Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Spotting the Bogus (Ones) Among Us

There is a strong case that can be made that Ukraine was NOT invaded by Russian forces last Thursday - - and the symptums that WOULD have occurred are enumerated in the latest posting of Washington's Blog. Almost he makes me a believer that it didn't happen. Of course if Jesus has conquered death and made permanent provision for the remission of all sins, then nobody would fear death. There would be an ever growing people on the earth with an instant comunion with God, and strife as we know it in the world would eventually fade away as there were fewer and fewer unsaved people.

If we put the libertarian platform into force, there would have been no bail out of Wall Street banks in the fall of 2008. There would be no major oil or farm subsedies, and above all there would be no such things as Corporations, since Corporations are an artifact, a creation of government. As such there would be no immunity from law suits and Corporations would not be "immortal" and be able to escape all inheritence tax passing on wealth unabaited from generation to generation. In other words, what Christianity sought to attain, Corporations have attained. Freedom from the sins of those who control and created them, and in other words "persons who can't be killed". There would be no massive shipments of military arms to police departments. There would not per see be a permanent stigna on anyone convicted of a felony- - impacting either their ability to get a job or to vote. Anyone would be free to legalize anything by mutual agreement, including "schedule one drugs" such as marijuana. The FDA would not have the power of the media to foist new and untried drugs on us, which by implication are "safe" but they never had to compete in the free marked without that special "blessing' government gives. These companies would have not have patents that last virtually forever. And government would not be inflating the prices of these drug to far above what they would otherwise fetch on the free market. Individual decisions people make would be relivent again. Actions once again would have consequences.

So here are a bunch of remarks (further down) that I don’t necessarily agree with every word of, but I’m putting it out there for your perusal.   But I’m the kind of guy who likes to come to my other conclusions.  The wisdom of the years has taught me if anything- - - this truth that - - The places where I go wrong in life and start to accept screwey thinking, is when I listen to the impassioned, insistent words of others.  I let the thoughts in their heads get inside me and start rotting out my higher thought processes, like sugar rots out a tooth.   I refer you to this whole doom and gloom scenario of “The Crash of 2016” and all of that.  When people as diverse as George Washington’s blog, and Glen Beck and Thom Hartman all are saying exactly the same thing- - - I come to the conclusion that they’re ALL nuts!  I’ve looked at this latest corporate data from a Washington’s Blog post- - and am still sticking to my conclusion that it’s all wishful thinking on their part that the Financial Wall Street Pigs would somehow “get what’s coming to them” and end up in financial ruin.  No matter how I feel about their business ethics, I don’t believe each and every corporate wonk out there is completely Insane!  And it would be nothing short of insanity to personally engineer a scenario, a chain of events that resulted in their own financial ruin within two years.  Whatever you feel about the Koch Brothers or all of these crooked governors of Texas, Wisconsin, New Jersey and Florida- - their system is working for them.   It’s like one individual who came against Pastor Mark saying “He’s not grounded in the facts” meanwhile he’s still pastor and they go from job to job moaning louder with each passing year how little money they’re making.  I believe in backing a winning horse, even if that horse won’t back me in return.  I’ve looked at their accusations of “insider selling” and making profits without either hiring on new employees or increased sales or increased research and development- - or expanding their plant operations in any way - - and yet the green stuff keeps rolling in to their coffers year in and year out.  Only a sheer fool would see something going on year after year and say “This isn’t happening, and if it is happening- - then surely it can’t last”.  They said the same thing about Elvis.   But more to the point- - I argue quite the opposite that there is actually insider BUYING.  And who do these people BUY this stock from.  From these ads of financial planners that keep saying to get out of stocks because the market is going to crash any day now.  In other words it’s money being moved from weak hands into strong hands.  And if you have watched KWHY channel 22 as long as I have you know the key to financial success is to find out where stock shares are moving into weak hands or strong hands.  Because there is one little thing.  That book is called “The Crash of 2016”.   This is 2014.  That means any investor now has got two solid years of straight up price movement.  And by the way it took very little persuasive powers to convince my right wing friends of this.  And tell me this.  Is the money you get from those profits- - worth any less at the supermarket or at a restaurant or movie or department store?  Is the store attendant suddenly going to sell you fresh produced laced with paraquat or something?  No?   Then sit down and chill out and make that call and issue a buy order right now.  Because I tell you this.  Much as Newt Gingrich suggested, I believe this year when the Republicans take over the Senate,. The right wing tea party types are going to have a whoopy fit.  It will be party time!  The champaign will be flowing and prices will be taking off.   And by the way- - people don’t like to hear it but when the news is filled with gloom and doom and despair- - that’s the ideal time to buy.  That’s like the stock market having a bargain basement rummage sale.   It’s too bad more investors don’t think like working class house wives! 

