Saturday, May 19, 2012

Regency Visit No 497

First of all President Obama has new allies in his quest with the European Economic Community this weekend because the President has convinced them that the "austerity program" hasn't worked or stimulated the economy, and now They are ready to pursue another course more amenable to this President.  People say that "Obama made the economy worse' but no, "Obama made the economy better" like a doctor's care after a disasterous event like a cancer diagnosis or a severe heart attack.  You don't turn around and sue the doctor who is now helping to make you better. Tonight the Mc Laughlin group discussed this bank topic at length.  They complain Dodd Frank styfles new loans.  But if they are speculative Ventures- - then we WANT them styfled, so new mistakes are not made.  As Pat Buchannon says, "Almost all these Wall Street cats survived the deboccle with taxpayer's help and are now again fat and sassy".  They say in Canada you personally actually have to sign a mortgage and other equity questions are settled in advance so There there WAS no real estate bubble.  Meanwhile Vladimir Putin was just inogurated today for his third six year term (?) and I sure thought he's already been President longer than twelve years. That would be 2000.  Protestors marred yesterday's parade and such so that today when Putin was actually sworn in, Moscow was in lock-down with riot police stationed everywhere.   The very tepidness of Obama's economic stimulation itself insures lower interest rates and economic stability for all concerned. I see this as a strength.  Romney would CUT government expenditure a whopping twenty percent accross the board- - in the spirit of Jerry Brown.  The results would not suit this recovery well. The Republican response on KNX 1070 today was a horrible mixture of disjointed rhetoric and rambling mixed with a failure to link any cause and effect, along with several outright lies about this administration.  I guess they had trouble with "the first private space venture" that failed to come off.  With a half a second to go a computer detected an engine malfunction and pulled the plug on the launch.  "Oh yea, I experiance that a lot when I'm on a date".  I imagine nothing is more frustrating.  Judy asked me if I've had calculus, and I informed her that I have absolutely no background in calculus.  I did admit to Judy, and I'm not ashamed to, that I was just WRONG about this economic recovery "achieving life-off" as I was hopefull about just four or five months ago.  Chalk one up for the Republicans.

I just wanted to do a brief reminded paragraph that I think Religion in its proper setting should be an affair between you and God controling your own Private morality.  Certain things are public morality issues such as too many liquor stores near school children or sexual preditors near schools, as things like pot holes and industrial polution and clean drinking water and the malfunctioning traffic signal.  But when it comes to one's sexual proclivities I don't believe this is an area where the government should get involved.  I think any Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman - - is best left to the States, and I'd put Health Care in the same category.  So in this area I agree with Romney.  I think "Character" is an important thing to look at because here- - "private morality" can manifest itself in Public policy.  But any person has a perfect Right to be a "sleaze ball" on their own time, which is what I wish Romney would do.  It's something I also wish a lot of Church pastors would do and stop wasting OUR time with what ammounts to FREE psycho-therapy for themselves in the pulpit every Sunday.  People were put on earth to do their OWN jobs and follow their OWN calling andonscience and not to BE these things for others.  In Christianity we are all "Priests" who share OUR blessings of Salvation with others as the LORD would lead (and the ONLY way we will EVER have Godly success in this area) but it's not a Pastor's OR a government Office Holder's job to be OUR constience and as it were, try to get BETWEEN the people and Whoever- - and I mean Whoever- - they choose to Worship or Not worship, as the case may be.  Also - -As I said- - people who have an antipathy tword government should get OUT of government ("Love it or Leave it") and turn the job over to someone who actually wants to DO that job.  (Selah)  I think the rich should "stop playing the Victim" in this whole arena of economics.  As to Judy's quoting of James about "You don't get- - and then you want and you lust- - and then you go to War to satisfy your lust and consume it on your own fleshly desires" - - this in my book is a scripture much more applicapable to rich Western nations, rather than protestors who are just "getting by" with a $40,000 a year job, and think they'd like to do better someday.  As I pointed out today, "If the preachers preach about the deception of riches and Money so much - - why are they so darned EAGER to get their hands on OUR money???

On today's Regency outing the topic of the almost total solar ecclipse never came up.  I'm going to watch it and the center point will be at 6:38 our time Sunday early evening.  I guess Tahoe and Reno are places to be as well as Bryce and Zion swing southward into New Mexico at sunset.  Paul says that Terry and Terry just remodeled their house knocking out walls for a more spacious feeling.  But some realtor told them if they want to sell the place to move out of state that- - - you need more closed off bedrooms and to "put everything back the way it was".  Judy says these high capitol developers swing into a neighborhood and big up prices in nice O C neighborhoods that are family oriented and buy up homes before more deserving couples can get them and then least each room out to a single party.  Judy then goes on to say "That's when neighborhoods start to go down hill.  When single people start having all these loud parties, and then they bring in the drugs".  Terry and Terry then decided not to move.  There was talk from Paul at his work about how you are encouraged to waste money and gave a comical example of this- - which is so strange I wouldn't even use it as a Saturday Night Live skit.  They more money you're able to waste- - they'll just give you more in next year's budget. But Paul was repermanded by his boss for suggesting programs that would actually SAVE the government money.  They punish you if you save money by reducing your budget for next year.  Paul also talked about my parent's church and he visited there recently and I learned some interesting stuff I never knew.  But the Federation won't let me post it here.  I told her perhaps Vitamin C was making me hyper so I cut back, and also that I'm "requiring less sleep now.  I am staying up later and waking earlier".  Mom and the others asked about Bill- - and I endeavored to make him sound less "mysterious".  Now here is the letter to you know who.  I don't think I need to black any names with the new "liberalized" federation security policies.

