Monday, May 16, 2016

The Supreme Court Punts on Contraception

Donald Trump as an easier path to the Presidency than either I or Shawn Hannity dreamed of.  Here’s all he has to do to win.  He can win every state that Mitt Romney won, which shouldn’t be hard because Obama had a comfortable victory.  Then you just give him the states that are now “in play” because it’s Trump.  There are just four more states that he needs.  These are Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.  That’s it.  Should he fail to win all four of these “in play” states, all he need do is to pick up either Virginia or electoral vote rich Florida and he’s got the thing won.  Some of the state by state polls have been disturbing for us democrats showing Hillary with a real battle on her hands.  Stephanie reminds us that “The voters don’t trust Hillary” even though she’s gotten by hook or by crook the most votes so far.   I continue to feel that (like it came to me suddenly a few days ago) Ben Carson should be his Vice President. 

I had heard much about the way that Hillary was able to use control of the Democratic Party machine to suppress the challenge of Bernie Sanders. I had not fully understood it until I saw this truly shocking video of the Nevada Democratic Convention, a stage in the awarding of that state’s delegates to Hillary or Bernie. After the announcement of a narrow win for Hillary, which to many seemed improbable, the chairwoman of the Convention, Roberta Lange, a member of the National Democratic Committee, absolutely refused demands for a recount. She then closed the Convention after calling for a voice vote, again uncounted, on a rules change to allow her to do that.  Twice as many Sanders delegates to the Convention were disqualified by the Committee,for “administrative reasons”, as the supposed majority for Clinton, which even after those disqualifications did not appear to reflect the apparent balance of delegates present.  They made a rule to disallow any motions from the floor, which is insane!

Basically there are three broad areas of constituancies of voters out there at least on the right, but on the left, too.  There are the “economic issues” such as taxation and the pros and cons of government programs and involvement in the economy and helping the poor.  There is also a love of all things Wall Street and internationalist corporation with the Republicans.  There is the setting of Federal Reserve policy and the best way to “get the economy going and bring back jobs”, which never seems to happen.  Then there are the social issues.  These involve God, guns and gays among other things.  Race relations and “fear of the other” falls into this third.  There are also such topics as abortion, genetic research, homosexual marriage, and now this trans-sexual bathroom issue.     Then you have national security.  This also involves “fear of the other” though it’s ISIS jihadi terrorists crossing the border this time and security at airports and all of the endless wire tapping and Guantanamo bay and torturing of suspects, and our overall eagerness to start World War III in the Mideast.  According to Goldman there is much more of a rift on these issues in the Republican Party than the democratic party.  Norman promised that in the third hour he’d discuss in greater detail Trump’s 25% chance of winning with a possible path to victory where all sorts of things can go wrong.  Just last week it was only ten percent. 

The Supreme Court came down with a ruling today.  It was a decision not to make a decision on “Religious rights” and funding of conterception.  The court could have ruled four to four I guess but they chose not to do that.  In doing so they did make a "decision" or ruling - even if it's not to make a decision about who is right and who is wrong.  Instead they said both of the parties should get together and work out a compromise.  This could start a whole new trend in court rulings this season, which goes through the end of June.  

Norman Goldman had a guest expert on the parliamentary system.  It was invented in Spain in the twelve hundreds, and he said that the Spanish parliamentary system was different from all other parliamentary systems but he didn’t say how.  He spoke of the Prisident of parliament being like the Speaker of the House.  But does that mean he determines what bills will be brought and sent to committee by parliament?  He talked about mult-party systems and no confidence votes.  He said that the “Chief of State” was a little different because “The state or nation was an eternal thing and not dependent on parliamentary votes.  I guess that’s an interesting fact to know.  He started off by talking about “comparative systems”.  Usually when the word “comparative” is used in Christian circles no matter what they talk about they end up saying there are only two choice (between “The Devil” and God).  In other words you either embrace the free enterprise capitalist system and believe in fundamentalist Christianity or else you are doomed to failure.  I wish Norman had talked a little more about this. 

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