Friday, June 06, 2014

Can Occultic Forces Affect Our Destiny?

I wanted to mention that 1968 turned out to be a horrible year for progressives, contrary to the marijuana induced image of that year.  People think of “Revolution” and “Wild in the Streets” and “Street Fighting Man” and “Please Come to Chicago”.   At this time I’d like to beef up my remarks with a little cosmic occultism – since, according to Hartman, if Hitler can do it with the SS, then the forces of light can do it, too.   1968 started off with the potential of being the best year of “Enlightenment” we’ve ever had.  Even the Beatles were traveling to India to seek enlightenment.  And frankly I’m a big Cynthia Lennon fan on this one. There was a raft of either new psychedelic groups or in some cases new to US audiences.  You had Arlo Guthrie, Blue Cheer, Canned Heat, Big Brother and the Holding Company, Steppinwolf, The Chambers Brothers, the Iron Butterfly, Traffic and Pink Floyd, all debut albums by the way - - plus a double play of both Cream and Jimi Hendrix Experience albums – a holdover John Mayoll album – Electric Flag - - Cowsills, do I need to go on?   People don’t remember it but Johnson himself was turning against the Viet Nam war and fired Robert Mc Nemera and took on Clark Cliffard instead.  Robert Kennedy got into the campaign and in his book “To seek a Newer World” laid out how pursuing the Viet Nam war was doomed.  Martin Luther King was branching out into more areas.  But something - - almost occultic happened - - maybe late March - - in terms of some cosmic force waving their hand and changing the whole outcome of the year.  I call it the “cosmic IUD”.   I would call what happened almost a “cosmic abortion”  You’ve heard of the circular graviton.  This type of bozon - - and all bozons have a “bozon signiture’ as Captain Piccard would put it- - making this Universe specific of all the Universes in the Fifth Dimension.   I believe what took place was nothing sort of a “Mass Fifth Dimensional Transfer”.  After a certain point in early spring of 1968 -  the reality was 1968 was one of the banner worst years for progressives.  Think about it.  We lost 15,000 men in Viet Nam that year- more than any other year.  The war was at maximum peak despite the protests.  And many of the people who were against the handling of the war - - were that way because they thought “We should fight to a conclusive victory and drop more bombs”.   We began the year with a democratic president and ended the year with an elected Republican President, Richard Nixon.   But the numbers were worse than that.  Only 43% of the people that year voted progressive- - as in Hubert Humphrey.  The rest voted for either Nixon - - or George Wallace.  George Wallace ran on an anti bussing and anti amnesty platform.  And also he reminded Californians that we voted yes on proposition 14 to resegregate our housing- -but “The supreme court says you didn’t vote right”.   Race was a heavy factor.   Even Johnson getting out of the race may not be what people thought.  Could it be that Johnson was afraid, not of Bobby Kennedy, who hadn’t won a single primary outright yet as of March 31st 1968, a Sunday night.  Johnson even then was afraid of Nixon, and had Johnson stayed in the race and run, he most certainly would have beaten Nixon.   You remember that tape of the Johnson library where LBJ is talking to Senator Everett Dirkson about - -Nixon sabotaging the Paris peace talks, but somehow it was decided not to use it in the campaign.  Of course you have Chicago itself and the beaten up protestors.  You also have the tanks rumbling through Czechlovakia that summer after the short lived “Prague Spring”.  But we in this country had a “different kind of spring” punctuated by race riots on a massive scale due to  the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy followed soon after.  And there is a cosmic significance to June sixth, which may not be what you are thinking – it would take too long to illucidate on now.  And then there is the retirement of Chief Justice Earl Warren- - which even I knew at that time was “the end of an era”.   Compare the number of psychedelic groups- - say- turn of the year beginning of 1968 compared with the way the charts or whatever were at the end of 1968.  The Rolling Stones and the Beatles had gotten out of psychedelic music (George Harrison made a “decision” that drugs were “an illusion”, our loss) - - and we didn’t know it yet, but the Who (post “Tommy” recorded early 1968 actually) were done with psychedelic recordings.  Traffic and The First Edition toned down their psychedelic aspects.   And the founder of Pink Floyd - - Syd Barret – (who contrary to all the hype – may have been no more certifiably insane than I was) - had to withdraw from the group. The Buffalo Springfield, the Electric Flag, The Mamas and Papas, the Jimi Hendrix Experience and Big Brother and the Holding company broke up, and Cream would very soon.   And consider the anti drug songs that were out that summer such as “The Pusher” and “Anphenamine Annie’ by Canned Heat.  “Speed Kills” was the slogan.   Early in the spring of 1969 psychology class from Mr Lee (upgraded to “Dr Lee” later on) he told us that Heit Ashberry was really a depressive place now almost like a ghetto with drugs – people wasted on Speed - and a lot of other things not conducive to their image.  I felt depressed hearing this.  But take heart.  Today is “Have a donut day”, and you know what they say (or at least I said several years back) “Circles are possessive things; violate them at your own peril.”  (Selah)  But the bottom line is “If 1968 started off so hopeful and ended up a disaster, what hope do we have this year- - where all signs already point to an electoral disaster?   So who did I “tape into” for this paragraph of illumination?  You’ve heard of Nick Fallon.  Somebody who “people didn’t like”   Well - - our subject had a choice of two song renditions to take to the studio for a leading group.  Naturally he chose the track where he pioneered new ground- - who was almost a prototype of the psychedelic movement- - the track did not make the album in England but it did here.  As far as the Seven Sisters are concerned- - you could kind of call this one a “Wizzard of Oz” in reverse.  So what are the Seven Sisters most noted for going back to ancient times among star gazers?  Therein lies your answer.  (Selah)

