Friday, May 18, 2012

"You Don't Want t Go There" Part Two

There is a lot of stuff on Mormonism making the rounds.  I think John Feugelsang was on two different radio programs in two days so I heard the same "shtick" or routine - - and began wondering "I just heard all of these points".  We know Jesus was a brown skin mideasterner who didn't have a green card to get into America and he never preacher against abortion or gay marriages, believed in free medical care and didn't speak English and all.  If Romney wants to bring up Jeremiah Wright's preaching history over the past twenty odd years, why is it not kosher to bring up economic policies and statements of the Bush administration just four years ago.  If people want to talk about the President's indoctrination at a medrassa in Indonesia as a child - -why can't we talk about Romney's Mormonism.  The stuff out now is that when you die you go to your own planet and get one hundred wives, which is at least as good as 72 virgins in Islam, without having your own planet. And God was originally from the Planet Koboth or something.  And black women couldn't gain temple admittance till 1978.  Mercia Merideth right now has permission to go to the Mormon Temple any time she wants and she has the white robe and everything.  Marcia is what I'd call "a good person on the inside' and our basic beliefs are actually quite similar and several times she and I "have been on the same wave-length" in a conversation.  However the "external wrappings' or our respective theological beliefs are what are very different.  I am pro Obama and she is anti Obama.  Google just this morning "took me somewhere I don't want to go".  They took me to some special opening blog thing with mostly white on it.  It's like the seven year old being dragged to church by his parents saying "But mommy, they have funny math at that church.  They say that three times one is one". and all.  Let's just remember while bashing Mormonism - - Mormonism "gets a lot of things Right" that most churches screw up and the Trinity is the chief of these.  But there is a whole host of issues where Mormons "get it right" Biblically and New Testament speaking.  But I don't think it's wise for either side to "open up that avenue of testimony on direct" making it fair came for a cross.  In terms of my own denomination you've heard me say I am NOT a Methodist and that when Harry Green did his comparative denominations series- - he singled out "Methodism" as a theology that was suspect with their "works oriented theology".  Let's it this way.  Our denomination elevates John Calvin actually to status above that of Martin Luther.  Charlie Daniels can sing about "I belong to the Antioch Baptist Church" as being the most Orthodox church possible.  Well- - Geneva is another name that- - is applied to at least one church of our denomination.  I thought it was Dennis Wilson who did the song "Tripping down Geneva Way", but once again I'm in error.  That was Carl on his "out of body experiance" while still Alive.  You can recognize his guitar playing.  I had Kurt Cobain ask Dennis on the issue (he just "showed up" this morning) and he said "Dennis never even heard of the church and has no idea what they believe".  Geneva is filled with a bunch of rich snobs, and the sermons tend to be rather rightward leaning.  For those of you wondering about our use of "Mangolia Baptist Church" - - keep in mind that "Mangolia" was a guitar freak-out that Howard and I and whoever else was in the room at the time did- - in October of 1968 based on the Peter Gun theme which Magnolia's high school band played, who was our rival, and - - - A C's song "Aching to get me" kind of goes in a similar vein.  If you say "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" we just made up the reference to Gene Scott uttering these words to illustrate a point.  By the way you astute ones notice that in 35 years of bringing the name Robin up on our mailings, we have not once used the word "gragarious" tn describe her.  You brighter bulbs can thus rightfully deduce that we were referring to another Robin.  I assume that "Blue bird" is still alive.  You might call her many things but "gregarious" isn't one of them.  There is this mythology around her in songs like "The Last Resort" and "Fireworks" as being a "good girl from a reactionary community".  looking for a little liberation.

