Wednesday, January 16, 2013

President Obama's "Apology Speech"

Well many are saying that what we need to do is to tap into the private conversations by therapist and patient - - and get the doctor's personal notes, breaking the doctor - patient confidence long held sacrosanct by the state - - so that we can find out whether the patient is mentally stable enough to own or fire a gun.  To me this is kind of a hazy ethical gray area into which I would tread lightly.  Some national Academy of Sciences study says there is not one bit of evidence that increased anti gun legislation leads to a lower crime rate.  It is said that in Israel this whole bit about arming school principals and teachers "works", at least there.  But Israel has a more disciplined, militaristic culture than we do here.  Of course we know the crime rate plumited when New York cops began frisking people randomly for fire arms.  That seemed to get right to the source of the problem - ie criminals with guns.  President Obama I thought was going to lay out his own broad, sweeping anti gun program, but instead the President pretty much punted.  What we got was kind of an "apology speech" for the gun lobby, for offending them.  He used phrases like "We need to all look into our hearts".  I used that whimpy phrase in my Prophecy book when I was addressing Conservatives on the matter of Civil Rights for Minorities.  The President also said something I must have misheard.  He said "We just shouldn't look for support for a gun bill from the usual culperates" meaning the liberal activists.  But instead said "we need to look to gun owners themselves, and businessmen, and pastors, and teachers, and police, and private citizens from rural areas as well as the big cities".  If I heard him right.  I think where the name "assault weapon" obviously game from is in like a paramilitary situation such as a SWAT team dealing with a terrorist with hostages or something.  And maybe you have to back off from a distance, where the long firing and accurecy range of the fifty calabre rifel will come into advantage.  Because you could pick off the bad guy from a long ways away and be confident the bullets would be true to their course and hit the intended target.  But the point was raised earlier and the tea party has even said it themselves.  They said that "We didn't win the right to gun rights in the American Revolution so we could hunt moose and elk, but rather to take down a would be dictator".  So they pretty much admit that the guys and amo they buy in huge quantities, is not meant for hunting or any sports use, or for emergency protection in case of home break-in.  The guns and amo they buy are intended to kill military people and cops who come to arrest them.  There was a convincing Video on Waco in 1993 I saw a couple months ago and it should convince any would be imitators the utter futility of such a similar action.  Because you just can't win.  Even with a woman with hormonal problems as AG such as Janet Reno.  You can't win.  A woman shall do you in.

Lance Armstrong said the interview with Oprah Winfrey was the most difficult thing he’s done in his life.  That’s a crock of bull.  I didn’t ask him to do it.  The entire interview was a crock of bullshit piled high and Oprah herself said that “I don’t believe that Armstrong came clean”.  It’s not as if he were forced at gunpoint to even do the interview and you know he’s getting paid a ton of money for it.  There was some caller tht said “I hate the way that all these guys who use dope rat each other out”.  Well,  I on the contrary say it’s time to get all of the Dopes out of cycling.  His cancer work was good but he could have easily continued to do that after he was honest enough to quit cycling because he no longer “had the right stuff”.   That’s what a straightforward guy would do.

Oscar told me after breakfast that they always start with the other side of the room for breakfast and our side for lunch.  This morning our side set a whopping new lateness record of nine minutes after eight to be served our three smaller pancakes and some kind of hot dog thing.  For our side it’s the difference between being served at seven thirty or well after eight.  The other side of the room has never had to face once at lunch what our side routinely experiences at breakfast.  For the past three out of four dinners, our side hasn’t gotten seconds, or rather, our table hasn’t gotten seconds.  You see Dora disappear into that “black hole’ in the corner where she seems to stay forever.  It was a fifteen minute wait that yielded nothing, and it was 23 to five when I left the dining room to go to the store for an iced honey bun.  Dora ran out of the Chinese stir fry just before reaching our table.  It was good rice and pork and bean sprouts.  We had chocolate pudding for desert.

James showed up at the door and gave us enough coffee for not quite one full pot, which I just drank and gave Bill a little.  He also had creamer and had I known I wouldn't have spent money buying new creamer at the store.  Money draw came sometime after two and it was a new guy doing it in [the proprietor's] office.  I got fifteen dollars and went out and bought a pack of John Black grape.  Larry talked my head off with a five or six straight monolog from the instant I stepped out the patio door to the instant I came in.  When Larry gets going nobody even has time to take a breath, and should you respond to anything he says, he’ll treat it like you’re interrupting his monolog.  Then I went down to see Dr. Saran.  I was lying down listening to David Cruise when Sarah knocked at the door just ahead of the housekeeper for cleaning.  It was a long line but it moved quickly.  The big news is that my blood pressure has risen for the third time in a row.  It was 138 and then 140 and today it was 144 over 82.  I couldn’t believe it.  My temperature was 98.2 degrees.  Dr. Saran said he didn’t normally take action till the BP figure approached 160, where I hope mine never reaches.  Blood pressure medications do fail and that’s obviously what’s happening.

The soap opera continues to have vital dialog.  Samantha is still on her tyrade against Gabriel.  But if anyone is “being played” here it is Raphael.  Samantha played him by being nice to his sister hoping it would garner kissy points with Raphael.  Well now her scheme backfired and she showed her true colors.  A real friend would not “turn on someone’ so quickly as Sammy did with Gabriel.  I take exception though to the idea that repeating a conversation you overheard is a crime if it was “privileged”.  Chad wasn’t under any ethical constraints to keep any secrets.  It was the doctor’s fault for not making sure the door was closed before they even had a conversation.  Think about it.

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