Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ten Hard Questions with Easy Answers

Riders on the Storm
Into this world we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the Storm

All the world's indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers

Hope without a plan becomes audacity
Hope without not backed up by substance is no more than a sense-dulling opiate

I'd like to take this opportunity tonight to answer a few simple questions you may have been wondering about.  Some answers are like Wheel of Fortune.  Once the answer is shown, it becomes obvious.  So now - - Here We Go.

What about this whole thesis or doctrinal lecture that eighteen year old James Holmes gave on the subject of Time, and "temporal illusions".  Do each of us have more than one "Possible Past" as lyrics on "The Final Cut" by Roger Waters suggested.  In an answer - - NO.  Here's why.  You don't need to have gone beyond preschool for this one.  Take a row of alphabet blocks- - like ten of them and arrange them into some sort of a Word if you want?  Now try and rearrange the blocks to spell out a different anagram, without pulling any of the blocks out of the Line.  Can you do it?  No?  Bingo!  There is your answer.  No human being in known existance, has more than one "possible past".

Does the "God partical" transcend different "Universes" or multiple Universes?  Answer.  Probably.  Here is why.  The whole "graviton particle', which is what this is- - imparts mass to objects.  But it is different when viewed in string theory than any other "string".  To view sub atomic particles as "strings" rather than particles makes it easier to understand that they are "strung" between two points separated by space.  Therefore when the strings "vibrate' they do so at certain frequencies unique to our Universe.  They have our "temporal signature" in other words.  Graviton particles or "The God Particle" was present when the Big Bang occurred, which now scientists say they have duplicated in the laboritory just as they have duplicated life origination in the laboritory.  Thus the province of God has just shrunk by a quantum leap.  This graviton particle is what you might call the "stem cell' of creation meaning it is "Universe-ally undifferentiated".  Since it is circular and not linear transversing space, it does not vibrate therefore has no identifying signiture.  It would seem that this particle by itself while imparting mass to other matter is itself without mass.  It can also be said to be "without space".  Scientists say they see it for only a glimmor of a second when the Big Bang is duplicated in that giant cyclotron apperatus they've got.  However I might add that I am not abandoning (at this time) the notion that Ether is unique to each universe, because trying to unsplice this graviton particle from any other particle may be more difficult than one imagines, given its short lab life.

Are the tea party "objectivist" in your oppinion?  No. People like Ayan Rand are highly subjectivist.  Essencially Mit Romney and the whole gang can't even be said to have any objective moral yard stick at all but at best base every decision they make purely on the pleasure it brings them alone.  These people are devoid of any legitimate concept of the existance of "the other" and as such has no real need to formulate any yardstick of morality by which they can appraise themselves to see if they "measure up".

You define exestentialism differently from most people.  Please elaborate.  There is an exestential difference between for instance, x ammount of 0 and 0 ammount of x.  One is quantifiable while the other is not.  It doesn't matter how much you have of "nothing" because saying you have "nothing" ends the discussion right there.  "You want to say you're giving Love but what you give is nothing".  Paul Mc Cartney.  Also dig this.  Infinity is a finite geometric concept, but Infinity is virtually meaningless as a numeric concept by which to initialize a program variable.  Therefore: To call God "infinite" is for perposes of a computer program is to fail to list any significant property of God at all that can be quantified.

Does the shooter's name have numerological significance?  The word HOLMES adds up to 72.  This is one fifth of a circle, and a key angle in the pentagram, which is also a key angle in aspects of the orbital pattern or "apparent movement" of Venus, which is the planet which probably exerts more pull on earth than any other planet.  There is also the symbolism of 3 days, or 24 plus 24 plus 24 or 6 plus 6 plus 6.  "Five walls cannot hide him; six diggers cannot bury him, and seven deaths will never kill him".

Should supreme court justices be appointed for Life to insure proper "Judicial nutrality"?  No.  I believe the framers of the Constitution just plain Goofed on this one.  They anticipated that Congress would have a hand in Impeaching bad justices.  They by tradition have only done this one one lone occasion in the early nineteenth century.  But this non impeachment tradition is "like a bad egg" as they say.  It's better to break it than keep it or as Shakesphere "It is more honored by the briech rather than the Observance".   The same is true for suing Prosecutors.  Texas Justice is Texas injustice if you saw Sixty Minutes tonight.  There was wilful prosecutorial misconduct by this Texas DA and yet it would seem the law can't touch him as far as his threat of being sued by any civilian.

Has Governor Rick Perry wrongfully executed innocent men in Texas?  Most probably he certainly has. And the tea party bursts out into Thunderous applause at this news.  The idea in Texas seems not to seek justice but to "get the Win" at any price, even the price of your own morality and your soul.

What does the phrase "History is written by the Victors".  What does this mean?  It means often morality or ethics is nearly immiterial in determining what slant history is given of "how you tell the story" and it's survival of the fittest and the Victors live to "tell their story another day".  In the case of Christianity- - here they manufacture or try to, a Past that never existed and pass it off as Gospell.

Is God "Complete" in every way Mankind regards "Completeness"?  The answer is "No".  One of the Hebrew names for God, possibly El Shaddai, translates as "The God who is Enough".  First of all Dr. Levy says that "Just enough" is no way to go through life.  But I would not even give God a Passing grade as far as a "Completeness' or "Comprehensiveness test" goes.  For instance we know that God is unable to perceive Time.  God is lacking in morals.  Hence ANY human moral system is most likely to be superior to any system imputed to God since God has none.  Even a room with kibble in it to a starving person- - is a superior choice if he's starving to death, than a completely Empty room swept clean without even dust balls to eat.  (Selah)  We know that God is a sociopath in that he is incapable by his very nature of relating to Human feelings, and any clue we have as to God's oppinion here (if he even bothers to HAVE an oppinion on this subject) is to say that God denegrate and disdains human feelings and emotions and "What is important to us".

What is your oppionion of that Ernest Hemingway quotation on "Criminal Minds" last Wednesday that goes as follows:  "The most hanous of evil stems at its inception from Pure Innocence".  I rolled this one in my mind and basically it is another of those "Lies from the Pit of Hell" and the reason is obvious.  Like begets Like.  This is a fundamental divine principle.  Good produces Good and Evil produces Evil. Otherwise then you develop a phobia of something good and innocent and label it "corrupt" and justify your own actions by saying "This innocence could well produce Evil".  In like manner people like Neil Savedra often say that "We need evil that Good may arise from it".  Neil Savedra of KFI never learned the fundamental lesson that "Adversity doesn't create Heroism, it just Reveals it".  It cannot PRODUCE good qualities in mankind and womankind where none previously Existed.  Neil would never go for spontanious generation of Life, human or otherwise.  Yet he and so many other misguided Pastors are willing to buy into the Lie that somehow "Good will spontaniously be produced from Adversity".   It Tain't So.  I think it was Mark Twain that said something like "Reverands are good at saying a lot of stuff that Tain't So"

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