Sunday, June 08, 2014

"You Can't Come Back and Be the First in Line"

According to Keith, the Kings beat the Rangers in double overtime.  The final score was 5 to 4 apparently on the sudden death King's goal.  I know it was tied four and four at the end of the first overtime, but Bill wanted “Burn Notice” and drowsiness was affecting me, and I never checked back.  Here is other background.  The LA Kings are tied four and four at the end of the third period and are ready for overtime.  The game began early and by the time I checked at 5:20 the first period had already been completed.  It was 0 and 2 Rangers at the end of the first.  Then the Kings scored one, and the Rangers scored one about eleven seconds later making it 4 and 2.  But when I checked at seven the Kings had scored two more times.  I got a salami sandwich with medication, and also got coffee from Glen’s room for the old price of three cigarettes for a packet of instant.   The horse race was held so late that I - - didn't have my usual post race cigarette before dinner - - but instead went right into the dining room. 

There is talk from the owner of California Chrome.  Yes I am a little disappointed, but I’m not surprise, and you will note the last couple of postings haven’t mentioned the Belmont.  But I understand the issue about having a “fresh horse” who hasn’t been through all the prior steps.  But them’s the rules.  This is why the triple crown is such an illusive thing.  But it’s like these people in wheel chairs around here who don’t really need them.  Or sometimes certain people will just sit out- - while others stand in line in the hot sun for snacks- and then they come along and say “I am here in line”.   It’s like the song ‘Out of Time” that has the lyric of “- - but you can’t come back and be the first in line”.  It’s like the parable of the workers in the vineyard- - and those who showed up for employment at five in the afternoon were openly, almost flauntingly rewarded- - sending a message loud and clear – “Why show up at sunrise to get a full day’s wages, just show up late in the afternoon”.  Of course I didn’t hear zippidy-doo-dah yesterday from any of my Cosmic friends, which may be why I didn’t put out a blog entry yesterday.  The thing is God would make a really bad chess player because he’s so gosh darned predictable.   But I think there is either a duffelganger or some fifth dimensional transfer problem afoot.  I went to the store this morning at ten after seven, having checked at five TO seven and the store wasn’t open so I came back here and hung out smoking a while.  Now when I go in the guy Ben or whoever says “Oh here is the guy who is always in a hurry- - but I know you need to catch the bus and all”.   I thought he was referring to a guy who came in the same time I did, but I got my dollar coffee after Ron, and I went to use my debit card.  And again he makes reference to my being in a hurry and “You always knock down the cigarette display when you reach for one”.   (The remark was almost Jim Spencer-esque)  That didn’t happen because I stopped and let him get the cigarettes- and it hasn’t happen.  So what possible prior event could he have been referring to?  Sometimes in the morning I hang around looking at the Spanish CD’s and the hats, and getting out of other people’s way who are in a hurry.  [some material added or reorganized at one PM]  Upon waking while it was still dark, I was thinking of all this crap about evangelist saying “I couldn’t have gotten as far as I did without my loyal wife and family around me” yet in the same breath will say “But God might have other plans for you”.  People who say “I don’t need romance in my life; God is enough for me’ are the very ones who end up (and usually soon) getting married, and they never give a thought to me.  I don’t want to sound like the Santa Barbra shooter.  He’s disgusting.  But there is an element of Truth in the idea that certain people are jinxed and in ruts- which seem to have the “Finality” as an open ended grave.  (Selah)  Ricardo reminded us that the Gay Pride parade is held today.

 By the way I was right about Brian Jones actually liking “Satanic Majesty’s Request” despite books that were emphatic that he didn’t.  In fact he is about the only Rolling Stone who HASN’T trashed that album.  He could amble into the studio whenever he felt like it with whatever groopies with him- - and so whatever “bits” he intended to do today.  And I am sticking by my assertion that “Tommy” was conceived in latter 1967 and was in fact recorded in the first part of 1968 and songs like “I’m A Sensation” (that don’t appear on some versions of the album) was recorded in 1967.  Anybody who knows the Who recordings will know that by 1969 they were doing different kinds of songs and the engineering was all different.  So this idea that Tommy was released in the spring of 1969 in England is absurd on its face.  Of course you know of other memory discontinuities, and I'll give you one I KNOW is a "false memory" that I still remember.  I remember the Saturday night before the 1968 election being in my bed and listening to my father and my grandmother talking about who she should vote for.  Nana liked Musky over Agnew for vice president, but my Dad wanted her to vote for Humphrey.  She said "But I don't like Humphrey" and Dad said, well if you want Musky you might as well vote Democratic".  The thing WRONG with this memory is that this particular bedroom has NOT been my bedroom since 1965.  And besides by 1968 the custom would be when Nana comes over that I would sleep on the sofa in the livingroom - - and we'd all retire at about the same time.  I also have a problem with the release date of "Gaucho" bu Steely Dan.  I say it was the first half of 1979 and also the death of John Bonnum, which was within a day or two of the release of "In through the out door".   Not according to what they Now call "History".  Strangely - - even under "determinism"  such "alterations of what seems to be Destiny" cannot be foreseen.   However- - like a badly written Soap Opera whole likelihood strains your credulity- - it isn't the PLOT that you have to look at the Flow of, but rather the Author of it.  If you know the way of the Author- - then you've got it nailed.  (Selah)

