Thursday, September 04, 2014

FOX News and "Hatriot Radio"

People on our side of the fence call AM 1150 as “Hatriot Radio” and it’s no wonder.  Last night I watched a thing where Glen Beck was telling Christians to immediately leave any Christian church where the priest of pastor preached social justice.  We know that’s what President Obama did in 2008 as a prerequisite to running for President.  You know what they say.  Imotation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Glen Beck should be flattered.  But in general there is a hatred of “the unwashed masses of humanity”.  One quote I heart on that station went “If you stay in the middle class all your life then you’re a loser”.   This Eric Erickson guy this morning said that anybody who works at minimum wage when they are forty is a loser in life, and he has absolutely no respect for them.  This host did a monolog for most of the half hour between ten thirty and eleven but did take one call- -from Riverside.  The caller said he respects anybody who works at a full time job.  But the host cut him off when he began his next sentence and talked the rest of the hour himself, and had the gall to accuse the caller of “filibustering”.  We are to believe these strikers are just lazy bums who can’t EARN a raise and so have to bum others for it.  But later he said “Well getting a raise isn’t so great anyhow because you’ll just be in a higher tax bracket”.  And went on to say the whole day of protest thing was just a conspiracy of labor unions- - and Obama health care was dragged into it one way or the other.  We are to believe that bosses give raises to reliable workers.  And yet Mc Donald’s has a policy of “rapid worker turnover” and to fire people before they develop seniority- - and get any fancy ideas about advancement.  New workers are more plyable and can be taken advantage of much more easily.  But far from being lazy - - today’s workers have the highest productivity of any workers.  And it used to be that wages kept up with productivity.  But the host doesn’t care about this.  And if we believe Mike Papentonio’s words recently - - any host- - pretty much has to be screened by the rich oligarks.  These people don’t get these jobs because they are talented, but because they are good at taking their marching orders.  You see this in the appointment of not only judges and attorney generals- - but getting congressmen to rubber stamp the bills that are already pre written by the lobbyists and the oligarks.  Wake up and smell the coffee!

Norman Goldman yesterday was talking about how the United States is the policeman of the world.  The Federation issued a rather similar statement earlier in the day, in case you are curious.  The United States even has troops in Estonia, Norm says.  Maybe it made sense for us to have troops in Germany 55 years ago when Elvis was there.  But this is another century now and the idea of having troops in Germany for nearly seventy years now seems pointless.  But we bombed Somolia because they attacked Kenya.  And we use drones to take out terrorists in Yemen, and I don’t mean – to dinner.  It’s been pointed out the saying of Stalin of “one death is a tragedy; a hundred thousand is a sististic”.   So we see ISIS behead two reporters in the most blatant of ways.  But if we bomb a hundred thousand in Iraq this is just fine with the right.  Spock of Star Trek fame would call the comparison “highly illogical”.  Because the implication is that the United States by its very nature is horrified by the death of ANY innocent person, and we know as we have conducted our foreign policy over the decades this has never been the case.  The United States, so I hear, wanted to reconstruct Russia after the 1991 fall of communism along the Chicago school of supply economics.  Before the people were oppressed by their government but got free education and health care, or so we’re told.  Now they are STILL oppressed by an even more corrupt government in Russia but economically they are far worse off, and I’d hate to think our government had something to do with making them worse off.  But is Mike Papentoniio is right in saying that Ronald Reagan was just a puppet president of the “right wing oligarks” or whatever.  In other words is the right wing is now and perhaps always has been like “the insurgent Telliban government in the United States”, which is how the tea party by their own words seems themselves in dealing with Obama.  So really “The regeme” as Rush uses that term - - could be applied to these rich oligarks who have always seen themselves not as “the loyal opposition” but a shadow government.  By this same logic- stop me if I’m wrong- -  then Israel could, by logical extension, be considered just a shell country.  We have two choices.  Either a religion of 17 million people in the world can defeat a religion of 1. 2 Billion with a B people and they really have got this god they can call on at any time to perform military miracle after military miracle, or else indeed it’s as the right wing says they out to be as a 51st state of the United States, kind of a stalking horse to gain terrirory in the Mideast.  Sean Hannity states that the destinies of the United States and Israel are inexorably linked.  So to what extent is Israel’s foreign policy really OUR foreign policy?  Like other “strong men” such as Putin and Qadafi, Netenyahoo has been there a long time - - going on twenty years.  The prospect of his ever being voted out in an election is nill.  I’ve received conflicting evidence about the number of deaths in Ukraine.  One source said it was just two thousand for both sides since April.  Another source stated that 800,000 people have been displaced in eastern Ukraine.  Many of them have gone to Russia and some haven’t gone as far.  Now we hear once more that they are about to reach an agreement.  My gut tells me that Putin is the aggressor and controlling the agenda for all of this, and the problem won’t end one minute before Putin wants it to end.   Of course in Gaza you’d just have to call that a slaughter.  I don’t remember the number but I believe it was approaching two thousand deaths in a matter of weeks- - majoring on women and children.  Maybe it’s off the front pages of the newspapers now, “out of sight; out of mind” but not for the people in Gaza who lost family members or have their communities destroyed.  Is Sean’s message to the Islamics “convert or die” like the Duck Dynesty guy said on a reacent television show?  Today Sean took the opportunity to reaffirm this message.

