Friday, October 05, 2012

Knowing When to Walk Away

You know the words-

You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold them
Knowing when to Walk Away
And Know when to Run
You never count your cards
While you're sitting at the table
There'll be time enough for counting
When the Dealing's Done
One could well imagine President Obama making a speech at the end of Wednesday night's debate something like, "The world will little note nor long remember what was said here tonight, but it can never forget what a despicable and pathetic man almost was elected President of the United States in 2012.  Mitt Romney told 27 lies in 38 minutes.  But Romney's tally for lies for the week is in excess of fifty, for just this week alone.  Fifty different lies.  People are now saying that Romney was such a pathetic excuse for a human being that of course the President refused to engage him after a certain point.  In an old adage, "You have to know when to walk away".  They say the President had a disgusted look on his face.  Of course if you were a tea bagger you couldn't have liked the things that Romney said this night either because it was such a complete break with everything he's said up to now.  Mitt Romney even said on Wednesday not only does he care about ALL Americans but he's concerned about the number of people who have slidden out of the middle class into the ranks of the poor and Romney wants to help these people.  He says there are more poor people now because of the President's policies.  I would have stopped Mittens right there and said "OK just describe step by step just how and what the President has done in the past four years for said policies instigated by him, to cause millions of Americans to slide out of the middle class into the ranks of the poor.  I can't help repeat that one line again about how Mitt Romney said that "I have never heard of a tax law that would encourage off shoring by corporations.  My accountent never told me about that.  Maybe I better get myself a new accountant".  And the comeback line is "But Mr. Romney you know that's not true because your finances are doing just fine".  We know now that Romney did in fact own that sweat shop garment factory we talked about employing women at 24 cents an hour for sixteen hours sleeping in bedrooms twelve bunks to a bedroom, tripple decker.  It was called Global Tech. And Bain Capital owened it for two years- - in China.  And no changes were ever made in working conditions during the time Mitt Romney was there.  So much for the notion Tea Party people have that "Labor unions are bad because most righteous people will of course treat their workers humanely and pay them a living wage without the imposed necessity of a labor Union".   People assume the dumbest things.  Like suppose you have a Hotel business that is losing money each week and you don't know how long you'll be able to keep the business going at this rate.  You know like that Chef Ramsey program a few weeks ago.  The implication is that because of increased income taxes from President Obama, that the taxes you pay have entirely eaten away all of your profits and then some.  Well, stop and think about THAT for one second will you?  The government doesn't tax money that you never earned to begin with.

The idea that the Government is spying on us is old news.  But after the Patriot Act there was a whole scale transfer from foreign spying by the CIA to spying on our own citizens.  It was called Opperation Steller Wind, and it still may be going on.  You know how the government assigns computers to listen to microwave towers logging thousands of our conversations.  They do these three D profiles on all of us using powerful computers combing our various "domain layers" of spheres in our lives such as friends, employment, retail, medical history, reading material, movies, and the like.  If gets coalessed into a very comprehensive profile on each of us.  But they claim it doesn't violate fourth amendment rights because "It only becomes Search - - when it's actually used against us in a crime".  That makes no sense.  This one NSA guy named Binny- - who got out of the spy game several years ago, helped produce that video on George Washington's blog you should all watch, if you don't believe me.  And FBI agents stormed into his house with guns drawn and burst in on him when he was showering and asked how they can pin various crimes on certain people.  Of course we have already reviewed how US citizens abroad can be targeted for assasenation - - by the Obama Administration.  And also of all the innocent civilians - - mostly Pakistanees- - are killed by our Drones all the time.

In soap land Nicole Walker lost her baby two weeks before she was to deliver.  I would imagine that would be the Very Worst time to lose a baby if it had to happen because she's gotten attached emotionally to the baby all these months.  And of course for Nicole that makes her 0 and 2 with live births from pregnency.  And that has got to be heart wrenching.  Of course it's just a story, but there are women out there to whom the real thing has happened to.  Sometimes you can be almost to a goal only to have it snatched away from you at the last minute - - almost as if you are being played with.  This is why I don't see the election of Barock Obama next month as a foregone conclusion.  Not by a long shot.  It's like you're in a game of Risk and you think "If I can just survive the next round in battle I'll get round Five in the cards and this time I HAVE to have accumulated three in a row of something", but of course you don't survive the round.  The irony is now that Daniel had just come to accord in his own mind about moving out of the State with Nicole and starting a whole new life, which seems a little radical.  Nicole placed "great store" in that baby because in a perverse sense it was her "ticket to legimacy" as a human being.  She would be known as something other than a porn star and a gold digger.  Now she would have the respectable status as "A mother".  But now that won't happen.

The whole story about the Apostle Paul and his "letters to Churches" in the Bible, when you think about it forces you to- - - concede a lot of points.  First you assume that he single handedly starts and pastors a whole host of churches in Johnny Appleseed fashion, and that he does so outside the normal bounds of the Organized Church.  Then you believe he's a "part time' pastor at all these many churches spread out all over the eastern Roman Empire.  And that he writes then letters which are treated as a Papal bull or "Fatwah" or something.  But have you ever thought about the physical problem of transporting the letters to begin with.  I know if someone wants to screw you over, there a million ways and all sorts of opportunies to do it - if you put your mind to it.  Half or so of the letters were written from Prison - - - a Roman Prison - - where he was guilty of Crimes against the State or some such thing- - - presumably for practicing Christianity.  Yet he has all the guards and such on his side and trusts them to deliver the letters to Roman curriers or whatever- - and get them safely to their destination without either being opened of sensored- - - or just "misplaced' and thrown out.  And that Paul was such a charished person- - - these letters were saved in Ephasus for decades and decades till some church father sees them and says "Say, let's base half the new testament on these old, dusty letters I just found".  Somehow I "Don't think it happened that way at all".

T R I M S - C A S H


U N - L I V E T O O


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