Back in early 1974, thirty years ago, there was this terrorist organization called the SLA, Symbianese Liberation Army.  But before too long- - everything about this group- -when I began thinking about - - seemed bogus, right down to their name, dreamed up out of the over-worked imagination of some Hollywood producer.  The SLA was supposed to be big and scarey and “dead serious” as the media echoed everything their leader named “Sinque” said.  We jump to 2001 and their was Bin Laden, who almost seemed like some kind of a double agent.  Was George W Bush seeking to capture him, or actually protecting him?  And there was that big video speech one week before the 2004 election where he said how afraid he was of President Bush and how he’d feel a whole lot better if John Kerry were elected president.  Now we have this group ISIS.  How come nobody ever heard of this group before the beginning of the summer.  Now we hear that President Obama has been receiving White House daily briefings about ISIS for the past two years.  Do you believe that?  Would John Mc Cain actually pose with said ISIS members and state that they were his friends?   There was one source a few months ago that I read on line that “Very soon by economic necessity (how it was phrased) that the United States would foment another war in the Mideast based on a “False Flag” operation.  George Washington’s blog seems hung up on false flag operations.  Maybe it’s just these times of people’s growing mistrust of the NSA but I’m beginning to wonder myself whether the United States government isn’t carry on False Flag operations some way somehow.   It was only last June that I was saying in a blog how “We’re all completely fed up with war” and yet here we are, with me in the procession, saying that we need to go to war in the Mideast again.  Though Sean Hannity says we can do it with drones and smart intelligent and trained hit squads this time.  I actually hope Sean is right now.  I listened to what Hannity said on today’s show, and I can’t imagine President Obama being as completely STUPID as certain facts make him appear to be.  And unlike people like Thom Hartman and Randy Rhodes, I don’t believe our esteemed President is the brightest light bulb in the box.  The president has done so many stupid things it’s hard to keep track of them all and we’ll all breathe a little easier in two years knowing he’s departed the scene.   Anyhow here is all of the other stuff I promised.

The Fourteen Points of Peace  “Make love, not war”
1. Wars Are Not Fought Against Evil 15
2. Wars Are Not Launched in Defense 47
3. Wars Are Not Waged Out of Generosity 86
4. Wars Are Not Unavoidable 106
5. Warriors Are Not Heroes 131
6. War Makers Do Not Have Noble Motives 168
7. Wars Are Not Prolonged for the Good of Soldiers 196
8. Wars Are Not Fought on Battlefields 212
9. Wars Are Not Won, and Are Not Ended By Enlarging Them 235
10. War News Does Not Come From Disinterested Observers 250
11. War Does Not Bring Security and Is Not Sustainable 267
12. Wars Are Not Legal 291
13. Wars Cannot Be Both Planned and Avoided 312
14. War Is Over If You Want It 323

This first one is added, not in the original posting.  NATO is primarily a US artifact.  When people say NATO they basically mean the United States since I've heard the United States funds 75% of the cost of NATO.  This would explain why NATO is so insistent in taking strong action against Russia, even though individual European countries such as Germany seem opposed to the idea.   It's like calling the Warsaw Pact nations - Poland and Hungary and other East European nations, when we knew darn well it was basically just the Soviet Union.  What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

There’s little dispute among social scientists that most of our major public programs are counter-productive on their own terms. There is also little analysis of this phenomenon as a pattern in need of an explanation and a solution.

Prisons are supposedly intended to reduce crime, but instead increase it. Young people who when they commit crimes are arrested and punished become much more likely to commit crimes as adults than are those young people who when they commit crimes are just left alone.

Fixing public schools by requiring endless test-preparation and testing is ruining public schools. Kids are emerging with less education than before the fix. Parents are sending their kids to private schools or charter schools or homeschooling them or even pulling them out of school for a few months during the worst of the test-preparation binging.

Free trade policies are supposed to enrich us. Trickle-down tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations are supposed to enrich us. We keep trying them and they keep impoverishing us.

War preparations are supposed to enrich us, but impoverish us instead. War is supposed to protect us, but generates enemies. Or war is supposed to benefit some far away place, but leaves it in ruins. Is more war the answer?

When a road gets crowded, we enlarge it or build another road. The traffic responds by enlarging to fill the new roads. So we cut funds for trains in order to build yet more roads.

We’re several times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist. So, we give police officers weapons of war to make us safe.

We’re making the earth’s climate unlivable by consuming fossil fuels. So we ramp up the consumption of fossil fuels.

Guns are supposed to protect us, but the more we spread the guns around the more we get killed intentionally and accidentally with guns.

What causes us to pursue counterproductive programs and policies? And why does it seem that the bigger the program is the more we pursue its counterproductive agenda?
 How do they imagine they’ll get away with it? Well, let’s see. Not a single individual responsible for the lies that launched the destruction of Iraq and the death of some million people and the predictable and predicted chaos now tormenting Iraq’s whole region has been held accountable in any way.

The lie that Gadaffi was about to slaughter innocents, the lie that facilitated the attack on Libya and the hell that has now been established there — No one has been held accountable for that lie in any way whatsoever.

The lie that the White House had proof that Assad had used chemical weapons — No one has been held accountable.  No one has even had to recant as they switch targets and propose bombing Assad’s enemies.

The lie that drone strikes don’t kill innocents and don’t kill those who could easily have been arrested instead — No one has been held accountable.

The lie that the United States had proof Russia had shot down an airplane over Ukraine — No one has been held accountable, and the United States is opposing an independent investigation.

The lie that torture makes us safe, a lie that led to the United States torturing some folks — No one at the level of air-conditioned office work has been held responsible at all.
Why do they think they can get away with it?
Because you let them. Because you don’t want to believe they commit such atrocities. Because you don’t want to believe they tell big lies.

 “All this was inspired by the principle — which is quite true within itself — that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.”  

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