 Evidence appears to mount that this Ukraine situation is not the way the media portrays it.  I was watching Free Speech TV last night- - and watched both pro and anti Russian videos.  Hartman is among the “non believers” so to speak, and there was a new installment of George Washington’s blog I read yesterday.  On Monday I watched a speech given by John Roberts on the Magna Carta.  They had a thing on Ambassador Joe Wilson and the yellow cake uranium from Nigeria, and some rather extensive details about that.  Last night I was looking for something and I’m not sure what.  It kind of turned into the Gallery of nut jobs.  There was a Sean Hannity show with Phil Robertson of Duck Dynesty fame, giving his expert analysis of why Islam is so evil, and he spent much of that time reading from the Bible often pausing to flip through pages for the right scripture.  There was a thing with Mike Papentonio doing his analysis of Glen Beck and he says “Glen Beck was invented” by the ultra rich as a spokesman stooge, kind of like Ronald Reagan.  Ronald Reagan is loved by the right wing not for what he accomplished, or the lack of it, as President, but because the rich got him to run for California governor in the first place, instituting coservatism as we know it today in 1966.  Perhaps Mike got a little wrapped up in his own rhetoric - - .  But then I watched a thing on Pat Robertson and saying that Robin Williams took his own life because he believed in a false god of wealth and fame.  I had to marvel at the sheer hypocracy of Robertson’s words since that’s ALL the right wing worships are money and power.  And he ads “You have your problems because you don’t have God.  Turn to God now and he won’t disappoint you”.   I went out and smoked a cigarette after this in the dark.  Then Bill had turned it to “Law and Order” at some point.  I wasn’t paying attention to the KABC game shows. I got coffee from Glen’s room during the ABC “World News Tonight”.