Judy wasn't feeling well but they actually arrived early and much as I suggested Judy called me on her cell phont when they were only a couple of blocks away.  They were already parked in the parking lot when I got down.  Paul had the air conditioning going even though it was still overcast at not quite ten thirty and I thought it was still a bit chilly- - as of then.  We made good time there arriving about eleven.  Mom greeted us at the door.  Paul says that his swimming pool water is ninety degrees because he had his cover on.  I have a real problem believing that because he also said the Youth Center pool has been heated and IT is "finally up to eighty degrees now".  I mentioned how people with California property have to pay 24% in property taxes because we have a whopping nine percent tax just in California.  I tried to make sure my remarks were ones with which we could both agree.  There was a lot of talk about partial birth abortions on the way down.  On the way Home Judy was talking about lessons of the Sampson Bible story - - which I had recently mentioned in that blog posting.  The line was applied by her to the gay issue and "Not crossing the line in the sand that God draws".  Lunch was good.  I had a green salad with purple lettuce and ranch dressing plus their crab salad, where I remarked that OUR crab here was actually BETTER with a more rubust "crab like' flavor than THEIR crab.  I also had potato salad.  Then I went back and got two pieces of carrot cake- - also at the salad bar, and it was really moist and fresh.  I worriede about perhaps my eyes were bigger than my stomach but my fears were groundless since we had to wait some period of time before the main course.  One thing there whose quality has gone down hill lately is their coffee.  I had the white meat fried chicken, which was almost boneless.  I don't know how they do it.  I had the French fries and one of those stainless steel thingies of catsup I'm partial to.  For desert many of us had green mint chocolate chip ice cream.  We never turned on the computer.  I guess Mom never uses it on her own at all now.  She gave me a thing on Aspurgers and some guy who had it and made it big in science or whatever, and there is some Aspurgers fellowship I could contact or something, which I found intriguinging if for no other reason than to see if that's what I really have.  Mom said she'd lost two or three pounds but her blood pressure is up to 160 or higher onthe high end and over ninety on the low end.  Not good.  We decided to spend time sitting out in the west court between the putting green and the therapy pool, backed up to the iceplant hill.  The weather was ideal.  Paul took movies with his camera.  I tactlessly reminded him my camera had gadgets and controls and options on my camera that his lacks.  That's VERY tactless of me considering that it was PAUL who GAVE me the camera.  I didn't take mine.  Mom was doing her narritive about her parents.  I thought her grandparents lived to be a hundred but she doesn't believe they made it out of their eighties.  Paul remembers stuff that didn't happen.  He talked about "some big black dog out at the ranch" and "do you remember the lake".  No, there was no lake- - anywhere.  Paul also talked about how the "Freeway" used to be further north and there was kind of a winding road threading its way through the trees to grandma's house.  I said "You'd almost have to have pre incarnate memory to remember that".   And that head injury of Pauls was the house below grandma's on the hill where the Freeway is now, and how the fireplace chimney was the only thing remaining and the cement slab.  As far as I know is that unlike you and me- - I think Paul was only at the Ranch once in his life and that was in the summer of 1963 after they had painted the white ranch house green.  But the same family still lived there - - they all just looked older.  I don't think Mom was aware Paul had the camera rolling.  I chimed in that Grandpa was briefly a school teacher.  I do remember that pen name of "C Ben- " in stead of - - -   well, Benjamin - -  and Mom hit again details of her life in the years just before she met Dad.  Paul brought the computer plug with him but he didn't bring the TV connective cord that I use for TV monitoring.  I said something about Obama pandering to the rich Hollywood community in endorsing the gay lifestyle.  Judy said "he's desperate because so many other money sources have abandoned him".  There was talk about various people who live at the Regencies and their personalities and even how they customarily dress.  This is too long.  Anyhow Judy says she still thinks I should have the two crowns done.  Maybe.  Since it was a gift from Paul and Judy, I wore my white GNLD shirt.  I gained maybe three pounds from a month ago on that scale.  I'm encouraged.  Sorry is this is too tediously detailed.  I hope your visit with Mom went just as well.  I'd heard of that "make yourself invisible on the net" but I don't think I know where it is.  I don't think about it.  Bye.

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