Thursday, May 19, 2016

Possible ISIS Strike of Egypt-bound Airliner

There was a down of an Air France bus or whatever flight off the Mediterranean shore of Egypt.  The plane went down and they strongly believe it’s a terrorist’s bomb that was placed aboard the plane by baggage handlers who may have been on security watch according to Shawn Hannity.  Shawn definitely believes it was a bomb.   The Boeing 747 and this Air Bus line of aircraft are about the safest commercial aircraft they make.  Nobody has claimed credit for taking down the plane yet.   We know ISIS will strike just about anywhere.  There were no Americans aboard this flight 804.  There were rumors of wreckage from the plane being found but these claims turned out to be false.  The plane was flying at 37,000 plane and was in “the safest part of the flight”, which is cruising altitude.  Then the plane took a drop; to ten thousand feet and made a ninety degree turn left and then circled right.  Greek authorities lost the signal two minutes after the last air traffic control check in, and everything was reported fine at that time.  Hannity also talked about the fact that Donald Trump’s women were misquoted in a hit piece article about him.  Trump treats his women better than Bill Clinton treats his women. 

There was some sort of anti gay or LGBT amendment being voted on and at the last minute several Republicans switched their votes from yes to no.  Then the chairman rammed through a bunch of resolutions and verbal mumbo jumbo.  It was very strange.   So I still don’t know if this vote bars LGBT people from the defense department or allows them.  Regardless of the specifics it shows that congress, unlike what I wrote yesterday, actually does ramrod bills through congress and treads carelessly over the rules.  We’re really going to see this steam roller get going if Trump is elected president.  It really be time to move to Canada or Denmark.  

Norman Goldman had about three major meltdowns today.  The first thing he did was to threaten all the young Bernie supporters who have written him with thirty years of a ruined life because Trump appointed far right Supreme Court justices.  Then he attacked someone who said that independents should have the right to vote for whoever they wanted to.  Norman took indignent exception to this saying that he’s a democrat and we’ll determine our own candidate without any help.  He went on to attack Bernie’s credentials as a democrat.  Finally he went off on a caller who said that Hillary should not be the nominee because Trump is now leading Hillary in the latest poll by five points after another recent poll that had Trump leading Hillary by three.  According to Norman polls don’t matter any more and shouldn’t be taken into consideration in choosing a nominee.  He then told a lie that the winner of the primaries has never been denied a nomination.  It happened in 1912 I recall when Taft was running against Teddy Roosevelt and Taft got the nomination despite Teddy winning the primaries.  And I’d also like to know how many primary elections Hubert Humphrey won in 1968.  Norman continued to lash out and said he didn’t have to put up with this radio job but would go off to Maui and retire or something because he’s already saved up enough money from his legal work.  In other words, Norman played the money card, which people like him eventually get around to playing. 

Longtime Sixty Minutes reporter Morley Safer died this morning at age 84.  He had a long, illustrative carrier as a news reporter.  He claimed he really didn't feel entirely comfortable being on television though he'd apparently he'd been with Sixty Minutes since 1970 or 46 years.  With him and Mike Wallace gone, the icons are falling.  There are fewer and fewer really great news reporters these days.  

 I caught Rhapsody in black but the thing was drowning in pledge drives.  We found ourselves in the black hole of May of 1960 where I recognized astonishingly few songs.   They played “Finger Popping Time” by Hank Ballard, which was from a year later in 1961.  They played “Don’t Know Much About Biology”, which they already admitted was really from the spring of 1959.  They played “Bessame Mucho” by the Coasters, which I had never heard.  They played the original version of “Money”.  They played Smokey Robinson, Jackie Wilson, James Brown, and Ray Charles, but they were all songs I’d never heard before.  Only the James Brown song had a beat.  Ella Fitzgerald sang “Mac the Knife”.   Among the few familiar songs were “You Got Timing” by Jimmy Jones (?) and Alley Oop, by the Hollywood Argyles.  It was “Madison Time”, a song I’ve heard very few times in my life. 

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