There are certain personality types that are prime candidates for “patsies” or “saps” or whatever you call them.  They are almost willing pawns usefully employed by the other side.  They’re people like President Obama who’s word means nothing, and the more insistent they are that they be believed, the more you need to just ignore them.  Take Daniel Jonas on Days of our lives.  He was so indignent and offended at Jennifer for intervening in the Nicole situation with Eric a month or so ago.  Rather than saying “Thank you” to Jennifer- - instead he obsesses over what she did- -and deep down knows she was absolutely right and neither Daniel nor Nicole could be trusted to “Do the right thing” and inform Eric about the new evidence in his favor.  If we had waited for Nicole to come clean we’d be waiting till Hell froze over.  Jennifer knew this.  But now we have Dr Daniel verses Christine Di Mira.  I knew that despite the fact that for all appearances Christine had been “captured” and was “surrounded by her enemies” and had “no way of escaping” and would soon be “brought to justice in the strongest possible terms” I knew that Christine was going to outsmart them all.  I didn’t yet no how, only THAT it was going to happen, because that’s the way soap operas work.   So now you have Marlena who says she hates Christine and will give her “No Quarter"  or whatever.  Now Christine has Marlena doing her dirty work for her.  It’s so funny when Marlena says “Eric, I hate myself for what I’m about to ask of you - - “ but she doesn’t hate herself Not to do it.  Christine’s whole thing is hurting Marlena and this scam with the mystery drug that’s supposed to help John Black, is just another way of hurting Marlena and Eric all over again.  And excuse me for not caring if someone lives or dies but let’s look at this John Black situation.  John has been pretty non compus mentus for a long time- -like the last three years ever since his return to the series.  He has betrayed Marlena over and over again and wanted to betray Eric by having an affair with Christine.  He came close to raping her in that hotel room and he was going to do it ‘Just to prove a point”.   Brady says he can’t stand to look at John because he is reminded of old wounds.  And now suddenly this guy is worth selling your soul for?   With today’s episode we have an added reason for Eric not to withhold his testimony.  Because we would believe that Eric is asked to keep his reasons for testifying against Christine secret from Brady and did not share with Eric that he was thinking of NOT testifying.  What other conclusion could Brady Black come to than that “Maybe Eric is not an innocent victim of Christine and he thought about it and really enjoyed having sex with her on candid camera, and therefore since he experienced so much pleasure- - has had a change of heart and now believes Christine should be off the hook.  We just said- - Dr Jonas pounded to the table to remind us of his great resolve and this time Christine Di Mira was going down.  She had no escape.  There was no way out.  And now she’s going to skate as all of the many charges- - at least eight or so really serious ones- - are all going to be dropped.  But- that’s just the way soap operas work.  The only question is not the end result but the specifics of getting there.

In the Bob Mc Donald case there were 67 witnesses.  Virginia Governor Mc Donald was on the stand for 24 solid hours and cross examined for eight of those, spread over several days, of course.  Former Virginia Governor Bob Mc Donald was found guilty, and the jury seemed petty eager to do it, convicting him on eleven charges.  Frankly I’m happy to see him get it because he’s one of those tea party republicans, and people will think of Perry.  Norman Goldman is the first jock to even bring it up.  It certainly wasn’t going to happen on EIB radio.

There is a game changer in one red state.  Kansas may be turning blue for November because there has been so much looting and corruption by the Republican senator that he was already in trouble, but now the democrat has decided to pull out of the previously three way race, which confused issues.  It’s as significant as Ross Perot pulling out of the Presidential rate in 1992 during the Clinton coronation.   It’s like that Jeffers guy in Vermont who won in 2000 but then chose to caucus with the Democrats thus giving the Demos control of the US Senate.  So maybe there is a God- - and we have a couple of good news stories for today.

Joan Rivers died today of her medically induced coma, which I was always dubious about.  In fact my Federation friends were telling me days ago that Rivers’ soul had already left her body.  I would just add though that people needn’t be dead to have an astral “out of body experience” or contact with space aliens.  Both she and Robin Williams "have much better cosmic credentials than most Hollywood celebreties.  But of course lest I be declared a complete dingbat I wasn’t going to report it before it was confirmed.  But I’ve always wondered about these “medically induced comas” particularly in patient’s who’s grip on life is tenuous to begin with.  There is some really botched medical procedure we need to look into at Mt Sinai.  But a month or two ago when Eve Donavin was talking about having surgery on her vocal cords the first thing to enter my mind was “I bet there is going to be some horrible complication from this surgery, otherwise, so I reasoned, they would never have brought the subject up.

Tonight the NFL football season begins, but you’d never know it from all the doom and gloom.  This for me has been the worst summer since 2009 and 2009 was questionably the worst summer since I’ve been here.  I plan to back off of all the doom and gloom commentary on the government and the Tea Party because mentally health wise it’s not good for me to dwell on it.  This is after eight and we had hashed browns as Louise predicted.  We had Cheerios with scrambled eggs and toast and butter and jelly and hashed browns I put salt on. 

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