Friday, January 06, 2012

Is This America's Finest Hour?

This whole political campaign season has been conducted under such a cloud of moral darkness that it borders on the demonic.  But it’s folly because of relative factors to think President Obama is any hero in all of this.  When you cone right down to it there is barely a dime’s worth of difference between the way Obama has run the nation, either foreign or domestically, that varies from the basic course set by George Bush.  For instance Obama will not make a decision on the dirty oil Canada to Texas pipeline because if he decides in favor of it, it will alienate his political base.  And if he opposes it the oil companies will throw all of their support to Romney and he’ll win. If the President had any character he’d tell us what he’d do right now and let the chips fall where they may.   His foreign policy might be called the foreign policy Bush would have liked to have had with both drone attacks and political assenations on the rise.  Obama supports the Patriot Act and now this new preventative detention and no charges provision has been passed and the President signed it.  Sure we aren’t doing renditions any more.  And we haven’t done any water boarding- - for a while.  Obama points out that even with the military budget cuts we will still be spending more than in the last year of the Bush administration, when military expenditures were increasing at an astronomical rate.  Today the President has something to crow about and even Bill Handel says that is a “deal” of major magnitude or a B F D as Joe Byden might say.  Unemployment has notched down from 8.7% to 8.5%.  Last month’s figures were revised upward.  In the last six months employment has been up more than at any time since the first half of 2006 and this 8.5% is the lowest since apparently the March of 2009 report just one month in before the stimulus could even take effect one way or the other.

No serious person is going to call the Tea Party people either Christian or moral.  They have no moral compass and we all have long known that.  In the book of Revelation there is spoken of a coming Church of Pergamas, which means “Bad Marriage” between Christianity and “something else”.  With the tea party you have this meeting of the minds and spirits between fundamentalist whackadoodle Christianity, and the highly A Moral teaching of Ayan Rand, who is a professing Atheist, but she gives every other Atheist a bad name.  There is no doubting that.  Her novels are sick and morally depraved.  Not that I’ve read any of them.   The New Hampshire debate is likely to evidence some sort of psychological meltdown by Newt Gingrich as he lashes out at all of his political enemies who are conspiring against him.  Santorum will get asked all of those politically embarrassing questions that he won’t be able to answer.  Now they say Romney will not only run away with New Hampshire, but that momentum may well enable him to win next in South Carolina, particularly if all his conservative foes are divided in their vote, which come to think of it is really stupid of them.  In the game of political chess, Romney has run of the board.  He has all of the big money.  He has John Mc Cain, Bob Dole, and Tim Pwelente behind him and possibly Rick Perry, too, who again may be staying in the race just to help Romney.  The others should know that Romney has a lot of money and knows how to use it.   It would seem that whether Romney or Obama wins in the fall we are in for continued corporatocracy- - - and continued erosion of individual citizen’s civil rights.  This whole tea party thing can be viewed as in its death throws after only a three and a half year life.  Like a star going super nova, it will burn bright and is still dangerous, but then it will shrink and go dark.  It’s like a diseased organ like a spleen or an appendix or gallbladder, which is not removed in time will come to infect and kill the entire body.  Not even Big Money is fool enough to want to see some sort of hysterical far fringe induced business depression because they know if it’s Big enough even Them will be hurt by it.  Donald Trump is too smart to be a tea bagger.  This whole period will be some kind of a fantastic footnote in school history books fifty years from now.
In other frekazoid news Mitt Romney strapped the family dog to the roof of their car driving a long distance in freezing weather.  The dog became traumatized and pooped liquid poop all over the car windows.  So Romney got out and hosed off the car and hosed off the dog- in the freezing weather.  Neil has not expanded from the Jesus Christ show and is now doing “Jesus” bagels, which are lighter and fluffier than the normal Jewish kind Bill Handel likes.  Neil and Bill are best buds.  No doubt they celebrate Christmas by attending a witch’s coven on Christmas Eve as some religiously neutral activity where they can both agree.  Rush Limbaugh says that President Obama has a secret plan to allow people to escape their mortgage payments but it’s so secret that yesterday the Obama administration announced it wasn’t happening.  Bill Handel says that Santorum’s nomination at the Convention will insure the reelection of President Obama, as well as supply an endless source of nightclub humor.  Rush Limbaugh talked with Donald Trump over a game of golf a couple of weeks ago and Rush tried to get Donald to say he would NOT run as a third party next year but Trump would not say what his plans were.  It’s speculated he’ll run just because he’s a media publicity hound and one caller said Trump was secretly an Obama fan.  Louis Powell in 1971 was the one who wanted conservatives to infiltrate the Courts and the Schools and the Colleges and also conceived of the idea of a Conservative propaganda news network.