While we're on the subject of race relations "were we?" I'll just talk about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin a little.  But my view is "Don't give me all this stuff about New Evidence- - - I don't want to hear it.  You see I just lost all my conciliatory Spirit" to parafrase a Dylan song.  You know a few months ago I thought thought "The Death of Emitt Till" and 'Things Don't Happen Like that Now Days" were a little "Over the top" lyrically.  But no more.  Not when we see almost the same scenario played out before us in the newspapers today.  We all knew what the actual Facts of the case were within a couple weeks of it first coming to light.  Everything that's gone on since them has been just a massive cover-up of the Truth.  And if I were the President this is an issue on which I'd be a hell of a lot more Vocal than has been the case so far.  I think "acting Stupidly" is a euphamism in this case.  It goes way beyond "Stupid" to downright Evil and in this case no other word fits.  There is an endemic racism in the Florida legal system that needs dramatic attention from the federal government, and if I were the President I'd come up with some kind of proposal to deal with it.  It may be "politically risky" but there are times, as we all know, in the lives of great Leaders where taking risks is required, or to quote a Kenny Rogers song "Sometimes you have to Fight, when you're a man".  We can't let all this racist garbage pass without reacting.  Clearly the Trayvon Martin case is not an isolated case as the other case about the Black battered wife firing a gun into the air - - - amply demonstrates, lest their remain doubts in anyone's mind.

Let's talk about Romney-nomics a little.  People of the Tea Party perswasion such as Judy love to talk at length about "the perils of economic debt".  Therefore Judy is continuelly on my tail about being deliquent in payments to the Phone company lest I be guilty of "Stealing from A T & T".  OK fine.  And she directs me to web sites that talk about "People who live Beyond their means NOW- should be approsed of the fact that at some point in the Future they'll have to live Below their Means for a time.  Point received.  Now fast forward to the Ed Schultz Show and Romney.  What does he do working for Bane Capital?  He goes in and saddles corporations he want to "Save" with what?  Debt.  And lots of it.  But it was pointed out that Romney USES the corporation's OWN good collatteral or "capital equity" to do What?  To FIRST pay his own salerie and the salaries of his associates at Bane capital.  And then when the corporation goes under perhaps Because of this enormous Debt he saddled them with Romney goes "you win some you lose some".  Well, Romney NEVER loses!  He makes for damn sure of that!!!  "I never bet except on a sure thing".  Legalized larceny.  What would be unacceptable behavior in Las Vegas is perfectly find with Wall Street regulators.  Glass Steigel was wiped out but it again needs to be restored to "Make the banking industry Dull again" so that investors and tax payers will not be put at risk.  The Stock Holders of all those corporations have to take a bath- - but Romney sonters away whistling dixie probably laughing about the whole thing with that - - laugh - - that he has. But now let me pose one more question to Judy.  "All those companies went under.  Right.  This is Romney's legasy.  But has the United States gone under?  No.  It's still around.  Are investments of China at risk?  No.  No.  A big negatori on that.  And what about the company whom we were "downgraded by".  Standard and Poors 500.  What is their record?  Aren't they the same people who gave all these bonds of 2008 a triple A rating?  Sure enough.  Didn't this misuse of funds take place literally under the noses of the Bush "investigators" who were monitoring the entire situation at Lehman brothers While it was Happening?  That's right.  Just like that Di Mira stooge stole the "secret code" literally right out under Hope and Bo's noses.  They let it happen - - and they weren't even having a gun pulled on them at the time?  What do you think about that, my friend?

