Friday, October 05, 2012

Unemployment Rate Falls to 7.8%

Everybody has been saying it all along.  If the unemployment rate dropped below eight percent, then President Obama would win.  I have said that economic news - good or bad - would Trump any other development in this Presidential campaign.  Today, Friday October 5th, the Unemployment rate fell three tenths of a percent to end at 7.8% which is the lowest unemployment rate since President Obama took office.  In the process 114,000 new jobs were added.  Also the previous two months of job tallies were revised upward so that some 86,000 new jobs were added in this two month period of July and August.  The only slight downer on the report is that more of the new jobs added were Part Time employment in nature.  But also "interest rate futures" have dropped, and the US dollar has risen against other popular currencies.  Clearly what this whole employment picture demonstrates is that the US economy is not "slowing down" like we've been hearing endlessly about in the news.  They said that sales of the I Phone V alone would boost the GNP bu a full half of a percentage point.  I would assume that if Mitt Romney really feels so deeply for the unemployed that he would be Happy about today's news, but somehow I don't think so.  My only wondering is that this news has not been more broadly publicised since an unemployment dip below eight percent has been long seen as a benchmark of the campaign.  That Mort guy on the Mc Laughlin Group was exposed as playing the fool first saying the unemployment would be "closser to nine percent" and later saying "the unemployment rate will rise in the next report".

This morning on the Stephanie Miller show, Stephanie has as a guest Union boss James Hoffa Jr.  He had a thing or two about California Proposition 32.  My guess is if you're reading this in France you don't need to sweat it.  But we in California do.  Proposition 32 is the latest specific scheme by the Right to subjegate the Labor Unions and liberals in general by muzzeling them.  The sponsors of Prop 32 are out of staters, just like Proposition Eight was a few years back.  It seems Karl Munger, the Koch Brothers, and Karl Rove got to gether and came out here from Texas or wherever to put this sneaky measure on the ballot.  Labor Unions are necessary because the average worker has only a few dollars extra per week to give to anybody.  Alone he can't do much, but together in the corporate bond of a Labor Union, he can have a constructive effect.  But the Prop 32 forces want to Muzzle the Labor Unions.  And once they lack the ability to raise cash, they can come back a year or two from now with Right to Work laws, and really fix us good.  It's all part of a calculated scenario of the Tea Party.  Fortunately most Newspapers of note, have thank God come out against Prop 32.  My only wish is that the commercials against 32 would be even more stridently worded than they have been so far.  Some more strongly worded ads are now starting to air.  Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to privatize social security and Medicare.  But like I said, you can't speak Tea Party positions on live televised debates because You'd instantly be exposed for what you are.  Any more than as Walter Martin pointed out, you can't sing Brigham Young theology from the Tabernacle Choir.  This is not to condemn Mormonism in the least.  It's a free country.  You can believe what you want.  But I just re-watched a thing last night that just flashes captions and pictures on the screen while playing this somewhat eerie music with a vague Mideastern quality- - - summarizing President Obama's whole life and in the end after exposing his murky and criminally suspect carrier- - - says "This Man is still At Large".  But you can't put stuff from the "2016" movie in a thirty second commercial or a nationally televised Debate.  So they have to say things like "This measure is completely reasonable and is completely unbiased- - with no loopholes what so ever".  The Devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  If the Devil is in a cage- - don't accidently leave the door unlocked and say "Well, I was intending to re lock the cage but I just forgot".

Syria has shelled civilians in Turkey, and this incident has obviously preoccupied the President's attention in addition to Netenyahoo's antics, that would have weighed on his mind during the Debate.  Obviously the President has to spend most of his time actually BEING president, unlike Mitt Romney who by his own words has been Unemployed for the past six years with absolutely nothing to do except to run for President.  One might even liken Romney to Sarah Palin in this regard.  Syria has apologised to Turkey for this incident but now Turkey has fired back and attacked Syria.  At the same time anti war groups have staged protests in Turkey saying they don't want to get into a war.  How well in the US do we know that tune.  I think Turkish fighting back against Assad's Syria is a healthy thing.  Because Assad is the sort of dude who would take over the whole Mideast if we let him, with his own unique brand of terror, intimidation and religious repression.  Personally I wish the President would say and do more about Assad than he to date has.

In the Bible it says "The curse without a cause does not come".  We know Israel was a cursed nation at the time of Jesus, and Jesus neither said or did anything to signal any "staying" of the execution of punishment on the nation of Israel.  In the book of Hebrews, it is written "If the blood of bulls and goats were sufficient to make atonement for sin, then it would not have been necessary for the Messiah to come".  Of course the word Messiah itself is translated is "Deliverer" in The Ten Commandments movie.  But I would go on to point out is the blood of Christ and the sign of the cross were sufficient to safeguard from Evil,  then all that stuff that occurs in all these Exorcism movies- - would not have occurred, because the minute the first priest flashed the gleaming silver cross- - Satan and all his demonic hosts would flee in terror.  Scripture also says that "If you go along with someone who devises an Evil act, then you are partakers in that evil, and will also partake in the Punishment for said act".  It is also written that if you see your Sin and confess and achnoledge it openly before men, that God will be gracious and pardon that sin.  We know that the real Mitt Romney did not show up at that Wednesday debate.  We know that Mitt Romney is an evil man who devises Evil.  And people vote for him and support him and therefore are partakers of that Evil.  Two weeks ago I allowed a curse to fall upon myself when I went along with Mal Evans' taking on of the Sutterans.  Stewart as you will remember had said on the contrary "I can't take that bet".  It's like that insurance commercial, "I can't make that deal".  Stewart exercised wisdom and discretion in doing this.  After the deed was done and USC lost to Stanford on Saturday the fifteenth, I was thinking "Nothing bad has happened to me" in the same way a person who had just spent three hours at the beach without any sun screen says "You know- - I think I have escaped getting a sunburn" knowing full well that sunburn takes longer than that to be made manifest.  And so it is that some curses take longer to be made manifest than others.  On Bewitched we know that some curses fast long shadows.  There was a Joseph Nemyre - - who was told to do three acts - - public acts - - in order to lift the curse from himself that some Witch had cast.  Each act was increasingly more bizzare than the last.  In some cases the Wages of Sin is death.  When a famous person dies "too soon" of some disease, we do not know what private Sin me may or may not be guilty of.  Burt Lombard told Mal Evans that I was in need of "their kind of help" because a week ago Burt saw that I was surrounded with Evil forces.  But Mal Evans stopped Burt from helping me.  This to my thinking is an unprecidented act.  I haden't seen anything like it in the Federation before.  Today I talked to Johnny Cash, who said that he thought Mal was a little flakey because "He said he wanted my help a month or so and hounded me and finally got me to agree to it, and then suddenly he drops the whole thing and doesn't want to talk about it".

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