Friday, January 11, 2013

Kosher Rejects

Last night I bought a bagel
I put it in my mouth
I went ahead and swallowed
And now it's headed South

Down with Arabs up with Jews
Thems the only proper views

I'll put a big fright into Moses if I can
Then the Nation will see that I'm a mighty, mighty man
Have you heard the news - - Mt Sinai is erupting tonight!

They used to call people in government - - Piggies
But they say that when wild board bite- - they chomp out a real piece of you that you'll never get back.  And I never knew that pigs used to be Jewish Mohwells .But you know - - This proves there can't be any pigs in government now, because the tea party has long since padlocked their snouts and then put a blow torch to the whole thing so nobody else can possibly undo it.

Here lies Jesus of Nazareth who thought he was a major dude
To King Herod he was very Rude

I can't deal with the Truth - - it knows no regulation
Enforced term limits are no conselation
They take six months off - can't pass no legeslation
Before they even take the oath their ethics suffer degradation

When young metal fornacates with factory molds
Illigitimate bastard prodgeny known as guns are the product
In the same logic the tea party uses
If we chop down fewer trees- fewer Bibles will be produced

The Heritage Foundation is on a dreadful course
They seek to overthrow drone missiles with a secret force
The most radical of Sanctuary icons they now endorse
Inside they erect a gold statue of Paul Revere's horse

Cheetos leave an orange trail back to the scene of the crime
Behind the citrus curtain the tea party lives in ethical grime
They fornacate with the media and jack off all the time
Rick Perry wants interest rates to be anything but prime

There have never been any mass Jewish murderors
West of the Deleware River

The little boy loves his Italian meal
He couldn't be cuter
The idiots in Vince's class know little about the computer
A new generation of gonoreal teenage boys
will soon need a Roter Rooter
Meanwhile Dr. Levy tries to act as an online tutor

Did you know that the majority of those who called themselves Jews in Ancient Israel
Never attended any of the Jewish Temple festivals where animals were sacrificed?

Carpenters love to nail wooden things to garner business
I love to take a preacher to dinner on a Saturday Night and get him good and drunk so that he looks and feels his best when he gives the Sunday morning sermon.

Here is some advice if you don't want to be a financial moocher
Radio advice should all be ignored - - for what it's worth
Wall Streeters fear a Great falls in their financial future
But the overall stream of things is actually headed North

Listen to my sermon I mean every thing I say
I'm talking about the working class that has to pay and pay
I'm gona skin Paul Ryan alive like a squerel
The piggies all run and hide in a burrow
They all just love to squeal just like they were- little girls

I get high when I see John Boehner - with a guy
Compiling all my notes on him - - and even bigger fish, to fry
You know it's just no party when all he does - is Cry

Is it right that he gets off on Savage porno - every Night
Though the he prospect of his failure makes makes hopes bright, very bright
Why are they so shy - and ask why - - before Congress

It's just a Boehner - that is all
I'm gona rub it against the wall
His tea has all run through
It's so easy - - mocking you - - mocking youuuu-!

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