Friday, September 11, 2020

Trump's Fresh Smoking Gun


This is Friday September 11, 2020 and we have a new presidential blunder to talk about.  President Trump deliberately misled the American people as to the COVID 19 virus just as President Bush failed to warn us that 9 – 11 was coming.  Bob Woodward has a new book out that’s the smoking gun of this campaign.  It will insure that people who may have had a shred of anticipation to vote for Trump will not now because of what happened in January.  As you know President Trump received repeated warnings about the Corona virus.  He ignored them all.  But privately he was telling people that it was a really dangerous virus and we should do something.  But publicly he was almost calling it a hoax or some Democratic plot to steal the election.  This is worse than mere duplicity and hypocracy;  it is putting 190 thousand lives in danger needless.  These deaths are on the president’s hands.  He had the power in January to take the bull by the horns and deal with  this virus like they did in China but he chose to do nothing.  Worse yet he diswaded people who wanted to take needed action and blocked and discouraged them at every turn.  He discouraged the wearing of masks.  He talked about churches being packed out at Easter time.  In his own rallies he put his own people at risk by the failure to practice social distancing or the wearing of masks.  Joe Biden is really going to pillary Trump on the first debate.  I haven’t heard when any of the debates are.  Trump may want to cancel.  How can he face Vice President Biden now?

.  Ever since Trump’s impeachment hearings there have been fresh instances of evidence coming in that by themselves would constitute grounds for impeachment.  This failure to warn about COVID 19 is an instance where millions of lives were put needlessly at risk because the president used the power and presteige of his office to block needed action.  Of course congress will be leaving on their campaign tour before that many more weeks so they won't be able to do anything.  I guess you could say Justice Ginspurgh made it through the crisis period without dying.  If she dies now the democrats are safe because they will be off campaigning for their jobs.  Obviously bringing fresh impeachment charges now is out of the question but "It's the thought that counts".  Won't it be nice when Trump is defeated this November third and Biden is finally President?  We won't have to hear these endless tweets of President Trump.  We thought that time would arrive four years ago but it didn't.  But it's going to arrive now.

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