If I can read the fine print here then those proposition 29 opponets should be just as able to read it.  It's just a little chart where the "data for the final conclusion" was not available.  I guess that's only because it hasn't been "played out" yet.  Perhaps.  All these "images" are supposed to be different yet the first two look alike to me.  People oppose each other in some areas yet have common ground in others, like a desire not to blow themselves off the planet in a Nuclear war.  I have used the example (following text) of a black man and a black woman who as it were "oppose each other" in the dimension of gender, but to NOT oppose each other in the dimension of Race.  Therefore since it's an area where they do NOT oppose each other, you can't Count it in the "number of oppositions" or as I say in the following, the "number of opposint faces.  Capish.  Fine.  Then maybe I'll bring in an Expert.  Mr. Spock likes to talk about "people who are incapable of higher dimensional thinking" and the "trap" that Wickepedia fell into with their multi dimensional cube face numbering.  Let me "make it simple" for you as Ronald Reagan said in "First Family Rides Again".  You have a black man and a black woman.  Are they opposites?  Yes.  Is this because you have a Black man and therefore their opposite must be White?"  No.  They are opposite in terms of gender but not race.  I know Wickepedia's whole formula for higher dimensions.  I bet I know their formula better than readers of the article and believers thereof, know the formula.  That's because I'm smart.  I have deductive logic.  Like figuring out the hyperbolic trig formula just looking at spot check Calculator answers.  But I have my OWN formula and I'm proud of that one and Bones told me to trust in mine, and not theirs.  Some may say that the words "aspect' and "dimension" re not the same word.  OK.  Aspect can refer to TV screens and perhaps certain things in geometry.  But the word "direction" has strong dimensional allusions.  When you look at a blueprint you want to know if it's looking DOWN or the SIDE or viewed dead on from the FRONT.  So here "dimension" is very relivent.  A person can well be one's "Opposite" in terms of one thing such as gender, but NOT in another where they are alike, such as Race.  So the problem with Wickepedia is there are just "too many faces".  Capish?

And now for our little game of "Guess the President".  My denomination - - the church into which I was baptized into,  - - I know of at least two Presidents who are members of this denomination.  One is a democrat and the other is a republican.  As to the democrat I'll give you hints.  Neither President exactly advertised the fact.  My Dad was pointing out connections of the Republican president with this denomination.  As to the democrat- - he was "one of the smartest presidents we've ever had" and is actually an intellectual though he is not widely known as this.  He was very smart.  But he was known more for being "combative".  The campaign for his second term was easier than getting elected the first time because there are certain "challenges" he had to overcome in that election that he didn't have to face the second time around.  His worse key year was his sixth year in office, which kind of cast a shadow over the remainder of his tenure in office, and were he to have stood for a third term he probably would not have been reelected.  Some may look at this list and say "Obviously you're talking about Richard Nixon".  Negatori on that.  Nixon was a Republican and widely known as a Quaker, so guess again.  Like all denominations we have a certain ammount of denominational pride and think of ourselves as "God's Chosen".  We aren't exactly into tongues- - although these have occurred at our church, or at lease there was a time when they used to.  But neither are we "Dyspensationalist".   One of the favorite scriptures that we like to quote is "Behold you didn't choose me but I chose you".

And now the paragraph you are all waiting for.  "It's the one you've come for" to quite Paul at Hamburg.  No, not "Red Sails in the Sunset' but rather what happened with Dr. Levy yesterday afternoon.  He didn't bring any cheese cake as alluded to.  And he didn't bring home made roast beef sandwiches either.  He was "just too tired last night after he wot home" to make them.  So he went and  bought five boxes of combo pizzas, most of which were consumed in class.  He bought various cans of soda pop, wither Sprite, or Dr. Pepper, or Diet Coke, or Pepsi, but the Pepsis weren't cold.  There wasn't a problem with outsiders horning in on the gathering like Norma has with her fried chicken at the Bible Studies, and I have been "inadvertantly guilty" of that one.  I want to repeat something I told James Fisher yesterday as is "moved by the Spirit: to broach the topic.  I said "You know- - Jewish people such as Dr. Levy seem almost open to falling into the Dominionist trap believing it's up to we earthlings to "make the world ready for the return of Jesus' by cleaning up the mess of society before he gets here" kind of like Marge Simpson cleaning up the house before the Maid arrives.  That's not our job- - it's the Lord's.  We were not put on earth to institute some Theocratic State in America.  America is a secular country - - and the Constitution is explicit in this.  I told you that not even the Mormons buy into this Dominionist trap.  When the Lord comes there won't be any question about it that he's He who has arrived.  There won't be any warnings to Prepare for it.  That's why it's inportant for our hearts to be inwasdly prepared for it at any time, if you're so inclined.  But the thing is GOD knows what we're really like.  There will be no cover ups or con jobs with Him.  It's out job to to do what we were put on Earth to do, and not to do "someone else's job for them.  Capish?

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