Global Warming is actually real and not just some left wing myth. But personally I'd never vote for Governor Christie anyway based on his economic policies alone. And I wouldn't care if he spends his nights having gay sex with an Islamic Terrorist, I still wouldn't vote for him. We also have Hank Williams Jr. Now EXPN has dropped "Are You Ready For Some Football?" as its long standing theme. This is because recently Hank expressed offence at a golf course meeting between President Obama and John Boehner. He said "It was like watching Adolph Hitler playing golf with the Prime Minister of Israel". My question would be "Who is which?" Now we hear that watching Obama and Byden is like watching the Three Stooges. "But that's only two". So both of these individuals will be making an early Exit. And my final words to each is to not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Yesterday Rush Limbaugh went on a major rant monologue against Herman Kane and also those "allies the liberals are trying to enlist in the drive by media to bolster their own image and get them attention". So it turns out that Herman Kane thought that it was a bit racist of Rick Perry to have this rock with the words "Nigger Head" written on it. And then this was painted over, but it's the very idea. Well now it turns off that Kane has backed off of his cirticism of Perry because Rush Limbaugh pounded on the table and reminded Kane who was really head of the Republican Party.

Well this whole Wall Street 99% movement is catching fire and spreading to other states all over the country. Now union people are joining in. And Hollywood Celebreties are now getting into the act. It's turning into a major national "Movement" kind of like Alice"s Resturant. You may remember how that went. Everybody when they get drafter goes into their shrink's office and sings a chorus of Alice's Resturant, and walks out. I think our side is trying to drive home the notion that ninety nine verses one is a pretty big number. One percent of the people own 44% of the property in America. You know one reason why the pin-ball table may be tilting in our direction is because of the withdrawal from the race by NY Gov Christy. After all in that one act this morning Gov Christy may have done more to insure President Obama's reelection in 2012 than any other thing any candidate has done this whole year, including the President Himself.

Yesterday I happened to watch the debate the Republicans had on September 5th in South Carolina where they reviewed each of the five candidates separately and gave each an extended chance to express their opinion. The five candidates were Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachman, Herman Kane, Ron Paul, and Newt Gingrich. Well needless to say it was a pretty Alice in Wonderland debate, even further out in right wing la - la land than they usually are. On the whole racial immigration Rich Perry says "Hell, we don't need no fence along the border. It's a river hundreds of miles long, for Christ's sake. All we really need to do is pull half the personnel from Homeland Security stationed at the Pentagon or Iran or Pakistan- - and ship them off to the border and station they a few yards apart all along the boarder in case any wetbacks are seen swimming accross. Of course these candidates don't want just anybody coming over and when and if they do, they don't want them bring any of that old world cultural garbage over with them. We must make it clear they are coming here to be 100% American. And of course we must make English our legal language. And they also want to change immigration policy for legals, too. Instead of such factors as job prospects or connections with friends and family already here in this family, they want to institute an intelligence test, and pick out those who in the top fifteen percent of the bell curve or something. OK. I'll get Governor Perry to work on that right now. He can consult with his Texas school text book buddies and they will have out a test for immigration to use within the week. Abortion was mentioned recurringly throughout the two hours. This one guy would ask every candidate about employing the Fourteenth Amendment to be able to guarentee the rights of every "Person" in America. Well even Ron Paul was a bit uncomfortable dealing with this question. After all it clearly state that this amendment applies to people who were Born on U S soil. The last time I checked "Born" didn't mean "Unborn". Mitt Romney was a little saner than the other four candidates. At least he admitted that some bank and financial legislation and tightening or derivatives and other things were necessary. Of course they all want to privatise all these government REIT loans from Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, and Barney Frank. I've never heard of a "Bernie Frank" loan. I'd like to apply for one of those. None of these candidates seemed to trust that Committee of Twelve that's going to arbitrate cutting the government deficet. You'd have no idea from hearing these five candidates, that conservatives completely dominate these twelve. They're that paranoid. But the worst thing they want to do is to institute a constitutional amendment to insure a ballanced budget and to "create the proper legislative bias". But also they want to institute a two thirds vote requirement for raising any taxes. But they also under any case want to limit the entire national budget to a maximum of 18% of the gross national product. But they say the GNP isn't figured right. They say "In case of some horrible national emergency the national product will naturally go up as money is spent". And so in especially dire times they want to cut that 18% further because it will be too much. Of course they generally prefer consumption taxes to production taxes harder because they hit the poor among us harder. After all the lower 45% of the people aren't paying enough taxes. And Bachman wants to "repatriate" corporate money in foreign bank accounts at a rate of "zero percent tax". And most want to abolish the capital gains tax for anyone. OK maybe if you're a bum selling apples in the street at a small profit they might want to tax that. They want to abolish all inheritence taxes. They say they are worried about "Investment confidence with all these new securities regulation laws" but if they instituted zero capital gains it would be like pouring gasoline on a fire in terms of what it would to to fuel an even worse economic recession. And I'll tell you why. Because people realizing they can take one hundred percent of the capital gains from the bottom of the market in 2009 there would be a massive rush to sell stocks and to take a profit- and this would speed up the decline. And all these austere cuts in spending would drive the economy and the market down further and before you know it we'll have a full scale Crash on our hands.

They were guessing what G O P stood for. Some correctly stated that it stood for "grand old party". A majority of people thought it stood for Government of the People. Hey - don't give them any ideas! The'll steal it and adopt it as their own slogan. A minority thought it stood for "God's Own Party". And there was a small number who thought it stood for Gauntlet of Power. That one might not be far from the truth. And you know- - there is one thing I agreed with these debaters on, and that is the Supreme Court. Many people quoted speeches by Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson. That's good company. Both men said that when the supreme court ruled counter to the wishes of the people that it was ucerping congress and the sovreign will of the People. I say a big Amen to that.

They said in the debate that nobody is trying to get out of this Country. Well, that's not what Judy says. According to her all the rich people are leaving because of our ever higher tax rates here. My philosophy is "Let them". They can take their money and go to the Camen Islands for all I care. But they have to leave behind all their markets here in America and our liberal patent laws and all the police protection they've been getting, and their seats on the New York Stock exchange, and all their lobbyests in congress, who write our bills for us. We can do without them. If Jefferson is right and our Nation is like a biological organizm, then having all these paracites and mutents gone should increase the physical health of the patient markedly. The way these right wing whackazoids are taking over everything - the whackazoid is going to become a new geometrical shape that's taught in math class. I hear that Charlie Daniels has also gotten into the whole right wing scene, "Et Tu, Charlie?" I don't think Charlie has been reading his Bible enough, especially the passage in Revelation where it says, "Be careful and let no man take thy golden fiddle". What is it with all these people I thought were regular guys putting in with all this right wing whacko indoctrination? Now it seems that Charlie Daniels is another of these celebreties who has taken to airing his floppies in public. For shame- - - For Shame!

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