Sunday, December 21, 2014

It Looks Like Doom and Gloom for Christmas This Year

Let's start out on a mystic and perhaps spiritual note.  One saying of Jeshua as reported by Judas Thomas is that "When a man explores and finds a dead carcus and proclaims "This is the World" behold this man is not far from the Kingdom of God".    Behold I went to the Master and said "I have heard it said that if you honor Christmas gifts above the Christmas Story, then you don't know the true meaning of Christmas.  The Master said to me "On the contrary, varily I say to you that it is better to live with a Blessing of limited duration, but is real, than a gift of unlimited duration- - but is completely unreal.  For the thing that is temporary but real can be Replemished.  But when the man embraces a pure myth- - and ends up in a world of frustrating delusion, who then shall restore his sanity and his peace?  When a man eats a Lion, the lion flesh becomes living human flesh.  So too when a man dies for God and God eats him, what a man once was he is no longer but now has partaken in the Divine nature.  (Selah)  Behold, if you are truly Rich, than embrace and savor that wealth.  Don't give away something so valuable for nothing.  Don't listen to a man who says "Become poor for my sake and I will reward you".  And indeed you will get your reward.  For he who embraces False Religion becomes the poorer for it and cannot become rich again, for what he had that made him Rich, he foolishly gave away.  Some may say that living consciously in the "Realm of Pure Causality" is an impossability to achieve.  Some say it's because in order to BE in such a state you must first be Dead.  But alas the Dead know nothing - - because they are Dead.  Others will tell you that such a Pure State of Being is a realm for God alone- - that no mortal man may know.  Still others say that "If you were to enter such a state of Pure Causality it would be overwhelming because you would be purely Aware of every single situation and every Problem in the Whole World.  But I say unto you that Pure Causality is the metaphysical result of Backward Time.  He who becomes his other self (some would say Super Selves) knows that what has gone before is yet to come, and that which is yet to come has already Been.  And having thus already Been he may know it and learn from it.  And such a man would indeed be counted as among the Wisest Men in the eyes of his Onlooking Piers.  

You have heard it said "When the Perfect comes the Imperfect will pass away".  But I say unto you that if one is seen as Perfect, pray for the day when the Lord Vishnu will find Imperfection in you.  Adam thought he was perfect till his wife Eve found "a more perfect way", which is to say Impercection was found in Adam, and the awareness of this caused him to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and Evil.  But the Lord Vishnu knew that "he" who first saw imperfection in her lord Adam, was already superior to him. To be Born Again is to find himself in a vast tunnel outside the Gate where one has at least a chance to look up and rise to greet the Light which is Above.  He who leads the Parade, which is the tea party, in truth will never be seen again, for he has already Been.  That which is Perfect is Pre Ordained.  Therefore one cannot take credit for it.  Count it a Blessing when Imperfection is found in you.  For he who once regarded you as Perfect is by definition, now your spiritual Subordenate.  (Selah)

I was just wondering when the United States would enter a new so called “Golden Era” like the fifties and sixties were.  It was only about 1978 that the reactionary forces got a foothold, and at the time I thought that was a good idea.  I now know better.  The convention center speech of September 8th, 1977 was as it were the warning shot fired across the bow of the ship.  From that evening on my attitude tword the church began changing, and it in turn began to change tword me.   The saying is true that “If you knew the end of it before you started the journey, you would never care to even venture down that road”.   So when will the next Golden Era for this country come?  We have the potential for it now.  We have the computer technology, and even the potential alternative energy technology.  We have miracle medical technology with new breakthroughs coming every day.  But as long as the unemployment is predicted to be sky high “for the foreseeable future” then by that reasoning – I don’t see hope for the foreseeable future because politicians will never tire of blaming the sluggish economy on the democrats.  Last night’s talk with Judy only confirmed the fact that Judy hasn’t changed from her- - “2016” movie vision of President Obama.  There is the firm belief that the president wants to “overwhelm the economic system” and crash the economy and from there the President hopes for some kind of a socialist or Islamic revolution (she’s not sure which) to come up and take over the country, and all of this is part of the President’s grand strategy he’s had since he was a teenager.  (Selah)

