Saturday, January 07, 2012

Ron Paul Shines Light In N H Debate

This is the Sunday morning update and I just listened to the David Gregory debate on Meet the Press with these six presidential candidates.   John Huntsman said something that's a very key element and that is establishing Trust with your political leaders.  I can think of five "Tea Party" type statements I would like to take into any fundamentalist Church.  These five statements are LIVE FREE OR DIE, which is New Hampshire's state motto.  The second is GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH.  The third is WITHOUT TRUST YOU HAVEN'T GOT SQUAT  I just coined that one.  The fourth is OFF THE PIGS  I guess Eldrige Cleaver used to use that expression and you saw it on signs.  It down't refer to killing anybody as people had supposed.  It means "Get the Pigs off our backs".   I frankly was in an "Off the Pigs" mood last night.  The fifth is SIC SEMPER TYRANUS  - loosely translated means "So let it be with Tyrants",  which is what Brutus said after the death of Julius Caesar.  It occurred to me that of those Five people I listed as the most dreaded impediments to my Christian Faith - - four of the people on that list have never had children.  I think that's rather telling. One of the five I wasn't sure about, who has never been married but is in an extended relationship of homosexual nature by the wording of the article.  As far as I know the name is of the male gender in a foreign tongue.   Children are not these wind up toy doll things Christians imagine them as in some pie in the sky belief in Heaven and all that.  Children are real people.   Neil Savedra this morning told one of his biggest lies this morning (among so MANY lies)  He said that hope in the temporal world will always let you down.  No.  This IS a temporal world.  We are temporal and Life is temporal.  Without Time there cannot be Life as we know it, and if Neil had any background in philosophy he'd know this.  He was right when he said Hope was a remedy for Sadness.  But the key is REAL hope and not this Obama pie in the sky crap that he talked about in his Book or preachers preach about every Sunday.  Hope that isn't here and now is useless.  You talk to me about twenty years from now or some time after I die- - I DON'T CARE   If you don't solve today's problems today- - you can bet your Tomorrows already have a shadow hanging over them.  By the way the one female on this of Five I had- - she would be more whacked out than ALL SIX of these candidates.  If there was a number below Zero that's where her trust would be.  And now I'm going to past in a spelling corrected copy of this document.  Whether it comes out in blue font or not is something we'll all be surprised by together.  OK, it didn't.  Let me conclude this intro with a favorite Beatle line:

"You're telling all these Lies -
About the good things that we can have if we close our Eyes"

In a generally disgusting New Hampshire debate tonight there was one person who clearly shone above them all and that was Ron Paul, and I honestly the results of that are going to be reflected come Tuesday   First of all we have the question of who cares about the Military and Newt uttered a few platitudes.  But then Ron Paul pointed out that Newt got five deferments and that Ron Paul served despite the fact he already had a wife and two children.  Ron Paul also reminded us all that thousands have died in wars where US Security was never threatened for a moment.  But there has been an enormous costs to the aftermath of these wars in medical and psychologial therapy.  Paul pointed out that our hostile policy twords Iran may be counter productive if we drive Iran further into the arms of China.  Paul pointed out that only he is proposing substantive cuts in military spending.  But the most important thing Paul mentioned was, if we really thought we needed to go to war than why the hell didn't Congress haul off and declare war, and in this way we would know we had the support of the American people.  We could contrast this to the statements of others.  John Huntsman probably handled the way I would have if i was up there.  We have done a lot of good in Iraq and Afghanistan but now it's time for our troops to come home.  However Perry, Santorum and Gingrich will have none of that.  They all said that the minute we left Iraq that Al Qaeda or Iran or somebody was already couching at the door and the nine years of war was down the drain.  If I were one of those veterans who sacrificed so much, this is a message I wouldn't like to hear one bit.  Actually Rick Perry said if he were President he'd send troops back to Iraq.  Newt Gingrich said that it goes beyond war and we have to bring in Pakistan and whatever.  Newt seemed to believe we needed to sprinkle fairy dust over the whole Mideast region to stop them from being Moslems or whatever.  Many of them said that Obama can't be trusted because he never uses terms like Islamo-Fascism.