In terms of the unemployment rate we are unchanged at 6.3% but everyone is calling it good news because we added 217,000 jobs.  They have the audacity to claim that we are back at the employment levels in absolute numbers of Americans, than we were at seven years ago in June of 2007 before this recession began.  That’s so much bullshit and people like Newt Gingrich claim that by the standards of the numbers at that time- we’d  be at ten or eleven percent unemployment.  In fact they have said our employment situation is the worst since the late Jimmy Carter era.  We know of course that logical and mathematically speaking- - the actual number of new people entering the work force last month needs to be at least seven or so percent higher than 217,000 workers for this 6.3% figure to be kosher.  So the question is "What can the president do?"  Do you think a little transcendental meditation would help him see his way through this quandary?  We are informed President Obama has only given a fraction of the Executive Orders that George Bush and other presidents have given.  It's an article of wisdom that "People who HAVE the power demonstrate that fact by USING it.  One could indeed argue that the exercise of "inherent power" needs no justification.  (Selah)  If this President were not concerned by what his opposition thinks, they'd cease to be so much of a problem.  Nobody thinks of asking the cockroach "Is there any justification you can show why I should not snuff you out?"  In fact it's an almost Biblical principle that "Good beings with the power to do so- OWE it to their followers to USE the power, lest the Lord come and transfer that Powers to Others, who are more deserving of it.  (Selah)  Neither have we heard that much about these "signing statements" the George W was so fond of.  This ammounted to sort of an extra-constitutional skirting of the rule about "no line item veto" that Governors use to keep expenditures down in virtually all fifty states.  

 In terms of marijuana Thom Hartman wants us to know that eating grass is dangerous because the effects last so much longer in the body.  However- - new people, as I learned from personal experience back in high school, are harder to ‘get high off it” than “seasoned’ users so to speak.  They claim it’s because your marijuana receptors are not yet attuned to it.   So you get into those arguments about “you sold me some bad pot”.  Personally I highly doubt that woman had the horrible symptums she claimed to have had from the pot laced food.  Tom says that they should have classes or seminars or at least warnings or medical standards or something instead of this free-for-all they have now in Colorado and Washington state.   I’ve heard this “medical marijuana” was a crock anyhow because they are quack doctors who aren’t actually doctors at all.  A wise man once coined the phrase "Better living through chemistry" and it can be argued that in this material world "we are what we are made of".  (Selah)  If your body is to be used like a vehicle, you owe it to yourself that that "vehicle" receive the best "nutrition" so that it functions and serves you optimally.

The San Antonio Spurs won last night in San Antonio with the temperature of the floor at ninety degrees and very humaid.  They say the air conditioning system just broke down, but I’m wondering whether it isn’t some ploy to have Miami at a disadvantage, because Labran James or whoever had heat stroke or something.  Everyone in the bleachers were fanning themselves.  At any rate the SA Spurs pulled away at the end of the game and it was 110 to 95 such that they let the clock run out pretty quickly.  I was switching back and forth between that and Vampire Diaries.  I think “The Originals” was on after this, which seemed to be another witches and vampire type thing- - which I watched till about nine thirty.  As noted before the San Antonio Spurs- - are of a different Cosmic Vibe than a lot of the rest of that town.  This is why I routed for the Heat, who lost.

Today is of course the 70th anniversary of the Normandy invasion.  So most all of the people who participated in that invasion would be in their nineties, or higher today.  Many will not make it to the 75th anniversary, so we better salute them now.  So I'm told they needed to time the invasion with the maximum low tide of the moon or something, so delays due to weather would not be advisable.  Of course you know that "The Greatest Generation' was more Progressive in terms of the subsequent legislation they did in Congress, than my own generation is.  People forget this.  One of the things they were fighting for were Franklin Roosevelt's Four Freedoms.  These are freedom of speech.  And of course free speech should be equal and not depentant on how many millions you kick in to drown all the others out.  There was freedom of religion.  We have a tendency to forget that other Faiths are also entitled to Their - - Freedom of Religion, too.  Then there is Freedom from Want.  And finally there is Freedom from Fear itself.  These are the four as Hartman enumerated them.  During that original period I was looking up Tim Carpenter, and bookmarked a site, and I also pasted into a Word file the political aims platform of the Progressive Democrats of America, whom Howard Dean seems to be one of the co-founders.  But this Tim Carpenter guy- - who has the same name as this gay guy from Wisconsin who is still alive, died apparently on April 29th and Hartman noted it at the time and what a great guy he was.   But now I’m suddenly paranoid that if I posted either of these documents whether I would be flagged as spam.  Thom and Stephanie have been doing a whole lot of money raising ads lately because they are becoming desperate that nobody is calling to donate despite the generous “bribes” they are offering for a person to do so.

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