Yesterday afternoon I was reading about the Christmas movie- - we saw in September at Paul and Judy’s written up in “Skeletons from the Closet”.   When you think about it, not to rain on Judy’s parade, Christmas is like receiving a brand new Cadillac fully loaded, and you drive it off the lot and are overjoyed.  The next morning you wake up and you receive the bill in the mail and someone on the phone tells you you signed the contract for a steep payments schedule you have no memory at all doing.  This is how it is for the Jews at Christmas.  All of this “hope and change” discussed with the “Redeemer of Israel” stuff you were told about- - is suddenly not apparent and- - when disabused of the notion that it was a “free gift” that Cadillac has suddenly become a burdensome stone around your neck.  All of us would love to be assured of a happy after-life and we are “once and for all” forgiven of our sins.  Judy in her phone call said that ‘Jesus was born to die” and generalizing it says “We were all born to die”.  I was saying I was having trouble staying in the Christmas spirit- - perhaps because the mundane of social security and such was creeping in on me.  It wasn’t truly like “being off for two weeks”.   Judy called to invite me to go to Mom’s after she tells Paul and Paul arranged it with Mom.  Judy called me back to say the trip was off because Mom didn’t feel like seeing guests.  But of course just to pass the time she went into this spiel about how President Obama is trying to “break the system” by loading us with all the money we’ll be paying to Cuba to rescue that nation’s fallen economy, and we’ll be helping out all these illegal immigrants.   Judy knows how to think in doom and gloom terms.  I told her I found it annoying that “President Obama’s been having a good week, or a good month or whatever.  He must be taking anti depressant medication”.   Judy could have used something herself.  She is not one bit encouraged by the Republican’s land-slide victory in November. Judy laments “Most of the republicans in congress are moderates who will make any kind of deal with Obama” and referred to the recent omnibus bill.  I tried to encourage her as best I could that- - “Well they all look pretty conservative to me and I’m told that the President is in a mood not to argue with anything they come up with”.   But when someone like Judy gets on one of these downer “bents” it’s kind of hard to convince her otherwise.  The ABC college football game was going on this whole time.  There were actually NFL games played Saturday.

 I watched the Mc Laughlin group today.  I didn’t foresee this being any kind of enlightening program, and I was proven right.  It was the same re-hash.  Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are going at it in terms of this recognition of Cuba deal is concerned.  Apparently we’ll be opening up an embassy there very soon.  But it was predicted that the President would not be going to Cuba in the period of his administration because it would be just too inflammatory.  Of course Judy failed to even consider that we might elect a Republican in two years as President, and if that happens, hypothetically all Judy’s cares and concerns would go by the way side.  I can’t picture a Republican winning in 2016 but I could not even predict the stomping the Democrats got this year.  Clearly the voters are swayed by things that most people wouldn’t consider important- - such as this vaunted “Ebola crisis”.   It was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.  I gave Glen four cigarettes of the menthol variety in his room for generous instant coffee, promising him four more non menthol today.

I watched the morning news and there were two NYPD police officers gunned down at a lunch counter by this Black guy who then took his own life.  The conservatives’ first impulse is to get mad- not at the shooter- - but rather for Mayor De Blazio and Eric Holder.   I wonder if they’re going to make a “poisoning the well” metaphor.  I think this tendency to fan the flames and blame people who aren’t really to blame - - is a whole part of our problem today.  I sat in the front room briefly.  I spoke to Larry Cramer about de-fragging the hard drive, and how I thought my computer yesterday was just spreading the red lines around rather than eliminating them, and perhaps I was making it worse.  How could I only have accomplished 3% of the de-fragging?  I went to the liquor store and got a large $1.25 coffee and took it first to the room, and then down to the dining room with me.  I explained that I had a headache and I hoped the coffee would ease that, and it did.  We had Cheerios followed in due time by a fried egg, and toast and butter.

Right now they are doing “Jingle Bells” by Frank Sinatra.  Before that it was “I want a Beatle for Christmas” by Anette Funacello, I believe.  It’s actually “Becky Lee Beck”.  They also played the song by that British woman ‘All I Want Is A Beatle for Christmas”.  There was some fragment of a Beatles at the BBC involving Christmas jocularity.  Now they are doing “Sleigh Ride” to a Lady Madona template.  They also played “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” done in the style of “Here, There and Everywhere”.  They played an altered rhythm version of “Wonderful Christmas Time” by Paul Mc Cartney sounding like a Phil Specter Christmas song.  They played “Happy Christmas” by John and Yoco”. And “Ring out the old – ring in the New” by George Harrison, with Ringo on drums.  They also played “Little Drummer Boy” done by Ringo in the style of “Back Off, Boogaloo”.  They played the Beatles Christmas messages from 1963, 1964 and 1965.   Now I’m informed I missed Beatles 1966 because they’ve been whipping them out so quickly today.  We are informed that 1964 message was the only one released at 45 rpm.  All the others were released at thirty-three, which explains why it’s the shortest.  And 1964 and 1963 were actually recorded in October!  They played “I Want to be Santa Clause” by Ringo, and a strange version of “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”.   We had pizza for lunch with the increasingly frequent green salad.  We had tomato soup and honeydew for desert.  They were playing a Christmas song by “Slade” on KLOS on Joe’s radio, with “early warning” of the Christmas 1969 Christmas message, staring right - - NOW!  Lots of John and Yoco interplay.  That’s what makes it so priceless.  Of course George was almost cut out of the production entirely.  Mal Evans has often cited to me the ending where you get the “Dark Side of the Moon” thing followed by “Born in the King of Israel” where if you are not a ZAC member you may find that blasphemous.  It would be nice to have hope for Christmas rather than the steady diet of doom and gloom, choked by the mundane of Social Security complications.  I’m going to call them Monday morning and ask what the hell is going on - - if anything or whether it’s just Federico and Yadera being a couple of alarmists.  Now they are finishing with the traditional version of “Wonderful Christmas Time” by Paul, not Stanley.  Actually it’s not quite the same old song - - with or without copyright violations. 

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