Hillary Clinton’s book, “Hard Choices” has a lot of politically “smart” stances in it.  Hillary was highly skeptical of just the sort of five for one Taliban prisoner exchange we ended up making.  Apparently Joe Byden was also against that trade.  She said “Obama relied on the younger people in his administration who were too idealistic”.   Actually she said that one about the whole support of the “Arab Spring’ uprisings in early 2011.  Hillary wanted us to maintain our relation with Hasni Mubarek of Egypt and not to favor his overthrow.  Of course the guy was toppled so quickly (unlike in Libya) we didn’t have much opportunity to act, one way or the other.  Hillary also favored military aid to the Syrian rebels.  In both of these stances she is right, of course, and the American people will reward her for that.  She was also against “Attacking Sarah Palin just because she was a woman” but I’m confused by that one.  I didn’t appreciate the way Chris Matthews and his cohorts handled that whole thing because to me they were trying to micro-manage the analysis and engaged in an orgy of hair splitting.  That’s my opinion.

“Totalist” won the Belmont Stakes today.  “Comissioner” was second and “Metal Count” came in third.  “California Chrome” finished out of the money tied for fourth in a photo finish with that “Bad Champion” (?) horse from Boston.   But first, second and third were virtual photo finishes to- just ahead of the other two.   “Real Solution” won on the grass course race earlier.  That was a case of one horse moving way, way out ahead all through the race but losing the advantage quickly approaching the finish line.  I turned the TV on at two thirty after that “Family Style” cooking show on KTLA.  So basically I had horse racing on for a total of an hour and 35 minutes.  I wanted to suck up all the “ambience” anticipating of a big win that didn’t happen.  There are eleven triple crown winners celebrated at Belmont Park, but there won’t be a 12th this year.   Both of the runner up horses of the Preakness and the Derby ran in this race.  Since the horse wasn’t run till ten to seven, local time, the shadows were getting mighty long.  The thing is California Chrome had amazing support from both the crowd and the media.  But the horse is not good at getting out of a crowd and running from behind - - and having the maneuver around.  Or it could be that the horse was so relaxed today he thought “This race isn’t that important;  I’ll just phone it in” because California Chrome just didn’t show the energy at the end he usually does.  I now hear that Chrome suffered some sort of minor injury early in the race, which would impact his ability to do his best.

The Mc Laughlin group talked about severe tensions and divisions on the EEC, and the thing may break up entirely in a few years.  England is talking about getting out of it now.  And now Scotland wants to leave England and they are voting on that.  Putin kind of looked disdainfully at President Obama at the Normandy commemorations when they spoke.  But now Putin is doing an “Asian pivot’ and is securing an economic energy deal with China.  So that what Nixon took advantage of in 1972 may be coming undone now, as Russia and China for the first time since the sixties- may become allies.  There is no need to say what a dangerous situation this is for us.  The newly elected President of Ukraine, Pokeshenko (?), as of last week,  delivered a speech to the people in which he hoped that Russia would not continue to be the agressor, and promised “Russian troops a safe corridor out of the country”.  But according to the Mc Laughlin group “Europeans all over Europe are becoming increasingly secular and “ethnic” in their own nationalist interest, which if why I predicted in my Prophecy book of 1980 that the European Economic Union would never work.  Excuse me for gloating a little about this.  I think Pat Buchannon is secretly pleased by this outbreak of “Nationalism” because to people like him that’s the ideal state.  President Obama is just up a creek without a paddle in so many ways.

Tomorrow in West Hollywood they are having their annual ‘Pride” parade.  They have dropped the word “gay” now since it embraces transsexuals and bisexuals now.  Meanwhile back on the farm - - in Wisconsin gay couples are applying for licenses to get married because a lady Wisconsin judge said it was OK.  Scott Walker must be having a conniption fit over this.  Of course if the AG takes exception to it – and/or the judge is pressured into issuing a “stay” order, then you’ll have that strange situation like we had in California that neither side liked.  Of course red state governors with better economies than four years ago in 2010 will be able to claim that their own “economic austerity” measures are what did the trick, even if it isn’t true.  But were the states to still suffer from a dad economy, they could always blame the President for that.  So it’s pretty much a no lose situation for them, regardless of what happens.

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