Saturday, November 18, 2017

President Trump Has Told Over 1500 LIes

President Trump tells five and a half different lies a day- every day in the life of his administration and he’s on the way to telling two thousand lies in just his first year of office according to Chris Matthews.  He lies on twitter and he lies at White House press briefings and he lies to the FBI.  Trump always used to talk about “lying Ted and crooked Hillary”.   He is the champion of both.  I don’t think Trump “needs to expand his political base”.  I think Trump knows he’ll never be reelected but he doesn’t care.  All the Republicans want out of him is to pass the laws they want in Congress and just keep both houses of congress in 2018.  Just tell more lies.  Trump made a big thing out of Al Franken’s unwanted kiss and then that photo on a plane, but President Trump has kept his silence against the far worse accusations made about Judge Roy Moore.  President Trump is a pure hypocrite.   Franken said he would be open to investigation by congress, which surprised me.  Congress has much more important things to do with their time.  Now the rumor is that Judge Roy May be seated in the Senate and then he will be kicked out.  Meanwhile the Alabama Republican Party and Alabama’s governor is in lock step behind Judge Roy Moore.  Roy Moore’s wife made a defiant speech.  They consider themselves “smart” in not bowing to all of the accusations.  Of course if these cases were to go to court, if they do, they will be forced to change their tune.  Unfortunately you have the statute of limitations.  The democrat in the Alabama senate race is now five points ahead, but earlier polling showed all of these sexual escapades having no effect in the polls.  Of course AG Jeff Sessions has told more than his fair share of lies too.  It’s hard to believe President Trump still has the undying support of 38% of the American people.  A lot of people love to be lied to.

Malcolm Young of AC-DC died this morning at age 64.  He and brother Angus Young co-founded AC –DC in 1973, which was a long time ago.  Most of AC – DC’s hits were nearly forty years ago.  The millennial generation may not even be familiar with their songs.  Malcolm retired from the band three years ago in 2014 because he suffered from dementia.  Malcolm played rhythm guitar and Angus played lead guitar.  It’s always been that way.  

The Sound FM 100.3 is off the air Jeff says and the last song they played was “The End” from Abbey Road.  They should have concluded with “When the Music’s Over” by the Doors.  Five minutes later they renamed the station KKLQ and are playing Christian music.  After this I got snacks with Rico.  It was a lemonade and a graham cracker.  We won’t be seeing any more of Aden.  He’s working in Florida now as an assistant cook in a restaurant.  

On Days of our Lives now Theo is in a coma.  They have to draw out the suspense.  Kate blackmailed Trip into giving her Theo’s phone so the police don’t get it.  Frankly I’d think if it was so important to her that the evidence be concealed the Christian thing to do would be to face any consequences from Kate and give the phone to the police and let them examine it.  Before this it was Gary and Shannon for the noon hour.  I think this is Nora’s day off.  We had chicken strips for lunch with French fries and catsup over both of them.  We had canned pears for dessert.  

The Republicans passed their version of Trump’s tax plan today and thirteen republicans voted with the democrats voting “No”.   That’s not very many.   As of a few days ago there were only fifteen working days of congress before Christmas.  That doesn't give the US Senate much time to pass a bill and then go to conference committee and work out the details.  Back in the Obama days the house passed all sorts of stuff the senate rejected with the filibuster.  But they have apparently blown up the filibuster in the Trump administration and everyone is just talking about getting fifty percent plus Pence's vote to pass any bill.  

 Yesterday Al Franken was fingered for sexual harassment planting a kiss in a woman whom he works with in a comedy skit and later there was a photo of Al cupping her breast while she slept on an airplane.  Franken apologized excensively for both incidents.  This isn’t like Judge Roy Moore who is trying to smear his women accusers and the party in Alabama is even more strongly supportive of their man.  The sacrifice morality for politics because they assume nothing will ever be proven, and if it isn’t positively proven like in a court of law, then there is no hard evidence.  That’s how they think, so they have to practice solidarity of political position.  Of course Stephanie Miller has her “meet and grope” lines at her gatherings like last Saturday in LA.  Of course people are twitter happy now.  That’s their reality.  Having to exercise the discipline to read a whole thought out newspaper article is beyond them.  People will look back at this era of history as an era of loving both gossip and moral corruption. Now Stephanie is talking about how Italian men love the hair on their backs blow dried. 

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