Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bo Bergdoll Charged With Desertion

Bo Bergdoll, the guy that deserted to the enemy in Afghanistan is being officially put on general court marshal for desertion, and they covered the interview today on the Shawn Hannity show.  Apparently after thinking about it since last May when he was exchanged for five dangerous Tallliban fighters- - the Army can’t “live and let live on this one.  After all six fellow members of his platoon died in a rescue effort to find Bo Bergdoll.  When you lose six good men on a bogus effort- - you’re going to haul his ass into Court.  Bergdoll could get a dishonorable discharge and five years for desertion itself.  But he could get a dishonorable discharge and life confinement for “Improper conduct while in the enemy’s control”.   If word ever got out that desertion was  “get out of jail free card” can you imagine the impossibility of maintaining any discipline or morale in the military?   Of course Bergdoll will have every legal break the system offers to offer evidence in his favor.  I thought the five for one deal pretty much sucked to begin with especially when I’ve hears these five were among the most dangerous terrorists we have in Guantanamo prison.  And it’s been said up to forty percent of all prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay- - go back to the trenches fighting for the Talliban.  It would be suggestive of- - - a sizable percentage of the interned men there really are dangerous!

I'd like to add in a paragraph now.  The US has killed between the Afghanistan and Iraq wars- - 1.3 Million people.  The originators of this survey admit that this is ten times the ammount that is generally shared with us in the Media which usually figures to be 120,000 Iraqis.  I guess it's always a question of whether all of these deaths- - or people - - human lives and families torn apart- - was really "necessary for the security of the United States".  Somehow I doubt that.  We accuse the Islamic community as regarding human lives so cheaply.  But one has to question how cheaply our own sides regards the taking of human life.  You know it does say in the Bible "Thou shall not murder".   So - - when does it become murder.  Shawn Hannity was taking exception to some movie where a sheep herder and a few others discovered their secret military outpost- - and Shawn was outraged that the troops didn't immediately kill these "intruders" in cold blood right on the spot, even though they were civilian.  Shawn is somehow offended at the current military "Rules of Engagement".  I know nothing of these rules so won't comment on them.  But if we're bombing or droning I don't see how after a while the whole thing isn't reduced to some glorified Video Game.  After all we are programmed to see slaughter on a regular basis.  We never put ourselves in the person of the other side's shoes for just a moment.  Common sense would dictate that the enemy does not connect the massive loss of lives with anything "moral" that "it somehow did wrong".  It would seem that getting the killing to stop is as futile as my negotiating ANY sort of deal with my family about quitting smoking.  I'm sure the only thing a lot of them know, seeing as how there is no instant news in those back hills of Afghanistan, that- - killing is a part of their lives, kind of like the common cold or dying in childbirth.  They feel threatened, but don't see a way out, or anything they themselves can do about it.

We have the issue of Ted Cruz signing up for Obama Care.  Now if you’re a liberal partisan and looking for a chance to “stick it to the political right” well here is your change.  Because Ted Cruz went into a long recitation from “Green Eggs and Ham” about how he would never like it.  But then he tried it and he liked it, just like Mikie, and of course now Ted Cruz tries Obama Care and “likes it”.  I must commend Rush Limbaugh for his careful, objective research into this area.  Senator Cruz never chafed or complained about being “cooersed” into signing up for Obama Care.  All he knows was he was getting coverage from his wife’s previous employment at Goldman Sachs- - and now she’s no longer working there.  But Rush has done a little probing of the matter.  As written by the Democrats, there was an exemption for Congress and their staffs not to require getting on the plan the way Millions of Americans are forced to every day under threat of fine or whatever.  And the average income of Americans is nowhere near congress.  But then Charles Grassley of Iowa slipped in a provision in the law which stated that Congress has to join the plan themselves.  OK.  But then President Obama in another of his “executive decisions” funded Obama Care for Congress with a 75% subsidy, just like they had with their old plan.  The bottom line is while I would personally love to mock at Ted Cruz for his  seeming inconsistency, I can’t do it.  Because he’s just a victim of circumstances.  But now the President is in more trouble because other provisions of the Affordable Care Act take effect next year in 2016 just in time for campaign season.  And the businesses involved may be “offended” and not give as much to the Democratic Presidential campaign than they otherwise would.

