Sunday, September 06, 2020

So When Is the Political Campaign Going to Start?

OK here we go after a month.  We've obviously set a record for length of time not having done a blogger entry since 2006.  So the question remains, "Has the political campaign begun yet?"   We had the democratic and then the Republican convention weeks.  They were definitely different, particularly the Democratic one.  I found myself dozing off but this could have been because they were experimenting with my medication and things still aren't resolved in that department.  I don't know how many face to face debates Trump and Biden will have.  Usually they do three, don't they?  And they do one with the vice presidential candidates.  This should prove to be the most interesting of all because Pence and Harris are so dramatically different in every way imaginable.   We shall see.  I would just like things to get back to normal a little.  I've always looked forward to political campaign years.  They cut the thing off in March this year and I still haven't entirely gotten over that one.  First there were ten candidates and before you know it there is just one everyone is expected to rally around.  Actually Biden has done a pretty good job as standard bearer.  He has been strident and forceful in the few times we have seen him on the media, which has been precious little.   The Corona virus doesn't dominate the media as much as it did in the spring.  Other things like a hundred days of protests in Portland and all of these California fires are back, along with a hundred and ten plus degree heat wave in this metropolitan area.  But even at that I think Biden is uinder-represented in the media and I would definitely like to hear and see more of him.

We are still under quarantine around here even after five and a half months.  I laughed when someone said it would be the first of November that we would be free to leave.  I've actually slipped out twice illegally and I don't believe I was caught or observed either time.  But I don't think it's wise to press my luck.  But the supply of cigarettes is rather dubious with the person in charge of selling cigarettes.  I've also had two dentist appointments and two trips to the bank.  One was just last week.  The other was in April.  I need to see an eye doctor.  My cateract, if I have  one, isn't getting any better.  

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