I went back to sleep (never even checking the time) and woke up around 2:30.  I had just had a dream where I was in that “other life”.  Certain things have this recurring nature.  As the guy in that “other life” I again went back to that audio microphone tape I had made sometime in November of 2000 when there was a warm Santa Ana wind blowing.  I was troubled and had a lot to say.  Later on I was looking at some computer records like a TEVO or something where you could enter words into a Search line and it would pull up a video file.  I remember one film I had shot was we (people, friends of mine) were at some Marine park, and they were shooting off fireworks later on in the evening.  Apparently I had recorded a lot of TV sitcoms this one night, which I guess was Halloween, and they all hat that plot as their center piece, including a Flintstones episode I’d never seen before.  In a later dream segment I had been woken up from sleep when a loud party was in progress so I joined that.  But later on I grew tired again and wanted to go back to bed but I saw all these little kids crashed out on beds together in groups, and I thought “If any of them are on my bed, they will be harder to get off than cats”.   But I went back to my mattress which was on a floor flush with all the other mattresses.  The room was crowded with mainly females in night attire.  Loretta was there and I had seen her earlier- - sometime.  She was wearing a red thing with a little white in it.  I’m not sure whether it was a nightgown or a “day dress”.   There was a really bright full moon shining in.  At any rate after I awoke it was clear I wouldn’t get back to sleep and so got up and had a cigarette- - just one.  Larry and Janet were out there engaged in involved conversation.  I’ve been noticing Janet having extended conversations with a lot of males around here lately, with the glairing exception of myself.  There is that “wall” with Janet that has always been there since the days of Marcus Blackwell.  

.  I would like to comment more on this whole exchange between Will Horton and his grandmother, Dr. Marlena Brady.  The things she said to him border on a breech of - - propriety - and I think she could be brought up on medical ethics charges- - assuming the things she said to Will were within the confines of doctor patient relationship.  To put it bluntly, “She should know better”.  Here is a really troubled, messed up teen, perhaps verging on turning homosexual.  If his ex girlfriend hasn’t yet come to this conclusion- - it’s only because it’s too unimaginable to even contemplate.  If she thinks about it a while and pieces together all the clues, she, too, will come to this unhappy conclusion.  You know last night a little before nine I was out on the patio smoking.  And a thought came into my head that I’m not sure was even mine.  A voice whispered to me “What do you suppose Dad would say to you if you could talk to him now about all this Judy stuff and all of this right wing whacko stuff that’s been going on with the Republicans?”  And I go “Well, Self, I’ve never really thought about that one”.  Perhaps the question was spawned because of that scene in It’s A Wonderful Life where 12 year old George Bailey is facing perhaps the greatest ethical dilemma of his young life.  And then he passes by this poster on the wall that reads, “Ask Dad; he knows”.  But alas “Dad” is unavailable for counseling being embroiled in pressing business matters that would one day take his life.   I guess I kind of have to be careful here because unfortunately for me, Dad was in a long process of emotional disengagement process with not just me, that was caused by a multitude of factors including encroaching deafness, and perhaps too much Prozac, and advancing age in general and becoming “set in his ways” and was in a process of psychologically “shutting down”.  Sometimes you’d like to go back and rewrite the past, but you can’t.

. There are five people whom if I had never either met or known of, my chances as a success as a Christian would be greatly increased.  The five are Neil Savedra, Gene Scott,  Bill Halliday, The Walrus (in the story I did three months ago) and the fifth person I just talked to last on the phone today.  After that phone call Stu Baby paid his second visit of the day.  In the morning it was to say that Loretta’s absence might be because of sinister occoltic that are gunning for both her and me.  In the afternoon he warned me that voting for President Obama would be bad for my karma because at times seeming opposites can be from the same occultic force, such as the Sutterans.  He said he isn’t telling me how to vote but if he were me he’d vote green or something since I live in a “Safe” state for the President like California and my not voting for him would not endanger his reelection but as he reminded me, “You know what happened with you when you voted for him the last time”.  The whole thing about her trying to get me thrown out of here seems bizzaro in the least.  There is that not at all veiled allusion last February made as an idle threat.  And then there was today.  Again Stewart told me this morning that I needed to “watch it’ as far as forces arrayed against me. 

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