Sunday, June 24, 2018

Justice Neil Gorsich Wants to Rewrite the Fourth Amendment

First of all I hope we jumped to the right blog.  It's been a while since I have put out any blog.  I would like to summarize Trump's activities in the past week.  The immigration thing with the breaking up families has dominated the news.  Trump relents on Wednesday saying that he no longer favors the splitting up of immigrant families.  But now these children and particularly girls have been flown all over the country to remote cities, perhaps to be used in the sex trade.  Meanwhile now they are going to house the families on military bases.  Then Thursday morning Trump holds that press conference and praises the families of victims of murders committed by illegal aliens.  The media points out that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes on average than do the average American, but this fact would dampen Trump's fanning the fires of racial hysteria.  So Trump goes on and on in this press conference over the noon hour here talking about our brave men and women of law enforcement and how he's not really getting soft on immigration.   Congress failed in the passage of one hard line immigration bill on Wednesday by quite a bit.  It wasn't even close.  There was to be another vote on a more moderate bill on Thursday but Trump pulls the plug on that one at the last minute.  Trump says to wait till November to elect more republican congressmen.

Saudi Arabian women can now legally drive in that country now as of midnight last night.  But meanwhile other protests groups are being arrested.  This crown prince Solmon or whoever wants to loosen the nuce around women's necks just a little.  There is a hope of further reforms.  But driving is a major start, if this right isn't just as quickly recinded. 

Neil Gorsuch was in the news today.  Apparently Gorsich wants to abolish or replace the fourth amendment of the constitution.  It's "repeal and replace" or something.  Last week the Supreme Court handed down a ruling that says the average American has privacy rights on their cell phones and they can't have their locations tracked by police without a warrent.  I think that's a pretty good idea.  Justice Roberts was the swing vote and also wrote the majority oppinion on the subject.  The final vote was five to four just like in the Obama Care ruling with the same justices on each side.  People who looked at Gorsich's dissenting oppinion states that his views are "radical" and not in line with any legal precident.  This is the justice we never should have had in the first place but Mc Connell would not vote on President Obama's pick after Scelia died in February of 2016.

A lady aid of Martin Luther King died this morning.  She was the one who actually typed out the "I Have a Dream" speech.  This is a speech where people should listen to the whole speech because the whole thing is good.  This same woman was with him next door at the Lauraine Hotel the early evening when Martin Luther King was shot in Memphis.  I guess she must have been a pretty important woman.  She died at age 88.

It was actually Robert Kennedy's gunning down by Sirhan Sirhan that changed American history for the worse on a pretty much permanent basis.  Trump won't talk about THAT kind of permanent change.  Because Robert Kennedy had a good or excellent chance of taking on Hubert Humphrey for the democratic nomination and also beating Nixon in the fall.  In any Nixon Kennedy race you know that the man named Kennedy is going to win.  He has all the charisma after all.  Who knows what course history would have taken after that.  But I could say the same thing about Bush v Gore in 2000 and the contested voter count in Florida.  Dorthey and I were just talking about that today.  History would have been so different.  We wouldn't have had the Mideast War and the federal deficet would not be sky high right now.

I think we have set a record.  This is the first blog post we have done in ten days since June 14th, which is longer than any other period.  There are still Word files I haven't copied over to this new computer.  I still need to copy files from mid December of 2014 to late June of 2016.  I am not happy with Word dropping all the nice letter facings of Word 2007 and Word 2003.  I don't know why they did that.  You can't use photographs in letters any more either.  But what you can do is to splice over sampler code from old files you have and the Word Art code will be intact and you can continue to change the letters to form new words.

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