Friday, March 23, 2012

Why Mandated Health Insurance Purchase Is Unconstitutional


The US Supreme Court is going to hear the case of Obama verses all us Americans who don't want mandated health coverage, one of these days.  I wish it would be sooner rather than later.  One speaker at the Cato institute summarized four good reasons why this should never happen.  First of all any government mandated purchase is Unprecedented.  It's never been done before.  As he said "There has always been a temptation to do this because people might think it solve a lot of problems but they knew it was beyond the scope of the Federal government.  And this mere persistent rejection is "case law enough" in my book, to insure that it should never be passed.  The next is that it is Unlimited.  Just because some will argue that "Health Care" is "fundamentally different than any other activity any American engages in" and I'm not convinced in the least of this - - but even were it to be true- - people asked legal authorities, "If you accept this premise what can stop the government from mandating other things?"  There would be no legal power because we are in "unprecedented" territory.  The next is that this law is Unnecessary.  President Obama knew the American people in 2008 would not go for any tax increases, and the President thus misled the American people as to his intensions.  They could have just expanded Medicare to include a few younger people in it, perhaps dipping to age 55 or something.  But they didn't.  The fourth big argument obviously is that the whole premise is a fraud.  They call uninsured people "irresponsable' and "costing the system".  But countless accountants have concluded that the ammount per capital cost in savings would be more than wiped out by all of their regulations, requiring people to get coverage they don't want and don't need and would not buy for themselves.  They speak of price controls causing people to go for the "insurer with the Worst coverage because it's at the lowest price".  They speak of "markets for various policies being wiped out" and many programs are already wiped out from Obama care and the people suffer.  Rather than save lives, Obama care will actually Cost lives.  Many people's insurance rates will actually double under Obama Care.  I have heard from many sources that Doctors are withdrawing from the whole system alltogether out of disgust.  They said this would be an easy case for the Court to reject but the Supreme Court has alloted three whole days of arguments before the Bench on the many diverse aspects of this bill.  The smartest thing this President can do is to take the whole issue off the Table and announce - as I suggested he do countless times - that he will not impose something on the American People of such a vast magnitude that they fundamentally don't want and do not need.  Costs will rise, but satisfaction won't.

I would like to shift gears now and talk about something the other side of the political aisle such as FOX news does and is doing more of.  They will not even report ANY story such as this Florida shooting case that might  invoke concerns over justice in America, because in doing so they inadvertantly help the Left.  So they and others will dismiss the importance of it or say things like - oh "These sort of things happen - - I don't see what the big deal is".  Or they will say the "Real Story" is that this is just "another ploy of liberals to try and wipe out gun ownership".  There was a British guy in for Rush Limbaugh today because "Rush Limbaugh was boycotting himself", which is obviously something I wish he'd do on a permanent basis.  He was talking about these shootings of Jewish school children or whatever in France.  But then he added "Of course the real story here is that Moslems control the Press (world wide or something) and the Moslems, having control of the world press are peddeling fears of a back lash for these attacks so that the Fear that they are trying to instill in us is the Real Issue.  Only a Rush supporter would ponder such conveluted logic.  It's like they claim that the "Real Story" why people won't become Christians is not because nothing about it makes sense.  The real story is that "They are clinging to their own immoral rebellion and they are unable to free themselves from the Flesh the way they know they have to to please God".  You know of course that as long as we are alive we are "In the Flesh" and they know it too.  They know THEY are "in the flesh".  The whole vocabulary goes back to Marcionism, which was introduced into the Church via St. Paul.  It's the idea that the whole world including all flesh is "doomed to destruction and damnation".  Therefore nothing about "the flesh" is good, even things like breathing oxygen and cellular metabolism, which keeps us all alive.

Samantha Brady loves to talk about Raphael's lack of "Forgiveness".  It's funny the way some people such as Born Again Christians value the one thing they are the LEAST suited for, such as forgiveness.  When did Samantha Brady ever forgive anybody?  She's in trouble with Raphael, her husband.  (not for long if he has his way)  She's in trouble with Kate.  And she's in ongoing trouble with E J Di Mira.  Remember she attempted to shoot him in cold blood and damn near succeeded.  All that "evidence which has gone away - - could just as easily come back" depending on how E J is feeling at the moment.  Some people rave the loudest about stuff who have the weakest moral legs to stand on.

I was just asked to give up watching the Elite Eight tomorrow to visit my mother, as if there weren't enough other weekends to do that during.  There is a guy Larry Barton who offered me a dollar for what I told him was a small ammount of coffee I "really was planning to drink myself".  I told him, "OK I'm turning you down right now, but there is tomorrow and Thursday and Friday and Saturday - - all day every day.  Then you can have a better cup for fifty cents".  But he didn't want that and hasn't once approached me since Tuesday night.  Sometimes Evangelists speak of your "one opportunity or it's too late".  Of course Confidence Men have relied on this trait in human beings since time began to think "I may have another chance.  Sure it's risky but - - I'll never have another chance".  People voted for the tea party because Glen Beck told them that if they didn't now it may be too late and the Federal Reserve will be bankrupt and we'll have inflation like the Wymar Republic of Germany had in the early twenties.  Some people they hear "Jump" and ask "How high?" without thinking.  Many people give speeches to evoke unreasoned and un thought out emotional reactions    Just as an addendum, I was previously "done' but now I have something to add.  Three times in the past couple of weeks this computer had experianced a Hard Crash, meaning that it freezes and nothing will bring it out of it other than a total shut down.  Not even the Windows Task Manager will bring it out of it.  This is almost unprecedented and used to be Very Rare with the other computer over a period of years.  All three times that it's happened it been while either accessing or saving photographs.  This can't be just a coincidence.

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