There has been a lot of talk about Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein making numerous trips to “Orgy Island”, which apparently is in the Virgin Islands.  Some contradiction, huh?  The two of them made ten trips to “Orgy Island” where they had sex with under-aged girls as young as twelve according to Shawn Hannity.  Prince Andres was in this group.   Unlike twenty years ago with the Monica Luinsky thing, I am less concerned about the effect on his marriage and family life now because (a) Chelsea is a grown woman now and (b) Hillary has pretty much shown that she doesn’t care about any of this.  Still this whole “incident” could be a blight on Hillary’s campaign.  There may be certain secrets that political operatives are holding hostage ready to spring them- - when a blackmail opportunity presents itself.  This issue hasn’t really hit the general media yet, but it would be misguided to assume it eventually won’t.   This Jeffery Epstein fellow is a Billionaire and a major donor to the Democratic party.  The idea of a man of his age having sex with under aged females is a little much.  I know it goes on all the time, but with Bill Clinton involved- - if could really set back Bill Clinton’s “reformed” image.

Let’s talk about this insane ritual of Spring Break.  Why do you have to use your week off from college to get drunk or wasted on drugs and throwing up or if you’re a girl, take off your top and flash total strangers.  Why would you buy “Molly” from some vendor that just shows up on the street when you’re already half wasted and your judgement is impaired?  And they don’t just go to Florida any more but Can Koon or Panama City.  So you’re in another country where the drug laws are questionable.  Last night on TV there was this thing about a murder committed in a New Orleans bar at three AM while the bar was still open.  These bars stay open till four AM.  You don’t know what you’re buying with these street venders whom you don’t know and aren’t accountable to anybody.  Molly is MDMA, which apparently is given to servicemen who’ve been discharged to help them get over post traumatic stress sindrone or something.  But you have no assurance of the quality of what you are buying.  They say that Molly is usually mixed with Heroin and Cocaine- - as a way of “diluting” it.  I don’t want to sound like a prude of anything but don’t you have more respect for your body than that?  I’m sure Roy Masters say the reason why women flash their boobs at total strangers is because the drug awakens the “Sex Goddess”  ID within them.  Much as men hate to admit it, we prefer all too often women with low self esteem because they’re easier to take advantage of.

Some people actually have the cajones to state “Well we aren’t racially biased in our congressional districts.  In fact we’re going to scoop up all the Black voters and put them in their own district!   So one lone gerrymandered district may be 92% Black.  Well ain’t that peachy kene!  Right now the Supreme Court is hearing one of these reapportionment cases for the state of Alabama.  If you use a simple geometric formula you can solve all this.  NO district under my system may be no more oblong or irregular than a 2 x 4 rectangle.  That is, the district tan NOT under any circumstances be more than twice as long as its width.  Another way of stating it is that assuming the area of a district is one UNIT- - then the perimeter can be NO MORE than four times the square root of that unit size.  Don’t even look at racial demographics.  Just follow that rule and you’ll be Good.  Many of our archaic laws need to be fixed.  Norman Goldman points out that in previous times the Republican states were in blue and the democratic states were in red.  But some democrat objected to this and didn’t like the notion that the Democrats were “The Reds” as in communist.  So they flipped it, and since 2004 the color coding has been pretty much entrenched.  There is talk about “The blue wall” and of course there is “a red wall” too, of states which aren’t likely to be contested.  Many states used to be in plan in previous time when states were more elastic in their voting patterns.  It’s become almost a dug in trench warfare WW I type situation now, of immovable fronts.  It’s kind of like bypassing the ninety nine and finding that one potential juror who hasn’t made up his mind.  So what it comes down to is a very small number of states that determine the outcome of Presidential Elections.  I think we need to throw out the whole system because of this because it short changes all the same states, the “safe states” each and every campaign cycle.  The bottom line is that no matter how intense support for one candidate or the other within a certain state, all those extra votes don’t count.  The trick is to get to 270 and win all of your states by as few votes as possible.

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