The media is saying that Mitt Romney won this debate tonight because nobody took him on.  They didn't want to challenge or attack him.  Newt started to on Bain financial but then his case was so weak as to the credibility of the sources he sighted, that nobody took him seriously.   Romney again scored points against Huntsman in his debate about a trade war with China.  He made the more than obvious point that we are already in a trade war and we are the losers.  China is stealing our computer technology on a massive scale and manipulating our currency.  Romney said that Huntsman is paroting the soft on China line that Obama is touting.  Romney showed more "moderation" in the stupidy of others.  Perry, Gingrich and Santorum were very hawkish and Romney stated that we should set the bar to comittal of troops to battle pretty high.  Romney also uttered the blasphamy that our government actually NEEDS some taxes, and that means from corporations, too.  Also Romney was the one that said higher employment was actually good news.

Ron Paul's other home run hit out of the park was on the subject of race.  It was the best knock out punch of the entire debate that left all the others reeling.  Ron Paul was asked about some racially tainted newsletter not written by him that came out twenty years ago.  Ron Paul pointed out that our justice system is biased against blacks.  We prosecute Blacks more for drugs and often skew laws in favor of Whites right down to the type of cocaine they use.  There are more blacks in prison disperportionate to their crimes, and more Blacks by far receive the Death penalty as opposed to rich people.  Others may flap their gums but it's what happens in the real world that counts.  Of course only Ron Paul wants to get rid of the Patriot Act.

When it came to cutting spending Ron Paul said he was the only one who "really wants to do that".  Ron Paul pointed out the billions if not trillions lavished on Wall Street by the bail out of 2008 whereas the middle class and poor were not bailed out but left to languish in this long recession.  Paul accused Santorum particularly of being a classic big spender voting for every congressional pork barrel project.  Rick Perry piled on accusing Santorum and Gingrich of being Washington insiders and that only himself and Huntsman of Utah were governors who actually run a government and did so successfully.  Rick Perry said New Hampshire needed to institute a right to work law, abolishing labor unions and this would solve their jobs problem.  Both Perry and Paul jumped on Santorum in particular for spending.  If there is an individual who made a "worst impression" it would be Santorum.  Twords the end of the debate Santorum seemed to have a lot of pent up resentment and got really testy on a lot of issues.  Most of them centered on how badly the President had handled foreign policy around the world.  Santorum hates the President.  There is certainly no doubt about that.

In terms of the economy, I think a lot of these people need to read The Little Red Hen from their childhood.  Oh I forgot, none of these candidates can read because they had to drop out of school in the second grade to work in the coal mines, or some such thing.  They all said the reason why this economy was taking off was because Republicans had gotten some measures through, and the economy would be growing faster if Obama "wasn't in the way".  Of course the EXACT opposite is true, rendering all these jokers looking like a bunch of assholes.  Rick Perry said that the United States had three hundred years in oil reserves and I believe it was Newt who said that if we produced our own energy we could stand up to the Saudi Arabian leaders better.  So what was Newt doing in congress all those decades, playing with himself?  The Republicans have all had AMPLE chance to become energy independant and they are now just bold face liars, and the people of New Hampshire will see through this.  Only John Huntsman appeared to be even a little radional with this whole landscape of slash and burn tax cuts, implying that perhaps there really ARE corporate loopholes.

We then have the whole area of social and moral issues.  Santorum was put under the hot lights and stuck by his claim that we should have a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, and that a nation wide ban on gay marriage only makes sense because we need "uniformity among the states".  There is an area where I do agree with Gingrich and these fellows.  This is on the idea of discrimination against the Catholic Church and not working with their charities any more.  As such the Obama administration has made innocent children suffer who would otherwise be helped.  Nobody raised too specific questions concerning vulnerabilities of individual candidates and there seemed to be a "no attack" rule- - pertaining to Romney in general, and also pertaining to people's inconsistencies and contradictions concerning their abortion stances.

I predict that both Huntsman and Paul will show surprising strength on Tuesday and that Romney may surrender much of that twenty plus point lead.  I think Gingrich, Perry, and Santorum together won't ammount to twenty percent of the vote, and the question will be why these people are even in the race.  Now they say that Romney holds a two to one lead in South Carolina over his many competetors.  But they are all are such prima donas that none of them are willing to bow out of the race.  So it's almost as if there is an unspoken conspiracy to give Romney the nomination without even putting up any real fight.  (Selah)

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